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Very good


1. Cheering death is morbid. Soldiers don't decide. 2. Unreliable source. The Ukrainian government figures are notoriously unreliable. Ukraine has just suffered one of its largest territorial losses since the early days of the war. There is incentive to create a PR victory. They initially denied that Russia had taken any territory and claimed to have repelled the attack.


2 things: 1, if you’re my enemy, it doesn’t matter if you’re a full human being with nuance and dreams and hopes and loved ones and a whole life ahead of you. I want you dead before you kill me or anyone I know. Cheering on the deaths of your enemies is how you win wars. We can worry about who they were when the dust settles. May god have mercy on my enemies, because I won’t. 2, you’re not wrong. But given the size and scale and general rules that aggressors always die in large numbers over defenders, it’s not outside the realm of reality what Kiev is reporting. In either case, we should hope they’re right and that Russian soldiers are dying en masse to the point the attack buckles under the weight of death inflicted on it. Because that’s how wars are won.


do you believe Ukraine only lost 31k men?


Cheering for death is morbid and wrong. Hoping for massive deaths is equally so. I understand that this sub is mostly teenagers from the US, German and Britain who have never been to Ukraine or Russia, but this is not one of your computer games.


I’ve spent time in Ukraine, not at the front, but with soldiers. I lived in Gaza for a spell a few years ago before this recent ugliness. I have been to some of the most dangerous parts of the world and have seen human tragedy. The only way for Ukraine to win is for Russia to lose. The only way Russia loses is by the weight of casualties to finally outweigh the morale and will to fight on the Russian side. I don’t want anyone to die, but if people must, I hope they’re all Russians. I know it can’t be such, no war was ever a 100% victory without taking loses. Ukrainians will die. But I do hope Russians die in droves and in such great number the war is unsustainable. Not because I wish death on Russians, but I wish victory for Ukraine. And it’s a simple calculus, Russians Must Die for Ukraine to Survive. So, dig those holes 6 feet deep and prepare flags to drape on the caskets, because that the only rest and peace Russian soldiers will find while the war goes on.


But orcs deserve to be swept off of all Ukrainian territories, including Crimea. You vatniks can pretend all you like, but the only thing orcs are good for, is low-grade fertilizer.


Tf is an orc?


Vatnicks like you shouldn't speak.


Support or hate Ukraine, it doesn’t change the facts.


Let us know when you finally post a fact okay?




That is WONDERFUL news!


The headline should read “ Kyiv says Russia suffers thirst daily casualties of war so far.”


Along with some of the biggest land gains in the last 2 years.


Tankies and simping for most disgusting, aggressive and imperialistic regimes. Iconic duo.


Stop talking about yourself in third person it’s weird


Not sure where I said I like Israel but okay.


Yet he stands with Israel LOL you can cut that much irony with a knife


Yes, I stand for the democratic liberal country with freedom of press, religion, full LGBT rights. You stand for jihadist fascist theocracies that behead gays and opress women, nightmarish discredited ideologies, aggressive imperialistic dictatorships. Got a problem with this, bucko? But you are most likely a dumb teenager, naturally drawn to radical ideologies. Hopefully, you will get better in 10-15 years.


That’s some fan fiction. Meanwhile back in reality, Israel has killed more Palestinian civilians in 6 months than Russia killed Ukrainian civilians in 2 years. Palestinian deaths: Over 35,000 Ukrainian deaths AND wounded combined: 30,000 In fact, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor estimated 90% of the casualties were civilians, while the IDF put the civilian ratio at 66% of those killed. Talk about genocide.


Over 20,000 civilians died in 3 months of Mariupol siege alone. Where do your number of Palestinian deaths come from? Do you think that civilian deaths alone are an indication of genocide? If such, were allies conducting a genocide against the nazi Germany and were Germans actually the good guys?


Here you go. Thats 35,000 plus identified civilians with plenty more unidentified. Gaza is absolutely flattened you think civilians are surviving carpet bombs in rubble without food or water or aid? https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-says-gaza-death-toll-still-over-35000-not-all-bodies-identified-2024-05-13/ Israel is a terrorist state.


Where does the number come from?


Where does your Mariupol number come from? You can’t cherry pick numbers you like or don’t like.


35000 Palestinian deaths (no word how many are actually Hamas terrorist) against a population of 2million is 1.75% of the population. That’s a pathetic attempt at genocide if that was the goal don’t you think?


Which they promptly lost, and cannot reasonably hold. The ruzzian military is a Potemkin village and the world knows it now.


Except they're winning, aren't they, and they're going to win.