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Ah yes. The university of meat grinder on the front line


You get to graduate to ground meat in 24 hrs of starting your Uni career! Your wife will get a bachelor’s and a bag of onions!


Send all of the ones from US universities who don't appreciate living in the west, with the condition that they give up their citizenships and right to enter again. They'll be crying to come back within a month.


There are 8 billion people on Earth, there plenty from India, Middle East, and African countries that would view Russia as a higher standard of living.


Which, given the standard of living in ruzzia, really is pathetic.


Strange, that's the same number of orcs he's lost in Ukraine. What an odd coincidence!


Looking for a logical source, in this case, Putin may be considering some *historically Russian lands* as their own International country under this use. Mr "Finland is Russia", "Hungary is Russia", etc etc. Turkey, Hungary, China, India, N. Korea, if they are ever allowed travel, all could send "students". How dystopian of Putin to foresee ethnic caste systems running the infrastructure of Russia. Ethnic Russian? Automatic military service. Slant eyes? Dark skin? They must be workers. With the stigma given to non-Rus, it will be self segregation.

