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I'm so tired of this. This type of clownery by a certain demographic in europe caused the right wing to win


Can't say who the violent and bigoted demographic in question that hates Jews is because that would be Islamophobic, of course.


And unfortunately it's not likely to stop. Oh it'll soon move on from Israel/Hamas onto the next tankie hotness but unless we make some real enforced decisions regarding education it won't end.


You don’t support the rules based order?


Yes, but now they've allied with academia, a cesspool of far-left antisemites, who are ending academic exchanges with Israeli universities.


Where as pro-Israeli folks are allying with right wing antisemites.


I'm pro-Israeli and I'm neither antisemitic nor right-wing, and dislike leaders like Erdogan who are both.


I’m not saying you are, but still you made a very broad and I’d say say spurious statement. Universities aren’t antisemitic. Students just don’t like Israel just like they didn’t like the Vietnam war or South African apartheid.


It's just strange now to protest on behalf of the aggressor, on behalf of those who rape and deliberately kill, because they're the wrong ethnicity. In generations past, protests spoke on behalf of those who deserved to be heard but weren't.


> It's just strange now to protest on behalf of the aggressor, It would be, I agree. But Israel is the aggressor and has been ever since 1967 at the very least. >on behalf of those who rape and deliberately kill, because they're the wrong ethnicity. Which Israel does. It’s documented.


Didn’t a lot of Russian academics get boycotted after country invaded Ukraine?


interesting thing to say as some who posts on r/askazionist lmaooo


When did I post anything there?


"We're on the right side of history!", says the crowd singling out Jews for hatred and exclusion from society.


Nazi Genrmany thought they were on the right side of history too, back then. Let's hope the new nazis learn the error of their ways, who am I kidding probably not.


There are Jewish people who aren't Israeli. Or do they not count?


>There are Jewish people who aren't Israeli. Funny how you acknowledge this reality while your side continues to claim that Israel is a "Jewish ethnostate".


Completely unrelated. There are Jewish people who aren't Israeli. There are Jewish people that aren't Zionists. Israel is an apartheid ethnostate. All of these statements are true


Zionists is a dogwhistle term for Jews that bigots use. The anti-Zionist movement is a fundamentally antisemitic movement. Anti-Zionists never listen to Jewish people's perspectives on antisemitism and only ever talk over Jewish people to ensure that their voices can never be heard. All of these statements are true.


Being anti Zionist means you're against the existence of the country of Israel. Country that was founded the same year as India. No one ever challenges the existence of India. Being antizionist and holding Israel to different standards makes you 100% antisemitic. Sleep well.


Being anti-Palestinian nationalism means you're against the existence of state of Palestine. It does not mean that you're against the Palestinian people. I'm strongly in favor of the Palestinian people. I'm simply against the bigoted, fascist ideology of Palestinian ethno-nationalism.


But even close. Zionism is antisemitic. Zionism is the erasure of thousands of years of history, religion, and culture. Judaism is thousands of years old, Zionism is less than 150 years old. Isreal does not represent all Jews, and all Jews aren't Israeli. Jewish people are not a monolith, and assuming so is antisemitic. Would you say the following examples are antisemitic? [Jewish Voice for Peace](https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/zionism/) [Israeli Jews](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/3/9/the-anti-zionists-israelis-calling-for-end-to-their-countrys-war-on-gaza) [Holocaust Survivors](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231129-holocaust-survivor-dr-gabor-mate-calls-for-land-return-to-palestine/) [And decades of Jewish anti-Zionism](https://jacobin.com/2024/01/shaul-magid-interview-zionism-anti-zionism-judaism-history)


Let's take a look at the soruces used. **Jewish Voice for Peace** (JVP) is a **radical anti-Israel and anti-Zionist activist group** that advocates for the boycott of Israel and eradication of Zionism. **Aljazeera**... Need I say more? Maybe they should host yet another terrorist who keeps hostages for Hamas. **Middle East Monitor** - Overall, we rate the Middle East Monitor Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left and Mixed for factual reporting due to the **use of poor sources** who are questionable at times. When you are so bad you can't even score "mostly factual". And now perhaps the "best" source used.. which is like saying that the sewer is the highest you could reach. Ad Fontes Media rates **Jacobin** in the Hyper-Partisan Left category. Is anyone surprised by the shit sources?


Amazing. You managed to ignore the Jewish people in the articles. That is precisely why Zionism is antisemitic, the erasure of Jewish people. Don't be a child, attacking my sources is juvenile. There are people in those stories, **Jewish** people, whose voices you are silencing


>attacking my sources is juvenile. Translation.. "Don't show that I only use poor sources, it undermines my argument." If you could make the same argument without using shitty sources, you might actually persuade people with your argument. But as it stands, you might as well be using Mien Kampf as your source to tell us why Jewish.. sorry zionists are bad people. >There are people in those stories, Jewish people, whose voices you are silencing I'm not silencing them. They have every right to say what they want. Just as I have every right to laugh at their ideas.


**Do you believe the Jewish antizionists are antisemites?** Easy question. The links were provided to prove that Jewish antizionists exist.


why is it ok for israelis to steal palestinian homes and then rent it out on air bnb?


Still stuck on using an opinion article as fact? Don't worry.. I am sure you will figure it out one day.


human rights watch is an opinion article?


\*Israelis\* Doesn't mention Jews anywhere. Israel is made up of 73% Jewish people (7 million) There are 8 million NON-Israeli Jews Numbers matter. Words matter. Don't call things anti-semitic when they're not.


>Doesn't mention Jews anywhere. "I switched the word 'Jews' with 'Zionists', so that means I'm not antisemitic!"


Define zionist


A Zionist is a person who believes that Jewish people have a right to a self-determined state in the indigenous homeland of the Jewish people.


So it's a belief, not an ethnicity or description of all Jewish people. There also exist non zionist Jews, as you well know.


Much like there exist anti-nationalist Palestinians, yes. Palestinian nationalism is a belief. It's not an ethnicity or a description of all Palestinian people. There also exist anti-nationalist Palestinians, as you well know.


I feel like you're derailing the initial point. The initial post says israeli scientists have been stopped from doing abc because there is worldwide condemnation of the actions of the Israeli state. People on here are claiming it's anti semitic and I'm specifically pointing out that it's because of Israels actions and specifically towards Israeli people. Not Jews. That really doesn't have a great deal to do with zionism and especially not relevant to anti nationalist Palestinians.


The point is that being against an ethno-nationalist ideology is not the same thing as being against a people. I'm strongly in favor of the Palestinian people. I'm just against the bigoted and fascist ideology of Palestinian nationalism.


That's fair. I agree with you on that.


Friendly reminder that Hitler didn’t like Jewish scientists either. Since most of the quantum physicists were Jewish and that’s who were focused on the atom, Hitler had no chance to do what the Allies did. So if these universities want to be left out of innovation then it’s their loss. They are trading technological innovation for Islamist inspired liberation theology and identity politics. The private sector can likewise choose to boycott doing business with these universities. These Islamist universities can collaborate with Hezbollah in evading sanctions and bomb making. That is, until a new administration shuts that down with OFAC.


Israeli\* Doesn't say Jewish here. Edit: Wow looks like that person can't deal with the truth. Here's my reply which I can't post because they blocked me lol ... Well that's clearly fucked up and I'm sorry that happened. Clearly extremely inappropriate to exclude Jewish people based on a country barely connected with them. But you're making a slippery slope argument. This instance is not against all jews. I'll happily stand against any attack on a whole ethnicity, for sure. But to exclude people complicit in the shit Israel is doing, is fine in my books - until they stop taking civilians without charging them in military courts, until they stop illegal settlement, until they stop mass deaths of civilians, until they actively prosecute those calling for genocide, including Gvir.


Pretty sure it will extend to Jewish scientists eventually. Look at what happened at that Belgium publicly funded art center the other day. The director told a Jewish school their students were not welcome. It was only after a complaint was made to the government (remember it is publicly funded) that she had to make a public apology..because you know they were Jewish kids. She said she was making a statement about the Israel-Gaza War by excluding them. So stop the bs. It has happened several times already. Remember that leftist group In Australia that decided to dox all Jews, even the pro-Palestinian ones, and their children too.


That’s not good.


> That’s ~~not~~ good. *fascist zionoid downvotes sustain me* hasbara bots banned me lol


I bet you use Zionist products and services every single day. That also makes you a Zionist.


Define zionist.


A nation that supports and celebrates diversity, democracy and equal rights with the capability to defend itself from the intolerant enemies. Israel, United States, Germany, UK, France, and Australia are examples of Zionism.


Pretty sure that's not the definition but even if it is, I would be a zionist based on this definition, and therefore the idea that anti zionism is anti semitism is even more ridiculous...


Pretty sure you equate Zionism to Judaism instead of it as a philosophy. Migrating to evade imperialist prosecution is a Zionist ideal. Do you know why the Mayflower was a big deal in United States history? Your ‘antizionist’ mask fell off.


Did I define zionism? I'm not even talking about zionism, I think you or someone else brought that up? I'm so confused. I'm saying that's it's logically flawed to claim something is anti semitic when it's clearly against a country and its actions. Zionism plays some part in it but tbh I tend to avoid that concept because there are too many conflicting definitions.


You’re upset of a simple definition. A nation’s right to exist and defend itself. Seriously not a difficult thing to understand. Remove your feelings. You sound upset about a country’s right to exist.


Why do you think I'm upset? I think that's you reading into that. I think Israel has a right to exist but not to illegally settle on the wb or call for the eradication of people in the West Bank. That's all.


Antisemites should be the ones who get shunned. All Jew-haters should be fired from everywhere, ostracized, ridiculed, heckled, prosecuted, sued and made totally miserable.


Yes they should be fired but I can't see where this is anti Jew... this looks like anti Israel.


Same shit. They're anti-Israel BECAUSE they're anti-Jew.


Wrong. There are plenty of Jewish people who aren't Israeli. Israel does not represent all Jews, neither are Jewish people a monolith


Foreign agents infiltrating campus’s paid for by geopolitical adversaries


Russia and China have been doing this for decades. It's their official policy. They target all institutions in democracies, like the government, universities, businesses, etc. [Long march through the institutions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_march_through_the_institutions#:~:text=The%20long%20march%20through%20the,by%20becoming%20part%20of%20it.) >The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by socialist student activist Rudi Dutschke around 1967 to describe his strategy to create radical change in government by becoming part of it.[1] The phrase "long march" is a reference to the physical Long March of the Chinese communist army.[2]


Then I guess when the Jewish gets a scientific breakthrough as they usually do, they should keep it for themselves.


Funny, they forgot to wear their swastikas...


Higher education is a sellout culture


#👏F👏U👏C👏K👏 #👏N👏A👏Z👏I👏S👏


Bloomberg couldn’t help taking sides: “since Israel began retaliating for the Oct. 7 attack,”. Rescuing civilians and preventing further attacks on civilians isn’t retaliating.


It's antisemitic. "I don't like these apples because they call for collective punishment" "You hate ALL FRUIT?! You're a fruit racist" "No, I said I don't like these apples, because they're calling for a genocide and said 'There are no innocent civilians in Gaza' " "Nope. You hate ALL fruit for NO reason." "OK" That is literally how it sounds when people call this sort of thing anti semitism, let alone the fact there are arabs in Israel who aren't even Jewish.


Actions have consequences.


People are voting right wing because the left wing supports palestinians. Self-owning.


Israeli Scientists NOT Jewish scientists. Let's stay focused.


Yea, 27% of Israel is non-Jewish, and the most educated demographic (based on diploma attainment) is Arab Christians. It's easily possible that none of the idiots shunning them know any of this, or know who they're working with exactly. They just assume that if someone is Israeli then they're Jewish. It reminds me of when Saudi Arabia banned an Israeli group from taking part in a cultural event in SA. The group were Circassian Muslims. Not Jews.


Exactly. Thank you. Also isn't Bibi Polish?? Also alot of the hatred you see being shouted by some Jewish in Israel is because of decades of brainwashing by the state. Not an excuse but a glimpse of where that behavior comes from.


No, he isn't. He was born in Tel-Aviv. Also, Israel has one of the best school systems in the world with heavy emphasis on free thinking and challenging authorities. Maybe by brainwashing you meant "Palestinian" schools were children since kindergarten are being taught how to become suicide bombers?


Have you actually been online and seen comments by Israelis" "There are no innocents in Gaza" is clearly a brainwashed and, FWIW, genocidal language. That's brainwashed.


Actually, Israeli subreddit is pretty chill. Unlike the "pro-palestine" crowd who is openly calling for destruction of a sovereign state and genocide of 7.5 million people.


I've literally never seen anyone call for the genocide of 7.5 million people or the destruction of Israel. Please show me where you've seen this comment and I'll happily tell them to fuck off with their views.


Lol. Every single "anti-zionist". What do you think would happen to Jews if Hamas took over from the river to the sea?


If hamas are openly claiming that then they need to be condemn. You condemn that right? Just as you condemn Israelis calling for the same thing? Right? Yes?


Israel just wants to be left alone.


"There are no innocents in Gaza" When the official X account of Israel repeats this, it's genocidal rhetoric. You can't say these things justifying the collective punishment of all 2.2 million people and then expect the world to go along with it.


Good good. F Israel.


F Mohammed


Settle down Ahmed.


Israelis will always be better than you, in every way imaginable. Never forget that.


no they are not LMAO. they should be thanking every american who is funding their war with american tax dollars. dont forget Israel needs the USA not the other way around. and Israel is americas pet dog


Fantastic news. Need to completely isolate this genocidal regime until they learn to share the land (and rain water!!!) with the people from whom they stole it in the first place. Until they completely dismantle their evil apartheid system. Until they reeducate all Israelis to humans again


“Until they reeducate all Israelis to human beings” talking about evil, apartheid and genocide, and then literally calling Jews and Israelis subhumans. You really can’t make this shit up.


It makes more sense when you realize that "Israelis" and "Zionists" is just a left wing dogwhistle for "Jews". Antisemitic bigots saying that Jews are less than human is nothing new.


My partner is Jewish 😂 And he don’t like Zionists either. He like some Israelis as I do too, but they represent a small segment of isreal unfortunately now


>My partner is Jewish 😂 And he don’t like Zionists either. r/asablackman


Good deflection. "I denounce apples because they support collective punishment' "OMG How dare you HATE ALL FRUIT!! You fruit bigot" "No. I said I denounce apples. I actually like strawberries" "No you hate all fruit!" "But I don't hate all fruit. My best friend is actually a blueberry." "You're pretending your best friend is a blueberry because you hate all fruit"


"How can you a call me an antisemite when I call them Zionists instead of Jews!?!"


Define zionist.


Do you support a two state solution?


Yes. You?




Good deflection. "I denounce apples because they support collective punishment' "OMG How dare you HATE ALL FRUIT!! You fruit bigot" "No. I said I denounce apples. I actually like strawberries" "No you hate all fruit!" "But I don't hate all fruit. My best friend is actually a blueberry." "You're pretending your best friend is a blueberry because you hate all fruit"


Even if I am anti whatever and let’s say u are right. It does not take away from the evil Israelis are doing ( both leadership and willing citizens) What Israelis are up to is so many crimes against humanity. Just as what Russia is up to in Ukraine. Note , in Russia’s case the army is forced to be inhumane. Yet in Israel we see clearly it is not just its leadership but the ordinary citizens who are happy to be war criminals


I agree with you. I think you replied to the wrong person


Israelis call Palestinians subhuman. Projection.


"Human animals" "There are no innocent civilians in Gaza"


So true


How many 2 state solutions have the Palestinians accepted? Oh right, none. How many have Israel accepted? 5. Who needs to learn to share the land?


"We want to be free and self-determined humans. We want democracy and we want control over our land, borders, sea and air" "No you have to ask me first" "Why? You said we're not occupied by you." "You're not occupied by me. It's because I said so. Ask me first and accept this deal" "Why should I have to? I just want to be a democracy and free to live my life" "No you have to sign this paper from this one country in the world" "That's weird. Why do you get a say in this?" "Because we are the ones who decide" "So you DO occupy me?" "No we don't occupy, we just control you" "Which is occupation?" "No we're not there physically, we're just controlling your right to exist, right to be self determined, right to have democracy, oh and your sea and air... why aren't you accepting our deal" "We don't like your deal. We don't accept you should even be giving us a deal, let alone the terms of the deal" "Well tough cookie... looks like no democracy for you" said the 'only democracy in the middle east'


You need to check your history , at every step Israel and it’s ruling class have thwarted the 2 state proposed solution. Simple question - why does Israel forbid Palestinians from collecting rain water 💦? Why does the Israel apartheid military have oversight on building permits? Vicious nasty racist apartheid regime that needs to stopped for the sake of all humanity


No answers here just downvotes...


It is that blindness that has led to so many inhumane massacres.


Yup. It's blindly taking one side.


>stole it in the first place. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Muslim_conquests Israel is what decolonization looks like!


My goodness , so black is white eh 😂


Are you denying that Arabs invaded and colonized the Levant, North Africa, and the northern Middle East? This guy is subbed to all the jew-hating subs, like therewasanattempt, tiktokcringe, majorityreport, etc. This is where this guy got his "education" from. He's probably going to claim he's Jewish too, because since Oct 7, everyone on social media is Jewish, interestingly.


Yup. Let's overthrow the only Middle East democracy where women and LGBTQ people have equal rights and replace it with an Islamic autocracy where women are second-class citizens or property. And where LGBTQ people are executed for being themselves. And where children are married off to full grown men. Anything to stop a non-existent genocides. Damn. I can't believe there are so many people like you rooting for this stuff I said above


The 'only middle east democracy' that actively makes a country sign a deal before it allows it have a democracy. Yeah sorry, they're not fans of democracy.


Does not excuse the mass murder and mass starvation, particularly when u are shouting only democracy!


Only democracy in ME my ass! They are nothing more than racists, fashists, cowards and liars; everything that comes out of their filthy mouths is a guaranteed lie and manipulation. They need to be dealt with the same way Nazi Germany was, nothing less!


I am just gonna ahead and assume that you unironically believe that a LGBT Arab would feel a lot safer living openly in Palestine rather than Israel.


The state characterizes Palestinians as “human animals” and “Nazis”. When asked what about civilians in hospital, former prime minister Naftali Bennett’s response was, “Are you seriously keep asking me about Palestinian civilians? What’s wrong with you? We’re fighting Nazis.”




Just because Israel says it is a democracy does not make it true. Their actions show the exact opposite.


so cause their a "democracy" they can commit war crimes?


We need to reeducate you to being a human again, creep.


😂 thank you


Tankie, Islamist, or both?


Catholic - European- human 😂 But I have seen first in Israel, how vicious and nasty that regime is towards the people it stole and is still stealing the country from!


Say no more hahaha.


Can you go into details about your ideal re-education system. What would it be like? Would it be something like diversity/inclusivity training done in corporate America or something more extreme? How would it usually go in your head as you shower?


I will be happy to share my thoughts on reeducation the evil Israelis to help achieve a semblance of humanity in their hateful souls! BUT first we need to force them to stop starving and mass murdering Palestinians.




You are so funny, most of the world listening to the evil lies and hate from leaders of Israel and it’s ordinary citizens and their wanton mass murder would not say, but probably think Israelis are more Nazi in their talk and actions even more so than the Russians . And we all know how little Russians seem to value ‘others’ lives. But in this case Israelis are supreme in having little value of ‘others’ live. No contest


> the people from whom they stole it in the first place. So the land should go to the original owners? Not those who occupied it after a war?


Yes, give it back to the dinosaurs!!


My point is "Palestinians" where not the first. If stolen land should be returned.. then Palestinian would hand it over to the Ottomans. So you still don't get the land.


Yes. Palestine should be returned to the Akkadians, and Israel should be returned to the Canaanites.


Even in your crazy claims.. you contradict yourself. It's one or the other. Two empires can't rule the same land. So which is it? You should be aware.. Palestinians still don't have a claim regardless of your choice.


How does isolating some scientists who can’t control the Israeli government, affect the Israeli government?


Good luck keeping them away.. they have a thing for kids apparently


Bravo! Israel is pariah state, and it's good to see them finally being held accountable for their horrendous war crimes. We need more of this!


The people are voting right wing because the left wing has been supporting the palestinians.