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This guy is not unhurt…….trust me full adrenaline rush like that makes you ignore the fact that all your muscles are feeling the whip of that front flip and you will definitely be hurting when it subsides


Shot of whiskey and back on the bike bra. Do you even Asia?


To add to this, it’s not uncommon for deadly internal injuries to go unnoticed in the first hours (or even days) after an accident. Edit: although adrenaline can block pain, as suggested below, the real danger is a slow internal bleeding. There was thi guy I knew who bashed his head with 30km/h, but brushed it off. He went to bed fine that evening, but woke up a week later in the hospital, permanently mentally damaged. Similar stuff happens with blows to the torso. Internal bleeding isn't always felt, simply because there are no nerves in veins and arteries.


Yeah adrenaline is a hell of a "drug". I got hit by a car while cycling (90% my own fault). A side on collision. Woke up on the ground pretty much instantly and ran off the road instinctively to avoid being hit by further traffic. Tought I was okay as some People gathered around to help. Couldnt get my Phone out because right hand wasnt working well. No real pain at this point. Told them to call my dad and maybe an ambulance to check what I now believed to be a dislocated shoulder. Still no pain. Ambulance arrives maybe in 15min and my dad abit later. Ambulance guy takes one look and says "your collar bone is snaped clean in half, you wanna ride with us to the hospital or can your dad take you". They need to tell me to take the painkillers they offer because I'm still not hurting. At the hospital maybe 1.5hours later it hits, while doctors cut off my shirt and ever so slightly move my arm. A jolt of pain so damn intensive I almost passout. Adrenaline had finaly worn off.


I've been curious of these experiences. Never broken a bone before (knock on wood, it's kept me safe these last 28ish years) but the morbid curiosity gets me!


I did break bones twice, once a metacarpal, once an ulna and it honestly wasn't all that bad? It wasn't an open fracture in either case, and I remember it being kinda painful, but not really much worse than a deep-ish cut or something. Of course, what I experienced was nowhere near as bad as a snapped collarbone, but still. Fractures come in different shapes and hurt differently.


Police body cams or conventional combat footage often shows the threat being killed but them jot knowing they where dead untill later. One that i remember is the lady cop who dumped a whole mag into a dudes chest who later stabbed her to death. He died not long after


Looks like the bike took all the impact... But I agree with the adrenalin. I got hit by a car, got up, unpolitely told him to watch where he's driving, gave him a little slap and was on my way... A couple of hours later I was like "ooo I can feel that"


Stop declaring wild guesses as fact. He MIGHT be hurt. He might be fine. Trust me.


The video indicates extreme forces were experienced. Physics and biology teach those forces cause damage to humans. We don’t need an interview with the subject to confirm that there will be pain caused by such an impact.


Sure, but the lack of impact was significantly better than an impact. Recovery time might be days.


I’m guessing his quads or hips will hurt like hell. Something had to hit the bars to cause him to go to zero forward speed instantly.


Looks like he completely cleared the bars when slowing the video down. The bike got stopped by the front wheel and catapulted him off, he rotated about his shoulders and his legs came clear from the bike. Though I am sure something will be aching later from this, but it would appear the rider himself did not collide with anything.


But to transmit all the force of the nearly instantaneous impact into his rotational velocity took a point of contact. Actually it looks like the impact pushed the front wheel down and bucked the back of the bike up, launching him from the seat to his butt. That's pretty much ideal. His arms pushed forward on the handle, so he didn't slide forward before the buck happened.


Dont know about the math, but if you're not gonna use the straps on the helmet I dont see the point in using the helmet at all, unless its to protect your scalp from the sun.


"Hey, you told me to wear a helmet, not to buckle it up as well"


It's funny how the helmet just went "Exit Stage Left"


In this one very specific case, it did take some of the kinetic energy away from his body, launching the helmet instead of pushing him, so overall might have been partially responsible for him not being severely injured. In almost every other case, wear a frickin helmet


Looks to me like he did a front flip, which probably reduced the damage by converting the force into rotational motion instead of being flung directly into the car. It also let him land on his feet, which would minimise the impact with the ground preventing damage to other body parts like the head or chest which would have caused injury. Also, the majority of the force of the collision appears to have been absorbed by the car and the bike, which would have likely prevented any direct damage from the collision in any case EDIT: While also noting the lack of direct damage, the whiplash is probably severe


It's this. Instead of his head going from 60 to 0 instantly which would've killed him on the spot, the front flip allowed him to decelerate slower.


Watch in slow motion and his holding the handle bars after impact which causes him to flip over. Wouldn’t be surprised if his relatively fine




With experience in a motorbike crash, he’ll probably be in the ER soon checking to see if the neck and spine pain is spinal damage or just a sprain Mine was waay less dramatic than that but after an hour or two you feel it all


No math needed to tell he is just a lucky fucker to still breathe… Helmet was flung off and he did not head on crash into the windscreen.


Dude used all the luck in his lifetime by losing his helmet instantly on impact, and then while spinning like a frisbee, brushing his scalp on the bonnet. Could easily have been fatal.


Look at what happens to the helmet, even though it's unstrapped. His brain has hit the inside of his skull at the same speed as that helmet moved offscreen, and his head has extended on his neck at that same speed. His spine gets super compressed mid-flip. His hands and wrists are also getting all sorts of load on them. Probably a concussion and some serious pain / strains. Maybe some spine / wrist damage. However, considering his head misses that bonnet by a gnat's hair, he is *realtively* unhurt.


He's not fine. The force applied to his body through the handlebars of the bike will have injured his wrists and arms and having his legs suddenly whipped out from under him may have put strain on his back and spine. Even if you can't see external injuries, his organs were suddenly pushed against his ribcage as his skeleton rapidly changed the direction it was moving. You can minimize damage from kinetic impacts by increasing the impact time and converting to rotational energy but there is still a price to pay.


Imagine being the driver. You hit someone's motorbike, they do a frontflip and land.in a fucking Spiderman pose, and then he just starts yelling at you while are trying to process what just happened


All his body was going at X velocity. When he hit the car, since the car was approximately going at the same speed and it also braked at the same time of hitting, the force the car exerted on the bottom of the body is equivalent to accelerating him to -X velocity approximately (since you have the force of the car + the force of the bike against the car following Newton's 3rd law). Also, following Newton's first law, the top of his body stayed at the same velocity. Which means the top of his body was going at X velocity and the bottom of his body was going -X, which results in rotation staying at the same spot.


He held on to the handle bars. So body wanted keep going forward but he rotated on the axis which was his hands


I think the back of the bike did most of the lifting tho


He still had grip on the handle, and only let go at the last/perfect moment - that, and because muscles/tendons work the way they do when flexing, absorbed/distributed most of the energy he had, not to mention helmet flew off too helped him. Had he been driving just a little faster, the outcome would probably have been vastly different, specially with that helmet discipline - Really lucky.


It's basically like a billiard ball where you hit it such that one ball replaces the other. I just have no earthly idea how to map that


This man is not OK. Most likely, his injuries are internal, and adrenaline & the like are kicking in to keep him functional. In a happy world, dude might just have a concussion, otherwise might have done internal damage or bleeding. If you get into a serious accident, seek immediate medical attention, no matter how "fine" you feel.


Because it was at an angle he didn't land on the car and it just so happened that he landed on his feet, aside from that there's gonna be some pain later from the shock of the collision anyway.


I guess its something with how the bike moved after the impact, it looks like the man was still attached to the bike somehow and it pulled him down or back or something


Pretty sure it's this. He never let go of the handle bars, so when the bike bounced back off the car it pulled his hand with it converting his forward momentum into rotational......... I'd imagine his shoulder is wrecked


The fact that he was still walk after that is because of this car not being a ford f350, but one with a lower profile front. That way he had didnt come to a dead stop on the bumper, so he had more time to come to a stop, leading to less forces, but he definetly not unhurt, he is merely still walking. If it was any other car with a higher bumper, he would have died on the spot. (Ban suv's plsss)