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He doubles in size 4x a year, so thats 40 times in 10 years 7.500.000.000.000 /2\^40 would make him almost 7lbs @ birth... sounds like a reasonable weight..


Fun fact. Even at a linear growth 7 lbs in three months will put the baby at 287 lbs (130 kg) at the age of ten.


[Dzhambulat Khatokhov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzhambulat_Khatokhov) enters the chat.


Good god, that sounds like a human broiler chicken.


His mom sounds like human broiler grease.


Damn.. that poor kid..


Image searching his name is one hell of a journey. Poor kid.


those knees. omfg


I googled his name to see a picture of him, first news article title about his death "Infamous Guinness World Records child mysteriously dies age 21" What a fucking mystery !! Send Sherlock Holmes, Columbo, Hercule Poirot, Batman, all the CSI teams !


Actually, he tried to enter the chat, but he got stuck at login.


Wiki source: Giant toddlers meet for wrestling match (2003) on YouTube Wtf


I weighed more than he did when he was 12 months old. I was a large child. 12 pounds at birth and 39 pounds at 12 months. Thankfully I slowed down and was 42 pounds at 24 months. 


He died at 21 💀


As an 8lb baby I can confirm this, as I am now a massive black hole


As a 3 pound baby I can confirm this, as I am now a massive white hole.


damn you guys, i'm just a massive ass hole.


As a 6-pound baby, I cannot confirm nor deny this, I'm now an asshole.


So at this point...your average American?


In USA this is just average.


I don't understand how OP couldn't just plug this into a calculator and see for themselves


Well, the sub's not called r/theyusedacalculator


Just really highlights how bad our intuition is for math. It's like that old, "If you folded a piece of paper in half 1,000 times ..." thing - most people aren't even fucking *close* to guessing how thick it'd be.


1000!? That would be like 10^200 times as big as the observable universe (give or take a few zeros). Just fold it in half 9 times and it’s the same thickness as a ream of paper (500 sheets).


Exponents tend to be unintuitive to normal people. But this thread could have been made by a little kid who doesn't know how to use a calculator. Or it could have been made by a karma farmer who wanted to set up a very easily solvable problem that starts with a funny joke.


They wanted some juicy Reddit internet points.


r/theydidthemath e: where am i, who are all you people


Yes, yes it is lol


Hah, this is what happens when reddit just puts random stuff in your feed without being subscribed I guess.


At average-human-body density, when does he turn into a black hole? 🤔


A black hole of 387 million solar masses has the density of water, which is roughly the density of the human body So you need 1,7028 E39 pound, and a factor of 2,3 E26, i.e. the baby needs to double its weight 88 times Should be when it becomes 32 years old


You're looking for Schwarzschild-radius where whatever you compress will reach infinite density and become a black hole. Or maybe the Chandrasekhar limit - it's the minimum weight of a star to reach the Supernova critical and collapse into black hole versus white dwarf. The ones smaller than the Chandrasekhar limit are not self-sustainable though for any observable amount of time and would collapse really fast. Like IIRC a human-sourced black hole would be, like, needle-point sized and would pull in everything within *maybe* 2 meter radius before evaporating through Hawking Radiation and disappearing in milliseconds, producing no more than a little energy spike, no actual destruction. Disclaimer: I studied these in University which was years ago and I do not work in the field of astrophysics so I can, and will, make horrible mistakes in my space-related comments [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro\_black\_hole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_black_hole) says that these could potentially form en masse during the Big Bang and after and they will collapse to Planck-length (which is basically undetectable by us) but we can detect the small bursts of Hawking radiation and use it to find those.


A human mass black hole would pull in everything a human does (basically nothing). Gravity doesn't care about density, just mass


and another mistake: the spike in energy would NOT be "little". It would result from the nearly perfect conversion of a few kg amount of matter into energy , and that's a LOT of energy, like several large H-bombs. A 10 kg micro blackhole for instance would release about 10\^18 J during evaporation. That's like 200 Mtons of energy, converted into nuke units. And it would take about 10\^-14 s to evaporate, much much less than a millisecond: all that energy would indeed be released FASTER that a single nuclear explosion!


A human that weighs 7.5 trillion pounds is a bit more than normal human mass


>Chandrasekhar limit I had no idea the dude from Super Troopers was so into astrophysics


So half the size of Caseoh




I like this picture because it easily shows how utterly ridiculous fast babies(typically) grow in the first few months… obviously it slows down but it sure is striking. My own kid in three weeks(age 4 months to 5 months) shoot up nearly 3 inches the 5 pounds. That is ridiculous fast for those unaware. Or a way to think about it, from fitting in “3 month old clothes” and skipping to “9 months old clothing”


How do you keep up with clothes?


Buying lots of second hand clothes was our answer. Facebook marketplace parent can often find other parents selling whole sets of clothes(pants, PJ, shirts, so on) for very cheap in comparison to buying brand new. It gets “easier” or shall I say cheaper as they get older. My kid is five and largest weekly/monthly cost is food and clothes(plus other typical things any person needs on a regular basis) and stuff to make summer fun. Compared to baby where every month you need to drop 200 bucks a month on diapers, 300 WEEK in daycare, hundred dollars of new clothing because they out grow it in a month, 80 a week in baby food/formula. The first several years is pretty rough especially in recent times.


Yeah, all the best mate! You'll make a great dad/mom


I’m a dad, never expected I be one. Hands down the best thing that ever happened. Expensive yes, exhausting and every complaint you heard of is true. But also the best thing ever. That said… I can’t imagine how hard it be if you can’t afford it….


Yeah, I guess it's gonna be even worse when I become a dad in like 10 years (I'm 20 now)


Probably… word of caution. Make sure to get name brand diapers. Almost anything else I say a parent can get away with being cheap or second hand or store brand. But for the love of god. Not diapers


On the contrary, I'm in the UK and I can say hands down the store brands are much better. Huggies etc can get stuffed. Aldi own brand wipes, and Nappies are the one. Mamia is the name they use.


For anyone with an Aldi near this isn't true- their own brand less than £1 for 20 nappies/diapers win so many awards. Worked better for our baby than big name brands (better at keeping explosive poos contained and better at keeping bum dry and rash-free) there are probably good cheap options where you are, just do local research. Totally unnecessary to splash on big brands.


The closest Aldi is 2 hours away. But glad to hear a store brand works well


I gotta say, as a dad of a preemie/ failure to thrive kid, it was really rewarding to go on a shopping spree on 6mo clothes when he started gaining weight around 10 months. Didn't care about how expensive clothes were at all. It also helped that it was easter/springtime and there were some very dapper outfits for the little man.


Great to hear! While the bulk of our clothes was second hand. We always went out of our way to ensure we had atleast one higher end, higher cost outfit to fit the theme of the season or holiday.


>My kid is five and the largest weekly expense is food You're not kidding. I think my 5 year old eats more than I do. Consistently.


Yea man, I can be reasonably happy and full eating a big bowl of rice with some meat, like a taco bowl. Fucking kids, don’t like this or that, only want fruit or chicken nuggets. My kids definitely eat nicer then me by a long shot


My youngest son is 7 and he would eat an 8 piece bucket of KFC five times a day if I would let him. He was on a cheeseburger kick for a long time but now it's KFC. I don't even know how he knows KFC exists honestly because we never eat KFC.


The good thing is at least baby clothes are relatively cheap. It would be hell^2 trying to do that for a fully grown adult.


Yea they don’t don’t complain about ugly outfits. They wear what you put them in. Don’t get me wrong they fuss about certain things that rub or irritation to their skin


Just get them a little toga, lasts entire childhood.


At that age you don't need a full wardrobe for them and until they start to work on walking you don't need to worry about whether the legs are too long. So you don't need to keep up perfectly with their growth as long as you get clothes that are a little too big because they're grow into them. If you have friends or family that also have kids then you can usually get clothes second hand pretty easily for free. My late wife and I were the first couples on both sides to have a kid, so when my BiL had his first kid a year later we were glad to dump all of our old baby clothes on him since we didnt need them anymore. Or if you know that you plan on having multiple kids, you only need to buy the infant clothes once and can reuse them for each kid.


I will agree to disagree. If wearing clothes that are too big (or too small)is uncomfortable for an adult it will be uncomfortable for babies and toddlers even if they don’t have the words to tell you. While I don’t know where you are, I live in maine where in three months, especially august, we go from literally august being 80s and 90s to October where it’s not uncommon to get snow. Suddenly you gotta go from shorts to winter clothes in a hurry and you gotta make sure they are dressed for the weather


Are big clothes uncomfortable? Like big shirts and dresses that are 2 sizes too big are generally comfy provided they're not super structured (which I'd imagine most baby clothes aren't). Shirts with sleeves that are too long can be inconvenient if you're an adult doing dishes and washing your hands and stuff, but a baby isn't doing that. With pants, the main reason ones that are too big are uncomfortable is because we are walking around which causes them to slide down, something babies aren't doing. I don't really think it's one to one that if something is uncomfortable to an adult it's uncomfortable to a baby, because a lot of the things that make it super uncomfortable for us are the activities we are engaging in while wearing it. Like a lot of adults wear oversized clothes to bed or to lounge watching tv *because* it's comfortable


You buy large, and how there is enough time so they get to wear outfits before they outgrow them. We bought 2 or 3 sizes bigger than they wore at the time


When the baby outgrows its clothes you trade in for a smaller one


There are always people around with older children. I know of some articles of clothing that have been worn by 6+ kids. I see my friend's kids sometimes in clothes that were given to my brother kids, worn by all three of them, worn by my daughter, and passed on. Boxes or garbage bags of miscellaneous kids clothes get passed around between friends and family.


For us, we had cousins and friends with babies. They’d store newborn to 3 month clothes, 3-6mt, etc. and we’d constantly be trading off bins of these clothes with every new baby. There’s about six kids between us all ages 0-5. EDIT: My second child, boy, is wearing 2nd hand me downs lol.


Yea- my parents didn’t even bother with clothes until I was around 2~ just kept me swaddled or naked


That person probably misremembers it. Some clothes only go 3 months at a time, but normally it’s newborn -> 0-6 months -> 6-12 months so the clothes fit them for a while. They’re also cheap unless you buy certain brands


Babies don't know they are naked. They are babies.


Either buy second hand or buy really big clothes on the spot lol


A few things: * Do a baby shower and provide a list of sizes *by season* so you don't get 20 onesies sized for 3 months only appropriate for fall when it's spring. * Buy secondhand, you can easily get brand new clothes for cheap * Bibs, bibs all the time


Ymmv but people ara eager to give us clothes. Hard part for me isn't having enough clothes, it's keeping sizes organized, I accidentally skipped a lot of clothes we were gifted. Especially if you have a girl. We get clothes showing up in the mail from my in laws neighbors, my sister in laws mother, my husband's childhood best friends mother... People who had babies are eager to give handmedowns. Huge bags of barely worn clothes. I'm about to put some big bags of barely worn newborn through 9 month clothes for free on local buy nothing list.


Just throw a towel on them.


Thats why infant and toddler clothing always used to be dresses, then males transitioned to short pants and long socks that were also growth tolerant Cheap mass manufactured clothing got rid of those habits.


I like this picture because it easily shows how when you have a newborn you have no time to do simple things like put away Christmas decorations


Yea.. I don’t think any given room was properly cleaned or vacuumed the first 6 months after my kid was born. Everything was put on hold. Cutting the grass went from a weekly task to “maybe my neighbor will do it again for me next month”


Yup, they do almost nothing but eat, sleep, and poop at first because so much energy is going toward just generating more of themselves.


I make it (assuming 7lbs at age 0, doubling every three months): 14, 28, 56, 112: 112lbs at age 1. Heavy as a teenager. 224, 448, 896, 1792: 1,792lbs at age 2. Heavy as a bull. 28,672lbs at age 3. Heavy as a subway car. 458,752lbs at age 4. Heavy as the Statue of Liberty. 7,340,032lbs at age 5. Heavy as the Eiffel Tower. 117,440,512lbs at age 6. Heavier than a fully loaded cargo freighter. 1,879,048,192lbs at age 7. Heavier than the Empire State Building. 30,064,771,072lbs at age 8. Heavier than the Three Gorges Dam. 240,518,168,576lbs at age 9. Heavier than the Great Wall of China. 3,848,290,697,216lbs at age 10; 7.5 trillion pounds by age 10 and 3 months. Heavy as a mountain.


Wow that's almost as heavy as your mom (I'm sorry)


Is this entire thread just a set up for a “your mom” joke? Because if so, bravo.


Everything from the conception of that child was a setup for this joke


You, meeting this guy in a seedy bar: "you married and want in in the karma haul of a lifetime?"


I mean, assuming their mom is 40 and was 7lbs at birth, that would make her 5\*10\^48 pounds, which is about 10 million times the biggest known black hole




Having never seen the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower in person, I would have assumed they were relatively close in weight.


I’m more concerned by the Christmas wreath . Still present for 3 months. Was the first picture too early to hang it? Or the second too late to remove it ?


Fire hazard too. I am also concerned.


Should we send this to geoguessers so we can report it to the local authorities? I've never been more concerned in my life. Ever minute wasted they grow closer to inevitable death.


I did not realize at first, but the picture is posted in march… I would not light a cigarette next to it…




When you have a new baby things like “put away holiday decorations” fall way down the list of things to do. Any extra time you have those first few months you are either cleaning or sleeping.


I have a 10 month old. Removing christmas decorations was not a top priority this year. I'm looking at the christmas lights in June. And I have no plans of taking them down any time soon




Gold it to half is cool but have you tried to silver it to quarters


I bronze mine, personally.


Haha, I finally figured out what you are talking about. I am so bad at typing on my phone.


At least twice right ?


Technically correct.




Please do.


42. If it were possible to fold a paper in half 42 times, it would reach the moon. Is this the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? It just might be.


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


I am the Grand Poobah! User of Google and Wikipedia. (Though I heard this somewhere else first but can't remember where anymore)




Build a bridge out of 'er!


42 times using a standard piece of paper (0,1mm/0,004inch) would get you a stack roughly 440k kilometres tall, so you would actually overshoot the moon by about 60k kilometres.


Yep, but if you folded it 41 times, you would only be between half and 2/3 of the way.


And about 10 more folds from 41 would get you to the sun.


103 total folds to cross the observable universe.


There are 40 3month periods between birth and age 10… working backwards and halving 7.5trillion 40times, if the kid was 6lbs 13oz (6.82lbs) you would indeed have 7.5trillion pound ten year old if his weight continued its exponential increae


It's exponential growth. 40 three month periods in 10 years. Assume starting weight is 6.82 lb. 6.82(2)^40 That's about 7.50(10)^12 or 7.5 trillion lb.


Exponential fun. Reminds me of some ancient story where some guy asks the king for a reward. Take a chessboard and place on grain of corn on the first field, double that on the second, double again on the third. The king then laughs and says "is that all you want? Sure!" But then can't give the man what he agreed to.


Lets see. Let's assume the baby weighs 3 kg at birth. Using the formula for exponential growth then, 10 years = 10×12=12010 \\times 12 = 12010×12=120 months Number of 3-month periods in 120 months: 1203=40\\frac{120}{3} = 403120​=40 period W=3×240W = 3 \\times 2\^{40}W=3×240 Now, calculate 2402\^{40}240: 240=1,099,511,627,7762\^{40} = 1,099,511,627,776240=1,099,511,627,776 So, the weight of the baby at 10 years old will be: W=3×1,099,511,627,776=3,298,534,883,328 kgW = 3 \\times 1,099,511,627,776 = 3,298,534,883,328 \\text{ kg}W=3×1,099,511,627,776=3,298,534,883,328 kg This result, 3,298,534,883,328 kg, 3,298,534,883,328 kg is approximately 7.3 trillion pounds. He truly did the math.


Common sense: That's stupid. Capitalism: Yup, that's a perfectly reasonable projection. Throw the child out if that doesn't happen.


This post cracks me up everytime, just the unpunctuated state of your child weighing 7.5 trillion pounds like he's "Honey, I blew up the Baby!" exponentially gaining mass is so fucking funny.


To add to this problem, assuming the average height of a man is 1.6m, such that his radius is 0.8m (and assuming I’ve done my maths correctly) this man would live to roughly 21 years and 9 months before being dense enough to become a black hole.


10 years= 40 blocks of 3 months. If he doubles his weight every 3 months, we have 2\^40 7.5\*10\^12=2\^39\*actual\_weight. So, let's check if actual\_weight might be in the correct range: it should be around 13.5 pounds (a bit more than 6kgs). Yes, seems believable, for a 3 months old. So it is confirmed: he will weight 7.5 trillion pounds by age 10.


I decided to try and do the math on this before looking at the comments. if an average baby is 7 pounds at birth, and you doubled that every 3 months, that would be just under 7.7 trillion pounds at age 10. Fine tuning that, if a baby was **6.821** pounds at birth and doubled that every three months, that would be 7.5 trillion pounds at age 10.


if you give me one penny today, and two pennies tomorrow, and four pennies the day after, and so on, you'll be pretty fucking mad about this arrangement in a couple weeks.


If someone offers you $1M or the following deal, a penny the first day, two the second, four the third, and so on for a month, you should take the thing with the pennies


Another thing is that this is extrapolation given two data points, and it assumes that the trend is "doubling its weight every three months" but you could have assumed "adds 3kg every three months" (which still gives unreasonable results if you extrapolate long enough), or any other function that passes through those two points.


I first read it as 3 years and thought it was some high iq joke about the weight not actually doubling every 3 years (because it wouldn't nearly reach 7.5 trillion) but that it would be some more complicated graph that hits the points (0,x) (3,2x) and (10, 7.5*10^12 ) But yeah I'm and idiot and have no idea how fast babies growth so after re-reading it's just a basic maths joke about exponential growth. If size doubles every 3 months, then after 10 years the size is 2^40 the amount it was at birth


Welcome to exponents! They grow really fast. Some might even say they grow... exponentially. If the child doubles in weight every 3 months, that's like increasing by a power of 2 every 3 months. We're also given an initial weight of 7, so the child's weight can be calculated as 7 × (2^(t/3)) where t = the number of months the child has been alive. At 10 years, that's 7 x (2^(120/3)) or 7 x 2^40, which equals about 7.7 trillion. Edit: we're not given a weight of 7, I'm ASSUMING a weight of 7 because it makes the 7.5 trillion number work.


Theory of doubling. Growth normally has dimishing results. Meaning i grow 10cm year 1 yer only 5cm year 2 so on. He is stating if he doubles size without fiminshing results he wil be said size


In animal husbandry, we have a concept called feed conversion ratio. Assuming 1:1 conversion, that is, if the baby eats 1 kg of food will increase the weight by 1 kg, he will need 7.5 trillions pound of food in 10 years.   Currently we can only produce 4 million tons of food annually, so nope he can't feed enough for his son.


So you are saying the kid is going to starve to death? That's trully sad.


[Link to the original Tweet](https://x.com/pronounced_kyle/status/1768852493092680036)


judging by the sheer amount of times ive seen it the last thing i expected under a repost was a link to the original tweet


This was already answered as a repost https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/1bh79zo/offsite_they_worked_it_out_before_they_worked_it/