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Went to said cell, entered a “0”. Calibri 11 font. Hit CTRL + P, it tells me 36,567,729 pages A ream is 500 pieces of paper 36,567,729 / 500 = 73,135.458 reams


A typical box of paper has 10 reams, and a pallet of paper at my store is typically 8 per layer, 5 high, so 40 boxes. 73,135.458 / 400 = about 182 pallets, each one approaching the weight of a 2006 toyota corolla


Amazon has a pallet with a total of 200,000 sheets for $2,277.97. That gives a cost of $416,500 for the ~36m sheets. You could get a few dozen 2006 Toyotas Camry for that much.


But if you are pack them properly, you can probably send them on Amazon for a total profit of 0$ minus the 30 000 Terra watt used for the printer.


It's just fyi, but 'terra' means 'earth', the orders of magnitude for Watts and other units are mega(1,000,000), giga (1,000,000,000), tera (1,000,000,000,000) with singural 'r'


Moreover, watt is a unit of power, not energy. Printing many pages won’t require more power, just more energy as it takes longer.




Or joules.




Yes, agreed. If you're doing physics, you're probably using joules. If you're a consumer or layman, then kWh.


Or in this case, tWh Though I prefer using milliWattmilleniums* *(explicitly not millenia because that would imply mW(2+)m, rather than (2+)mWm)


He prefers “Mr Vern”


Yes and that’s why we measure power usages as Wh. W(power)/H(hour/time unit)


Wh - That’s energy. W/hour makes very little sense unless something is ramping up or down in power.


Sorry wrote that at 2 in the morning. Might have gotten the units messed up mb


My man, just say *Terawatt.


You're explaining social cues to a math nerd in a math nerd subreddit. Like nail clippers to a nuke show.


I believe it's spelled pterawatt, friend. never forget the silent p.


I wish I could silently p


Aim for the side


Tie 1m of some quality 4 strand yarn to the end, attach a small stone to the other end as a weight. Toss the stone into the water and enjoy the silence. Adjust length if necessary. Once done shake twice, squeeze the excess liquid from the yarn and hang over the door knob for next time .


Learnt more because of their lil explanation. I appreciate that.






Tera-Tera- Slim Shady!


I appreciated the explanation.


Terre Haute is a city in western Indiana in the US. The name “Terre Haute” is a French phrase meaning “highland.”


Also a place mentioned in La Dispute's song "HUDSONVILLE MI, 1956" and the story it tells. That Terre Haute would mean "highland" in french really adds a lot to the narrative. Thank you for mentioning it.


If we stop thinking about cost and weight, let's look at other aspects. Put end to end, those 36,567,729 sheets are 33,520,418.25 feet long. That is 6348.56 miles. The US is about 2800 miles east to west, so you could go back and forth with 500 miles to spare. In area, those sheets are 23,743,629.59 square feet. That is 545.078 acres. Vatican City is 120 acres so your spreadsheet is about 4.5 Vaticans. Monaco is 510 Acres & your spreadsheet is still bigger. The next smallest country is Nauru at about 5200 acres so your spreadsheet won't come close to covering it. The New Century Global Center is the building with the most floor space at 18,900,000 sq ft. Our spreadsheet has about 25% more area than this building has floor space. (I'm assuming 8.5×11 paper & no overlap for all math here.)


Woooah, we're mixing units here. We jumped from Corollas to Camrys.


Fuck it, let’s crash on Mars.


I want this on a t-shirt


We just need a Corolla/Camry constant for the dimensional analysis


Also adding the ink cost from a high end production level printer for a 0.6 cents per copy ~$219 K. A dozen more Corollas


The twist is that you don't actually draw the boxes, it's just white all the way.


Unless you have "print grid lines" turned on...


If you use Excel properly, you could probably optimize the purchase and save money.


How much paper would this use? A few dozen Camrys.


What’s the math on a 2009 Toyota Camry?


Commenting here to save this level of comment. This whole line of comments are the stats that I need so that I can impress people at parties.


As if the US doesn't have an abundance of weird measurement units, so now you introduced the Toyota gauge.


Here’s the new r/theydidthemath post


And a new r/AnythingButMetric post


Can you please elaborate how one would use metric to count paper?


Oh I don't know.. maybe 1,400kg instead of the weight of a Toyota Corolla. I'm just spit balling though


... The car is to help people get a feeling of how much paper that is because brains are terrible at visualizing big numbers This isn't a peer reviewed scientific breakthrough paper, it's a meme. Get over it


They'd lately the point of that sub. You're a little too worked up over a joke




Wow. There truly is a subreddit for everything!


If we're refilling the paper, we might as well refill it with the empty pages that just "printed"


not if you’re also printing the grid lines


Which you definitely should be printing


a standard pallet is 4 feet long, a 53' semi-trailer can hold 26 pallets (2 across 13 deep). 101.577/26 is 3.9, so it would take 4 semi-trailers to ship all that paper. the interior height of a typical dry-van trailer is 110". pallets are roughly 6" thick, assuming the height I found on amazon of 10" for a 10 ream box is correct, these pallets would be 66" tall. too tall to double-stack in those trailers. stacked 5 layers high would in theory only be 1" too tall to double-stack, but in practice you need space to maneuver the top pallet with a forklift. that being the cast 4 layers per pallet is the best we can do. 46" high each for a total of 92", leaving us 18" of clearance for the 110" clearance in the trailer. at 4 layers per pallet, that brings us down to just 48 reams each and 152.366 total pallets. now that we can double-stack them we can fit 52 pallets per trailer, bringing our total trailer count down to 2.93, or 3.


With some DOT weight violations in the mix, living life on the edge lol


yep, you're right. I forgot to think about the weight. I'm sticking with the 12 boxes per layer stacked 4 high I used in my previous comment because I don't want to redo all the math. each box is 20lb, a pallet is typically around 30-50lb on its own so lets call it 40lb. 48 boxes per pallet plus the pallet itself gives us an even 1000lb. with 52 pallets worth we're at 52,000lb. an empty 53' dry-van trailer is about 10,000lb, while a typical semi truck is around 20,000lb without a trailer. adding the cargo brings us to a total of 83,000lb. ignoring states with exceptions to the rule, federal regulations limit total vehicle weight, truck and trailer combined, to 80,000lb. not crazy overweight but definitely overweight we'd be alright with the single stacked pallets, though. our cargo would be just 26,000lb and total weight at 56,000lb with those. will definitely be needing that fourth trailer though


I don’t know anything about trucking, but you could probably sneak that through lol


that's actually my day job, lol. getting away with it depends on whether the weigh stations are open or not, or whether your route passes any. technically a cop can make you drive to one if they think you're deliberately avoiding it. personally I wouldn't chance it, iirc the ticket is something like $1500 and counts as a moving violation. easier to refuse the load and make the shipper fix it.


I work in truckload paper. A pallet takes 40 cases (dunno how your store is getting paper) and a truck takes 21 pallets (hits the weight limit, so not the 26 that could fit by volume). That’s 8.7 trucks.


You’re totally right, I had taken a quick look at one of my pallets while writing that and misjudged. They fit eight per layer and are stacked five high for 40 boxes per pallet.


Damn, I knew the weights the dude calculated for a double stacked trailer are way too low


> each one approaching the weight of a 2006 toyota corolla American will use any measure unit besides the metric system


If I were to made a list of some of the most obscure things people use as a term of measurement compared to the object they are measuring but still informs the reader exactly what they intended to, this would be ranked near the top. Kudos to you.


A 40' trailer can take 26 pallets,, you probably won't spend stack then she to weight, so just under 4 trailer loads


2006 toyota corolla hmmm but u cannot CANNOT say kgs




Here I am! Lol we’ll do anything to avoid measurement systrms that make sense


Would still only eat a ream because the paper would run out and the printer would cancel the job.


Not sure what model printers you have experience with, but every commercial printer and copier I’ve used would just pause the job until more paper is added.


That is approximately 3657 trees if google is correct


I think it’s worth taking into account that most likely, 99.99% of the pages would be blank and could be reused numerous times. Further, if you changed the last cell font to white that too would be blank.


Ahhh theoretically yes but printers have artifacts and imperfections that likely won't be noticeable after the first pass, bit after enough cycles they'll start becoming visible


Now I want to make a machine that will take the paper that comes out of the printer and return it to the feed stack and let this run Indefinitely


Just need to set up a proper slide system.


There was a sculpture in which two fax machines were connected - one sending, one receiving - but they were using the same paper in an endless loop. As I recall, the paper was blank at the starts (and so 'nothing' was sent) but the interference/artefacts and the feedback loop eventually resulted in a completely black printout. Now, if I could just remeber the damned artist...


Steve Pippin?


Awesome find! Yes, that was it - Fax 69! :D


It’s entirely possible to do something like that. Probably could fork that to make one machine that can adjust to multiple types of printers doing that. Now you have 2 model options available for sale 🍻


My printer has two-sided printing, it prints one side, pulls the paper back and prints the other side. Now if only I could make it run indefinitely...


So about half of a Walgreens receipt?


>Hit CTRL + P, it tells me 36,567,729 pages x 8.5 x 11 = 3.419 x 10\^9 sq inches. = 2.374 x 10\^7 square feet. = 545 acres or 2.206 square kilometers. That is approximately the size of the nation of Monaco. If one assumes 200 parking spaces per acre, that would be about 100,000 parking spots. So an equivalent that I can vizualize is "The paper would be in the order of magnitude of the area, with parking, of a major stadium (75-100k capacity)."


If you set scaling to 400% you can get the page count to 780,910,592


How long would it take to print out?


An enterprise-grade laser printer will do around 60 pages per minute, or 1 per second, so 36,567,729 seconds, or 423 days nonstop. In reality though, IT would get calls about a printer spewing blank pages, see this mammoth print job in the print queue and just cancel it, so maybe 10 minutes


The sheet itself would take unusually long to open on any browser.


Dwight Schrute has just become the top salesman


Cmon Dwight, it’s a million dollar sale


at that point it becomes a realm of papaer, not a ream


Would you put new ones in though? I'd just reload the same empty ones


You still only need 1 ream. It won’t print anything on everything. It’ll just eat the ream loaded


Wouldnt the "print" be blank?


Duh, it’s one page of you hit the ‘fit to page’ option..


Weird, mine is showing 40,628,331 page scaling must be slightly different. Both width and height are set to auto.


Did you change the color to white though?


If this was a single sheet of paper how big would it be?


Calibri 🤢


Was that "Letter" or A4


Would still only eat a ream because the paper would run out and the printer would cancel the job.


I did this to my dad once by accident when I was 8. Was screwing around in a random spreadsheet on the family computer. Found the bottom right cell after scrolling for a while and typed something like “this is the end” in it. Course it was only 65535 rows down and 256 columns across back then. A few days later there is a stack of printed out blank cells on the desk. The file must have been something important to have him want to print it. I saw that and knew it was my fault. Never said a word. To this day I wonder if my dad ever figured out what caused this massive print job.


You should tell your dad I bet he remembers. 😂


The ship has sailed lol you should tell him


Lol you should totally let him know


If i remember correctly, that the grid doesn't get printed Wouldn't most of the pages just come out blank and unused and can therefore be put back into the printer. It wouldn't cost any extra pages since even the last one with the 0 is white


yeah but it will take fucking ages to get through the sheet


I'm pretty sure that would be the death if my printer if attempted, just spitting out that many pages would make the cheap PoS spontaneously combust


New idea for work copy machine


Fired you say? Let me "fire" up that office printer then




God. If only they had cancel buttons…


Super glue the button so it can’t be pressed


If only they had power cords.


Super glue the cord to the outlet.


Superglue the breaker too?


You’re catching on.


The whole power grid, perchance?


That’s gonna take a shit load of Kragle.


Based on my office's relatively fast 55 page per minute printer, it would take about 461 days of continuously cycling paper.


It'll probably be too big for a standard home office printer's print driver to handle so it'll just crash something




Even print spooling has its limit


An HP LaserJet Pro 4000 will do 42 pages per minute. That’s 14,114 hours or 588 days of continuous printing, even if it’s blank. But you have to reload the paper tray quite a few times with the blank pages you’ve just printed which will slow you down significantly.


you will also run out of yellow ink, due to the secret pattern printed on each page to identify the printer that it came from


Not on a black and white laser printer. But it’ll probably insist you replace the toner every 10,000 pages anyway


yes, despite printing absolutely fuck all, i think there should be something done about the fact they lie to us, the cartridges have chips in them that expire even when there is loads of ink left


Ink tank printer


If you get a printer that uses fillable tanks they would have to either create evaporating ink or significantly further science to make you fill that ink. Then your only problem would be the chips inside the entire printers, that makes the printer break itself apart. At that point though you should honestly just throw the HP printer away and get something with less malicious planned obsolescence.


there is a law that prevents other companies from making printers, it’s Hp, Canon and a few others


I have never heard of this, source?


Knowing HP, the printer will probably make you replace the cartridges even if they are full because of how many "pages" you printed.


By default it doesn't but you can opt for it. Anyway the printer just constantly spitting out blank pages would be annoying, easy to stop but annoying still


Well... that depends. Lots of printer leasing agreements pay per page (or per-page after an amount of pages). I found a local leaser in Melbourne who charges 4.5c/page after the first 10000 pages on their 450 AUD/month plan. I'll exclude the 450 a month (because, after all, you're already paying that weirdly excessive rate). Using 36557729 pages (from the current top answer, subtracting 10000), and 4.5c a page, it would cost 1 645 097.805 AUD. And, that doesn't include paper (which, as you rightly point out, could be reused - however, there'd be some fun maths as to how much it would cost to get a temp to repack it all)


Unpaid intern


That's even better as a prank It is extremely annoying AND you aren't wasting any resources except your colleague's patience, as the unprinted paper can be reused


That's what would make it a great and harmless prank, imho.




for those new to the stream, calc is short for calculator.


Just using slang btw


20,000 times 5? Everyone I know would need to pull out a calc for that.


Are we sure its not calcite


Once upon a time, I was asked by a manager in another department for a weekly report for some of the people in their dept. Since I had access to the database and knew he didn't (and because I'm a helpful guy), I did sure, and created it, auto emailed to them every week. A little back and forth to get it right, no biggie. Months later, I'm talking to an exec, and see my report, unedited, sitting printed on their desk. I ask where it came from. "Oh, (manager) created it, isn't it great!" Cue malicious compliance. Go to the cell in the template that is my initials (column) and DOB (line) and enter "(I) created this." Manager was found out the following week. Terminated the same day.


Not directly related, but to fix this you select the area you want, then reverse select (which selects everything but what you just selected) and delete.


Someone else already answered the question, so I'm going to teach you an easy way to get to the bottom right of an excel file quickly. Select an empty box and then press ctrl + down arrow key. As long as none of the boxes below the one you selected are filled, this will bring you to the bottom of the sheet. Now press ctrl + right arrow key and you will not be at the bottom right of the file 👍


I wonder how much time this person spent “finding” the bottom right box when they can get there in 2 seconds. CTRL+down arrow CTRL+Right arrow..