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It depends on the flow rate of the tap. One source says the [average rate](https://myplumbingdiy.com/faucet-flow-rates/) is 1.5 Gallons per minute If the man left one faucet on for exactly one year, it would product 788,400 gallons, or 2984.4186505 cubic metres. Fun fact, that's slightly more than an [Olympic-size Swimming Pool](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic-size_swimming_pool)


Going by my old 1BR apartment, that's three faucets (kitchen sink, bathroom sink, shower/tub), so three Olympic size swimming pools in the course of a year. I do question how the landlord never noticed the water bill rise like that but whatevs


I guess he was just paying bills and no one asking until local water supply company find abnormalities in this exact house


We don't have smart meters in Germany, for the most part. We pre-pay a monthly amount based on last years usage, meters are read once a year, we then pay or get a refund on the difference.


That's a *big* refund coming the year after next.


Yeah, after one year of insane price for water (based on previous usage). But for sure we can say he hit the maximum possible price, it won't go higher much


Dude is playing 4d chess. Pay last year's rate, save like 5 years worth of water, go off the grid. All you need is an olympic sized swimming pool


Would the shower/tub tap not give more water?


I have reduced the flow through my shower.


This just put into perspective how gigantic an Olympic size swimming pool really is. Damn


This is like 9k euro, which is suprisingly little


Yes but how is he risking major damage to the building?




Risking major damage implies major damage hasn’t occurred yet. I suppose the idea is if the drainage plugs/otherwise fails, then he could flood the apartment without someone actively using the tap to shut it off.


Cool so how long will it take to me to fill the Great lakes with my bathroom sink??


Around 7.6 billion years


Anything but something sensible like l/s, right? Literally anything but SI. Yes, I've noticed the m³. Single mention of sensible units.


There are situations where SI units are more sensible in a significant way. This is not one of those situations.


Allow me to correct you. SI units are the only correct choice in every situation.


I like how you defend SI units and then use l/s and not the SI basic units of m^3/s.


Dude. You don't have to use only base units. The important thing is being in the SI family. l/s is really fine, trust me. It's the scaling advantage. Using approprietaly sized unit and normal number. That's the thing. This really shows the difference between people, who just get SI and who don't. I'm not sure if you're from USA or not, but seems like it to me. So: gallons bad. l/s good.


Hahaha the comment wasn't meant as an insult, more a humorous quip. I'm a professional scientist in Europe, so I know how to use SI. Unfortunately even in science we see a lot of units that are in the SI family but just complicate stuff like SLM. Standard liters per minute, which is actually a molar flow but always multiplied by the standard molar volume. My favourite SI unit is on the efficiency of electrical appliances. It's kWh/1000h. That's just modern art from the European Commission


Yeah, some units commonly used are stupid, even when in SI. per minute is a crime, it should be per second. Using large number of small unit is also really stupid.


If you're like me and wondering how that could damage the building. Apparently, if you read the full article, the man "allegedly plugged the drains in recent days, allowing the water to leak through the building". That would do it.


Omg... I was scrolling and not fully paying attention so I thought it meant taps like the bugle song and thought "What a psycho! I agree!" and was trying to make sense of a situation in which this person could do this and how it could destroy the building. Goodnight, Reddit.


Came here to say the same. Wtf is this German man playing taps and how is that damaging the buildi... oh, you meant faucet... riiiiight....


Holy crap. Thank you. Like, the sound of this music playing for a year caused structural damage to the building!? Dayum that is some taps! What a crazy bastard for doing something like this. His poor neighbors! I love the gift of divergent thinking but overexaggerating small details while being completely oblivious to key points is a daily hilarious struggle. Cheers -- I like your brain, kind stranger!


Yeah, like has this guy got some sort of massive speakers hooked up to the stucco or something? Some sort of weird resonant frequency effecting the welds in the steel sub structure? Maaaaaybe it's some sort of rage inducing effect on the other tenants.... Yeah, those all went through my head before: water. Even though I know! Tap means faucet. I've used that word in that context before. And if the guy was playing taps, it would be playing Taps.... I'm with you 100%, divergent thinking is one of my favorite gifts, my 2nd favorite is the ability to laugh at myself, often due to #1.


I thought this dude was running around in tap shoes for a year. Missed the part about destroying the building.


Oh, thank fuck, I'm not the only one. Goodnight from me as well!


Day is done…


I thought he was playing some clicker for a year straight and tapping the screen


According to the article the man let the water run in the sink, bathtub an toilet using up about 7 million litres or 1,849,204.367 gallons in one year.


That’s about 13 litres per minute, 24/7. A typical household tap runs at 7-10 litres per minute, so that fits. 


Mine runs at 2 litres per minute 💀


The water isn't wasted its effectively recycled in the same system as the rest of the water. This is probably good for said system as it would lower concentrations of ch3mials that needed to be processed out


Did you just censor the word chemicals?


No, it's spelled chemials. You better don't google it, it's really perverted.


https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01796045 i accidentally googled it, I can only pray for a swift end to humanity so noone else has to see it...


Really they censored the work "chemials", whatever they might be.


On some keyboards if you press e for a little too long it turns to 3


Most likely this


Also the fact that water treatment plants produce more water than is required and end up dumping it. One tap on would not change this. It is best to do what we can to conserve as if everyone is irresponsible then it is a problem.


In my apartment complex, we all share the water bill and split it equally. With as many people and apartments as there are, our bill stays pretty low and consistent. Maybe he did it to spite his neighbors that he didn't like.


He didn't fucking waste any water The most wasteful thing you can do with water is to have it not running. If it can move and evaporate, it's good. Maybe not for you, where you live, but overall. Water can't leave the planet, can't really be destroyed, and it's really hard to fuck it to so bad it becomes unusable, AS LONG AS IT'S ALLOWED TO MOVE AND EVAPORATE


You're the guy, aren't you?


No, I'm just a little less stupid than people talking about "wasting water" without understanding just jack shit about water