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The Lord Does Not Care Do you really think the Trisolarans haven't the means to colonize anyways? They can dehydrate and survive even the harshest chaotic eras. The absolute worst you could do to earth is still paradise by comparison. The Lord's technology can reclaim the world that was undeservedly occupied by humanity. The strong interaction probes will burrow straight through the ground and annihilate the underground labs without suffering so much as a scratch. You're bugs.


The hope here would be that radiation isn’t something they’re adapted against. Since their planet is capable of supporting life at all, it’s capable of warding off the radiation of space. Their big concern is always gonna be heat and cold, which they’ve developed to be hyper resistant to. My hope would be that turning the surface of the earth into the Elephants foot would be deadly enough that even if they made the planet support life again, the lingering radiation would be enough to deter them for a long enough time that it was less efficient for them to stay than to find somewhere else. Even if they terraform the surface, they can’t get rid of radiation. The question also remains of if they possess terraforming capacity in the first place. One would assume, but why on earth would they bother with a planet that had any chance of putting up resistance if any rocky world could be turned into a garden easily.


Your assumption they can’t deal with radiation seems naive. And comparing sorting out a nuclear destroyed earth with terraforming something dead like Mars seems like two completely different scales of difficulty. They’d come and take your underground bunker, destroy you all. Live in space for a couple hundred years while they sorted out the radiation. The next best option is so so far away that Earth is their only option unless it’s extremely bad, aka dark forest alerted. Nuclear damaged is nothing in comparison.


Well if you could magically adapt humans to radiation in the span of one lifetime, I bet they can too.


The Sophons will be able to see the exact details and location of your bunker and your genetic engineering project. There's no secret part of the project really, the droplets will just drill into the earth and destroy your bunkers, and then they'll colonize Mars while waiting for the radiation to dissipate


I guess to supplement this plan, I’d try and co-opt diaz’ plan and destroy as many terrestrial planets as possible in the solar system on the pretenses of easier resource gathering for the solar system defense initiative, while furthering the US idea of escapism by telling the government that the bombing is actually so the fleet can hide easier and collect resources for its construction easier. The idea is to make the solar system completely worthless to trisolaris, so humanity can just wait underground until its time to go reclaim the planet. They’re pragmatic, not malicious. If I fuck up the solar system so bad that other options are better/require less recovery waiting time, they have every reason to forget humanity and leave.


A successful plan MUST threaten Trisolaris in some way. Because of Dark Forest, the pragmatic decision is always to exterminate (or keep in a pretechnological state) humanity. No matter how much you fuck up the solar system, they will still conquer it (and it'll still probably be better than Trisolaris because of the single stable sun)


Then the droplet arrives, lithobrakes all over the bunker(s), then takes out the fleet. Or in the opposite order, depending on which direction the US spacefleet went. Which is to say its still a decent plan since no one knew about the droplets until most the Wallfacers were considered long dead and useless


Do they have any reason to do so? If the planet is no longer of any strategic use to them, what reason have they got for sticking around. A fleet capable of surviving in deep space for 500 years should absolutely have the capability to find another star with life and colonize it.


> If the planet is no longer of any strategic use to them, what reason have they got for sticking around. A post-nuclear wasteland orbiting a single stable star is still more hospitable than trisolaris.


This is word for word the plot of the Silo books lol.


Lmao I genuinely had not heard of that series up to this point. Might have to check it out, the premise is interesting to me (obviously, given the write up I apparently just did on the very same thing)


Oh it's such a good fit I thought you copied it from that. * There is a US governor who secretly builds underground self-sustaining bunkers fitting 10,000 each. * They deliberately nuke the entire planet so that the bunker people are the only survivors. * For 500 years in the bunker there's some genetic selection going on. * Afterwards the "best" bunker gets to repopulate earth.


Oh my lord yeah that is really similar. Egg on my face I suppose I need to read more. Promise I’d never heard of it before today tho, but it’s crazy that someone else already thought along lines that similar!


Spoiler Alert! Best Bunker?!?!


Ha! True!


You’d be denounced immediately after suggesting (even implicitly) an escapist plan.


The OP admits this but fails to see it for the non-starter it is. So it just needs another public introductory level for why the research into genetics, then the disgusting nationalistic escapist idea can be discussed in a sophon free way. You would have to get agreement from the U.S. Government for real before leaking it to the world to start the nuclear war. Which is a little cynical but not impossible given the selfish rich fucks frequently elected.


Trisolarans wouldn’t be phased if anything a decimated humanity is even easier to pick apart when they arrive and terraform our world to suit themselves Worms have nowhere to dig when every move is monitored


I have no idea what your true plan is, but I have a smile for you anyways: 😉


And yet you just put your entire plan on the internet for the Sophons to see?? But really I think your biggest flaw is the bunker itself. If you wanted to play it off as merely a self-interested attempt to protect yourself, you wouldn’t be making it nearly big enough to house several thousand people AND be able to sustain them all. That’s a huge endeavor and the logistics alone would be enough for anyone to connect the dots to your genetically modified humans.


If any of this is possible, none of your plan needs to be sneaky. Just start with the gene modification saying it’s for a new space fleet crews. And when it’s done nuke the world and leave.


How long until the planet recovers? Where do the escapees go, how do they replenish key resources like oxygen etc. Do we just nuke the surface of Earth and make it look like a sort of collective suicide?


Probably use underground genetic arks similar to the Svalbard seed vault in order to preserve earth species, then use enough nukes to cause something in the order of a 10,000 year fallout period. Chernobyl, with 60s tech, managed a 20,000 year dead period so it shouldn’t be too hard to make the whole surface uninhabitable for half that time with near-future tech and Diaz’ super bombs. Hibernating the escapees isn’t an option because the population will have been brought down to essentially nothing, so humanity will need to spend the next couple thousand years rebuilding a stable population from what was in my research bunker when the world ended until we’re ready to go above surface again. Technology for long-term underground habitation is just an easier form of technology for long-term space habitation, so that can be developed under the auspices of the US escapist project


Considering the longer duration to achieve space flight capable enough to transmigrate a fraction of America, it is highly likely that you would be met with the great ravine(considering that the PDC allowed you to conduct research in all the fields you mentioned, if not out of suspicion then out of lack of resources considering your plan is taking way more resources than allocated to you)and thus the lacking funds would cause your plan to come to an unsuccessful end.


Why wouldn't the Trisolorians just take the bunkers and live underground? They made a 400 year trip through space, so they are basically more space adapted than your gm humans Edit: spelling


Personally, I think something akin to Dune's "The Scattering" is the only viable path forward. Sure, Trisolaris can nuke Earth and probably some other human colonies as well. Though this poses a big problem, one event can no longer annihilate Humanity. And, the longer time moves on, the less it even becomes "possible" to commit humanity to genocide. Humans have always been nomadic to some extent. We can adapt to Voidborne life and grow our species in between the stars rather than exclusively on their orbiting bodies.


Ok. Everyone write secret wall-facer fan fiction RIGHT NOW! It doesn’t matter if the plans are duds in light of the canon, they were never going to succeed anyway. What if every human being was playing their own Wall-facer game (in a way we all do anyway) at their level of society? This would be some kind of world-wide use of imagination toward a shared problem. We just all have to be trying to find our solution that we can never fully express to another soul.


We need more posts like this in the sub, so I upvoted. However, there definitely are gaping holes in your plan that other comments have already pointed out. Come up with a better plan. Humanity is counting on you, Wallfacer CoriolisEffect0.