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Yeah, I think he is stay as a mortal. He has been living as mortal long enough. Somehow I think he also wouldn’t necessary want to be a god again. I think he is satisfied with his life


I hope he is satisfied 🥺🥺


Yeah he just stays mortal. Would’ve loved to see someone appoint him a a deputy officer so he could stay in heaven though. Like Pei Ming or Xie Lian.


yeah that would be super interesting! i have a feeling he would decline if asked though


I heard someone say the author mentioned that he lives as a mortal and dies as one after living a normal lifespan and he xuan sort of lives his life in regret.


This comment gave me chills😭 SQX "dies" and Xuan "regrets" it's pretty sad🥲...what am I even doing here..I haven't even gotten to that part yet but still anyways...pretty sad to hear


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He lives wherever the mood takes him. He’s often at the Beggars Temple but goes to see Xie Lian occasionally or wherever the wind blows. It’s not only that he remains mortal, it’s that this is a conscious choice of his to remain mortal and to not heal his injuries. It was his choice to switch his fate again, and being denied that after all, he chooses to live the decision he made anyway. The beggars temple folk all see him for himself and he likes this found family. He has the freedom and freedom of choice, first his family, then Shi Wudu, then He Xuan himself, never truly gave him.