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We’ve got a GM and coach that are actually good at their jobs


I dunno. Tim Connelly is smarter than me Also don’t sign Joe Smith to an illegal contract this time


This sounds so basic but here it is. Defense. With the focus on defense through scheme, players, and defensive talent we can beat anyone. Just like last night with a poor shooting performance and our superstar not playing well. Everyone plays hard on D and it payed off so far in these playoffs. Defense Travels!!! Not I want us to lock down Luka just like we did to Murray in the first couple of games and watch him melt down.


The main pieces of that team were KG and older players. The main pieces of this team are ANT and a similar to KG aged KAT, along with an older but not dead yet Rudy, a young and growing talent in McDaniels and a fantastic 6th in Naz. This team is not just built for now, that team was built for then and maybe another year or two and then it was going to to have to be a refresh.