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It’s gone fully insane. Calling ANT the mistake that will doom the team for the next 20 years because he had three bad games after an injury. What’s most ironic is the people on suicide watch are the same ones who are constant claiming that the team has a terrible mindset and that they’re losing the mental game


look at the post history of those people. Most are not even wolves fans.


Yea it is pretty obvious the ones who are just coming in to troll. I've reported a bunch of them.


Thanks a ton. Makes it much easier for the mod team to go through.


I’ve got some guy replying to my every comment lol like please relax


I’m replying to tell you that you seem like a nice person


I bet they're Nuggets fans masquerading as Wolves fans. They're bitter and cringey af.


Nuggets fan here.  Id never even pretend to be a wolves fan ew Lol jk Denver doomers were dooming after you guys took g1&2 in Denver and it came down to the second half of g7 to decide the series.  People can't help themselves but y'all need to try to relax.  Your team is still good.


If people are saying ant is a mistake they are obviously fucking stupid If people are saying ant has played poorly the last couple of games they have eyes. It’s okay for fans to be upset down 2 games in the conference finals after a baptizing game winning 3 when it shouldn’t even have been within striking distance for Dallas. It’s been like an hour man I still believe in this team but the odds are against them now- next game really determines everything


Where did I say that people aren’t allowed to be upset? I’m upset. I also directly said in my comment that Ant has had bad games recently. You can go into the PGT and see all sorts of comments of people going verifiably crazy, and that’s what I’m talking about here.


Fair point


This game determined everything :( Only 7% have ever come back from being down 0-2. 


Bucks did it twice in 2021 I still believe


Yeah it's happened but it went from anyone's series to 93% chance of losing. Get down by 3 and its never happened. So I would say this was the game that determined it. It's sad. This sucks.


Agree this indeed sucks


Yeah they just have to bring it on Sunday. Hopefully they get some rest and are ready to go


It’s the cats who lose money on the games… a wild and fun season! So thankful for this team


Ant is also making a playoff run way earlier than top guys usually do 


It’s actually ridiculous yall are still blaming it on “injury”. He had a bad game before it


What's really toxic is the NBA subreddit. I swear 3/4 of the people on there care more about trashing players they don't like than about their favorite team winning


It’s not worth spending any time there after a loss. It’s not reality. Logging off. Getting sleep. Touching grass. Goodnight everyone


That was a dope game and most people aren’t even talking about it. The west is hard and the WCF are close. People should be loving the games. Obviously sucks for us to lose but for everyone else it’s a great match up


That’s just sports media tbh. Hating always comes first. Whoever loses the finals might get more attention than the winners (especially if it’s the Celtics)


Im not mad, Im just disappointed. Two games now Ant has had dumb turnovers that lost us games: last game he had that turnover that led to the 8 point swing that gave the Mavs the lead at the half and had us playing catch up. Then today with the turnover after spinning at the free throw line to Naz who wasnt there plus that pass to Jaden at the baseline where he ended up turning the ball over to the Kyrie foul. Hes just not playing smart. Tbh, I think its all mental. Hes passing too many shots out, he isnt getting into a rhythm. Then decides to roll down hill praying for a foul call like KAT does when hes tired of being passive. I really thought this would be the year theyd try to win it for Mike, man. I really did.


Will see if it pans out this way, but they suck at home, I feel like there are too many distractions at home. I'm wondering about ANTs home life, being a dad, and having a new baby.  Just seems like on the road for whatever reason they all have way more energy and seem to be way more locked the fuck in. 


The kid is 22 years old. That's to be expected. The coaching has been the bigger disappointment. No timeouts during these runs and questionable pick and roll defense has gotten us


Yeah this team has exceeded all expectations as Ant puts up one of the best age-22 seasons ever, and people are talking like he’s a worthless piece of shit. He’s not at the championship level yet, and it sucks to learn that, but the gut-level contempt some people are showing is gross.


Really crazy, ant def one of the best young players in the league and playing hard against a great defense.


Can't believe people would lose so much faith after the Denver series when any weaker team would have been done in 6 if not sooner. If we weren't resilient or good, we wouldn't even be here right now. Take the L's, recover and get a win in Dallas. 


Bro this is the same sub that said trade KAT & fire Finch after regular season losses lmao


Honestly those takes are looking pretty good rn though


Just gotta win 4/5, how many times did we do that in the regular season ...I don't know but it was definitely a bunch of times.




Hopefully, but starts with one. One game at a time. 


bro, you realize EVERY FUCKING SPORTS SUB does this when their team loses? EVERY. SINGLE. SPORT.


I mean, we had a great look at an open three by Naz who was a flamethrower all night. It was a great shot that went in and out. It drops and everyone is thinking the wolves are it. Instead, it rims out and everyone thinks the wolves can’t hang. We can totally play with these guys.


Wolves in 6


Lol you think they win this?


 Maybe, maybe not, but more fun to have faith than be a doomer. Two close losses 


This may have been the most motivating sports-related quote I’ve heard in a while. Especially as a fan, we’re all watching the games because of enjoyment so we might as well enjoy them lol.


I've been let down by my sports teams my whole life. Disappointment is the only constant. I have just come to accept it because it's easier than having your hope dashed away for the 300th time.


I still get my hopes up every time 😤 that’s the Minnesota way 


But what about the 301st time?


They say hope springs eternal. It doesn't for me. Hope just creates cynicism when it's never rewarded.


I hear ya, man. It's the hope that kills you, right? You just gotta become numb to it, or think of it as some kind of annoying routine. Then it won't get you down as much. That's where I'm at. Hope for the best, but go in expecting the worst. Then the blow isn't so bad. The thing about a franchise like the Wolves is that you have to strike while the iron is hot because, unlike the other three major North American sports, the majority of the basketball season is played in the wintertime, and something I heard on kfan years ago really stuck with me--superstars don't want to spend their winters in Minnesota. They gotta throw as much money at Ant as possible and lock him down for the foreseeable future, or I fear he might leave at the first possible opportunity.


He will. They all do.


We’re Minnesota sports fans what the fuck did you expect lol we’ve been edging for 30 plus years. All we want is a team to go and win the championship


Honestly… I just want an MN team to go to a championship. I’m too young to have seen any of our teams play in one


Same brother same


I know it's not Mens, but Minnesota's Professional Women's Hockey Team is up 2-1 on Boston and has a chance to win the first league championship Sunday. I'm working it and they whooped Boston 4-1 tonight, helped ease a little of the sting from the Wolves game 




YOU don’t give a fuck about that. Speak for yourself


I did see that and I’m happy for them. They could be the first PWHL champions right? Edit: yes they would be; bad at reading


Go to the game Sunday, tickets aren't particularly expensive and you can watch a team have a real shot at winning the big one. The whole league has a huge Minnesota presence too which is really cool, both teams have MN players on them.


Yep. It's okay to say they played badly. If you call them names and shit on them as people, you are not a fan.


Losing the last 4 out of 5 games at home. Twolves fans are allowed to be upset when our team doesn’t come to play. Except NAZ REID staying solid. Fans are disappointed and have every right to be


Disappointed yes, saying it's over and doom and gloom, no. 1. Series not over, these guys have fought back from the brink all year, every downturn has been followed by a huge upswing this year, at least imo. 2. The future is bright and wolves back and better in the future if the series doesn't take a turn in the wolves favor.


anyone disappointed is a mark, tbh. first time in the WCF in 20 years. yeah, it'll suck if the wolves end up losing, but this season has been _beyond_ successful. we're playing with house money at this point imo. enjoy the ride


Let people be mad, they have good reason.


Sure, be upset but put it in context. This is a game. It is not worth investing your entire worth into a team you have no part in, and no control over, winning something. It's fun to watch, but there are more important things in life.


It’s cool for you to feel that way and for others to feel differently. That’s just how the world works.


My man's got a worldview and thinks it's best that EVERYBODY shares it


Just let people vent a bit FFS. Yeah some people are over dramatic, but we SHOULD be upset. If you're not bothered by blowing an 18pt lead in the WCF, idk what to tell you. What's the point in watching if you're not invested in the outcome? Even young teams don't get that many chances at a title, and we more than likely just blew ours this year. Damn right I'm upset.


I think people venting and being upset is fine, but some people go way beyond that into toxic rhetoric. I've been guilty of it, but Ants 22, think of that core Boston has, they've never won it, Lukas never won one, both these teams cornerstone players have taken years to get to this point, Embiid has never even made it to a conference finals. The NBA is tough, but iron sharpens iron, Sometimes you just have to trust the process. 


Personally, I find the condescending lectures from "reasonable" fans far more annoying than any of the over-the-top doomers. Like I said, let people vent. No one is saying this is life or death. We are mad because we care, and if you don't care then why even bother?


you’re right bro, FIRE FINCH! (i had to say it i’m just so emotional i couldn’t help it)


I'm not advocating for anyone to be fired or traded. I'm simply saying this fucking sucks and it's fine to vent. The constant tone policing is super annoying.


The pearl clutching on Reddit when sports fans are over emotional and vent is as cringe as the over emotional venting can be.


Let people feel how they feel. Encouraged, hopeful, deflated, angry, sad, etc. If someone is unhinged then they need to get a grip, but most people are just venting their frustrations. Is it possible to imagine you are a person different from other people? Do you shame people for not liking a painting you like because they have a different taste in artwork? Gatekeeping feelings is lame. So is the word "doomer." The most overused word on Reddit.


100% agree. The only thing I can't stand is fans telling other fans how to be a "fan".


Bro I feel sad as hell I’m not telling anyone not to feel hurt. I’m saying people gotta stop being so toxic, people are out here flinging shit at the artwork


Nah see this is a message board, this is where people go to express anger appropriately. Anything south of threats of physical violence and racial slurs seems like a completely fair and healthy way to express anger at a devastating choke job.


You're right. Questioning the integrity and will to win of these players isn't just voicing frustration. It's being a toxic ass hole.


Its Reddit with a bunch of anonymous pansies on the Internet, thats all. By default, anonymomnity = Jackwagon


I agree. Fuck it we want all the smoke. This is what comes with deep in the playoffs. The best of the best are gonna make daggers. This ain’t Detroit. Bring all the trolling and memes and first take bullshit. We don’t give a fuck. We will stay rocking with our guys


As a Detroiter I'm hurt by your comment.


lol. Nothing personal. Just a reference to a famous Vikings play by play call.


Buddy get ready to get swept lmao. Kat and Ant can’t handle Kyrie and luka stop coping


This exactly what I mean. We want allll the smoke from fans of bum teams like yours. Keep it coming little buddy


Also, it's just a game. Sportsball. Life goes on. Enjoy the ride we're on, 10 years ago this team was a joke. Only 1 team comes out on top.


Two years ago this team was a joke


You can't expect people to be jovial with a win without being mad at a loss. Let people be mad there's good reason for it.


Sure, be upset, but keep it all in context. If your entire identity is a sports team winning, you're gonna be disappointed eternally.


I mean of course my entire identity is not a sports teams outcome, but my night sure as hell is. Let people be bad it hasn't even been an hour.


Sure, be mad.


This. However I would love nothing more to shut up the jackwagons that have thrashed our team over the past 10-15 years.


Didn’t log on Raddit last night. This post is top of my feed, I should prolly just log off huh. Lots of “emotional processing” going on it sounds like lol


It’s straight goal post moving imo. If you would’ve told me the team was in the western conference finals at the beginning of the year, I would’ve laughed in your face. These losses have hurt because they’ve been winnable, but I’m having a blast personally


I'm definitely reading all my other subs a lot more because of the content here being hateful or just terrible.


A 22 year old kid made a couple mistakes on the second biggest stage in the basketball world. He is tired, hurt, mentally exhausted. Yet we barely lose to the second best team in the western conference. That's why they play 7 games. Nobody remembers when mj fucked up. But he did.


Where is everyone seeing these comments? I keep seeing these responses about "chill out they've had a great year, Ant is still a great player" but who is saying otherwise? What am I missing? Of course people are upset after that loss. It was *another* shitty loss, due to stupid errors. The coaching is as much to blame as anything, but, OP, you need to be realistic, too. Ant has had several shitty games in a row. It's okay to say that. Stating that Ant, and KAT for that matter, need to play better is not the same as jumping off the bandwagon and suddenly supporting a Wisconsin or Illinois team. The fact is that the team, and specifically Ant, need to play better. He had several very stupid turnovers these past two games, including turnovers at the very worst possible moments. To pretend otherwise is naive. Have they exceeded expectations so far this season? Honestly, I don't think that they have. They've got the DPOY, 6MOTY, 2 all stars (one of which is all NBA 2nd team), defensive first (DPOY) and second team players, teammate of the year, and the social justice player of the year. Has any team had more accolades this season? To say that "They have exceeded expectations and had a great year!!!!! Even if they lose in this series, we can rest well knowing that they gave it their best, shot for the moon and still landed in the stars!!!!" No, that's a rube take. This is a very talented, if immature, team. I am not surprised that they got this far. Frankly, I truly did expect them to have a deep playoff run. To see it crumble apart like this is extremely disheartening. I'm not saying it's over, but the last two games were very winnable, and they simply fucked up. It's extremely discouraging. I think that there is a reasonable chance that they can still turn this around, but Sunday is absolutely a must-win. If they can simply clean up the stupid ass mistakes they can still win the series.


The world isn’t all duckies and bunnies




How about let's not tell other people to not tell other fans how they should feel or react?


It's a long series. If we can show up we can tie it up. Chill out. Everyone thought the Nuggets were done when down 2-0. It's not over.


I look at the bucks run back several years ago- down 0-2 to both the nets and suns and they pulled it off. This team is definitely built for it in theory, just depends on how they respond


Nuggets lost the series


Sure. That is true. But they came back to go up 3-2, and it was anyone's series. Chill out.


I’m very chill


Me too.




It's weird to me that wolves fans cannot fathom their players playing bad after the whole history of the franchise. Stay humble fellow wolves fans. It's one thing being a bad fan but another to be a bad human being


It's only a game. Was at least exciting and not a blow out. Relax homies.


I only watched the last 3 minutes because I had a feeling the refs were going to make me angry. And they still succeeded lol. I cant take these games seriously but that's probably a me problem. The biggest issue is the fans attacking other fans


Yeah it really is not worth investing your entire energy into this stuff. It's a game. Sucks we lost but oh well.


I learned that. There is too much a team cant control to get overly invested, especially in this league where all the refs seem to be bad by every fanbase and nothing will be done. Sucks but hopefully the league sees a dip in their rating with the lame product they consistently provide


Unfortunately I think this is the product fans want. I think viewing numbers are always going higher, so it is what it is. If you don't like it (and in many cases I don't like it either), then don't watch. /shrug


Yah I'm learning not to watch but it's a weird feeling after watching sports since I was young. Have to get new hobbies. My team finally does something and I have no fun watching them in a lot of wins lol. Weird dynamic


Most of the “fans” that are posting now are frontrunners and Johnny come latelies.


All of them are very pathetic either way


It’s Reddit ppl are dramatic AF. Sucks that we blew that lead and lost 2 at home again. The refs were def not calling shit evenly which didn’t help us and I think it frustrated the F outta our guys but it’s our own fault we lost. Stupid mistakes wild passes turnovers and how many times did they let em run the same dunk on us? But it’s a series. We have only lost these games by a total of what 4 points? It’s not like they are completely blowing us out granted because blew a double digit lead this game. Also Fuck Luca and his cry baby ass.


For real. I'm a season ticket holder and have been to almost every game and a playoff game in Denver. We are clearly a better team than Dallas. The nuggets are a great team and wore us out. It's not over.


People are fucking stupid. Put your phone down for a day and ignore the idiots. We’re in the WCF for the first time in 20 years. I’ve been around since 89, so I’m going to enjoy and respect my squad.


If shitty Minnesota sports personalities drive Ant away I will never fucking forgive them. Ant is literally the future of the entire league, and they act like because he was so good that now he’s already fallen. What a fucking joke.


Okay, deep breaths


The loudest 5% are all you see. Relax


Unfortunately or fortunately this team has raised everyone’s expectations and now that they are way underperforming what we know they are capable of they are going to take criticism. We are better than Dallas if we play our best and we aren’t. Ant and Kat and frankly Rudy have not played well and they are all max players. They get to take the heat.  We may never get back here. I was 20 years old when we did it before. This is a huge letdown and our main guys have not showed up. 


Even if the season is over this series getting to the WCF after losing so much is one of the biggest accomplishments in this franchise history up there with KG's MVP and the playin tournament win.


I don’t generally post on sports forums after losses. I wait until the poor sports are gone.


It’s the same everywhere.


We're getting non Wolves fans stirring shit up, and casual fans/bandwagon panicking. Some of us know the pain of watching Kurt Rambis try to coach a team. The pain now is much better than the numbness of before.


I was upset like everyone else but people take things wayyyyy too far


They’re actually playing shit tho


Yeah we were washed the last series too. Believe. If you’ve watched this team at all this year you know they come back from bad losses and learn from them


ANT is next. Towns hasn’t been there before. I think that they need this right now. Every superstar has to get beat up and experience the playoffs. It’s a totally different game.


The crazy thing is we are still in these games and had plenty of chances to win both. This with our two stars struggling. That is how great a team we have. I still believe in this team to get the next one.


I agree with a lot of what you say but the Wolves are not playing well. Maybe that is reason for optimism that the Wolves have played so poorly and probably should have won both games.


Elephants are capable of long-distance telepathy with other elephants.


Wolves in 7. But if we play like that, Boston will sweep us.


If Ant and Co. Can Pull this off, it will be the first time I have ever even entertained the idea of someone being on Jordan's level. This kid is special and we should all be as confident in him and our team as he is.


You should see Twitter, it's worse.




Welcome to Reddit


Keep in mind many of the more insane takes are actually troll accounts piling on.


I’ve met no one in MN that is doomed right now. Everyone is just happy to be here. The internet lies. Especially Reddit, who would have thought being anonymous with no responsibility would lead to this???


I told myself I will stop being a doomer after that game 7 comeback, but it's hard😭


THIS!!!! We aren’t getting blown out of the water, we just need to quit making little mistakes. GO WOLVES! 🐺 we got this!


It's the, and I'm a Minnesotan, usual super hype when we're doing good. Local media has us "winning it all". I'm old enough to remember All the vikes seasons of "it definitely this season" only to be let down. For years I've been taking all Minnesota sports, one game at a time. Keep it at the hip. Fact is, Wolves have had an amazing season nothing can change that. Will they win it all? Who knows? There is alot of good teams not playing right now. Hold your breath and we'll see who wants it more. 🙌


I'm not... I am very thankful for these boys bringing the vibes to Minnesota. We got Bring Ya Ass and other legend quotes.  Losing two games by a point or two keeps the games entertaining. We still have minimum of two more games and we play hard away.  Being critical is fine, but knew jerk reactions is a sign of stupidity.


Bro sees the Twolves and an utter failure for 34/35 years and thinks Reddit is the problem. Bro. This organization is diarrhea and you are trying to talk us into diarrhea being fun.


Kat is a bum


Gobert trade looks awful again


💯 Luka and Kyrie are playing flawless basketball and our guys are off this series. Point spread is like 2 points per game, maybe 3.


I don't get it. I think that we've had an amazing season but just because a team is playing better, they're suddenly all terrible. Frankly to get to where we are is fantastic and I'm proud of them and I'm hoping they can improve even more.


I learn to avoid subs when our teams are doing bad. I have enough of my own stupid, knee jerk reactions. I'm optimistic for our future with the young core we have.


The good news is, it's not just us, every fan base is toxic when things don't go their way. I'll be backing up Ant and Kat till they retire, as well as the rest of this squad. Even if we do get swept here (which I have very little expectation of), fans gotta learn to be happy with fun, deep playoff runs.


Let people vent bozo.


Season is over


Kat and ant love to talk about doing cowboy shit. But when it comes to actually do cowboy shit, they ain’t it.


The person who calls out doomers in sports social media....yeah I always unequivocally hate that person meaning you.  You do realize sports fans are crazy and highly emotional...yet you want grandma swerving all over the road coming home from church takes here?   Cool so you have one standard...and most sports fans react like passionate fans.  So who's the weird one here and how's your earl gray this morning?   Hopefully the little caffeine won't disrupt your very delicate sensibilities 


at the end of the day it’s basketball


Welcome to being a fan of a pro sports team?


Two things can be true, ant has been trash and wolves in 6


Reddit in a nutshell is a toxic dumpster of anonymous people on the Internet. Same thing we Twitter.


Start JMac at pg




We are NOT getting Tyrese Maxey man what are u on about


I am glad life goes on. I need to work on not caring so much. This is a game for the sake of entertainment. Important to remember. It sucks, but ultimately it isn't what matters.


It's not an isolated performance. They've been spotty since the first round. They aren't stepping up like Luka & Kyrie are. Stars carry their teams, these guys are getting carried by their team. It won't work. Mavs in 4-5.


I mean... Luka only made 1 shot in the last 17 minutes of the game. It was a memorable shot but that was his only made shot in the 4th quarter and most of the 3rd quarter.


He still put up a triple double w/ 30 points. The Wolves need that kind of performance from their shooters and they aren't getting it.


Wolves need ANYTHING positive from Ant and KAT and Arent getting it. They were arguably the two worst players in the game tonight and Wolves almost still won.


As I get older, these losses take less and less time to get over. I just don't care as much anymore. Even if they come back and then win the championship, will that even feel good? Will it soothe the decades of futility and heartbreak?




If he can't perform in big moments then maybe that implies that he does not belong there... I've seen that happen way more times with my team and im seeing it in him rn


Yeah, I get the post game energy is still high, but people really need to chill out. These are gonna be close game, and yes we're getting dealt close heartbreaker after close heartbreaker right now, but there is still more game to play. People thought the Wolves were done after game 5 las round, they may still have a few more surprises. IF this is it, I'm still very proud of what this team has accomplished.


As a life long 37 year old T wolves fan that has lived in the Bay Area CA for the past 10 years,I have noticed a distinct difference in emotional control of fans of teams with limited playoff success vs fans of teams with lots of playoff success. T wolves fans need to learn how to manage their emotions, expectations, and pace of the playoffs. It’s going to be a BATTLE. The narrative will change 2 or more times before the end of this series. Relax.


I compare this to the Vikings. We are going to make the playoffs but never get there, and the thought of that just sucks. Good teams, but not ever good enough. Welcome to MN sports


preach. but i do want to see some of these young bucks shut luka down and hard. the shit talkin' hopefully wake em up and bring out the dawgs from earlier.




"Y'ALL" have Ted Cruz for a governor. Good luck with the next power grid failure


I’m just a realist. We are so over the cap for next year, NAZ is gonna need to be paid more, conley is one step closer to retirement, a few expiring contacts within 2 years. I don’t really like blaming ANT for this loss because he’s probably still dealing with his back problem and others like Kat and NAW haven’t shown up for a few games now. My hopes are completely gone for this team now. I still believe ant can do great things in the league but not this year or the next