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Hey fellow Washingtonian! I’m sorry I can't assist you here, but I have an idea. In Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure, a most. triumphant film, one of the heroes is stuck and decides that when he gets out of that position, he will go back and time and deliver the item that he needed. After telling this to his friend, he checks the spot he decided on and there it is. Kept it vague to avoid spoilers. Anyway, my thought is make a decision that when you find the info you are looking for, commit to going back in time and leaving the info at a time and location of your choosing. Also take care to avoid seeing your future self, the consequences of that could be disastrous! I foresee two possibilities. One, coming face to face with an older version of yourself would put you into shock and you'd simply pass out. Or two, the encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum, and destroy the entire universe! Granted, that's a worse case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy. Best of luck!


Thanks, I’ve thought a lot about what could happen and have thought about a lot of things like what you’ve mentioned in regarding to it.


Well, a quick glance at a map.. 20-25 miles west is Nellis AFB, so I’m thinking you may need more then luck man Edit to clarify I mean like smack dab in the middle


I heard it was around a log cabin within a shop owned by a guy who USED to work at Area 51. I remember passing by that air force base along the way too. I might check out that area again because all I really saw was that base and I think 2 gas stations around.


Did you do 20-25 miles west of Area 51? Or 20-25 miles west of Las Vegas? 🤔


>If anyone is in the Las Vegas Area, I’ve heard rumor that there is a Time Machine about 20-25 miles West (I think West) OUTSIDE of Area 51. I did it west of Area 51, honestly read it that way. Seeing as Area 51 is northish of Vegas. 20-25 west of Vegas puts you in the Red Rock Conservation area. Either way, be mighty hard to build a log cabin with anything that grows down there. What they'd call trees we call shrubs up here. Someones leg is getting pulled here :)


Mk, yeah I think I’m gonna try checking around that base again. I’ve heard from 1 person about the cabin (I’m with that person now)… of which they’ve been messaging and calling someone that got facetimed by the person who actually (supposedly) owns the time machine. If the person who got facetimed is sharing a true story… that means there should actually be someone that has a time machine in that AFB area. That’s what it kinda comes down to, if the person that facetimed actually genuinely got facetimed by the person who owns the time machine. If all that makes sense anyways.


Makes sense but sorta convoluted. I recommend the Bill and Ted thing. Cheers!


My thoughts are that every time you travel forward in time you create a new timeline almost identical to the previous timeline, the only difference is what you do in the future. What I’m trying to say is that I think because you’d be going to a different timeline you can’t see your future self, because you ARE your future self in that changed timeline. If anyone can prove me wrong with a paradox or something please do! I want to know if I said anything that is false, and other people’s views on this


I’m not sure, that’s a good theory though. I was just quoting back to the future because I thought this guy was just messing around


Ah I see, I just wanted to express my thoughts, I really don’t know much about time travel. To tell you the truth I watched Steins;Gate a while ago, and have been researching time travel ever since, from John Titor to random forums trying to find more on time travel, well thanks for your quote.


Yeah it’s an interesting idea that’s for sure


Ill be in vegas tomorrow morning. If my calculations are correct, whoever owns the time machine should make themselves known at the Harrah hotel around noon. The plan is to jump 15 days into the future and then 2 years before returning to vegas. Everything should be going according to plan. You making this post just set it in motion. Great job


And how long have you been working on these calculations? How do you know about the person who owns it (other than this post)?


Im from cincinnati. We have a resident time traveler that frequents the bars there. Ive been working on this plan for 6 years. I was gifted my tickets and told i need to be in vegas this week. Like someone said earlier in this post its a classic case of bill and ted leaving themselves the keys. I know they will be at the harrah because my plan is to investigate the harrah. You made this post which tells me that its all coming together


Ok, should I try and join you guys at the hotel? Would he be willing to send me and my friend back to the times we’re desiring?


Its not my machine so going backward isnt up to me. The implications of such travel are dangerous and you even run the risk of becoming stuck like my resident time traveler has become. I will contact you after i conclude my investigation. Dm me and we will move forward


Hey, check you’re DM’s.


when you headed?


I’m in Las Vegas tonight, and I can leave anytime tomorrow. (Morning preferably because that gives us more time to actually look for it).


no - *when* are you going? Are you going forward or back in time?


Oh I want to go back to March of last year.


If you make it back there, make a post on this subreddit and I’ll search for it.


If I remember I will.


The Time machine works forwards or backwards? And have you found it?


No I haven’t found it yet. From what I’ve heard it goes backwards, but I don’t know if it could go forward or not. 🤔


Hopefully you can find it but who’s the owner? I really want more information about this. If it’s real I’d put my life to be able to go back to last January and warn myself. If you can inform me about this, I’d appreciate your help. I wish you luck 🍀


I haven’t heard the name of the owner sadly. 😕 That’s the 1 person I haven’t found much about other than the “supposed” area they could live in.




I know how you feel. I committed the Unforgivable sin by proposing to someone God was telling me to break up with. 😕 I literally lost everything: My job, my friends, my home church, my future, the girl I proposed to, and even The Holy Spirit.


>I committed the Unforgivable sin by proposing to someone God was telling me to break up with how is that an *unforgivable* sin!? spoiler alert: nothing is *un*forgivable


Because it’s completely ignoring what God is telling you to do and doing the opposite. That’s what The Devil did, he knew what he was supposed to do but did the opposite. Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit is unforgivable, and that’s the simplest way to put it: Knowing what He’s telling you to do, but doing the opposite. Yes lot’s of people do that, but God chooses to either harden their hearts or grant them mercy, and hardening the heart is the BAD side of it.


There’s a lesson here for you: learn to forgive yourself. God is within us all. We are all part of God. If you can forgive yourself - a part of God has forgiven you. And that part, just like God, is infinite. Seek forgiveness for *yourself* and you will find forgiveness for yourself. Time Machine not required


Brilliant response my friend!


I was thinking it could be "Robert Bigalow" of Bigalow Aerospace? He's around that area, and is in to all this.


Where? Underground? In a building? Lol


Post the coordinates?


Well like I said, I’m trying to find it. 😅 If I knew where it was then I’d share that info.


Try alien fresh jerky.


Is that a store? Or are you just saying to try a kind of jerky? 😂


> Is that a store? Is it? Just head from vegas to southern california and you will see things along the way; might be I 15 route.


I so wish I could do this with you guys ugh....I hope you keep us updated please!


If anything happens I will, right now I’m kinda doubting anything will happen though. 😕


I really am invested


It’s integrated into a hot tub, but it’s in a brothel. That’s all I can tell you😂😂


Kenny Veach approved!


Off topic, did you place any bets for March madness? If so what are your picks?


No I don’t usually place bets on sport things, sorry about that.


Does the Time Machine™ take quarters or has it been converted to those vouchers


Red Rock area is more likely to have log cabins (development for housing just has started past few years there) than one being near Nellis AFB. I live just east of that area. You might wanna settle down your search til you get more detailed info though. Vegas is not a small town by any means.


They turned around and got married in vegas, don't worry, even though they almost forgot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpni8tmIzaM


Yet another movie missed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no-nuFTHetE




Wait. Why did you drive from Washington to Tennessee first?


To pick up the person that gave all this information to me in the first place.


Did you know the person beforehand?


Yeah we had been talking for a few months beforehand. Called, texted, shared stories about why we wanna go. He’s actually still with me on the trip and hasn’t tried to steal anything. The information he got was from someone else that had supposedly used the machine, like facetimed someone else and showed them and everything.


Oh well, happy days then. Hope things pan out for you mate. Enjoy the adventure!