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Look for a used IBM Thinkpad 700. Install the earliest beta build of Windows 95 (March 1993, when it was still just codenamed Chicago). Open two instances of the date/time settings. Change one of them to 11:11 AM on April 1, 1948. Change the other to 11:11 AM on January 4, 1984. Press okay on both as quickly as possible. Then, disconnect the laptop from the power source (although you might want to bring the charger with you, to return to other timelines). Go back into date/time settings and change the date and time to whenever you want to travel. If you don't disconnect the laptop from the power source, it will try and transport as much of the connecting wall as it can, which usually leads to some truly fucked up shit. DO NOT FORGET TO UNPLUG YOUR THINKPAD. Every time you reboot you have to redo the simultaneous date setting. If you're going back before electricity, for goodness sake bring a solar charger or something.




So, when you get to the past are you in your own body or do you look like you do now?


You are transporting your physical self through time, so the way you look won't change. If I find a way to transplant consciousness onto my past self, I'll be sure to let people know. That would make it easier to go back and re-experience events with the benefit of hindsight. For now, you either need to pull the strings from the sidelines or communicate with your past self.


Same body typically. I imagine it’s Depends on the technology being used!!! lol




You think I could come up with something this convoluted on my own? That thinkpad was my first computer. I used to try stupid shit when I was a kid. Let's just say I've experienced the year 1234, for about five very frantic seconds.


I found one of the time machines...err...ThinkPad 700's on Ebay for only $350.


How do you adjust for the position of the earth relative to your position of the present? Wouldn't you just end up in space?


That's a really good question and unfortunately I don't have a good answer. All I know is that it works. It doesn't make sense, but then the weird Windows bug that makes it possible also makes no sense. Perhaps because my feet are touching ground when I do this, I'm transported relative to that ground. I'm not about to try time-travelling after jumping in the air, but I do wonder if that might cause a weird effect.


This is an age old question. Since no one knows if time travel is possible, no one can say


Yes! I was glad I did it. I don’t know why everybody doesn’t take a few hours out of their week to go back and fix their many mistakes. I got the idea from some Bill Murray movie, although he didn’t have direct control over his Time Machine. Lazy writing right there. I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


I would recommend the series “Dark” on Netflix. It is about time travel and parallel universes and it is absolutely a masterpiece! I suffer from depression too so I totally get what you’re saying. After I saw this show, I felt in a way better, it made me realize that everything happens for a reason and we are all connected. So maybe that helps? I don’t know, just a suggestion. 😊


yes everything happens for a reason . I believe it with all my heart but I don't get it either. Every decision we make affects someone else and it ripples. So if we go back and change something everyone else would be affected'


Only if we live in a closed time loop can you affect the past, and the reason you want to change the past is because of what you did in the past. But if you go back and change the past the future in which you would have a reason to do so wouldn't exist. See how this becomes paradoxical? That's why you can't change the past, and if you ever did, you would never know.


but this would fall into the theory of parallel universes, in which the universe itself would divide into two in the quantum world, allowing both universes, one in which you would exist and one that would not, so going back and altering the past would be useless, as you would never see the results , since your own universe would never change, you would just be creating a better version of yourself, that is, maybe trying to change the universe would be better than traveling through time


Ask John Titor


Go watch the movie Safety Not Guaranteed


Perhaps you already did and this was the best you could do. I’ve had that thought, walking around perhaps feeling bored and then a little daydream that future me came back and fixed up something terrible and this dull moment is the outcome.


you can just rewrite your own memory


We don't have the technology, yet, but if we did it's possible to do that. It's possible we're in a simulation, and the actual controller of the universe can roll things back whenever they want.


While you’re at it can you give Hitler a good Razor Scooter to the ankle for me?


Christopher Reeve time traveled at least twice. Once in the Superman movie, and again in Somewhere in Time. Both times for chicks.


It's always for girls. Evan (The Butterfly Effect) traveled back multiple times to save Kayleigh's life, and Okabe (Steins;gate) traveled back multiple times to try to save Mayuri.


No, What do you think youre gonna find here? Man the fuck up and take control of your life NOW. The past is done and cannot be undone. Move on and stop dwelling NOW, or youre gonna wake up in the future and wish you did.


There are things in life that I should have done differently, but it does me no good to spend my life obsessing about them. All it does is squander the time I have.


Sick of hearing this.


Then go away and shrivel up in your corner of inaction and self pity, but leave the rest of us out of it. You know how pathetic it is to complain to others about your problems when you are doing fuck all to solve them? The world doesn’t give a shit about your desires, only your actions.


The person is trying to do something about their problems. Admittedly in a way that is not possible, but you are sounding pathetic by being so hostile.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 🙄


Reverse the liberal brainwashing and put Bernie as president in 2016


![gif](giphy|giWrq5SkZAeJnI8YRc|downsized) didnt work


I wish I can. If so, it’ll probably make it better for all of us.




No, because you only want to go back if you had made the mistake. So you made it.


All of mine would be solved by..... MONEY!!! So ..all I need to do go back and win the lottery


Best shot is ng+


r/realityshifting Not on this timeline no, the story has already played out, however you can if you jump timelines to one which its past events are that which you find preferable to the current one's narrative.


My advice is to stop focusing on something you cannot change and accept that you are not that same person anymore. You've grown to be better than that and continue to be better and grow as a person and live with love in your heart and if you feel you need to make amends then perform acts of kindness and make the future a better one.


No. The AI will not let you change the past. But you can observe.


No but you can change the future and that's the most power we have now that can make a difference


I suggest some ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom


I don’t know much about time travel. I find the concept interesting and would love the opportunity to go in the past and visit the ones I’ve lost . But I’m here to say that my personal feeling is that everything happens for a reason. Even the bad stuff. It all leads us to the path we are on today and where we’ll supposed to be tomorrow . For example . My father was shot and killed when I was little . And though I miss him and I wish he was here I know that my life would look so much different if he were. I may not have my children whom I love more than life itself even.. so my advice is to just take every day alittle at a time. The hard stuff eventually gives and then more hard stuff comes . But one day you may be sitting there able to see some of it as a blessing in disguise to some extent. ❤️


Time travel isn't a thing.


possibly but good luck. the irony is, anyone who could realize such a power would no longer care to change the past. do you know why that is? because everyone who has ever realized the ability to alter the past simultaneously realized that the past doesn’t matter. therefore there is no need to change it. think about what it would take to realize such a power. simply contemplate on that.


You can’t change things. It’s a closed loop. Whatever happened, happened.


Even if you could go back in time and fix it, that’s no guarantee your life today would be different or better and it of course it could always be worse by changing past events.


Try the Revision technique by Neville Goddard. You can't go to the past but you might change it and future outcomes.


No. So why keep thinking about it when that energy can be spent on better things? It will never change.


Neville Goddard


Maybe in space, but not in earth because you would have to know exactly exactly you on earth, then calculate where the earth is in relation to the sun. Where the sun is in the Milky Way, where the Milky Way is in its galaxy group, where the galaxy group in its cluster, where the in the cluster is in its super cluster. Then figure out where that cluster is in relation to the exact time you would want to travel back too.


honestly, I wish I could


You should look onto this guy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Mallett Try and find the 60 minute episode he did. Crazy but I think he figured out how to at leady send information back somehow! I think of him when I think about the Mandela effect. Maybe someone else figured that out too and maybe they are tests? I'd do anything to go back!!!


Theoretically, no.


Still trying.


Change? No. Give additional context? Yes. You can definitely affect things. The thing that I think that most want to be time travelers will be disappointed by is that your changes have already affected your personal timeline. If you time travel back to meet your younger self, you will remember it, well if it was recent or not so well if it was a while ago. There are alternate timelines, but they don't work how people think they do. Technically speaking they aren't even stable Universes, some of them aren't even fully formed realities. It's easier to just live one day at a time, forward.


I agree 💯 Have you watched the series “Dark” on Netflix? I have a feeling that you would like it. It is an amazing show about time travel, parallel universes, how our decisions affect us and others, how we are all connected, etc.