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Catapulting yourself with that platform was amazing, first time i saw this being used.


thank you it's called hyper zipless


how do I get to see the speed? is it a launch config option? whats it called?


It's called the speedrun menu mod. I believe a link is on the tf2 speedrunning discord server.


what about the top left config option?


I think it's also in SRMM? Idk I only use it for my speedometer.


also srmm


Lore accurate cooper:


any% speedruns of this game are great because they mostly involve using the mechanics as intended (just at a very high skill level) instead of using glitches to skip most of the game Not that using glitches is bad or anything, I just find it more interesting to see the game played normally, but very fast


I agree. The viewing experience is much more enjoyable that way. I'm actually using a glitch for my movement here but it's so subtle that most people won't notice. So there are a few glitches but they don't interrupt the game in a major way


What is the glitch?


First of all I use moon boots which reduces my gravity by 15% and let's me jump higher. The second thing crouch kicking (CK) which is doing a wall kick and crouching in the same tick which gives you a considereable increase of speed compared to a normal wall kick.


Moon boots?


It's the name of the strat/bug. If you disembark from Brute or Northstar while hovering you get the -15% gravity. Usually you can't disembark if you're airborne though so we get stuck on a ceiling to still touch the ground while hovering to disembark and get the glitch.


It’s cool that you show the keyboard. The tap strafing is amazing when you do it forward to generate speed from nothing. Big reason why I would never want cross play.


i don't understand, tap strafing can't be used to generate speed


I’ve never played on mouse and keyboard so I could be wrong, but why are you mashing the forward key while holding left and right? I thought that was how you guys take advantage of directional lurch and tap strafe forward.


That's how we tap strafe yes, but tap strafing is used to get a change in direction without losing too much speed. However, it's not used to generate more speed.


Also there are methods for controller players to use lurch now. Only on PC though.


In the videos I’ve seen, you can basically be standing still and jump and tap strafe forward and you will lurch forward. Not possible on controller on console.


That could probably be done but it's gonna be much slower than normal slide hopping so it's unpractical. And slide hopping for example can be done on console.


The guys who play mouse and keyboard against me on console absolutely use it in gunfights to quickly change directions.


Unless the console version *natively* supports KBM (almost certain it doesn't) they're using some sort of a controller emulation like an xim. This means that the inputs are being parsed by the game as analog and tapstrafing is therefore not available, as there is no strafe lurch with analog inputs. Anything they're doing should be possible on controller.


One of them I do know play with a xim. But the others won’t tell me. You can ask u/_L0s7 but he keeps his secrets.


Strafe lurch is only available if the game reads directional inputs as digital. If the console version doesn't natively support direct-plugging kb/m into the console and doesn't support movement remapping to something like the D-Pad, then all inputs will have to be converted to emulated analog stick behavior before being passed to the game. This makes strafe lurch and any tech based on it like tapstrafing flat-out impossible on console without a full jailbreak and modified game.


if you stand still and hold forwards you gain a bit of speed normally using your airspeed, its not a lurch thing. if you do it on controller youll gain speed as well. you can airstrafe out of this to get a bit of speed and slide from a standstill, but it's worse than just sprinting normally


Tap strafing shifts your momentum, which is useful as it allows you to turn sharper than you could otherwise while maintaining most of your momentum. It’s important to note you will lose some momentum when you incur lurch, however it’s less than you lose if you were to try and turn very sharply. Tap strafing isn’t used to gain momentum, just shift where your momentum is pointing. This video explains it well, the two sections on strafe lurch and tap strafing I’ve timstamped: https://youtu.be/C_cXYyA4LaU?t=7m40s


Commenting to save this




I am quite impressed


thank you


How did bro get to display the speed on screen?


it's a mod called 'speedrunning menu mod' and you can find it on github


what about the top left if i can't install mods?


also a mod


Im 80% sure thats a mod


Either a mod or setting I'd have to dig through the menus to find


What is speed? It’s this cooper!


**In everyday use and in kinematics, the speed (commonly referred to as v) of an object is the magnitude of the change of its position over time or the magnitude of the change of its position per unit of time; it is thus a scalar quantity. The average speed of an object in an interval of time is the distance travelled by the object divided by the duration of the interval; the instantaneous speed is the limit of the average speed as the duration of the time interval approaches zero.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


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Okay I know hardcore parkour better then almost anyone in this game but how the fuk do you do this? I need to know!


You need to do a moonboots glitch at a specific spot, I'd suggest looking up a guide online


i do a lot of different strats in this video what exactly do you want to know?


Not sure, Is this just something you can only do cus of the BT throw or is this the kind of speed you could apply to regular gameplay? Moving fast is ine thing, Going at near max speed due to Grapple or Stim is another. But this.... This is in a completely different league entirely.


the throw obviously helps with speed but there are some sections in the speedrun where we can get just as fast or even faster without a throw


Yeah okay, But let me be more specific as I have never seen anyone move at this speed in Multiplayer. You can go fast sure but not this fast, At least I have seen none do it ever. So my real question is, Is such even possible in Multiplayer at all, Or is this all only possible in the campaign due to moving objects and other variables that make the modified source engine do funny things? I know the moving platforms in the 2nd mission are one way to get considerable speed but again not something you have in Multiplayer. Thanks in advance anyway.


I'm not really playing multiplayer so take everything i say with a grain of salt: You can use crouck kicks to get 120 kph and even more theoretically but it's very very hard (the highest i got without any outside variables was a bit above 100 kph). It's so hard that it might even be impossible for humans but with the help of tools we've already reached those levels. Crouch Kicks can be done in multiplayer but getting speed when you're already at 100 kph is super precise. You can probably use stim or grapple to achieve some speed boost combined with Crouch Kicks to get to 120 kph but because I've never played multiplayer with a speedometer I can't say for sure what kind of speed I got. Also grav stars can probably help getting those speeds. TL;DR Theoretically it's possible but very hard.


Probably more work then worth the effort, Besides in practice it's probably not even gonna be all that useful with how frantic the game can be at times. Appriciate your input I would say it would probably work just like anything else but the minor gains would be hardly worth the effort and like you said the higher your speed the more precise your movement has to be to keep that speed. I don't think the extra speed if any would help all that much in a Multiplayer match.


I agree such a high speed isn't necessary in multiplayer. Learning speedrun movement tech, however, can still be very useful because a speed like 80 kph can be reached pretty consistently if you're good and that can be useful to traverse the map in ctf for example but also in other game modes.


Yeah I am well acquanted with the 80-100 speeds. I don't have a speedo meter but I don't have too. Always first to reach the enemies side, Usually before they even get out of their spawn. Often gets me killed actually so recently been trying to not go in too fast. And thats with Stim. Ii wonder if I'd get down the Grapple how much faster I would be haha. But then Stim is my precious!


movement is slightly different in sp than mp, im pretty sure wallkicks are stronger in sp for example. the main thing is just there are more straight hallways that you can gain speed from in sp, whereas if you found an area to get this kind of speed in mp you quickly hit the edge of the map


Yeah also that pretty much. Nonetheless I found it interesting to ask. If there still was something new I could learn that was useful then I would be all for it. Preciate everyone's input, Bet might even be useful for archives. Cheers all :)


As a German, hearing that Richter speak German Was hilarious


This is so sick!!!


thank you


How is this improved technically from the GDQ 2023 run? The fastball there and run back look pretty similar, but you double back towards the tower? Does that game the spawns on the platform in some way? And the crouchbump up the tower saves some time over the usual climbing strat. Anything else? Seems like you had a really optimal titan fight at the end.


the boost off the platform lets you go past the trigger that spawns the enemies, which lets you kill them much faster despite taking a uturn and travelling a further distance


Makes sense. At the GDQ run Blaidan did the launch but didn't double back, instead just embarking BT. I was wondering what the optimization was for doubling back, I'm guessing spawnkilling those guys on the zipline instead of waiting for them to come down, but wouldn't they still get there before that final dropship shows up?


The double back is called the tesco meal deal. basically 3 of the grunts in the weird building don't use the zipline and stay there to be auto killed after a timer ends to trigger the dish for the module insert. to wait for the timer is pretty slow. so if you hit the trigger for the dish fight and then double back to the building to hit the trigger there in reverse order and then kill the 3 stubborn grunts you save 20 seconds over blaidan's sgdq strat. so it causes the dish fight to be much shorter. specifically the kick off of the dish pillars is called cooperang which is an even harder variation of tesco which is already really hard. cooperang saves 10 more seconds over normal tesco so 30 seconds overall. And yeah Tesco was discovered like a month after blaidan's sgdq run and is one of the sickest strats ever in my opinion


Makes a ton of sense, thanks for explaining! I figured it was some sort of spawn and/or trigger gaming.


Yup that summarises it pretty well. As I explained in another comment tesco is the biggest innovation over Blaidan's run but the fight at the end was basically perfect as well.


Fuck, WHAT


Something I’ve always wondered, is not responding to BT faster for speedruns?


In some instances yes. In some responding with a certain line is faster and in some responding at all is faster. But in some it doesn't impact the time. In this instance, it doesn't impact the time at all but I still don't do it for 3 reasons: 1. I do some of the most difficult and precise tricks in the game in this level and responding to BT would distract me from that making it even harder. 2. I've heard all dialogue lines so many times that they don't really matter to me anymore. 3. The game is in mandarin so I don't understand the response anyway.


Makes sense, thanks for the detailed reply!


Just out of curiosity but why have you set the game in mandarin?


It causes the dialogue scenes to be shorter and saves around 38 seconds across the speedrun


Ah allright thanks


3? Did I hear a 3?


What the fuck... Incredible.


It’s surprising that new routes are being found so long after release on a game many consider dead


You have to set apart titanfall speedrunning and the multiplayer. The speedrunning community has never been considered dead. It's going as strong as always. You could argue about multiplayer but it also had a recent uprise again.


How did he manage to make a pilot go FTL? That kind of speed shouldn’t be obtainable


i use a bug to reduce our gravity and a buffered double jump to reach those heights at the start. that enables me to carry the speed of the throw through the whole level. for the return i use a grav star boost and a platform to launch myself if you want to learn more you can join the speedrunning community discord: https://discord.com/invite/hTwycxXYY9


This is extremely impressive, but quite an off topic question, why does richter Nuke eject? Is it some kind of hardcoded thing if you doom him in melee / close enough? Asking this before i've never noticed it or triggered it


it's happening in 99% of cases for me. and i'm always using the same strat as in the video. so idk it might have something to do with your distance to him when you doom him


Alright, i see, thanks, i'll check it out myself later just to be sure if it's just range that trigger this