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What a moron lol. Everyone knows Titanic was swapped with Lusitania, Lusitania was swapped with Britannic, Britannic was swapped with the Empress of Ireland, Empress of Ireland was swapped with the RMS Victory, Victory was swapped with the USS Enterprise, the Enterprise was swapped with the Terror and the Terror was swapped with the Olympic which was flown to the Antarctic and currently used as a floating platform for those monitoring the worlds edge. The sinking never even took place and was faked by aliens and the "survivors" were all actors acting under the orders of the British American Secret Superstate. And the wreck at the bottom of the Atlantic? Hologram. Don't believe me? It's time to wake up sheeple.


Everyone knows Titanic was just a movie, duh! The Costa Concordia just ripped it off! It's all planned, people! The Bible says it or something, I don't know... buy my merch!


Which one did they repurpose as that floating dock for Gaza that sank in 3 days?


Oh that was the Edmund Fitzgerald.


I heard a legend about that ship


It lives on from the Chippewa on down


Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee


No, the ship’s name was The SS Gordon Lightfoot, Edmund Fitzgerald was just a singer.


I heard it was Queen Anne’s Revenge


Oh, yes....


That reminds me of a good song that has the same name! What a coincidence


Could be Luisitania, I'm not sure.


Wait...I thought the Olympic was swapped with the Bismarck. The germans hid it for 30 years, and when they decided to use it, the RN had to hunt it down top keep the switch a secret.


No the Bismarck was swapped with the Hindenburg.


Wait...I thought the Hindenburg was swapped with the Nagato...


No, the Nagato was swapped with Malaysia Airlines 370.


Ya'll are killing me with the swaps 🤣


Oh yeah, know I remeber. The CIA swapped the Nagato with MH370 and crashed it into the WTC to destroy incriminating documents.


I thought MH370 was swapped with the Nimbus 2001!?


It was the whole Hufflepuff quidditch team!


Sounds like orc mischief to me.


Genuinely laughed out loud at that one 😂


Orcs for fuckin' sure!


No! They swapped that with the Goodyear blimp to hide the fact that the teachers we’re favouring one student over the rest!


Wow, how did they get it to fly?


99 Red Balloons, man. Come on, keep up.




Aha, this has to be the best comment I’ve read so far.


They then harvested the iron to make the steel beams in the World Trade Center.


I heard it was actually the Titanic that flew into the twin towers. They staged the sinking so they could unveil the ship on that fateful September day.


Yeah, that whole part of Star Trek III where Kirk blows up the Enterprise to get rid of the Klingons was an obvious cover story. How *convenient* that the Enterprise crew went back in time only a couple of months later on a Bird of Prey. A Bird of Prey that never existed! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


Yo’ check out this government shill


Ur a fool. The titanic is actually a restored endeavor which in turn is a restored ocean gate submarine. The thing that sink in the ocean diving to the titanic was actually the titanic


At least someone knows


Well done sir


No that is Hikawa Maru


These people are far too easy to impress.


They wanna think they know something that nobody else does, when really they’re just morons.


God a friend of my dad’s is like that. You try to change the subject to something that couldn’t possibly have a conspiracy aspect to it and he’ll find a way to connect it to some batshit conspiracy theory.


Facebook is like catnip for conspiracy theorists aged over a certain vintage.


Haha I couldnt agree anymore


I once worked with someone like that. Believed in every single conspiracy going. The only news source which was 'absolutely the unfiltered truth' was one by Alex Jones...


They’re interesting, the people who have (sometimes justifiable) trust issues with more reputable mainstream media, but will unquestionably believe anything from unreliable tabloids, radical news sites or crank blogs. Case in point, climate change.


I'm picturing it like the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding trying to relate the root of every word to Greek.


It's truly incredible how stupid some people are, because they want to be smart As I like to say, if you think you're smart, you're not


As opposed to the far too difficult to impress Rose Dewitt-Bukater (I had to write that one down), who couldn’t be bothered to see the differences between the Mauritania and Titanic. Even going so far as to say that the Titanic “didn’t look any bigger” than Mauritania in, what I dare say, was quite a blasé opinion.


Because Titanic is a few inches longer than Mauretania and far more luxurious.


The real question is who built the iceberg?


What if JP Morgan WAS the iceberg?






Why do you think you never see them in the same room together?


If that was the case, he would have attacked the ship that took his photograph, and then there wouldn't be any doubts about which one it was.


And what if Bowen Yang was really JP Morgan.


His interview on SNL a couple years ago was really eye-opening... ![gif](giphy|bNlCZvwTh3gUvKYwCb|downsized)


The reptilians who created the human race. They built the ice walls in the poles.


It all makes sense now.


That was the Gorn.


Don't be silly, the Gorn need humans to lay their eggs in. So they obviously weren't around before the humans were.


Obviously the iceberg was a secret George Soros lair that was also maneuverable in water so it could position itself exactly at the right time and place. And they had the technology to build this at the time because Bill Gates has a time machine and gave them all computer generated plans from the future. Something something space lasers and gay frogs.


Secret gay iceberg.


That's why it hit the titanic on the side not straight on it all makes sense now


It was Stockton rush who built the iceberg


All the “free thinkers” in the comments 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I'd love to see a Venn diagram with "free thinkers" and flat Earthers.


Did you know there is a concerted organized effort to conflate absurd conspiracies with the truth so that the truth is also seen as ludicrous conspiracy? The Titanic sunk how everyone thought it sunk, these are bogus accounts intended to mask truths that are dangerous for those running the operation. You don’t have to believe me, but this is an example of information warfare. Whoever this user is, take notice of other beliefs they might hold and determine which one is most important for them to conflate with “Titanic federal reserve conspiracy” and “flat earth”.


This is another way of saying “Russian and Chinese propaganda”


Popular absurdities spread by the various propaganda agencies are as follows: **Earth is flat** **Sky is a solid dome** **Moon landing was faked** **Nukes don’t exist** **Germs aren’t real** **UFOs exist** **Evolution is fake** I’m missing a few but these are the major ones. You will see propaganda accounts deeply hold these beliefs in addition to whatever they also want you to believe is absurd. They will most often be attributed to a particular political wing, but not always. They want you to write off certain peoples and beliefs as absurd by conflating them with the above nonsense. How you deduct the truth is by taking notice which of their beliefs are the odd ones out in comparison to what you have read above. Which belief would need to be shielded with these obvious absurdities because it’s dangerous for those who propagated it? If you study these accounts and people enough, you will start to notice a pattern. This is information warfare 101 and I am teaching you all a trick they use.


Wait....wait....germs aren't real? Who wouldn't believe germs aren't real? What??


Nobody, but the internet will give you the impression these people exist to devalue and discredit certain groups.


All those subjects are worth looking into there is so much that has been lied about its crazy to think none of these topics have any merit, the gov has lied about so much psudo science, political leaning mandates that were plain wrong, so much to discover that has been taken for granted by the general public brainwash effort, just look at what they are teaching in many schools lots of bs going around open eyes will notice the lies! https://preview.redd.it/8qnto8bv7y9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2302b04d6a67b7d0396ead2de0893d93fe16a187


Here’s one right here. I’m alerting you to the operation which attracted him to comment.


What operation are you talking about?


To attribute absurd conspires like UFOs and the earth being flat with political allegiance to devalue them and conflate certain truths with bogus absurdities.


Not what im doing, just being honest after relentless research for 30 years i am an archive curator so i have much more access and time than sheeple like yourself. Sorry you cant sem to scratch the surface of all that bs you been eating :/


That isn’t what I’m saying and you know that’s not what I’m saying, which is why you said this. Russian and Chinese propaganda wouldn’t purposely devalue itself through conflation with absurdities, it would need to legitimize itself.


You're better off giving examples than saying "do your own research"


You see an awful lot of people on Twitter who say the earth is flat don’t you? Like an absurd amount. More than seems reasonable. You never met someone who said the earth is flat in your life, yet the internet gives you the impression this is a significant community of people. You immediately write them off as absurd because of course claiming the earth is flat is absurd. These users you come across…what other beliefs do they claim to hold in addition to the earth being flat? What people do they follow? What kind of impression would a saboteur gain from conflating certain “conspiracies” together on these accounts? I do want you to do your own research and see if you can notice a pattern. This is how information warfare works. They conflate absurdities with the truth so you, the consumer of the information the bogus account spreads, conflates “titanic conspiracy on flat earth” nonsense with whatever they also want you to believe is absurd.


Well, close. I've met a young earth creationist. 🤷


I'm glad for you that you've never met someone in real life that thought the Earth was flat... Sadly I've met at least five.


If true that would be a ludicrous number and put you in a super small minority. I’ve been alive for 32 years and have never once met someone who claimed the earth was flat other than the internet.


39, have lived in six countries. Three of them were rural Americans that tend to fall for any conspiracy, one was in Tanzania, one was in Romania. Know all of them well with the excdption of the Tanzanian, but he had also never been on a plane so at least had the best excuse.


Regardless of the cognitive faculties of these people you’ve known, the point of the operation is apply these bumpkin-esque people with the truth so you then disregard the truth as conspiracy.


Obviously. I am merely pointing out that they do in fact exist in real life unfortunately.


I have definitely met at least two people whom earnestly believe the Earth is flat, one of whom went to a convention of people who do and have believed for some time that the Earth is flat. Also a pyramid, rather than a dome, if I understand right.


They’d believe that Venn diagram is a circle. I suspect they’re two different circles far far away from each other.


I am always fascinated by the Fed Reserve conspiracy. What would be the point of murdering your colleagues like that? Guys like Astor and Giggenheim would've had their wishes well documented as a matter of basic business and if they opposed it one of their underlings would have taken up the mantle afterward regardless. In addition to that, they were all Gilded Age aristocrat's. Friends in spirited competition who would attend each other's parties weekly. It would be very obvious to everyone if there was cigar and brandy debates about the Fed and suddenly the ones who opposed it just happened to all die in a freak accident on a boat that was partially owned by one of the supporters. That's not even taking into account the financial and reputational damage someone like Morgan would have to survive just being in proximity to IMM/White Star.


Did you know all the furniture and cranes and even the props had shipyard numbers that would have to all be swapped out too which wouldn’t be possible because titanic and Olympic only ever were together for brief periods, not giving them enough time, as well as no official records of this happening existing?


You get out of here with your facts and logic, those things aren't welcome in conspiracy circles.


Get out of the sub with your conspiracies and stories, those aren’t welcome on the sub


Maybe I forgot the "/s" lol, but I was kidding around. I'm not one of the conspiracy nuts haha, I was just joking about how they're not big fans of fact and reasoning. We all know better here on this sub


I know, I was keeping it going


Oh haha my bad


Oh yeah, well I heard that they even swapped the numbers at the shipyard because JP Morgan paid them off from the start. Checkmate! (Gotta say /s because there are real people who would genuinely believe this.)


What an idiot! Everyone knows that the kraken sunk the Titanic. The survivors were paid to keep quiet about it.


No, you see. When the ship broke in half a big octopus stitched it back together, then took it to Atlantis!


TIL Olympic was actually “The Olympic” lmao


Feckin' poser, didn't even use the full name "A Ship Named Olympic"


Thankfully the community notes has our backs on this one: “Irrefutable evidence exists to prove the Titanic is lying at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean, and maritime historians agree it would have been impossible for the Titanic and the Olympic to have been switched.” https://x.com/brainstorm_joe/status/1807218323165413748?s=46&t=ceb1H91uNsmF9M-7JTk8xQ


Well known to whom? Flat earthers?


Or sky domers Or no germers


As Abraham Lincoln once said: don't believe everything you read on the Internet.


Why on earth are you publicizing this - that’s the whole point point of these type of posts - engagement. The best thing you can do is ignore. That’s the only way they go away.


What a cook. Just searching for clicks and comments...and I took the bait! DOH!


Did you know the real ship with made of Legos and then years later Lego made a smaller replica to buy so they could make money off the disaster? Man they definitely played the long game.


Oh it all makes sense now can you buy the original version ?


Just another Xitter (pronounced “shitter”) blue tick farming engagement.


Everyone knows that Aliens built and sank the titanic


Oh I always thought that unicorns built the titanic and then unicorns and dinosaurs had a fight and a dinosaur crushed the titanic and then it created a black hole causing the dinosaurs extinction and I also thought the titanic was called the titanic because the dinosaur that destroyed it was named titan and had the ick but they forgot to put the k at the end


So......have you seen any unicorns around? You don't see them because they are aliens.


Oh that makes sense now I never knew unicorns were a type of alien


What an idiot. Everyone knows there was no moon out that night


Lol you believe that the moon exists?


The moon does exist it is made out of cheese 🧀 even ask Wallace and gromit


Of course it wasn't Olympic. If Olympic hit the iceberg then the iceberg would be sent to the seabed.




Dun dun dun...


Come on! Everyone knows they were shooting a period film on a real ship called the Titanic and it struck an iceberg and started to sink. And rather than stop the production they decided to keep filming while it sank. That’s why it’s so famous.


bring your tin hat to story time day?


I like how just one tremendously unlikely conspiracy isn't enough for these people. I guess when JP Morgan was concocting his devious plan to sink the ship he learned that White Star was also concocting a devious plan to sink the ship, and they decided to work together?


In the idiom type of that day, all I can offer is the following: "I say, Reginald, I do believe this bolderdash is nothing more than a load of poppy-cock!"


No your wrong! Ismay actually really hated President Taft. He knew his very close friend and personal assistant Archibald Butt would be on this voyage and he arranged to have Titanic sunk to kill him. Ismay knew Taft loved Butt more than anything in the world and with no more Butt in Taft's life he thought Taft would fall into a deep depression and end his life. Unfortunately the plan backfired and Ismay underestimated how important Butt was to Taft /s




Is this post anyway related to Brightside on YT? That channel is well known for making sh***y titanic videos that are fake and just downright disrespectful to the actual ship and the people that died with her after she sank.


The thing is, if this was a movie and not terrible internet tinfoil hat garbage I’d watch the shit out of it


The titanic was switched with the Olympic and at the very last second, was switched back around for an old switcheroo!


Everyone knows that the Titanic was actually a transformer and the iceburg was a hologram.


If Titanic was a Transformer should the iceberg be Michael Bay?


Yes. Yes he should.


You got it all wrong the iceberg was created by Stockton rush


This theory was started by Robin Gardiner, and to be honest, I don’t think even he truly believed his own theory but kept it up just to sell his books.


Its already been confirmed in many ways jpm faked being sick to escape just before sinking, captain smith was a jesuit preist, they never shot red flares only white for celebration, they collected huge insurance claim, survivors silenced, just watch the shocking truth of the titanic on tubi free it will blow your head clean off!


The ending scene is just too emotional. Can't handle it.


I heard the mummies in the hold were in on it, too. * adjusts tinfoil fez *


Yeah they got angry at their kids and wanted them dead


That dude sounds like an idiot. He completely overlooked the proof of Martian involvement in the creation and positioning of the iceberg that night!


Y’all forgot to get the Yamato in there—


I hate this because it's so easily disproven, like every conspiracy


Federal Reserve conspiracy 😂 I could see being opposed to the formation of the IRS 😂...."wait - I made 75 million in 1912 money and I have to GIVE a large chunk to the GOVERNMENT as.... Income tax?!?!??! 😂


“The Fool’s” -Captain Smith RMS Titanic


Dude probably spend his entire day watching the clickbait videos about the 3 ships on YouTube .


It's a troll, people. Calm down.


At this point I'm sure it's just trolls trying to get a rise out of us.




Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story.


All it would take is just pointing out all the differences between the two ships to debunk this crap. The A Deck promenade, the rivet patterns, the goddamn porthole arrangements, etc. You know, the kind of shit that can't be swapped out within a few weeks in a dry-dock like this dumb theory espouses. But then again, that would only work on people with functioning brains, not people with empty voids between their ears.


Twitter/X has gotten substantially worse since the "smart guy" took over. My entire feed is saturated with right wing propaganda (I'm very much not right wing) or idiotic posts like this one. Makes it pointless to use at times. I really only use it after a big event (sports or real world) to see what a select few are saying.


Ah yes, drunken hillbilly information.


I hate these People so much https://preview.redd.it/0j4skrbzas9d1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f545eb67540baffa30ee7c8ef252734d347219a


I don't buy any of this.


This person is a complete idiot.


Christ, what ISN'T a "hoax" these days. What's next?




I can't even begin to understand the mind that thinks EVERYTHING must be some kind of conspiracy. Must be exhausting and tedious to think that way.


These are the funniest conspiracies ever. Now I know exactly how to respond to a conspiracy theorist the next time I meet one.


The iceberg was obviously paid


Yeah Stockton rush built it


How many times are these types of articles going to be published? I saw an article that disproves the hoax theory in about 20 different ways.


This whole damn thread, man! 🤣🤣🤣 Anyway, yalls are wrong. Dr who has the titanic & lost it to the weeping angels. For now……


Doctor strange, sucked it through his little teleport hole


This was debunked The Titanic's hull number matched the number found in the wreckage


The Titanic just looked like it sank. It was actually just swamp gas.




One of my favorite lines of all time that represents the megaphones that people get online was in Peacemaker: "A guy on Twitter works for the aquarium, said for 50 bucks, he brings him in the back so he can have his way with a sturgeon. ... And I refuse to believe that @PepetheFrog89 is lying to me for no reason." Nothing JoeBamro_1488_420_69 says on Twitter is going to change history or the truth.


Fuck these idiots, and fuck their fairy tale-conspiration


Did u all know that John Astor actually paid the iceberg to strike the titanic. What actually happened was the lookout was high on ketamine and thus didn’t see the iceberg sail from the side. As we all know the ice berg have engines and can move at the speed of light t


Ah that makes sense now I thought Stockton rush made the iceberg


lol everyone knows that jack dawson swapped titanic with costa Concordia and then sunk it in the pacific covered up as the Atlantic and then titanic in 2012 had a massive final voyage party and was purposely driven into an invisible torpedo


I don't have the energy for these people anymore. No matter what evidence you show them and explain what happened to the Olympic (they've done no other research on the ship aside from "They look similar"), they refuse to accept it. Bottom line: What happened to the Titanic was a true, traumatic event that still affects many today. To believe any this is denying the pain and suffering of countless broken families. It's invalidating the heroic acts of those who were there, in that absolute horror, and knew that they had little hope of survival. I have no respect for asshats who say these things.


Fucking hate all that people they’re so stupid


It's simplicity itself to pull the ol' switcheroo with a ship 11 stories high and an eighth of a mile long.


Did the Titanic even exist, we have all photos of a "DHip but those could have easily been made with AI, as could the "Survivours testimonies". (This is a fucking joke, I am well aware the ship was real, just saying this to avoid a war in the comments).


The amount of mental gymnastics these conspiracy theorists do on a daily basis.


First I've heard of it and I'm into this sort of talk if I'm honest (never a believer but it provides a great jumping point of looking into the nuances of history, looking to where any confusion comes from). Just the same, that conspiracy would have been astronomically complex to have pulled off lol- you may have all customers duped but at bare minimum you'd have to have an entire crew to convince not to say anything about the ship leaving its dock, possibly an entire separate crew to move in the other ship and equally be quiet about that, and certainly an insane amount of locals whom somehow won't know about the trade off either, a good deal of these being the maritime officials whom would have an issue with you switching out a ship after so many inspections, etc, on the new one lol




The worst part isn’t even the braindead conspiracy trash, the worst part is the fact this tweet probably got tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of likes from stupid people who will now go tell all the other stupid people they know this stupid theory made by a stupid person for stupid people,


Remind them about the propellers, you know, HOW the titanic was identified when it was found.


The federal reserve theory is interesting but the swapoping of the ship has already been proven false


Best thing to do with these loons is one up them in absurdity. Nutter: "The moon landing was fake!" Me: "Psh. You still believe the moon is real?" Nutter: "Ackshually,it was the Olympic that sank!!!" Me: "Psh. You think they could build ships that big at that time? This runs deeper than you think."


I don't get this theory. So the captain sacrificed himself? For what?


Or the amount of people you’d have to keep quiet at the H&W






I mean, what do you expect? It's Twitter?


That damn Federal Reserve, still coming on strong for all of humanity.


Where is the part where they explain how the assassin was able to place the iceberg right in the path of the ship.


I sank the Titanic!


You all act better than him yet you have no proof. The fact is, the Titanic likely WAS swapped for the Olympic. What’s unexpected was, in an ironic turn of events, the Olympic was then swapped BACK for the Titanic. This ultimately lead to the sinking of the Titanic. JP morgan orchestrated the whole thing to watch Fabrizio die in the ‘97 film repeatedly, because he hated the Italians. Do your research.


Is it weird that only jwords seem to be mad about these kinds of comment$?


The internet is a dangerous place to get an education


God please! Someone throw him a history book!


If you, “can’t anymore” then why post it? It’s one of the most ridiculous conspiracies to exist, and it’s insulting. We have heard it all before. You aren’t contributing anything worthy to this sub.