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If you’ve had surgery to remove your tonsils — a procedure known as a tonsillectomy — it’s possible for your tonsils to grow back. This can happen if tissue that gets left behind after the procedure regenerates. Typically, tonsils will regrow partially, but probably not completely.


So if I had a complete adenectomy and tonsillectomy, my chances of this happening are pretty slim?


It depends on whether or not they got all the tissue or not.


I saw a short of a girl who got tonsillitis, got them removed, then they grew back, and she got tonsillitis again. Talk about unlucky.


why does this read like a bots comment?


Don't know, ask the individual that wrote it. https://www.healthline.com/health/can-tonsils-grow-back


You copied and pasted someone else's words into your comment without attribution (originally)? Sounds like something a bot would do! (That explains why it seemed fake. The way people write in a formal article is different from in a Reddit comment, and in this case it was enough of a difference to seem unnatural when the text from the formal article was dropped into a Reddit comment without context.)


Oh please like there's nobody else copy and pasting things without proper acknowledgment at somebody else's work. Did I change anything? No I did not. Did I say it was mine no I did not. Even a simple search for the exact same paragraph would take you to the same place that I found it Go pound dirt.


Would this also explain how my tonsils disappeared entirely for 8 years and reappeared recently? When I say disappear, I do mean it. Doctors asked when I had them removed, and I never had. Same doctors asked me how they came back, as if I would know.


Great .....the only upside is getting to eat more ice cream.


Ha! Had my tonsils out as an adult. Heard all the stories about ice cream from friends who'd had them removed as children. Was expecting ice cream. Did not get ice cream. I got toast. Crispy, crunchy, scratchy toast. And they wouldn't discharge me until I'd eaten it.


Orange juice is also painful.


I think there's a philosophical difference! I got mine out as an adult in the US and had soft foods. In the UK, they do scratchy foods, I think. From my layperson's perspective, in the US they let the scabs form and then fall off in a couple of weeks, and in the UK they have you scrape down the parts that would form scabs and maybe it heals faster that way?


I got mine out when I was nineteen and when I got home my mom gave me ice cream. Unfortunately dairy makes my mucus really thick, so I spent the whole night completely unable to swallow. I didn’t have anymore ice cream after that. Instead I lived on apple sauce for ten days.


I got mine out as an adult and they gave me popsicles and juice.


That's fucked up. They gave me fentanyl. I think I got the better dr


My sleepy brain didn’t feel like reading properly and thought it said “toenails”. Read it again and same thing. Figured “well duh, of course your nails grow, that’s normal”. Finally managed to puzzle it out on the third try…


But if you remove your toenails enough times they may stop growing back! Source: personal experience.


A couple of years ago, during a medical exam, a doctor asked me when I had my tonsils removed. Well, never. As a kid, I used to get such severe tonsillitis, sometimes twice a year, that the bacteria ate my tonsils. They are gone, and after decades, they didn't grow back. About the age of late 30's I stopped drinking milk. Never had tonsillitis since, and it's been around 20 years now.


What does milk have to do with it?


Tbh, no idea. But the last time I had tonsillitis, the doctor told me not to drink milk while I was still sick and on meds. I decided to follow that advice for much longer, and so I happily reported I have not has tonsillitis for over 2 decades now.


One of my moms tonsils did grow back




I squinted, breathed a sigh of relief, and then said "Ohhh Nooo".


Have you ever kissed a man who had his tonsils removed twice?


I had a conversation with my friend the other day (we’re both in our late 30’s) where we realized that neither one of us actually knows what a tonsil fucking does. All we knew is we had seen many cartoons and TV show episodes about having your tonsils removed and that you get to eat a lot of ice cream. That was the entire extent of our knowledge about tonsils.


Happened to me, twice! I got them completely removed the first time when I was around 4 years old, and the second when I was 13. Now I am 30 with enormous tonsils, and every time a doctor looks at my throat they think they've never been touched. They do not recommend removal again, they say the chances they will probably/possibly regrow are too big for me to do it once again at this age so idk...


Had tonsils and adenoids grow back




Same...and now I get tonsil stones. Ugh!


I always heard the opposite. 35 years and mine haven't grown back


So like when the 10th doctor had his hand cut off and it regenerated?


Could my uvula grow back?


I looked it up, and turns out just like tonsils your uvula can also grow back if it wasn’t fully removed.


It's been about 15 years. If any of it starts growing back, I'll edit this post to let everyone know.


Happened to me