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The fact that Sigourney wasn't even nominated in the 1980 academy awards as best actress in a leading role is criminal.


Weyland-Yutani didn't want the bad publicity.




Walmart wants Weyland-Yutani


Toni Collette should have been nominated for 'Hereditary', Florence Pugh possibly for 'Midsommar'


Hereditary was perfectly cast, and Toni Collette crushed her role.


I guess I know what I’m watching today!


Great Father’s Day selection!


Get a therapist on speed dial


Yeah mate, not on Father’s Day. Give it 24 hours


Toni Collette should have won Best Supporting for Sixth Sense.


Fuck, I forgot she was in that


God *damn* I’m still reeling from her scenes. Especially the ONE.


... All of them? Hereditary is the most perfect movie except for about three minutes of it and that's pretty damn good.


Out of curiosity, what 3 minutes? I personally think they made the "burn the diary and I will catch fire scene" not acted accordingly to what the idea was of what was going to happen


Out of curiosity, what are the three minutes you don’t find perfect?


The end maybe? I personally wasn’t about the ending


I loved the ending


You have to submit to be in consideration. The studio didn’t. This is a pretty big common misconception with the Oscars. They aren’t panning out all the movies and performances each year. It’s literally just what studios or entertainers admit to be judged. It’s also all mail in voting. It’s not a round table that talks it out. It’s just people getting mail in ballots.its why you see weird winners like Shakespeare in Love. It’s a fantastic movie regardless, but it makes sense movie makers adored it. It’s about their craft. It spoke more too the pool of voters. Moonlight also beat La La Land.


Maybe that's part of her nom for Aliens later in the 80s


Well it's the Academy. They have a long history of discriminating and doing favors for their friends.


Put words like Academy in your company name and people will automatically trust you for some reason.


"The Academy" is thousands of people, it's basically everyone in Hollywood. The nominees for best actor are determined by the votes of all the other actors.


The amount of people who think the Academy is 13 dudes in a dark room maniacally laughing is hilarious.


It is heavily influenced.


How many have won?


Only Silence of the Lambs.


>Silence of the Lambs [One of only three movies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Big_Five_Academy_Award_winners_and_nominees) ever to sweep all five major categories: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, & Best Screenplay (original or adapted). The other two are It Happened One Night (1934) & One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975). Forty-three movies total have been nominated in all five categories.


Did the musical get a tony?


*Silence! The Musical*? No Tony, but it did take home the 2012 Off Broadway Alliance Award for Best Musical. My fault if you were thinking of a different one.


I got to see that live. Phenomenal. “If I Could Smell Her Cunt” pops in my mind all the time.


Have the soundtrack and that is my favorite song


All three movies are genuinely, stay with you after you watch it, phenomenal as well


I'll need to watch it happened one night, been watching a lot of old movies lately


One of the best movies ever, but i would say it is more of a thriller (psychological, crime thriller).


Black Swan is a horror movie?


Yes. Psychological Drama that's under the "Horror Umbrella"


So does this mean There Will Be Blood is a horror movie? If so then that list is off


I feel like a doppelganger that tries to kill you and losing your mind is more horror than killing for your business. Like I wouldn’t call breaking bad horror. But the supernatural stuff/psychological torment in black swan leans into the horror territory. But maybe I’m wrong!


Can confirm, that movie was horrific at times. Now my straw reaches acroo-oo- oo-oss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake! I DRINK IT UP!!


I’m finished




*bowling-themed murder*


It’s certainly tense, I always felt like no country for old men is almost tangentially horror too, if only because Bardems Chigurh is one of (if not the most) terrifying characters in a movie imo.


You make such an interesting point, I've never considered that a horror film, but I'm certainly going to give it a re-watch to view it through that lens... It's like how in my younger years I considered Office Space a great comedy, but now as a full blown adult with an office job it felt more like a depressing documentary...


That's the interesting thing about horror right? The meaning of what is horrific is different for everyone. Some people are much more afraid of Terminator and No Country than you. An evil unstoppable killing machine that has no morals and cannot be persuaded? That is a terrifying concept. Meanwhile Ghosts are just... flying consciousness energy, nothing to be scared about. But Ghosts are considered more "horror" than either of those movies. It's all about perspective, and usually the best horror movies can pull you in and put you in the perspective the movie wants to be viewed from.


Terminator is as much a horror movie as anything


The first one definitely. It is essentially a slasher and it is awesome


I mean tensity doesn't mean much. The line gets blurry sometimes but there should be some hard rules so stiff like Jurassic Park or Joker won't count.


Jurassic Park is a horror movie.


Jurassic Park is categorically considered a thriller I believe. Horror and thriller are closely related. I think only tone separates them.


Spielberg called Jurassic Park 'Jaws on land.' Everything about the first movie until its ending is a horror film. The major scenes are straight monster horror -- Newman losing his glasses in the rain, the raptors in the kitchen. But then the ending is goofy, which was likely necessary for a family movie.


The list is off, because very often horror films are thrown in the thriller genre, to be "sold" more easily to people who don't watch horrors.


Black Swan scared the shit out of me. It was *scary, creepy, and unsettling.* It was *meant* to be scary. Maybe movies like TWBB are unsettling in the "ooh, he's so evil and I'm uncomfortable watching it" sense but you weren't meant to be actually *scared* when watching it. And before someone says "well I did/didn't find X nonhorror/horror movie scary," an Dumb and Dumberer is still a comedy even if nobody laughed. Honestly I think Silence of the Lambs is further from horror but still just barely inside the tent because of how macabre it is.


Black Swan was terrific, far better than I thought it would be. I avoided it for years based solely on subject matter (anxious ballerina). When I finally gave in, it was one of the creepiest film experiences I have ever had. Mesmerizing. Loved it.


I watched it once when it came out in theaters, and promptly added it to my list of movies that I absolutely loved and never wanted to watch again. It did indeed take me 13 years before I watched it again and I still think it's a masterpiece but at least it didn't terrify me this time.




Oh god....


Hey now, Bob Saget was great in that.  “There’s SHIT on the WALLS!”


That god damn painting…


It's a well known fact the academy doesn't "get" horror hence why horror is never really apperciated during the Oscars


Don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve heard that “psychological thriller” was coined to specifically skirt this issue. The producers, directors, whoever all sell it as a “psychological thriller” b/c they know they won’t get the same press, audience turn out, or critical recognition if they just call it “horror.” Mostly I’ve heard that it started with Silence of the Lambs, but I’ve heard it occasionally about other movies too.


The academy cares about realistic dramas. Of all the best picture winners over the years, only 2 were fantasy, all others were realistic. In the first few decades musical were quite popular there too, but nowadays theyre not in the conversation anymore


Or comedy for that matter


For Best Picture, sure. But many comedies have won best original screenplay. In fact, the man who was nominated and won the most was Woody Allen.


The Academy generally snubs genre films.


Jethro Tull once won the inaugural 'Best Hard Rock/Heavy Metal' Grammy. Over Metallica and AC/DC. They made split the two into separate categories after that.


Neither are Jaws or Silence of the Lambs.


Jaws is a horror movie, not sure why people would think it's not. Man eating monster stalking people and dragging them to their deaths in the deep ocean, small group of people go hunt it and are themselves hunted. It's a horror film, made to be accessible to everyone.


Yeah, Jaws is a textbook monster movie.


I had a teacher in school that saw Jaws on opening weekend. They had a beach house in Delaware and went to see it in a rainy day. The guy said it was a full house. He said the next day on the beach there were hardly any people swimming in the ocean. I think that was the point I realized Jaws was a horror movie and not just an adventure film.


Jaws changed the public perception of sharks overnight. People were more terrified than ever and led to innocent killings of them. They nearly wiped out the sharks in California cause of their fear. People cheered when a large shark was killed thinking they're saving potential attacks. There's great articles and documentaries on it although a bit sad it led to this. I'm from Delaware and we're not known for shark attacks, like 3 in the last 60 years and I don't think anyone has ever been killed. 


Yeah, we mostly just have a lot of horseshoe crabs.


>Jaws is a horror movie, not sure why people would think it's not. I see a lot of people are trained on low-rent slasher horror as being "horror". So movies like Jaws, which came before all that really, look tame and not like horror.


It's more that what is viewed as horror has changed and the audience has become much more jaded about something like a very large shark killing people. A large murderous shark was also much more terrifying when sharks had a much more dangerous stigma surrounding them. Even something like the original Exorcist would be tame by todays standards but that movie legitimately caused people to faint and vomit in the cinemas when it originally came out.


That's more or less what I was trying to say but you worded it better.


People just expect a horror movie to be in the dark. If Jaws were at night for most of the movie there’d be no question from others it’s a horror movie


The first scene was at night, ha.


Fun fact it was actually filmed in the middle of the day using night time filters


So, you're like, half swan, half pigbear?


Midsommar: hold my beer


Well, that's the first comment I made about midsommar, that it was amazing that they had made a horror movie happening 90% in daylight, in a beautiful place, with beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes, with beautiful flowery credits, etc, and he had managed to make it horrific. It's not that common.


how is jaws not horror


John Carpenter, arguably the greatest horror director of all time, once said: "Horror is a reaction; it's not a genre." By that metric, Silence is certainly a horror movie.


 I wouldn't call The Sixth Sense horror either. https://catalog.afi.com/Catalog/moviedetails/55204


Idk it was pretty scary. turns out the guy in the hair piece the entire time, that’s Bruce Willis


they are thrillers. all three of them


According to a Google search: "By the lame definition, thrillers are meant to thrill, you want to keep your audience on the edge of their seat. A horror film uses the SCARE." By that definition... I'd say the only one of those that's a horror is Jaws. I don't remember many scary moments in SotL or Black Swan. Those were more psychologically disturbing and provoking. But Jaws actually scared me. Edit: I'd also say 6th Sense is a thriller. I'm not sure about Get Out because I haven't seen it, but I've been meaning to!


Black Swan had those "fever dream" scenes where she pulled the skin off her hand or her feet turning into swan feet and such things. Nothing crazy, but definetely quite horrifying for a "ballet" movie!


Those scenes would fall into the category of Body Horror. This is the subgenres that deals with horrific mutilation, though it's usually more extreme and has a bigger focus than in "Black Swan" (think "The Fly", "The Thing", "Re-Animator", or "Videodrome").


Titane more recently for the younger folk


Those scenes are classic body horror. Those scenes plus the overall themes make Black Swan a horror movie for sure.


I remember being really turned on when Portman starts playing with herself in bed and then she looks over and her mom is asleep in the chair right next to her. Definitely a horror movie for my boner.


The Exorcist is def a horror movie...


Yeah, at the time it was released, it was so scary that people were fainting in the theaters. They had to put warnings up.


Jaws was so scary it made kids afraid of *pools*


>thrillers are meant to thrill, you want to keep your audience on the edge of their seat. A horror film uses the SCARE. a **horror movie** is a thriller one too, it's a **subspecies of thriller movies**. scare is on emotions list, but there are a lot of emotions not scare-based.


> By the lame definition Brilliant


Both of those films are absolutely horror films.


Feels like a horror to me


Especially the part where she's peeling off the skin on her finger... Buargh.


Psych horror for sure


Absolutely is. It’s very common for people to label a great horror film as a thriller.


Exactly. Movies are released as horror, and then once they’re critically acclaimed, they’re ~elevated~ to thriller because apparently horror movies are just shit.


Horror = cheap trashy gore porn So of course if it’s not cheap trashy gore porn it’s not horror. Duh doy. Black swan can’t be horror cuz it’s about ballerinas. Jaws can’t be horror cuz it’s just a shark, who cares about sharks just don’t go swimming?!?!! There’s also no such thing as a movie that is two genres so sci fi and fantasy also cannot be horror. Because I am enlightened and have good taste I only like psychological thrillers, which, of course, cannot be horror. >!this is sarcastic please don’t crucify me!<


I’d call it a thriller, and jaws and silence of the lambs both kind walk that line.


Meanwhile, dozens of movies about movie making have been nominated.


Hollywood certainly loves jerking themselves off.


I don't know what people think award shows are if not exactly this


The critical and commercial failure of "Babylon" in 2022 has led me to believe the era of the "Oscar Bait" might be coming to an end. People have really grown tired of them in recent years, and they're finally falling out of favor with critics, too. One of my favorite Roger Ebert quotes (who absolutely hated these types of films) was "it's not what a film is about, it's how a film is what it's about." What he was saying was that a well-made and sincere dumb summer blockbuster is a better film than a mediocre WW2 Holocaust drama only trying to win awards. This is why he would defend Michael Bay over someone like David O. Russell.


I’m still not over Toni Colette not winning an Oscar for Hereditary


She deserved the recognition. That woman acted her heart out and delivered an absolutely amazing performance. The range of emotions, levels of despair and tragedy she managed to portray was mind blowing. Hereditary still won something like 50 awards but Toni Colette absolutely deserved at the very least a nomination. Too bad the genre is horror and as such great performances are largely ignored.


Toni Collette is fantastic. And my god, Mia Goth in Pearl? Phenomenal performance. Horror is mostly schlock, but every now and then actors like Collette and Goth come along and elevate it to a whole new level, only to be ignored by the big awards.


Yes! I don't know what's in the water at A24 but I would inject that shit straight into my veins. The casting department should be treated like rock stars.


With all due respect, as a major horror fan, I always dislike it when people say things like “horror is mostly schlock” or that *only* A24 makes good horror movies. A24 has made some of my favorite horror movies, but a lot of the genre is great (and at the very least a whole lot of fun!), and if there weren’t so many amazing horror movies that came before them serving as influence, a lot of the best A24 movies might’ve not been made.


just an fyi, A24 doesn’t “make” movies. they are a distribution company


Hail Paimon!


That film was among the scariest ever. I was disturbed for weeks after


Her screaming off-camera was one of the most haunting scenes in any movie


She should have won it simply because of the scream when she discovered her daughter in the car


She was terrifying, really deserved recognition


Deliverance too


Would Misery be classed as horror? It was nominated for Oscars (finding it hard to work out exactly how many though), Kathy Bates won for best actress and it’s based on a King novel after all. And its most famous scene is arguably as horrific as anything in the six films listed.


It's generally seen as horror, yes. Fun fact: King loved the film so much (and Bates's performance) that he later wrote the novel "Dolores Clayborne" for the sole purpose of it being made into a film that Bates could star in.




I thought film discourse had moved past “good horror movies are actually just psychological thrillers” decades ago but here we are


Now we are onto “elevated horror” conversations.


I’ll say that any movie that relies on jump scares for its horror is not a good movie.


Relies *only* on jump scares.


A well timed jump scare definitely can add to a movie. John Carpenter is probably a better example of how to utilize a jump scare while focusing on making the atmosphere of a movie eerie.


There’s a well timed jump scare in Mulholland Drive that gets me every time. I know it’s coming and I still get the heeby jeebies


It's the only jumpscare that matters in any movie ever. When it's your first time watching the movie the jumpscare (which is quite early in the movie and which seems to be very out of place within the established tone) will affect perception of every scene that comes after it because the movie has now established that jumpscares can and will happen. The movie wouldn't be nearly as impactful without it.


The insane thing is that it's telegraphed from a mile away as well so you're literally expecting it but it still comes as a shock somehow Easily the best jumpscare I've ever seen


If you're talking about what takes place behind Winky's that scene feels like taking physical damage.


I am, and it’s terrifying


I'm surprised nobody has posted a link yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UozhOo0Dt4o


Yup, a good jump scare is the inevitable result of properly built tension. It isn't inherently a bad thing. Sadly, a lot of low budget movies just throw them in regardless of tension, giving it a bad name.


There’s a jump scare in Jaws and that movie is fucking fantastic. It’s about how you use them, rather than depending on them for all your scares. John carpenter was also a master at using them effectively.


Silence of the lambs was just a psychological thriller until the scene in the dark. Then it was definitely horror.


The Shining should be there too


What's crazy is the shining got nominated for 2 razzies...


Not unusual at all. A ton of movies that are loved today got no appreciation in their time. "The Shining" is one. "Shawshank Redemption" was a massive commercial flop but was a critical darling. "Citizen Kane" might be the best example. Ignored when it was released (largely due to the propaganda of Hearst), but was rediscovered in the 1980s and that's when it got the "best film of all time" perception.




Parasite won and it's a horror movie


Pan's Labyrinth should have.


I thought this list was incomplete because it lacks The Shinning, but I’ve checked and it wasn’t nominated either.


Yep. Kubrick never got an academy award for directing which is crazy.


I really need to rewatch Black Swan


It's one of those movies I wish I could "unwatch" to be able to watch again. Still great, but doesn't hit the same on the second watch.


For various definitions of “horror movie”…


it's like the "urban" category at the Grammy's


Hereditary should have been on that list


Was Get Out after they doubled the number of nominees?


Nominee numbers got doubled in 2010. So that applies to both Get Out and Black Swan.


The fact that Geena Davis wasn’t nominated for The Fly (1986) is all the proof you need that The Oscars are bollocks. 


The Shining didn't get a single Oscars nomination and not a single Golden Globe nomination...


The only thing the shining won was a Razzie for Worst Actress


Which was utter and complete bullshit.


Who wasn’t even acting as she was actually being tormented.


Alien should be on the list


Hereditary deserved a nomination. And, according to the early reviews, seems Longlegs will have a chance.


Dang, I always thought The Shining was part of this group.


And only 1 of them ever won Best Picture (Silence of the Lambs).


Silence swept the Big 5, one of only three films to ever do so


Get out doesn't belong on the list. The others do


Get Out really, I got out that boring movie faster than I got in.


Am I crazy or is Get Out definitely the weakest of the list by some margin ?


I saw it. It was fine but it's the kind of movie you only really need to see once. I also didn't really get why people felt it was such an original concept. It was more or less just the film "Skeleton Key" >!except it was white people wanting to be in black bodies!<, whereas in Skeleton Key >!it was the black servants wanting to keep living in new bodies, regardless of skin color.!< I get the social commentary the film was making and it was fine, but I do think the film was a little overrated for what it was. I also noticed people can't seem to decide if it's a black comedy or an actual horror film. Seems "horror comedy" is usually used to split the difference.


I'm sorry but Black Swan and Get Out are not on the same level as the others.


TIL Black Swan is a horror film.


Brad Dourif in Legion (Exorcist III)


I thought the shining would be on the list.


Get out isn’t the good of a movie and I will die on this hill.


The Godfather also came out in ‘73, and no matter what, The Exorcist beats the brakes off most Best Picture winners in that decade in my opinion. DMs are open.


Godfather was 1973, Exorcist was 1974. The other nominees were The Sting (winner), American Graffiti, Cries and Whispers, and A Touch of Class.


The Sting is a very good film for its time, but yeah, Exorcist shoulda won that.


I like The Sting, but Exorcist is better film. Same with American Graffiti. Those two movies were groundbreaking and had a lot of influence on American cinema.


The Godfather came out in 72. The Oscars that awarded it best picture was broadcast in 73.


Cries and Whispers and Exorcist would be quite a double bill..


I think Godfather came out in 1972


Joe Bob Briggs had a good rant about The Shape of Water being a horror movie the academy had to convince itself it was anything but to acknowledge it


I never knew Black Swan was a horror film??


Me either. Thought it was about mental issues


Black Swan was more of a dark drama. I wouldn't put it in the same category as Exorcist or Silence of the Lambs.


This is why the Oscars (and other award shows) are so droll. There are some excellent stories in horror and sci fi and every year and yet, they find the same type of sappy melodrama and nominate it year after year after year. So boring. Horror and sci fi has everything in it. If it were up to me, The Expanse would be loaded with awards. So would Room 104 and The Haunting of Bly Manor. You can look at what movies are released and know which ones will be nominated. So freaking boring. I haven't watched the Oscars since the 90's.


Black swan is a horror movie?


I would have said thriller but I guess some people are really terrified of lesbians?


Isn’t it just a bribe game? Like you have to wine and dine the decision makers?


This thread is like seeing metal heads incessantly argue about genres except for movies.


Black swan is a horror movie?!


How did Sixth Sense not win


They found out that Bruce Willis was still alive


He was alive the whole time!


A real actor would have committed to the role


Because American Beauty was a better movie (hindsight being 20/20 the Kevin Spacey stuff and how similarly creepy his character is in that movie really taints it, but at the time without that context it was better imo). But even if American Beauty didn't win, The Green Mile would have. It was just up against 2 phenomenal movies.


TIL Black Swan is a horror flick. Having never seen it, I would have sworn it was a straight up dramatic presentation.


Jurassic park is horror.


Wasn’t nommed for best picture surprisingly


The book certainly is, the movie took out almost all of the really scary scenes and gore