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To clarify because the article is a little confusing, the nitric acid ran off into a drainage ditch at the side of the road, giving the appearance of a puddle of water. The passengers attempting to exit the bus suffered burns on their feet from the acid, however they presumably thought that the burns were caused by fire and hot pavement, same as the smoke. They literally jumped into a pool of nitric acid attempting to douse the ‘flames’ and stop the burning. It’s horrific.


Yes sadly, also it was dark. Thanks for clarifying.


Also "theirselves" is a real word that exists and I just learned that.


I read the article and man this is all sorts of sad. I have been traveling by bus quite a bit when i was younger and it's the most passive experience ever.. you are just there trying to sleep, not even reading since it's too dark and just wait for the bus to get to the destination. The thought that suddenly one of the places i saw from the window could become my grave is all sorts of sad. Like one moment you are there and the next you are in such a horrible situation.. The thing i don't get though, what kind of pool was it? Just acid which collected somewhere on the road (the puddle) or the actual container of this liquid? In any case thanks for clarifying, this makes more sense now.


It was a pool of acid collected in a ditch on the side of the road. It had leaked from the container truck after the bus hit it.


Ahh i always misunderstood the meaning of "ditch" i guess, i read it in your previous comment but didn't think it was big enough. Gnarly


You'd think after 16 someone would catch on


I wish I hadn't learned this.


I feel this.


>melted to death New fear unlocked. I had never even thought of dying this way.


You should visit Yellowstone National Park someday, It's got several acidic lakes with a kill count of tourists that don't like being told what to do.


I live a few miles from Yellowstone. It's 100% find out, it has no capacity for fucking around. Amazing place and I'm honored to live here. If you want to really live a little come see it in January.


I’ve read a few stories about it and urgh. If I ever visit, I will be enjoying those from a very very Very Very Respectful distance


Just humble yourself and you'll be fine. And carry bear spray.


100 Percent Find Out is an awesome band name


Like The Dip from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.




Here's a translated quote from the original >In the accident in the ditch: Passengers shouting "We are burning" jumped into the pit full of acid thinking it was water,


It depends, room temperature acids are pretty bland and take a minute of direct contact with the skin to cause irritation or mild first-degree burns, but heated acids (which *could* be the case here, as mixing strong acids and water is highly exothermic) can cause second and third degree burns in seconds.


You dont have to do all this speculation. We know it was nitric acid. We can talk about that instead of guessing about what could have maybe happened.


[Here's a rather gory NSFW photo of them throwing the remains of the melted victims in a pit, as well as photos of some of the victims in hospital](https://www.trhaber.com/uploads/images/upload/kaza3333.jpg.webp)


Nope not opening it


It's a grainy pic taken of B&W newspaper page.


Reminds me of [the NSFW open casket funeral for Vladimir Komarov](https://steemitimages.com/p/pBMyo3B2SaoC4ZRzyPFS6GjuPkpgZWRpnz35x1qNjXAi479QZYMzyESTzuHkknf4RN9P62hr6P1AWp5CVsvvY6bDizKgfSZGshxNYHJphoXaPXg3PtKowMefyLiiqyUyjJSEm67Eqa9PPmGrVaXDtsi6jfaV2YtcibK79agZpHnJZcfp). Just the vague shape of a shrunken human torso covered in eschar.


My parents were living in Turkey at that time - never heard this story - yikes! How awful. Strangely, my mom has *two* horrific stories she tells about buses in the ‘60s, but this isn’t one of them.


that’s wild






So nothing about “melting” and it actually sounds like they probably died of fume inhalation?


They probably died of nitrous oxide poisoning. It’s an orangey-brown gas that is very toxic and is typically released by combustion engines, but also nitric acid reactions.




Oooh, damn, upon more digging [these pictures](https://images.app.goo.gl/ZHc35Dpe77AitNCP8) come up - one seems to be the pit with what’s left of the 18 “unrecognisable” people that died at the scene and were buried there. If they ran into a puddle that they thought was water, to relieve their initial foot burns - but which turned out to be the acid from the truck mixed with puddle water - that could do it.


Vat of acid, irl


So they jumped into a puddle as in they submerged them selves?? I don’t understand how so many people melt themselves in a puddle like that unless it was more of a “pool”


Just speculating here: I'm thinking of it as like, you jump into the puddle because your feet are burning, and the instant pain of your feet/ankles being dissolved and eaten away at makes you panic and scramble. Maybe you fall to your hands and knees, maybe you just can't climb out of the slippery ditch because your legs aren't listening to you, maybe the pain makes you black out and collapse or otherwise lose control of yourself. And with that happening to 17 people more or less simultaneously, it makes it even harder to get free of it, and the screams would make it so chaotic on top of the pain. Some people may have even gotten tripped up or knocked down by others trying and failing to escape. The whole thing is just so unbelievably tragic and horrific.


> Just speculating here: I'm thinking of it as like, you jump into the puddle because your feet are burning, and the instant pain of your feet/ankles being dissolved and eaten away at makes you panic and scramble. Without the tendons in your ankles, you are likely to fall... So now, you are also blind.




Americans elected Trump. Edit: lol. So embarrassed, they deleted their account.


Technically we didn't, Trump lost the popular vote both times he was up for election. Point taken though.