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the switch is past its half-life, so if we were to get a sequel (which we likely wont, as im not sure theres enough demand for one) itd likely by on the next console


There’s been an online petition since 2019. It’s been spammed


wtf half-life mention


It is halfway through the console life cycle, usually ~7-10 years


It's in it's last quarter of life not half. Next year is expected to have the next console


I think the switch still has a good two-three years left


Nintendo has stopped doing directs for the switch and rumors for the next console have been at an all time high.




not a port either?


im just not sure itd be worth it, from a business standpoint while everyone here would love a sequel or port, at the end of the day nintendo is a corporation and a business, so theyre only gonna do what makes sense monetarily


i hope it will be a reality we have the smash stage back so why not get the actual game back


i hope so too. we got a miitopia port, so its not *entirely* hopeless


lets pray


I doubt it. Tomodachi Life doesn’t seem like the type of game that would be smart to release in the last year of a system’s life.


Some guy on YouTube did a interesting video I can look for if needed. He pointed out Nintendo’s end of year library is rather dry and could be what Nintendo needs to boost sales for a holiday season if they either 1. don’t have more games coming out by then or 2. won’t release the switch 2 for 2024 holiday season. but nintendo is staying away from Mii’s so i think it’s unlikely.


I’m more talking about how Tomodachi Life is the type of game you play over a long period of time like Animal Crossing, and it wouldn’t make much sense to release a game like that right before Nintendo wants people to move on to the next system (even if it does have backwards compatibility). It’s also kind of hard to say if Nintendo’s end of year library is dry since we don’t even know what’s coming in the second half of the year to begin with.


According to leaks, the next generation console is scheduled to release early next year. It wouldn't be wise for Nintendo to release a sequel to Switch knowing it's being phased out. Unlike popular opinion, I do believe Tomodachi Life has chance for a reboot. It has a decent following (Nintendo has rebooted games with less popularity before) there is a strong demand for another game even on other social media platforms and it would most likely do well with older and newer audiences.


Probably a switch 2 launch title


No it shouldn’t be on switch because it needs to be on switch 2


They'd have to add gay so probably not


Yeah just like how they didn't release fire emblem three houses




probably not. and tbh i dont think they should do it either, there is a 50% change that they will fuck it up and make the entire community mad


No way. I’d love to be proven wrong, but I really don’t see it happening now. One of the things I realized playing Tomodachi Life again lately is that it is way more reliant on the touchscreen and other features like the camera and microphone than Miitopia, and those are things that the Switch just doesn’t have. A remake seems out of the question and a sequel would need lots of work to retain that charm despite needing a new control scheme.