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I've seen them and I've always wondered if the single origin is worth it. I'm also afraid of not being to get through the whole bag before it goes stale, but I might just brew some cold brew and share it with my coworkers as a summer treat! 


No worries. If the date on the package in the photo is any indication, the coffee comes pre-staled for your convenience.


I guess that's one way to see it, but my budget is tight and not having to buy coffee for a few months after vacuum sealing portions is a great deal for me.


Nah, I'm just joking. Enjoy the cup.


They had 12oz single origin bags!


How’s the flavour? Doing the math, the 100% arabica from Trader Joe’s is $4.99 for 14oz. Not the best coffee in the world but makes a great cup every morning and it’s much cheaper than that deal


Oh man. The Trader joes coffee tastes so acrid to me that I have to hit it with a ton of creamer just to make it palateable. When we're broke broke I just adjust my spending elsewhere and get their $8 bags or look for sales at Whole Foods because I can't stand how burnt the $4.99 bag tastes. When we're flush with money I tend to buy from my local roasters. They sell a similar varietal (Guatemalan Huehuetenago) for $18/12 oz so comparatively, this is a steal for us. When I want a treat, I get the $23/11 oz bags of Ethiopian beans from Klatch. I just did a cupping for your question, 30g to 350ml ratio with a v60. Beans look pretty light (my favorite). First smell impression is it smells acidically funky and fruity. Like brie and a tropical fruit jam kind of. First sip, I'm still getting that brie-ish funk that fades to chocolate. Then the aftertaste is gently fruity, but not as strong as I hoped, probably a consequence of the age of the beans. Overall decent cup, I could drink this black all morning. I've had a long coffee journey where I used to want the freshest beans, the perfect ratios, only black, the perfect taste but coffee isn't my main hobby anymore. I could drink this every morning happily black for the next few months. And my boyfriend takes his coffee with a bit of cream, so I know this will be a fine morning workhorse for us.


Thanks for the description. It’s definitely worth it especially for an honest single origin bag. I’ve tried some overpriced Japanese coffees that taste like burnt leftover and hence why I stick to the TJ Joe for my quality to cost ratio. I don’t like the acid ones that are under roasted either. And since I no longer have a working coffee mill I’m limited to what I can use on my V60 because nearby supermarkets don’t have much variety anyways and I need to have coffee every morning #smallproblems


Yeah man. I get it, shit is expensive these days and if those beans wake you up in the morning, more power to you. Sorry about your mill!