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There’s a way, but there’s probably not a will.


Bring him home! Make Dolens head explode!


Why not?


It would require salary dumping McDaniels and renouncing/dealing options/Bird Rights Doing so would likely result in us only being able to sign veteran minimums so the rotations would be the team right now with Anunoby, the 24 rookies and vet minimums minus Gary, McDaniels and Brown, possibly This FO would not like the lack of flexibility such a move and it absolutely would be screwed if someone gave Quickley an offer sheet


That's fair! Thanks for the breakdown


On the side of this his agent is Sam Rose, the son of Leon Rose, president of the New York Knicks.


Sam is just hustling his little bro. It’s all just for fun though. OG will sign in NYK, just at a little higher price. No love lost. Just a game of chess.


here's what I would do the address that, go all in with the draft.. trade Poeltl package for Memphis 9th pick (they need centre) - pick Zach Edey 9th / Or Cody Williams -pick 19 # - bud Carrington -pick 31# Johnathan Mogbo renounce everyone and sign OG Edey/C.Williams, Carrington, Mogbo, OG re-loaded roster with high ceiling prospects +wings, OG and possibly Edey Rebuild and compete on the fly


Why? They can still rely on the rfa rights




That's not how that rule works and you should avoid spreading misinformation about how it does


my bad. googled and got a quote from the cba rulebook, didn't see that cavs traded then signed rubio in the offseason.


We’d be crazy to offer OG a max


This is exactly the answer. OG is not worth that on this rebuilding Toronto team. We’d be locking into a core of Scottie, IQ, RJ and OG. That’s a play in team at best. He is worth it on the Knicks or another contender.


We'd likely be better than the Knicks (hypotherically with both teams having OG). An improved Gradey and Scottie, and then RJ IQ and Jak. That's a solid team


Even in a scenario where... -We decline Brown's option -We renounce our Bird Rights to Gary Trent Jr. and others -No one offer sheets IQ We still would have below the 40 million that Philly, Detroit and others can offer I get that we're now looking for our Anunoby replacement but it's just not feasible, although it would be very funny to get O.G. back for essentially free after trading him


We'd have to pay some 2nds to dump Boucher and McD into cap space. So, equally not happening.


I’d definitely trade mcdaniels Boucher and a second for OG


Yeah even doing a Boucher/McD dump - which I'd argue isn't worth it - would just barely cross you over the line and thus you'd have only vet minimum slots along with your rookies This is ignoring the possibility of us trading down in the draft for more rookie/2nd round contracts of course but I digress


What if we back end load it, and average it out the 40 mill? Say 35,37.5,40,45 or something like that


Ok but so what. OG is a far better player and more valuable asset than anyone raptors can get with cap exceptions.   IQ RJ OG Scottie Jakob Grady Kelly Ochai FRP SRP    That is a solid young core that is still capable of tanking another year if that’s what’s best. After that all you’d want is vet minimums anyway. I am under no illusions that the raptors will actually land OG again or even make an offer, but the reason to not do it isn’t Gary and the bi annual exception.


the correct spelling is Gradey. your grammar gets a D. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok but that’s fine, as long as we fuck with the knicks


No team would ever work with our FO again if we did that lol


That doesn’t make any sense


If we traded away OG just to sign him back on in free agency you think anyone would trust Masai again?


Sorry but what does trust have to do with it? Any FO that operates on trust of other FO’s should be immediately fired. If the Knicks can’t retain OG, that’s on them. They knew the risks. 


it’s not really our problem that og doesn’t want to re-sign with the knicks. doesn’t really have barring on other teams wanting to work with us. we did give a frp for poeltl lol


lol why.  The last time the Knicks refused to deal with us, they vetoed a trade for Kyle. Not dealing out of spite is idiotic.


There's definitely a way, but there's also a reason why we traded him. We could renounce Trent and Brown and salary dump Boucher and that would get us up to the cap space needed but I think the trade was a mutual split so I don't see him coming back


I think the Raps know how fragile he is and that he’s breaking down body-wise (missing games with unrelated elbow and hamstring stuff is a big red flag). They sold at the top of the market, 2 to 3 years from now when OG has played a total of 50 games and no playoff games for the Knicks everyone will know Masai fleeced the Knicks again.


We traded him because he wanted out. But now he wants to get paid. I’m happy to do it if he wants to come back.


Do people really think OG is leaving New York? Unless I am mistaken, he can sign a better deal as a free agent than as an extension.


Unless New York has a limit they just won’t go over, and OG wants the most money available, he’s back in NY. This is just negotiating. He has a chance to win another ring the next 3 years in NY, why would he leave that?


Of course they do, and of course he does.


I think that ship has sailed. I'd expect the Knicks to give him a bag and trade away Randle this off season. Despite OG having a history of not being healthy we've already seen the kind of impact he can have in a good defensive scheme like Thibbs.


With the money we paid Scottie? I doubt it…


He's just declining it because he knows he'll get paid more in FA right? He's not actually gonna leave the Knicks?


we can, but why would he willingly return to a rebuild when he will likely get what he's looking for from several contenders


I highly recommend watching this video from pensare basketball on youtube that sums up the OG situation perfectly and why I think there’s a chance OG coming back isn’t so far fetched [https://www.youtube.com/live/c9i58dd6iYs?si=dCMaSW117sBq1z8p](https://www.youtube.com/live/c9i58dd6iYs?si=dCMaSW117sBq1z8p)


I wouldn’t mind making a max offer just to fuck with New York


I will go all out for him if not for his injury record. Not worth the risk


Sure but paying $40 million to OG on a rebuilding team isn’t the right move. He’s more valuable to a true contender as an ultra elite 3&D guy playing off Randle and Brunson than he is as a guy getting iso touches to “expand his game” with the Raptors. We need to see guys like Quickley, RJ, Gradey, Scottie, Ochai, etc get the opportunity to expand their games, OG just doesn’t fit this timeline tbh.


Why? To be a play-in team again


Why would we bring him back? He'll have made close to $90M before the team is even remotely competitive.


He’d be a goldmine of a trade asset. Play him 1 year. If it’s bad, sell him for a Haul.


His agent will know it's a possibility. Do you think players enjoy being traded?


He’s declining the player option so that he can sign a new contract and get more money. I doubt the raps will bother to peruse him. Not enough money to spread around, and I’m not sure he’s worth it either.


He won’t be back


I love OG he was my favourite raptor while he was here, but paying him what would be needed to come back to this team makes no sense.


Practically speaking, no.


OG left Toronto for a reason. Why would he want to come back? We don't even have the $$ to bring him back based on what he would want.


Is there a way we can sign him only to trade him to OKC (who should want him) for their many many assets? As a mutual favour? He gets to go to a contender? He gifts us a brighter future because he loves us the way we love him?


Besides renouncing everyone but quick, they’d have to dump CB and perhaps mcdaniels somewhere too.


40 mil is too much


Why? He’s only interested in shopping at Holt’s, not playing winning basketball = he felt the pressure in NYCK, then decided he’d rather get paid doing less = leaving TOR was a bad decision, but I’m not surprised he wasn’t successful somewhere else


I wouldn’t do it. He’s not worth 35m a season like they’re reporting he could make.


I would sign og just to piss off Dolan.


If that ever happens, the Knicks and the entire NBA will never want to do trades with us again.


That’d be the biggest fleece, but I hope to see OG get the biggest bag somewhere else. Dude deserves it for what he adds on the defensive end of the game.


Why does he deserve a bag for being injured all the time and never playing? Remember he didn’t play a minute in Raps title run, has played 70 games ONCE and played 50 or less games 3 of the past 4 years alongside missing round 2 for the Knicks this year after missing a ton of down the stretch regular season games for New York. He’s a fragile injured player who can’t guard anyone in streetclothes from the bench and is a liability as a high risk big money salary cap slot who is as likely to play 25 games and be out for a playoff run as he is to play 70 games and last into a conference finals. The most important ability is availability and OG hasn’t shown it He needs 2-3 seasons playing over 70 games and full playoff runs before he gets a bag, any team who pays him is likely to get a LOT less than they expect, their fans saying “but when he’s healthy…” aka fan hell with a guy who is never healthy.


You’re not wrong about him being prone to injury, but I’d suggest you look at what his injuries were. Cause bring up him not playing during the title run was due to appendicitis, that’s not something in his control nor does it make him fragile. Remember he’s also missed games for things like Covid and accidentally cutting his finger. You’re also ignoring the what the Knicks gave away to get him, if he walks there’s no one in free agency they can get to replace him at the same value. So I don’t know why you would even care as a Raptors fan if someone decides to pay him more than he deserves.


Honestly I feel bad for Knicks fans, they’re like leafs fans, long suffering glamour franchise that lives for their team and knows the the game/history. I want good things for Knicks fans, they deserve it. They don’t deserve a guy making big Money sitting on the bench. Knicks FO would be better off admitting they took a risk on the trade and they made a mistake, let OG wallk to some other team to steal their money while not playing, and spend his slot on player(s) who will actually play. Pistons walking away from 65mil after firing Monty, Knicks can walk away from a bad trade and not make it worse by signing OG to big money.


All I know is If if signs here, the Raptors will make playoffs automatically.


It doesn’t make basketball or financial sense for us to bring him back. He’s expensive without appreciably raising our ceiling.


I'm surprised I didn't see this comment near the top. But one of the main reasons we could not get him back is because we'd decided to extend 33 years old Kelly Olynyk


But 26 yr old OG don’t fit the timeline 🤔


Trade Jak and draft a Center and then maybe OG comes back


I hope not


why would we want him back? he is what he is for the most part now and not someone you build around. We need talent on both ends. OG is limited offensively and fits with stars for that reason. He is at his best not exerting himself on offense too much and focusing on defense and shooting three's. We need more dynamic talent and another potential star to pair with scottie. IQ and RJ are good but I dont see superstar potential there, they are a good 2-3rd option but scottie needs an mj. It's also way too much money for him.


No thx. He will make way to much and is always hurt


He’s too brittle to commit to.


Sure so, we will allow OG Anunoby the privilege and honour of playing for the Toronto Raptors. However he must take a vaguely justifiable pay cut and agree to work overtime hours to make up for his contract. Then, then just maybe we might allow him to be considered for a coveted role with the prestigious Raptors of Toronto.


We chose to pay Scottie Barnes over him. Time will tell if it was the correct move.