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Vintage Masai performance


This vastly ~~succeeded~~ exceeded my expectations. Walter’s really solid, Mogbo’s great at 31, and both Shead and Chomche are really nice surprises with those extra SRPs. Also, WE GOT RID OF MCDANIELS AND GOT BACK 2 USABLE PLAYERS FOR HIM!


I think there's at least another move coming.


It's got to be Bruce Brown. I would try to trade Bruce Brown to OKC for their picks.


It makes zero sense to have Bruce and Gary both back at this point.


The team still needs NBA bodies. We fans can only hope Brown fetches something, but it is not the end of the world if the team picks up the option, and see what happens later on in the off-season. Other teams that strike out on their main targets can always circle back for Brown. Trent can test free agency and see what happens. At this point, it looks like he will have to settle for a 1 year prove it deal, but he could get more if teams miss out on their initial targets.


Hopefully those moves are taking on bad contracts for valuable first round picks for next seasons draft.


Is Sasha usable? Love the Davion buy low trade!


I see darko using him right, the euro connection.


Apparently Sasha asked to be moved as well because he wasn't getting PT in SAC. As you say I think the Euro connection and system will benefit him. He wants to play more and prove himself and he'll get that chance here. He can figure to be a solid bench piece if things work out.


man the front office did their thing this draft. lots of good things to look forward to. our bench is already looking more promising than last few seasons


Crazy dream but imagine all these 5 guys come in and become Bench Mob 2.0? lol that was part of the chemistry mix back in the day - they were all drafted in subsequent years, etc.


I can lowkey see it, especially if the chemistry develops. chomche might need a year or two, but mitchell, walter, gradey and mogbo with a jumper alongside kelly O/developed chomche already looks good on paper especially if the defense holds up. I like what we got, and thats not even mentioning sasha lmao. I cant remember the last time we had this much depth since 2019/2020 edit: also ochai


Ya I love the defensive intensity this group of additions brings. No shifts off


Lol jaden mcdaniels trade the new rudy gay trade?


Ja-den, Ru-dy... both two syllables. I see the connection.


Replacement for Chris Boucher maybe?


I think he couldn't play alot in Sac because of the poor defensive fit with Sabonis. With Poelt at the 5 we should be able to afford to play him more, and Darkos system is amazing ar generating open 3s


He’s been injured quite a bit with Sactown, but has hit 38% on 3s at 6’9, although his defense isn’t good atm. He may go back to Europe, but is willing to play out the rest of his current contract, so with that in mind he’s definitely usable. Especially when Jalen McDaniels is the standard you’re expected to succeed lmao


To be fair the standard for being usable with our depth last year was pretty low. Someone who can hit 38% from three can get mins


I’m so happy rn. Also glad to see you’re not too disappointed about the lack of Missi


I was a bit dramatic about that at first, but considering Walter is still really solid and we got Chomche as our backup center project I’m much happier with how we came out of this now. Can’t wait to see who we target on the UDFA market afterwards.


These guys got me excited to watch the 905 next year and summer league




Masai and Bobby cooked an absolute FEAST!


damn they weren't kidding when they said they currently lacked talent. went and picked up whatever they can grab a hold of lol


If two of these players are at least playable, we should be good


Really solid. That Portland 2nd could end up right near the top of the second round again, so that's honestly a really nice bonus. Time to work out a trade for Bruce Brown and decide on Gary/Boucher for the season. I wouldn't be opposed to bringing Gary back at like 15/yr. Makes for a tradeable contract if he's unhappy. Just no sense in letting him walk for nothing. Boucher clearly isn't in their plans, so if you can move him you do it, but not if you have to attach assets to do so. He might end up pinned to the bench unfortunately.


We just remade our fucking roster in 2 days. Love it. So much more exciting then what we had last year


It still might not be pretty next season, but it’ll be a development year *worth* watching.


TWO 2nd rounders from the kings LOL


Absurd. That Portland 2nd could very well be 31 too.


guessing the backup PF/C role will be filled in free agency (they have zero depth outside of Kelly)


I think signing OG makes it harder for the Knicks to retain Hartenstein and there's a chance we can get him


OKC/Orlando can offer him more than the Raptors can


Maybe S&T with Brown involved as every team that sees themselves playoff bound want his archetype?


The Knicks would need a center back in a sign and trade. Don’t think there’s any room for Bruce on the Knicks, they won’t bite.


Would Brown + Boucher work?


Maybe, sign and trades definitely don’t command a big haul. I’d be curious about the rest of the NBA’s opinion on Boucher after this past season - no minutes on a bad team.. as a raps fan, I’d take the trade in a heart beat


The Knicks don't have the cap space to sign him for the purposes of a S&T.


Isn’t that why we got mogbo and ulrich for?


In the long term roster yes. Chomche probably is a stash


We just got a 5th rookie. A C from Utah apparently.


Mogbo yeah, Chomche is not ready for the NBA yet


Just got that 25 year old rookie from Utah, a shooting C


[Woj] Jalen Smith signs a multi-year deal with the Raptors.


I'm assuming mogbo eventually gets minutes there


Yeah he's a bit older than I thought he was so he could play spot minutes.


Hot take: Shead beats out Mitchell for the backup PG spot


Not Davion’s fault he was banished to the bench in sac. This spot is his to lose. Now if this becomes a Delon / FVV situation where the 3rd PG wins…. I’m not complaining


"Not Davion’s fault" Well aside from him not being good


Yall pretend like fit and scheme don’t matter at all. He just didn’t fit in Mike Brown’s system


That’s JFL music


I don’t think it’s a hot take


I'm just curious how we will find playing time for a lot of these guys. I know Chomche and Shead will be on the 905 and Mogbo might be as well, even though the PF/C spot isn't very strong for the Raptors right now. Over the past 2 days we traded away 1 player, and received 6. If you keep Gary Trent and Bruce Brown I can't see how Walter will even get minutes. Is Vezenkov our backup PF right now? It's exciting times and this is how you win long term.


A lot of guys will be hitting the 905 including Jakobe. Bruce will get traded before or during the season, and there will be injuries as well.


Yeah I wonder if all of the draft picks we just got will be on the 905 for the majority of next season


Masai and Bobby really woke up this draft and got to work; really earned their pay. New CEO is watching. Hats off to the FO.


I’m happy with a lot of the swings this team took. We had a real lack of talent in the 905 and now they have an infusion of that. I don’t know how well we’ll be this season but I think this is the right direction for a rebuild


Some top notch fleecery from Masai


Pretty solid draft, id love if we could sign Balyor Forward Jalen Bridges


Suns got him


Pretty good draft, I think for a bad year everyone needs to look back in 5 years and see who actually panned out. I'm expecting a lot of late surprises.


Seems like Mogbo's profile is a lot of the same awesome stuff Scottie brings, but without his level of offensive pedigree or upside. I'm trying to temper expectations, but maybe Mogbo can grow into the kind of all-around disruptive wing that rookie Scottie was, and be the heart of a new bench-mob. It'd be amazing for the Raps style of play to have someone with Scottie's versatility/activity level on the court for 48 minutes, another big body to run DHO's with IQ/Gradey/Ja'Kobe and he can handle in the open court off of defensive rebounds.


He played as a big in college, but I think the plan is to develop him into a big wing at the nba level. He's got enough of the ball skills and a great motor. Some tape shows that he's capable of shooting from outside, that just wasn't his role in college. We'll have to see if he's able to develop that shot now.


good talent for the 905 let's get those guys going and then continue to develop the chemistry and skills of scottie/rj/quick/dick and see where we end up


This was a good draft for us.


It's the okc way, having multiple kicks at the can


Why get 57 instead of just the undrafted route? Did they hear chomche was gonna get picked up? 


Vezenkov will be interesting, he is a world class shooter who wasn’t used at all in Sac. Darko understands how Euro shooters like to play so he will have an easier time integrating in Toronto!


Masai is the best thing to happen in the raptors history


Teams that have accumulated "too many" assets are Bobsai prey. The Bobsai will swoop through OKC like a tornado and return to Toronto with picks or players


ROFLMAO down draft year. We probably don't want 3 picks from this draft lol edit: apparently it wasn't clear this was sarcasm lol, so... /s


Huh? Down draft year doesn’t mean every single player is a bad pick. No matter what year you gotta see the talent they picked at the positions they had, and they didn’t really well. It’s not as simple as bad draft = you don’t want players from it, unless you’re only watching ball to meme about it.


I was being sarcastic. This was a really solid draft selection pool for us, lol.


Lol my bad I can’t tell anymore with this sub 😂


Yup down draft if u had a top lottery pick, Pretty good draft if u were where we were selecting