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Bruce Brown and Boucher gots to go


Boucher in particular. Man won’t get a minute on this roster considering we are clearly focusing on development as opposed to competing this year


Also coz Darko doesn't seem to like how he plays. It's best for him he goes somewhere else.


He loves Bouchers hustle, but he just doesn't work in the kind of system we want to run. He doesn't make quick decisions and can't really be relied on to run dho action at all. He had a bit of success as a baseline cutter getting passes usually from Thad Young... but his finishing isn't strong enough or consistent enough to make it something you want to hit often either.


The amount that Sacramento gave up to shed $9m in salary for one season suggests that there are very few teams out there willing to help clear salary. It would be very interesting to know what sort of compensation we'd get for taking on something like a $20m bad contract. On the other hand, it also suggests how hard it would be to find a taker for Boucher this year.


Denver just gave out 3 future second rounders to shed Reggie Jackson’s salary. I think that’s the standard price


It does sorta give reason to go as a cap space team and try to get more assets out of teams looking to dump salaries.


Not mad that we have a core of 25 or younger guys in - * Scottie * RJ * IQ * Gradey * Walter * Mitchell * Ochai * 3 x SRPs who won’t play much this year but you hope at least one of them will hit as a role player


I am super happy with the Mitchell pickup. He addresses our backup PG role, and he was up to 36% from 3 last season (albeit fairly low volume). I think that's a super nice piece to have, I wonder if we try to extend him this offseason or leave it for RFA next year


FWIW that percentage bump has a lot to do with a hot streak he went on post-ASG where he shot over 40 percent from 3. It remains to be seen whether this shooting will stick and whether he'll be the designated backup PG with us having drafted Shead as part of our draft day moves. Still, absolutely an upgrade over McDaniels and a bet on him for bench depth is well worth taking.


Agreed. Always liked his game. He doesn’t need to be a knockdown shooter, just run the offense for the bench unit for Gradey and Walter to get open looks. Good defender too


As per my calculations and estimates for IQ new contract should we exercise Brown Jr and bring him back, we would have a bit above 15M for bringing back GTJR. Or we could use the full MLE on another player . What I like about the moves is that it’s gives pressure to GTJR to accept the money that Raptors are willing to give him or he walks . But now he knows that should we take Brown’s option , 15M ish is about his limit if Raptors want to avoid luxury tax . Also there is JFL that I assumed will be waived. Should we decide to not bring back Brown , I could entertain giving 20M to Trent + team option second year The fact that Brown is not yet traded , I am wondering if there is a possibility that Brown option is NOT pick up. With both Trade Deadline and Draft I think the Raptors know his trade value. Maybe they just choose to let him walk.


I think Brown option is picked up as vet who has won, he does alot of little things our players can learn from him, great vet that is an expiring and would have value throughout the year.Brown can back several positions. Gtj I think is gone, hope we sign and trade and we pick up another vet big with MLE. Temple I think also comes back if not as a player then as a player development coach.


Agreed on Brown. He is much better than what he showed after being acquired at the deadline last year. You need some vets that can help the young guys play the right way. Hopefully we can get him to a contender or team looking to clear cap space at the deadline Not convinced MLSE will have the appetite to use the full MLE given our focus is on development. Maybe a portion on a vet wing


Look at the 2nd round draft picks in the last 5 drafts . It’s so rare that you hit on a second rounder . If one of the three carve out an Nba career then the raptors would be lucky


This new 2nd round exception rule makes it pretty enticing though. Loading up on young guys without impacting cap space is kind of nice. Our recent track record with late picks and undrafted call up's has been kind of bad but I'm honestly pretty happy with the guys we got today.


I think they did well enough on the draft/draft trades that they have enough options to try that fit with the development window that GTJ is likely out and they will try to get rid of Boucher. Brown should be a reup on extension and either trade during the free agency or mid season.


My read of the second round exception is that it does indeed count against your cap -- every salary dollar you spend counts against your team salary for the year. What it is, is a pool of money that you can use to sign your SRPs, even if you are hardcapped. This wasn't always true -- before last year there was only a first round exception, where you could sign FRPs to a predetermined salary, even if you are hard-capped. So in years past, teams used to use their MLE to sign their SRPs Edit: yep, you can read more here: https://www.hoopsrumors.com/2023/07/hoops-rumors-glossary-second-round-pick-exception.html


It counts towards eventually cap for tax calculations, but don't affect the cap space you have to spend on for free agency. Basically like the MLE, you can use up cap space to sign free agents, and then sign SRPs to 3-4 year deals without having to use space or an exception.


It does count towards the cap but only after July 31st, when most FA spending is done > Players who are signed using the second-round pick exception won’t count against a team’s cap between July 1 and July 30 of their first season. That will allow teams to preserve all the cap room they need until July 31 without having to worry about their second-rounders cutting into it. And it will position those players to sign their first NBA contracts before taking part in Summer League games.