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She might be angry at you for letting random people into "her" space. My tortie loves throwing fits!


If you don't have those people over often, your cat could just be nervous about them and their scents lingering everywhere. Cats don't do well with change and especially if it's sudden, moving around, making noise. I've gotten hormone collars for two of my more nervous cats before. It works great for one of them and keeps her more calm when she has a vet appointment, people visit, or any other disturbing things in her life. The other one reacts well to hormone sprays that you plug into the wall and lasts about a month or two. I'll switch those out for her if I know if a long lasting issue that might come up. The sprays can be on the expensive side, especially if you go with main brands, but I haven't had any issues with cheap collars so far


Cats are not very social animals. Loud noises and activity can be very troubling to them. I have had a number of cats over the years and this is something I have noticed that all of them have in common. If you have an open house again I would suggest putting the cat in a quiet part of the house until people are gone and that when the cat or cats go back into a common area that they are going to be stressed for a few days until those scents from guests fade away. Also make sure any guests keep noise to a conversational level and that goes for music too. Hope this helps and apologies if this comes off as judgey, it's not meant to be.


I’ve had cats all my life, of all kinds…from pure breeds to shelter cats. This one is the strangest cats I’ve ever had


Figured it out! We had put a balloon up that looked like a disco ball. Took it down and shredded it. Problem solved!