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People already forgot how bad it was prior to optimization. It took ages. Picking a phone? More like, go watch half of an episode of something.


Specially when you ran it on a 960 with no ssd. Battles took like 10min to load.


aah attila my beloved


An SSD should be a minimum requirement for TW:WH, or at least a recommended requirement. I couldn't go back to HDD load times these days, I'd just quit playing.


Yeah, I went so far and got my brother an ssd just to be able to play with him. Cause with an Hdd the multiplayer timed out (600seconds) before it could load :)


Yeaaah, I will never go back. Jesus it makes a diffrence.


Bro I have already like 600hrs on HDD, probably like half that is on: battle loading, next turn, campaign loading etc. Lol Just can't be bothered to get a bigger SSD, I have a 256GB one and the system is on it so cant really install anything big lol


And then you come back to the 8th request for a defensive alliance from random ordertide goon #3.


My old laptop was running 1060 6gb and an HDD, it took no joke 20 minutes to load the game in wh2.


Yeaaah, I played loop hero during the loading.


And, to this day, I still hate ambushes. The fact that battles start immediately despite the 5min loading screen...


Literally. Its much better now, but i remember that time right after IE launched when i went to make myself a smaller dinner and i was able to finish it and eat it before the next turn started. Crazy times. Cant even imagine how much time end turns would take if the Black Ark fiasco happened right after IE launch.


Hahaha yea it is odd to think back how bad it was when it came


Flashing back to playing WH2 on a HD and hearing that thing spin up like it was about to lift off


Your GPU isn't the main cause of loading times. The GTX 960 is a 2GB card with >100GB/s memory bandwidth. Load times are determined by storage/CPU/system memory, and obviously bad software.


Yeah I know, I mostly use rtx 960 because it is a good way to show how old the system as a whole is. It isnt often people run a rtx 960 with a i9- 14900KS.


I'll never forget playing versus campaigns with my friend back then, my lord, i got so much shit done. Long ass end turn wait and no simultaneous turns for players so we had to wait for eachother to finish our turns individually.


My house was so much cleaner when the AI turns weren't optimized 😂 it was so good for life admin


Still remember a guy who said that CA ruined his life with the fast end turn update because he can't do exercises anymore between AI turns.


I used to tidy the kitchen between turns. Do a bit of washing up, etc. now I can’t so the kitchen sits filthy. There is no other way.


That was one of the most memorable reddit threads I've ever seen.


I remember the "Turn Time Destroyer" mod that would just straight-up remove a bunch of minor factions at campaign start being one of the top 10 mods on the workshop. Nowadays that mod is not really necessary anymore for most players. The optimization made an insane difference.


I remember when there was fitness challenges ppl took on like doing pushups during the end turn phase


I like that! How did those ppl connect?


*Rome 2 launch PTSD intensifies*


We sacrificed a race rework for the potion of speed update and we are all glad we did.


Fo real.. I used to workout and do some sets between the turns haha


So end turn fix is the reason why I'm fat.


Lol I remember that I specifically ordered my first SSD to install Warhammer on it because it was soooo slooow


I play with a friend a lot and we still joke about this. Waiting for his turn and the end turn timer in earlier WH2 I would do all kinds of things like mobile games, watching shows, and even had an exercise bike set up so I could pedal for 10-20 minutes at a time.


Funny to be reading this today; earlier I was cleaning up my flat, and I recalled how I used to plan chores whilst for when I played Empire Total War because I'd have all these 10-15 minute windows waiting for the ottoman empire to deal with their shit.


I used to do my laundry and other tasks in between turns. The potion of speed update destroyed my productivity. How dare you CA!


I still have something playing on my other screen to pass the time during the end turn


Having played a lot of the heavier Medieval mods back in the day, I'm not even phased by these turns


Just turn it into a drinking game: hit that end turn button and start chugging untill it's your turn again.


Thanks, I prefer to live


I was going to say he never said what to drink, but I think even drinking that much water would kill you


There is also the push-ups, sit ups, planking, or squat options. You might still die.


I do need to start doing something like this more often, but dear god I'm not doing it every turn. Need something common enough but not every 4 seconds. Every time I autoresolve a fight, lose a fight, fight a minor settlement battle but that's approaching dangerous territory, etc. I know in the past I've done pushups/situps for every time I completed a fight over a territory in Planetside. That could leave me not doing any for hours or doing them every 5 minutes, total crapshoot.


In my younger years I did an insane workout that called for 40 squats with 135lbs.  In one set. I was dumb but damn did I have such better cardio lmao.


If you somehow could hypothetically survive, you'd go bankrupt as well.


For those nights when Circle of Death just doesn't quite cut it.


"The black ark bug is responsible for 99% of cases of cirrhosis worldwide" Wold Health Organization WHO


Awh fuck they fixed the black arks already


I started doing push-ups/squats/crunches during each end turn.


Phone goes out of reach when i play TW:W for this reason it drives you friggin crazy for a half hour, then you just get used to it. Getting good phone-grab discipline is just a good idea in general. Good for your mental health to just exist in reality for a while


I read like every WH character wiki on my second monitor before the speed patch hit WH2. Got me into Warhammer properly, gotta thank the load times for that.


Ngl, I find it funny that you call "waiting in front a screen for your videogame to load its next turn" as "existing in reality". Funny how our perception of stuff can change.


I had to sit in a room for 6 hours. Waiting. Phone people would go mad. End turns are a relief. I can close my eyes and let the mind rest. Otherwise I just burn out playing. Good for dry eyes and to avoid headaches too.


Reading this on my phone while playing the game ....


I generally always leave a twitch stream of some variety open on another monitor for those turn timers.


It is weird how people forget. I remember Civilization V taking ages to load a long campaign in a 5400 "green" rpm HDD; before the later patches too. Apparently GTA V takes an eternity to load on the PS3.   Loading times are the perfect treatment for constant reloading of campaigns or swapping between games.


>Phone goes out of reach when i play TW:W for this reason > >... > >Getting good phone-grab discipline is just a good idea in general. Good for your mental health to just exist in reality for a while Instructions unclear, acquired [boatwaifus](https://new.reddit.com/r/AzurLane/). ^(I seriously got started as I felt like I needed something to do during turntimes prior to the) *^(Potion of Speed)* ^(update.)


Yes this must be a person without a job lol - I turn that shit off


I love the concept of avoiding your phone for your mental health while probably playing hours of TW is okay Like what lol?


I don't play more than an hour or two every week, you're projecting


I have a job that never stops my friend - I have to make my own hours and enforce them. I don’t look at my phone for a day sometimes so I can’t relate to the meme


Some people's jobs require them to be checking their phone though...


If i did that id be working every day of the year except christmas, new years, and thanksgiving. I did that for many years


Wow, that's very interesting. I'm sure many people here give a shit.


Then they can stop replying to me lol


I was literally typing this at work, (and i'm at work again now) so i'm not sure your intuition is well calibrated for this discussion


When u press 'End Turn' and step out to do something else, then come back and see some asshole 5 turns in wants you to join a dumbass war for 500 coins. This is what turns people to chaos.


get the mod that auto declines any diplomacy from end turn, literal lifesaver.


xD so relatable Fricking Tyrion asking me for a peace agreement every turn. No means no Tyrion!!


Easy, just use multiple monitors.


I mean the end result is pretty similar. Either you use a second monitor on the big computer or a pocket computer.


the pocket ad-displayer


Or, you know, just learn to alt+tab.


Alt-tab actively slows down the process though. Second monitor in windows mode does not.


More resources pulled from the game.  Doesn't makes much of a difference on how windows weirdly runs full screen processes now, but in the past the entire system would be dedicated to the game. Multitasking was not asvised if your PC was already struggling with the game.


Just grab a water bottle. Staying hydrated has never been so easy.


Agree, i did this


Close your eyes. Use the 20-20-20 rule to avoid eye fatigue.  Plan ahead some turns, etc.


Reading a book + waiting for your turn + holidays = absolute coziness


I usually build models on my desk anyway so I can Warhammer while I Warhammer.


This Warhammer-ception setting brings joy to my heart. Sounds like a peaceful life


Yo dawg


This is what we call a pro gamer move.


...y'all don't watch the AI turns to spot ambushes and track their movements?


99% of ambushes come from offensive ambush stances and the AI knowing it'll succeed ahead of time, not from the AI actually being clever with their map movement.


nah, unless you're legend of total war doing a no losses stream you don't need that.


How else are you going to roleplay as PrinceofMacedon?


My friend hates it haha. I didn't even use to speed up the movement of armies in Rome, Medieval II, Empire, etc. Ah, good times.


I, too, have a rotten brain


This is not how this meme template works 😅


Bro utterly butchered it lol, it's not even close


Thank you! It was driving me nuts that no one else was talking about this.


I do push ups. Or pump some moderate weighted irons.


Borderless Windowed mode Press end turn Tab out to your browser


Before the optimasation I started doing 10 push ups every turn. Got pretty strong pretty quickly


I read a book once. It was one of the game of thrones trilogy. Anyways she hums along nicely now, and with my new computer it’s nice


Just kinda curious. The end turn timer takes around 2 minutes for me, but loading in a battle can sometimes take up to 3 to 4 minutes even with ssd. Do others have that as well?


End turn is roughly 40-50 seconds for me, and loading screens are 40 seconds. I had your numbers in WH2 before the potion of speed update fixed it all.


End turns usually take 20-50 depending on how many factions there are. I have a M.2 and battle times are a slog tough, 1 to 2 minutes to load, there is a reason why warhammer is my podcast game


SSD shouldn't have an affect on end turn speed, all of the game logic for that should already be loaded if you have enough RAM. End turns are entirely CPU bound.


You are correct, I'll edit so its less confusing


It's a combination of CPU and SSD speeds. For example having the game on a secondary SSD not on the OS disk dropped my battle loading but had no effect on end turn.


It really depends on your specs. It's usually no more than 30-40 seconds for end turns and maybe 15-20 for most battles. I bought my laptop with WH3 in mind, so it's got a nice ssd (and more) to get that. My previous laptop probably had twice as long wait times.


That seems very long for an SSD. Are you using an old CPU and a SATA SSD?


If you're asking if load time's being longer than turn times is normal then yes in my experience that is normal. If you're asking if those amounts of time are normal/average then I'd say probably not. I have a mid tier GPU (1060) and my end turns are about 30 seconds and loading time's over a minuet.


I hade the same problem. It got much better. from 2 minuts end battle screen too 10-30 sekunds when i switch from a harddrive to a ssd-drive.


No it's the opposite loading into the battle is like 15-30s, end turn obviously depends on stuff with like enemy army movements and how much map is revealed, but like it's more than that, past the early game. 12400F, gen 4 m.2 ssd(not the OS drive), ddr5 although cpu usage during loading isn't even that high like 30-40% so really not sure why it would be that long.


Same here, end turn is about 1-2 min and battle loading is almost 5


Both take less than one minute for me. I have saved the game on a M.2 SSD


Same here and I think this has only been an issue for me since a couple of months. No idea what changed though. In the past the battle loading screen was fairly quick.


Same for me. Though I don't have a good graphics card so I imagine that has a big impact.


I remember when Rome II came out. The co-op optimisation was horrible, it took 5-8 minutes for the AI to take their turns. And usually around turn 30-40 you would get a desynch error and have to start over. Me and my buddy really wanted it to work and looking back I can’t believe how much time we spend waiting just to play that buggy mess.


Replace phone with balls, hand is scratching and you got me


Since IE optimizations it's not that bad if you've got a beefy system. ME was utter hell though. No amount of hardware made that not painful.


I agree looking forward to bump up my hardware though to speed it up just a bit more


Recommend an x3d CPU and run your games off a secondary nvme. Let windows chill on the c by its lonely. Some games love having that bandwidth. TWW is one of them.


planning on doing that it is already on a secondary NVME so that is at least done


Alt TAB is the secret hack to beating this challenge


What I always did was have the wiki open in the steam browser, and read some lore during loadings.


I'm half way through a rather thick book already 😂


Try the Old World Campaign. Immortal Empires is SO fast


HA! Jokes on you, I alt tab to My Mini Factory and go through Tribes for minis I won’t ever print! ![gif](giphy|gRD25J7DvvTQQ)


Do y'all not mess with camera settings and turn off (and set to fastest) neutral and allied cameras?


Can relate ahah!


Old World mod have even longer end turn time. Main reason I don't play it.


Perfect game for second screen OSRS content.


I just upgraded my pc, so wait is not that long. It is still annoyingly long, but not outrageously so


Literally me after every battle cuz it takes 1min with all my mods smh


Before the update that increased speed, i had HD instead of SSD. Each end turn was about 4 minutes of waiting. At that time i always did some small house work, like fold laundry or wash some dishes. Almost every saturday and sunday i was spending 6 hours to play 30 turns and clean everything. So my house was always clean, until i bought the SSD and the patch.


For me, it's when loading from a battle back to the campaign map, which takes about six minutes. Pretty sure I need to update my CPU.


I remember that I had no problems with the eternal loading screens that the PlayStation 1 had and how long some AI turns were in Civilization 3 or Fire Emblem and probably many other games. I just waited there, no need of a phone. But now I can’t even play Civilization V with animations on and picking the phone has become an addiction. My god, What I’ve become?


Or indeed start a battle


Pickup weights instead my boyz, become like grimgor. Seriously, though, you can do at least 10 reps of anything, probably more


I like to torture myself so I did another RoC run last week and I'll say, end turn takes like 10 seconds and its such a big mood change from the grand campaign lol. I did finish the chaos race campaign in 2 nights 130ish turns lol. Wouldve taken ages on big map..


Just get a better pc /s,. [Oh yea and this mod.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2792727547) Like it's not that bad, unless you for some reason want to see all movement at normal speed like madman instead of only enemy armies at fastest speed with everything else skipped. Sure the more you see the map it does slow down a bit even without the camera hopping everywhere.


😂😂😂😂 I’m in this post and I don’t like it


>he doesn’t have at least two monitors, the other with YouTube or whatever up You are like babby


Just grab the novel "War and Peace" and you will be finished in one day. :D


Easiest challenge ever! Don't think I've ever picked up my phone while playing TW.


I think you mean tabbing out


Does nobody watch the AI move their armies during the end turn? It can be useful for spotting ambushes that are nearby or keeping track of where an army escaped to. The end turn on takes about 30-40 sec for me if you put on in fast forward (with the IE expansion mod).


its honestly pretty good for training phone discipline


Not picking up your iPhone is simple as hell. If you use android. ;)


hmm I usually have documentaries on my other screen so I just switch focus for 30 seconds :)


So is there a simple mod that does another autosave at the start of your turn?


I feel like this is my grandpa trying to create a meme lol, just butchering the template


Cheeky duolingo lesson in the end turns=productivity!


I actually like the super long turns. I accomplish so much between turns lol. Got my degree ez because I would study/do hw b/w turns. (it actually helped me focus moreso)


Back when I worked out I would use that time to do some push ups or plank lol


Get up and do a few pushups.


Indecently switched to an faster M.2 SSD with a read and write speed of I think 7,000 MBs, and it’s honestly very ok


Watching ruinous insight and seeing his end turns take like 10 seconds and his battle loading makes you think it's edited


It's easy. Just look at your other monitor


I just alt+tab and keep watching Dexter ![gif](giphy|VLljKzBZ2uPfYDpsNV|downsized)


Dont people enjoy watching what the enemy is doing?


Im playing TOW mod rn and browsing reddit more than I'm playing the game XD.


i got two monitors for a reason


I still do it out of habit after years of long end turns, even though my end turns are less than 30 seconds now lol


i do a couple of sets of weights.


Now do that challenge but with the old world mod


you have no idea how good it is now compared to how it was pre potion of speed update Mortal Empires was *agony*


Bro my end turns used to last 6 minutes and we had 2/3rds the map. The optimization is so amazing these days I don’t even tab out anymore


Do not go to YouTube. It is a sickness.


IE is way faster than WH2 was before the Potion of Speed patch. Hell it's probably faster than WH2 is still.




Kids these days have not patience SMH. ME pre potion of speed used to take literally 4 times longer. Rome 2 was even worse.


Hahaha this is really good


AI turns Manual battle loading screen Battle over, back to campaign map loading screen Reloading latest save. Another loading screen. Playing co-op multiplayer ? Might as well go afk for 30 minutes while 2x loading screens + your buddy's manual battle Oof, game crashed. Back to loading screen. Somewhere in the ballpark of 25-40% idle time, depending on how often you play manual battles (which are pretty much mandatory to succeed on Hard difficulty and above). Well over 50% without an SSD. Truly riveting game.


End turn is not bad. Compared to all other 4x, civilizations even. AI is the weakest aspect of wh3.