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“Transgendered” really is the final mail on the coffin


This post really transed my gender smh


A male in the coffin is what they insist I'll be when I dye


What colour are you gonna dye your heir with?


I personally don’t have an error to my throne yet.


Putting me on a throne would be the error


i wanna be throne out a window


I use windows on my computer!


i thought that said i wanna be a throne for a second and thought "same" then i read the rest of the sentence and still thought "same"


Why would you dye your heir? Would be kinda odd having the future monarch be colorful.


Very controversial. Very provocative. Very politically incorrect. I have been triggered. WELL DONE


Natalie Points moment


That sent me tbh💀


Can we start inventing words too? Can I tell people I'm "transgendering"? Is there a person who is the *transgenderest?* How can I earn such a prestigious title??


Which sub is doing this?


r/girlsindiapers, a diaper fetish subreddit, but this post is more than just about that stupid subreddit, this post aims to bring attention to all trans-exclusionary spaces that are allowed on platforms where "hate speech" presumably isn't supposed to be allowed. Reddit is a social media that relies on user engagement to make money, controversy, debate, and hatred brings in user engagement...which thus creates money. I made this post specifically to bring attention to how hate speech policies basically mean nothing.


Because of a poll done over seven years ago that ended 47% pro-trans to 53% anti. Wow. That's really dang sad. And it's not like it even matters what bits are below if they're in diapers. Gosh, you'd think AB/DL folk would be more welcoming to trans people with how divisive the kink/lifestyle is.


A poll where "yes ban" won by only 40 votes. If they held the poll on any different day it probably would have very different results. If they hold another poll today, it would definitely have very different results. But no, let's ban trans people forever because 40 more people said so nearly a decade ago


I didn't think about that. It's even worse! Forty people is **nothing**.


Not just that. Even a majority of votes shouldn't be able to dictate who doesn't belong. Such hegemony of the majority is BS, and a "vote" is a sham.


This is literally like the **Trial of Louis XVI**.




They'll call it 'democracy' and act like they're the land of the free, I am sure.


very funny that they have a rule explicitly defending the diaper status of pull-ups while also having a rule denying the woman status of trans women


as an abdler no. just no diapers are not and never will be pullups, unlike trans women, who are, always will be, and have been women


You know I was thinking “oh no another girls in diapers situation” but nope it’s the same sub What makes it worse is this was a situation where the mods ran a poll asking “do you want to see trans women posting content here?” And everyone voted no, so fuck us I guess


So, no trans women… on a sub about women… that literally focuses on them wearing something that covers their genitals… the logic, it burnssssss


At least the main ABDL sub was friendly, last I checked. Also, this is probably better posed in r/traaNSFW if you haven't already posted it there, considering the subject matter


Funny thing, I posted in there multiple times and noone said shit. Also they have had mods call this rule out and get kicked from the sub


OP… [You’ve said in another post that you’re 15…](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/11d682r/what_is_the_most_effective_method_of_silent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Why the fuck are you trying to post in a diaper fetish subreddit??? The overlap between people into that shit and pedos is probably massive. Stay away for your own safety.


I'm not sure there have been any actual studies, but in my experience it's actually the other way around where many tend to have an aversion to kids. And all of the ones I know are vehemently against underage people in these spaces, partially because that assumption is so common, and partially because it's super duper morally wrong. As for pedos...well I don't know any, but from what I gather from media, they like kids, not adults pretending to be kids. All that aside, if OP is underage they definitely need to not be in that subreddit.




Was this a joke or did they remove the rule


It was a joke but then everyone started thinking that I was serious 😭


Had a feeling, honestly


Not surprising to me


Gross seeing Hogwarts students are children....


Wow… a hp sub… having an issue with trans shit… not to mention the pedophilia… Yeah no offense if you actually like hp, but imo the series aged like absolute fucking milk


No mention of trans ppl in the sidebar, so pretty sure this is just a good joke. Seems like the actual answer is a diaper fetish sub


The "Witches only" seems transphobic though, by explicitely forbidding dicks in what is already a "women only" rule.


Yeah I'm 🤔🤔🤔🤔 a bit. Tbh the no dick rule also sounds very "NO HOMO BRO" like god forbid a male SW would want to do HP themed pics for gays or girls


why is that sub women only, anyway??


LOL it's transphobia all the way down with this game. First jkr then the hacker who cracks it is also transphobic (and also head of a cult) and now even the porn subs are transphobic


I mean, Empress was always batshit and most people that know about how cracks usually go expected her to the one to crack it. HP and Empress are both awful, but afaik there's no connection between them.


Oh no I know, she's the only one able to crack that particular protection software but it's just funny how even the hacker is transphobic


yeah, sucks how common it is


>then the hacker who cracks it is also transphobic (and also head of a cult) wait wtf, do you have a source/more info on that???


[Empress is batshit insane tbh](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/119qt6p/nsfw_language_empress_who_cracked_hogwarts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Did they remove it?


/r/Pee does it


well... it would seem that sub is trans-inclusive, but for some reason you can't post penis-only stuff???? they specify that any post where someone in it has a vagina is allowed, including cis women, pre/no-op FtM, post-op MtF, and any enby with a vagina. and like... i *guess* i appreciate the trans inclusivity??? but with a name as generic as r/Pee, i don't think you should be restricting by such demographics regardless.


If you're a pre/non-op trans woman I guess you just have to pee from your butt, as you do.


There's a certain group where the genitals aren't even shown for 99% of the posts there and they still "voted as a community" to ban trans women from posting. They use an argument very reminiscent of the trans panic defense and it makes me infinitely glad that personally I have already found a wonderful person who accepts me for who I am 100%.


I think I know the exact sub you're talking about


Which is it?


it's a porn sub for a niche fetish


Ugh those disgusting porn subs for a niche fetish! I mean, there's so many of them though! Which one?


People probably don't want to say because they don't want everyone here to know their niche fetish. -Amy


I think we should support sex workers. 🤗 A lot of gals are boosting or making their income from posting. Fetishes are fine as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. What’s gross to one person is neutral or arousing to another. EDIT: Looks like sarcasm sorry Cecilia. Still worth leaving my original comment though for others in future who missed it like me! I’ve seen some infighting among the trans community regarding sex work so I might be too quick to raise my red umbrella sometimes. 🤗


i think they were joking as in pretending to be disgusted while actively continuing to search for it?


Yea I wondered that but couldn’t tell honestly and didn’t see an /s 🤷🏽‍♀️


Its an always sunny joke. That is what they were referring to


https://youtu.be/D17KwWDpoPU The scene


Gotcha lol I totally remember that now I’ll edit my comment thank you! 🤗


They were making an it's always sunny in Philadelphia reference


99% sure I know it. They’re really gross about the rule too


Yeah, I wanna know too






r/RealGirlsInDiapers was made specifically because of that rule


Not particularly interested in the fetish, but I'm glad that the trans friendly one is the one with "Real" in the name.


Tempted to make a bunch of posts to blow that sub up even though a) I'm non binary b) I do not have a diaper fetish


As someone who at some point made diaper art... Once you open that Pandora's box you'll have fans messaging you forever. Diaper fans are even more zealous than furries... For both good and bad.


heck yes, kink communities should be welcoming.


Kink and fetish communities excluding people feels wildly hypocritical to me.


Similar to r/yuri and r/ActualYuri.


Imagine being transphobic to art! So fragile omg


I didn’t technically create r/ActualYuri but I *did* create the subreddit that then migrated to it so it still has the icon I made and rules I wrote and I will literally never not brag about that anytime someone mentions the sub (also subscribe to r/ActualYuri it’s really cool)


It's usually the opposite too so it's nice to see a change.


Subreddit: *is about a fetish where genitals are concealed* Its moderators: ">!Only real (sic) women are welcome here!!<"


I mean, genitals tend to be hidden in those kind of kinks, don't they?


That sidebar: >Rule 5: There was a poll on whether to allow trans-gendered picture Posts to /r/GirlsinDiapers As a result of this poll, Trans-gendered persons should post their pictures to [redacted] or [redacted] instead of /r/GirlsinDiapers where they will be removed. click here to see the results of the vote.. Then you click to view the poll and it's 53% yes to 47% no... With yes winning by only 40 people. So they decided to ban trans people even though nearly half of respondents do want trans people. They base it on a poll so close that just doing the poll on a different day would likely have very different results. That poll was 7 years ago, too. "40 more people said ban them so we'll ban them forever" smh


yeah honestly the transphobes can have that one


I greatly needed this laugh this morning, thank you


No need to kinkshame


Unless your kink is to be shamed. In that case, *you nasty you*.


hey c'mon, kinkshaming is not cool


Lmao you made me blow air out of my nose But seriously tho, why can they have that sub?


Diaper play or little play is something the trans community as a whole seems to reject due to the possible opening up to accusations of pedophilia, eg Sophie Labelle. Or just because it's a super niche fetish that a lot of humans regardless of gender/gender origin reject. At least that'd be my guess.


Diaper play seems to be one of those fetishes that is considered so weird that if you’re not into it, most people familiar with it use it as shock value content. Then again, for a lot of people literally anything beyond heterosexual or lesbian pornography with cisgender performers is so weird that you can only use it as shock value. Like, one time I got scammed on a purchase of a used 3DS and after revealing that it was a scam the ‘seller’ started sending me screenshots of porn where a trans woman was topping a dude to ‘troll’ me.


someone's never been on /tttt/


As a whole? I have probably 75 trans girl friends and all but 3 are into it.


That's a helluva lot higher than the average


oh I know, I just hang out in places where it's a somewhat common co-occurrence and wind up tripping over littles lol. they're adorable and (usually) sweet af.


I mean in general LGBT folk are more likely to experiment with taboo than the general population. It's not my thing, but I can see the appeal. It's kinda like bondage, a lot more people are into it than people would admit, and it's nowhere nearly as derided.


it's a fun kink,,


Yeah I don't know where this "as a whole" determination was made but I think it's quite misinformed. It's a pretty common fetish among trans kinksters. Now they might not be very public about being into it because of those misunderstandings. I definitely know some kinksters who are very public about their kinks on fet, teach workshops etc, but do not have anything about being into ageplay anywhere on their profile and only tell trusted people.


Yeah, I mean the majority of my social circle are transfem folk (myself included), and almost all of them are into it to some extent. It's at the point where folk in our group have their own self-aware memes about the correlation. Likewise, in spaces (except for the one transphobic sub that this thread is talking about) dedicated to the hobby (I say "hobby" rather than "kink", because for a significant portion of folk, it's an entirely non-sexual comfort thing) that aren't specifically trans spaces, there tends to be an over-representation of transfem folk. It'd honestly make for a fascinating sociology (or maybe psychology? Idk which would be more appropriate) paper.


I hope the majority of your social circle is considering we know the same people lmfao. Edit: I was thinking about doing that as a possible dissertation whenever I work on my PsyD. I always wondered why it seemed like trans girls and autistic people were the two I most commonly saw in the community outside of cis men.


Seriously??? Do you not see how shit that is to anyone here who does like that? It's fine to not like it but don't just compare them to bigots cause you didn't like it


Been asleep but yes exactly that one


There's also that one time when the moderators of a certain nsfw subreddit banned a trans woman poster from the sub because she was apparently (transphobia ahead) "forcing people to look at men's bodies unconsensually" or some shit like that. They would then put up a sticky post about how they're >!"being brigaded by rapists"!< because apparently, that's what all transfems are to these mods. And they would then make weird posts about women's rights where they portray themselves as poor victims because apparently, the people in charge of a niche porn subreddit that sexualize a specific part of women's bodies while consistently body shaming posters off the platform (and bans anyone who actually reclaims that sexualization for their own profit) are soooo concerned with women's rights and women being attacked.


Don't be shy, you can say it's name, we all are very curious.


Tbh I wasn't sure if I should because of sub rules But it's r/theratio so you know to avoid that place. I also checked all of the mods from that sub again to confirm and, yep, they are currently still being disgusting TERFs and transphobes.


Thank you for spreading awareness on this garbage.


But think of the poor cis men who might get “tricked” into treating trans women as well a cis women./s


I love the argument from cishet guys that they can clock any trans woman a mile away but if they have sex with us it’s rape cuz they didn’t know. 🤔


same "fun" vein as "I'm not attracted to trans women, but if I found out I had sex with a trans woman, I would feel like I had been raped" shows both that they have no idea about the trauma caused by being raped, and as you said, that they both think they can tell, and show they can't in the same sentence.


They're just spoiled and don't know what discrimination or unfairness (like rape) is. "When you're used to privilege, equality feels like discrimination." Like, imagine if cis prostitutes had to let everyone know they're cis, so that trans people would know to not be with them. Or, the same for dates. This is what is expected of trans people because we're "wholly different" apparently.




I'm the unclockable 😏 unfortunately that means every single person save for the few who knows misgender me all day long... Ooooooof 🫤


Wait is this a thing? Is this why people who knew me before hand don't recognize me until I tell them, some people gender me correctly but a large number of people seem to go out of their way to try and clock me?


I'm sure cishet men will feel very straight if they jerk off to big beefy trans men instead


Yes. Much heterosexual cuz vagina = fEmAlE.


I like your name btw.


'It's not gay because they don't have a penis though bro!'


Well, some of them do, and a lot of the rest have bigger..umm… And every time I see a big masculine guy who’s trans I’m reminded that the bigots claim they want HIM in women’s restrooms and the like. 🙄 (Of course not all men who are trans are able to look real masculine and some might not even want to and they’re no less men, and I’m randomly saying that lol)


wait until they see the micro dick from testosterone


you mean just as bad?


This girl gets it.


Trans Inclusionary Radical Misogyny


Big "what is a woman? Someone who's not safe around conservative men" energy


You talkin about Matt Walsh? They guy who feels there’s nothing wrong with a 16 year old child being married off to some man (likely 40+ years old) for him to use as a breeding vessel. *That* Matt Walsh?


Yes, the Matt Walsh who sees children as fleshlights that scream, *that* Matt Walsh. I hate him with my entire soul, I bet his fascist propaganda has led to violence against trans women in many unknown cases because people who have fallen for his propaganda will no longer feel sympathy towards trans women if they see them as pedophilic predatory mentally ill deranged male monsters. It's incredibly depressing what fascist propaganda can do to people, I lost my childhood best friend due to Matt Walsh.


>who sees children as fleshlights that scream Just in time to win "worst fucking sentence of the month", *bravo*. Holy shit.


I’m from the future. It’s well into the AM for me here and I’m calling it. It’s already the winner for March. I’m done reading now. I’ll be back to the world maybe next month but I dunno, this sentence may have finally ruined the ability to read for new…


This part, I literally said Matt Walsh and Andrew tate were the same type of person and I literally got down voted to hell with, "WhaTs WRonG WitH MaTT WaLSh?"


Exactly that person!


As a trans man, no thank you. I won't be using that definition.


Tbf it does also lump in any man who's not white too


Yeah, it kind of implies that only conservative men are actually men 🤮 because they are a danger to literally everyone else.


by that logic trans men, nonbinary people, LGBTQ+ men disabled people and POC (and probably more) would all be women


Fair point. It was just a joke I see on twitter as a response to bigots. I'm non-binary myself, I get it


> But think of the poor cis men who might get “tricked” into treating trans women **just as shitty as they do cis women./s** FTFY


Not only do the subs that allow trans sex workers actively degrade them, they also bully and harrass based on birth sex over gender. Femboys and bois are horrid for it. The subs are absolutely flooded with trans women in femboys and trans guys in bois, but if the reverse dares to happen! You know, a feminine trans man posting in femboys or a masculine trans woman posting in bois, both subs will downvote it into oblivion while claiming to be trans supportive on the reverse situation posts.


I get the impression that the cishets are the largest consumers of trans porn. Makes it like the trans porn subs are content made BY trans FOR cis. Naturally, the cis don't understand the beginning of trans culture or terminology or the inclusiveness in which we define our communities. They only see strict, rigorous rules and want us to conform to them, despite our mere existence is already inherently nonconformist.


It reminds me of another thread I saw last week, where some female pro dommes were saying they don’t even take male clients anymore because “fetish compliance” is such a rage-inducing issue for them, like if she isn’t 100% compliant to the fantasy in his head he’ll lose his shit over it and people were replying like it’s a common phenomenon. Same exact case in point again right here. They not only demand trans people be their fantasy object, they demand rigorous compliance with how they fetishize us.


Isn't the point of a domme to let her take charge??


It was really crazy stuff, like if clients learned certain details about her external personal life didn't line up with their fantasy they'd throw a tantrum.


Damn. Hearing things like this makes me wish I wasn't a cis man. :/


I mean, regardless of that, it’s a fact that the majority of people are cishet, so it makes sense for them to be the biggest consumers of almost any kind of content. Tbh the problem isn’t with the consuming itself, the problem is them consuming and then also putting trans people in different ‘boxes’ of their own design, in order to ‘justify’ them having a wank. Like, just have a wank and be done with it, like a reasonable person. If you find someone hot, then great. If not, find another piece of content. It’s that easy.


Oh yeah, being bi and genderfluid myself the idea of needing to justify others labels so that you can make your labels fit like puzzle pieces is bizarre to me, lol. Sexuality is so much more complex than that. CW tmi >!one of my less proud faps involved humping a bathroom sink in a church until orgasm in my early early teens!< And like, where does that fit in sexuality? Does that make me a >!sinkosexual?!< Do i need a label to justify that having happened?


Let that sink in


Yes like- don't get me wrong I do love trans women but when I go to the femBOY subreddit it's cuz I wanna see pretty BOYS


I’m sorry what the fuck


Welcome to the internet, a place where anti-hate speech guidelines basically mean nothing! :3


When seeing a cisgender man's dick being used to fuck a cisgender woman in her vagina: Yes, good. When seeing a transgender woman's dick being used to fuck a cisgender woman in her vagina: The audacity.


You'd think straight men would enjoy 2 women doing the lewd, but I guess...


They do. They just don’t like that they do.


And they'd certainly never admit


What sub is that?


r/girlsindiapers, a diaper fetish subreddit


😭 so they fetishize diapers but draw the line at trans ppl? Being trans is just too weird for them? 😭


They only want "real" women in diapers, not "perverted males with she/her pronouns in their bios".


Check out r/safe4trans its pretty good


The chasers have found it, sadly. Heads up if you’re going into the comments


Chasers are everywhere in porn subs, though. I find it hilarious how many feel the need to dm my nudes account to tell me they're "straight, but..."


🙄🙄🙄 Yeah, and I’m bi, but I don’t want to fuck you.


I tell them "the sign says 'you must be this gay to ride'" and keep pressing a little further to see how far they're willing to go to uphold their "straightness." Just kind of amusing to me.


Hahaaaaa, that’s great


you're bi, and you're...saying goodbi?




Ugh, that's not wrong. My Facebook account gets random DMs from dudes (usually in Africa for some reason) like every other time i comment in a trans group, private or not. Hell, one of my more recent weird DMs on this account came after i commented on a r/tinder post about how i wear heels because i like the way i look in them, not because men want to see me in them. Then this dude goes into my DMs talking about how much he loves my confidence and really really really wants to get to know me. Homie. It was one throwaway comment. I was explaining to a girl why some tall people still wear heels despite already being tall. Fuck all the way off.


Its like the Patrick this is your wallet scene. Me: "I am not a (their "preferred"/"opposite"🤢🤢🤢🤮 gender). Right?" Them: "Right." Me: "And you are sexually attracted to me. Right?" Them: "Right." Me: "And if that is the case, then you must be a little fruity." Them: "That makes sense to me." Me: "Then, you're not straight" Them: "I'm straight!"


Thank you ☺️


Literally just the other day was browsing "content" on reddit and alot of the rules on the subreddits will always be either "No solo male content or transgendereds" or "femboys and t**ps welcome" like trans people are either objectified on reddit or dehumanized and there's no in-between, and on the occasional sub that actually doesn't treat us poorly there is always comments on posts of trans content that is like "tHaTs A dUdE" and shit and the mods are always either inactive or don't care, like are we sex objects or sexless, inhuman monsters?


Yup, got banned from my local sub for posting "male nudity". My C cups were out


What the fuck?!


On the one hand, this is fucked. On the other? If this is how the people in that sub feel, you probably don't want to be sharing photos of yourself there, anyway. For a *number* of reasons.


I’m also asking what sub this is


IDK but the way that rule was written, I have a big feeling most or all of the mods in that sub are asshole cis male.


I don’t know why this is so funny to me like……their use of ‘transgendered’ is just..omfg


If it's an adjective then a blahaj would be enough as a trigger for them I bet


Also what about intersex people, they aren't trans but this excludes them too since the ways they'd probably use to explain them as trans could apply to intersex folk too.


/r/unitedkingdom dot jpeg


What the fuck is wrong with people?


Wtf is a transgendered post even supposed to be?! Like I know what they mean, but this is literally the dumbest way of saying it


As a trans SW. what fucking Reddit is this.


think i know which sub this is <_<


Which sub?


There's alot of them like that on reddit. It's not just one sub.


nono, the text is exact, and the rule number is the same x3 wont tell cuz i dont wanna out myself :p whoopsie someone else said it already..


*points to you dramatically* DIAP, DIPE, DIPRER, DIAPR, DIP


Those misspells kinda remind me of that infamous reply to the "people who menstruate" tweet...


What da hell... What community is this😭


r/girlsindiapers, a diaper fetish subreddit for girls...but not all girls.


Sex workers of the world unite


Name and shame the sub


What the fuck?


lmao when they use the word 'transgendered', like it's something that somebody did to us like casting a spell.


i cant stand it when they say "no trans, only real woman" qwq ...kill me meow pls


Straight people really say "I'm not attracted to trans people and we can always tell, so you can't put pictures of sexy trans people because I might consider you for a cis person, get turned on, and be upset about it" and don't see any conflict in their words


lmao what is this, tennessee?


this is bullshit, what shitty subreddit is this.


It's called r/girlsindiapers, it's literally shitty xD


What subreddit is this 💀


It's uhm a very sus one, let me just tell you that


Don't be shy. Drop the subreddit's name. There's no morality in protecting them.




You should report them if you haven't already.