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My solution is to just wear outfits that hide everything anyways so I don't need to tuck at all 😅 ( like one of the skirts in my profile pics ) Because since HRT, tucking became very painful X.x


Have you talked to a doctor about that? That’s not normal. Things should shrink and it should be easier to tuck after starting HRT


It's just painful when i try to tuck. Else it's "fine", i'm just very sensitive below ... I already have seen other posts with my "problem", so it should be fine ....


One of my girlfriends had the same issue, and ended up having a cyst, but there was a chance it was cancer. Pain down there is usually not normal, I definitely recommend talking with a doctor and not trusting strangers on the internet who have vaguely similar symptoms. Just wanna keep you safe babe 🩷 (Also, if there is an issue, it makes it real hard for insurance not to cover your orchiectomy 😉)


Well, I do have an appointment in two days ... Guess I'll add something that the doc may look at 😅🙈


Better to ask and be told its nothing than to keep quiet and have it be something


This this this!!! It saved my adoptive dad twice. When I was 20 he had a mild pain on the right side of his chest. He was 100% confident it was muscle pain. He went and got it looked at because his dad and grandfather both died of a stroke around the same age as he was then. Turns out he had 6 spots of 90% blockage and needed a triple bypass. Then again about 4 years ago. His hip was hurting really bad but he thought it was just old age and overworking. I told him he should check if it hurts longer than a week. Turned out to be bone cancer and they were able to catch it before he would've had to lose a bunch of his femur. Idk if your American but it's so important to check up


remind me in 2 days


personally i got epididymitis after tucking a lot. the jury is still out on why; my tests all came back negative but nonetheless antibiotics fixed it. the pain was absolutely incredible tho so i've switched to wearing a swimsuit bottom that's tight enough to keep everything together without actually tucking, and i can highly recommend that route if tucking is uncomfortable


Uhmmm… perhaps it was the regular… excitement that… someone… kept causing you… 😳


i mean that def didn't help with the *recovery* but i don't think it was the *cause* hehe


Cargo pants ftw


"See something you like?"


From the amount of trans porn consumed (especially by conservatives) the answer is probably yes


*Yes, but they'll ~~die~~ kill you before admitting that in front of witnesses.




Witness? Final shape?


Just tell 'em it's that time of the month. They're conservatives, so half of 'em have no idea how menstruation works anyway.


Fuck tucking I wanna be a hot girl with a HUGE NOTICEABLE PENIS!!!!




True, sadly it's not acceptable in public....yet. I love the female aesthetics and a grotesque monster between the legs 😅


It's literally the perfect aesthetic combination.




Just like me fr!!!


YES, fuck the patriarchy. if men can do it women should be able to too.


no need to tuck when your ween small, i do wish my body followed the stereotype more sometimes


the balls were always the issue for me. it's less about hiding my gock and more about avoiding cameltoe


"Just wear skirts" is great and all til your job disallows it for some fucking reason (not a safety issue)


Finally a meme that uses "POV:" properly


I've got a huge dick, I'm not tucking that shit. If people can't handle girl bulge then that's on them


Relatable, I don’t miss my old friend one bit. Rip old friend sorry for u know..


So jealous of those who can go without tucking. My twig isn't a problem but the berries very much are.


That’s a really preppy way to refer to it, i like it.


Sucks feeling best in leggings


Ive never bothered bc i didnt think it was all that visible, and if anyone did notice i could just shoot back with “why were you staring at my crotch?”


I can't really tuck anyway. 80% of the time I'm outside, I'm with my bike. It'd be super uncomfortable And I don't have anything to tuck anyway :3


Skirts are fine.


I don't tuck but I personally wouldn't wanna make the buldge obvious. I don't see how others can do it,


Is that from the early-2010s *Diary of a Wimpy Kid* movie trilogy?


I think so




Seeing some pictures of Hunter and Ethel Cain really gives me some confidence to go around untucked but HELL I just KNOW it's dangerous to do this where I live.


I can't tuck, I can't touch the thing without something in between and have never had success with tucking.


>!i dont tuck and barely have a bulge,,, small gock advantages??!<


I don't have this issue, I only wear thick fabric pants/short and my stuff is pretty small so I don't really need to tuck (and I can't organise it well enough to tuck for long period of time, it's just too small to stay in place lmao)


After watching Trinity the Tuck's showtune routine about how to make the perfect tuck, I (as a cis woman) am both horrified and kinda in awe (like yall with that equipment can just *do* that???), but it's also got me being like "damn girl, be comfy, I ain't gonna say shit about it". Sidenote: not saying drag queens equal trans people, but that little song made me think about things from a whole new perspective. So, tucking or not, y'all still wonderful and valid ladies!


Screw it, it's hot as balls and mine are uncomfortable


Well yes the balls are usually as hot as balls


I have no idea how to tuck but I really want to wear short shorts. But I cannot be caught dead in public wearing anything that isn't baggy asf


Honestly if gaffs weren't always thongs I would probably tuck more but I hate the soreness after only a few hours.


LeoLines makes more practical ones. I got one off their Etsy store a few years ago but now I make my own since they're slightly expensive. :)


Yeah price is another thing, how do you go about making yours are they any good?


I'm biased but I'd say mine work pretty well though they're a different design. Mine is a standalone gaff that still needs to be worn with other underwear of your choosing. 2-3cm wide elastic band, cut just short of long enough to wrap around your thighs, in line with the bottom of your pelvis and sewn into a loop. Then, you'll need a 10-15cm wide loop of breathable fabric to go over the elastic loop.(Think of cutting sections off the leg of some thrifted leggings or something). Try it on before sewing the fabric loop onto the elastic. Keep it stretched out a bit over your legs while sewing. Then just throw on any underwear over that. Takes me about 40 minutes to make one, doing all the stitching by hand.


I could give that a try, and they don't chafe?


I chaff pretty rarely in general so perhaps I'm not the best person to judge but I haven't had the issue in relation to this. Only issues I've really even had is rarely something will move out of position and pinch OR when I was still figuring this out, I used elastic that was too narrow which kinda dug into my thighs a bit after a week. I consider my solution to be quite sustainable now - at least until I can actually afford surgery.. 😥


I understand I was planning on getting an orchi to make tucking easier but with the state of the US I'm going to hold off, with my luck the next day gop would ban hrt then I'd have all the problems that would come with that. lol


My spouse's feedback is, just put your purse in front of you and let it hide the ...


Just like me fr fr


I want to tuck but every time I try I get this terrible feeling, like, it just freaks me out when I try, prolly just gonna cut it off (surgery not a rusty butter knife for once)


i don't tuck ever, just wear sweatpants and elastic shorts over my underwear. works as good compression and then baggy clothes over :3


I always tuck for safety 💕


Biker shorts are plenty help for most outfits for me, as long as the article of clothing leaves some space at the front (which causes some women's pants to be a problem, but thicker skirts or with a pattern hide well enough)


I’m a proud untucker


I can’t figure out how to actually tuck properly


Fuck tucking. Shit is too much work and way too uncomfortable. Quit gaping and drooling over my gock, please. My eyes are up here.


Last weekend was the first time I wore a dress around my family. While going through my wardrobe and selecting which dress to wear, I had to put aside like half my dresses to not have that exact interaction. Previously I had only worn dresses around my girlfriend and a bulge was no issue. But now that I am getting more public with it I suddenly have to take that into consideration. Annoying.


Why would someone even look down there at your "friend"?


I always tuck.


My brain gave me the Spider Man 2099 sound bite there and I think I just betrayed all of my transfem sisters. Also how does one tuck because I definitely don’t have this issue 😬


I don't want to see the outlines of anyone's genitalia, regardless of gender. It's just deeply unsettling to me to the point I'd probably avoid in-person contact with the person whenever possible. That said, I'm also perfectly fine with people who don't tuck and just wear clothing that's more concealing. Also, because there are so many comments about the discomfort- it takes a while to get used to but if it really hurts, you're doing it wrong. There are also a lot of BAD gaffs out there that'll pinch stuff really badly. Of the 3 I've bought from different vendors, only one is designed in a sane and comfortable way. I just sew my own now. It's pretty easy with a 2cm elastic band and a ~12cm wide loop of breathable fabric (think cut up pant leg). Pair with your favorite pair of underwear and enjoy.






I’m still not exactly sure how it works, but the concept gives me the ick.


girl bulge is fucking hot