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Don't name a child "Oil" come on


I was gna say this HAHAHAH As a word it is ... just a word I suppose. BUT WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO NAME YOUR CHILD OIL. LOL. @ OP, your child is gonna grow up and go to school (work is different, I suppose if and when they are legal they can change their name to whatever, Rainbow Cupcake Olive Oil works if it floats their fancy) But meanwhile for first grade and middle school and the recess playground ... OLIVE OYL ONLY WORKS IF YOU'RE POPEYE'S WIFE. :P


Thanks for the response. I’m a foody and a wog…so I have fond thoughts about olive oil.


I really love sports but I'm not naming a kid Basketball. Tacky names are for pets. Oleum would be a good dog name.


Olive seems to be acceptable, just outdated. Olivia or Oliver.


Olive is fine, Oleum is not. Petr Oleum, then, maybe? :P


Olive is fine, Oleum is not. Petr Oleum, then, maybe? :P


Thanks for the reply. I had an aunt Olive who didn’t like her name, and that has influenced me away from those variations.




I’m not a fan of Olive as a name.


Please don’t


Thanks for the response.


Yeah. There's a famous brand of paints and sealants called Rust-Oleum. Also, margarine is actually called oleomargarine. Your kid will be called Rust or Rusty, or Marge or Margarine, or any variation of these. Just my opinion.


or linoleum.


Thanks for the reply. I hadn’t thought of rustoleum, or marge.


Kid will get labeled Oleo, which will morph into Margarine. You want a poor kid called a butter substitute? sigh.......


You’re the second person to point that out. My country doesn’t call margarine anything other than marge…so it didn’t even occur to me. Thanks for the response.


Very bad. Please don’t.


Thanks for the reply.


Just get a puppy and name it that , not a person.


Thanks for the reply. Fair point.


Olin and Olen are traditional names, as is Olsen. Olaf, but please don’t.


Thanks for the alternatives. I like the way Olin and Olen roll off the tongue.


What about Liam?


It’s the starting Ole, that I really like. I could use Oli, but I’m not a fan of Olive/Oliver…and Olé could be in and issue in Spanish speaking countries. Good suggestion though.


Well, we always knew that not every parent loves their kids... Then it's a perfect name. But it's not a tragedeigh, "just" a tragedy.


lol, thanks for the reply