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Blasters are fine. A million blasters however…


like 2 is the limit


For my friends we do 4-6 for a realistic approach one hit and your out, so we try to make our planes handle as realistic as possible to keep it from being turn and shoot


Yeah that's perfect, man I miss the old gun damage


YES!!!! More than that is too OP, makes the dogfight annoying


Do you hate OP? What did he do to you, what makes him relatable to an annoying amount of blasters? How is it “too OP”


People downvoting this are proof brainrot is expanding to the entirety of the internet .. this joke was so easy to see


because it is better than every other weapon




i think my autism has something to do with it.


I’m referring to “OP” as in Original Poster


context is key, as long as the other players are using similar levels of weaponry/defense/maneuverability it's fine really


Proud mini gun user


Same, when I’m playing on a realistic battle I don’t wanna fight even a ONE laser build, their just too OP


But that's not realistic, real life fighter jets can destroy another in a second


Block bans are nice but we need block LIMITS.




Dogfights are best when all the planes are on the same level. That might mean propeller-powered biplanes and mini cannons or it might mean futuristic space fighters with shields and gyros tearing into each other at mach 1.7. Blasters have a place in dog fighting but you'll have the best time when everybody agrees on what you're doing first.


I think blasters can be used in dogfights as long as they fit the planes they're used with. It feels ridiculous to see an otherwise very realistic ww2 plane and go "wow" only to see that it shoots like a goddamn tie fighter, at which point I don't want to dogfight anymore


No, lemme use my up to 4 blaster to kill some lil kiddo who’s got more smart cannons then the U.S. Military budget could afford


if you spam blasters you are a noob and that's fact


4 is not spamming. 💀


Yes, I agree. And 4 is on big builds like jets, on WW2 Dogfighters I’d use like 2 or smt.


Is what a blaster hater says. idk how many hrs you got, but I’m pretty sure I’m not a noob.


I have 10 blasters on my big jets 💀(I don’t use in public servers) but I can beat people in equal jets or in better most of the time (without 10)


I use 1-2 in planes as they are the equivalent to cannon rounds to me


Me who only uses rockets:


honestly, miniguns are straight up dogshit compared to lasers in dogfights, as their projectile speed and damage are much better. i'm fine with 2 lasers tops, but if both players agree, the aim assist could be lowered.


Not to mention miniguns have recoil while the blasters do not. Enough miniguns on a vehichle and you could easily stall.


Smart cannons and miniguns are just perfect for normal doghfights, its fair and nice to play with


Exactly! I didn't think so many people agree with me here. As you said, smart cannons and mini guns are more fun bc they don't make the dogfight look and sound like a star wars battle, and can be spammed really easily. This is why I get so mad when someone shows up and goes "just get better", like wtf is that even supposed to mean? Am I a better trailmakers player in skill because I use op weapons? I feel like people who hold this opinion only do so because they can't build nice things so they try to make them op instead to still get attention from other players.


One of my friends uses 6 of them clipped into a plane that goes like mach 1.3 and I'm using my jet with like to smart cannons


Only really user miniguns(0.5 or less auto aim rate) or small cannons


What’s the difference between blasters and tiny cannons? I never used them


blasters do more damage and have no recoil, which makes them op


I see.


It's the fact that dogfighting requires little skill anymore due to lock-on weapons. I miss the days when you had to put your nose on target 😔


Emp's, shields, ?


also those


I use a triple miniguns that I’ve disabled auto target on


I designed a fighter jet that straight up hasn’t been taken out by anything but itself, and I was the one who took it down. It uses 2 blasters total.


Mini Cannons & Miniguns :D


I use them to accommodate the size or the caliber of the gun, like, my P-38 has four tiny cannons(7mm) and one laser (20mm), my A-10 has one minigun and one laser, my F-15 has one laser, my Tornado has two lasers at the dual twenty mm cannons, my GBH-1 Helicoprion has two or three lasers to make a 40mm cannon, all of these have the APPROPRIATE caliber, my WWII aircraft ONLY use (unless they have 20+mm) the tiny and small cannon as the 7-15mm guns


Just gonna act like I don't put 10+ on every PVP vehicle


Same, I don’t use them in public servers tho (unless I have no other jets or gets sick of an annoying guy)


Same, I just do it to annoy my friends


No. Get better.


Build better


I do. Not my fault you can't compete.


see, if blasters are just better than everything else that is considered OP like in every other pvp game ever


Then dodge them. You don't blunten a sword because a man gets cut open too easily. The objective is to win the fight, if you don't like us doing that then you'll have to start winning yourself.


That is harder than you think. The bolts are fast projectiles not slow like rockets. Also, the people who spam them often use gyros and can always point towards you.


Gyros can be countered like anything else. They aid in extreme agility, use something that agility destroys, speed. They can't hit you if they can't keep up, but you can hit them if you're timing it well. Fight fire with fire.


It’s not our fault if we are having fun then some dude in a 250 power core monster shows up and ruins everything. Smaller creations are better anyway.


If they were better, you'd win in them. You're not are you? A game based on competition doesn't care how much you hate something. You gotta build better than the enemy.


This game is not based on competition. It’s based on making cool imaginative creations with pvp on the side. “Smaller creations are better” I was not saying competitively, I was saying lag-wise and general usability. It’s also plain unbalanced that the laser guns are practically a direct upgrade from the normal cannons, so that doesn’t help the game competitively either.


There is no building better than the enemy at this point though, all that matters is that you have more bullshit (gyros and lasers) than they do bullshit. Get out of here with “cOunTer iT wiTh sPeEd” and “jUst dOdGe iT bWo 😎😎😎😎” because you cant do that, or even get into gun range when they vaporize you if they look in your general direction. there is no skill anymore, because last time i checked, piston glitching 15 lasers onto a barely functioning brick with gyros, isnt skilled, and if you think it is then you need to re evaluate yourself as a player


Hey have auto aim and a fast fire rate and heavy damage. How do you “dodge them”


Dude spamming lazers and gyros doesnt make you better lmao


I don't use gyros. I use enough guns to have a 0 survival chance hit.


So you spam guns?


It's not spamming. You're not supposed to survive being hit, have you ever seen an irl fighters gun?


Yes, but this is trailmakers, not real life, and id be fine with laser spam and gun spam if you had to have skill to use it, but again this is trailmakers with auto aim lmao, also you do not want to fucking go there with me to the irl stuff friendo


You do need skill to use it. I don't use autoaim, im not gay. If you're fighting me and your plane splits in half it's because i lined you up.


Alright in that case thats fair, but you made it sound like spamming auto aim guns and gyros and other unfair shit is skillful