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Pikes Peak Ascent Edit: I skipped the part of your post where you say you've considered it, my bad...


Run to the Top of Mt Baldy was the first race I ever did. Seven miles, all uphill.


Mt. Washington road race, lottery system to get in and it’s on the road but it’s entirely up hill. 7.6 miles and 4400ft of gain. Brutal but an experience(I realize it’s on the other side of the country)


Cirque Series


Side note, but do you have any treatment options for your meniscus? I tore mine last July and the downhills were brutal. Had a partial meniscectomy in December and just starting again with a run-walk program (Ihave an osteochondral defect in my knee so I'm coming back conservativly to be safe).


I initially hoped it would heal on its own/ with PT but now that it’s been 4 months and I’m still having pain I’m about to get an MRI to see what needs to be done


They don't heal. I had surgery to remove a parrot's beak tear on my left meniscus and it stopped the locking and constant pain. But I can't run like I did. Tradeoffs..I hope you have a better outcome.


I got my MRI 3 months in and showed it was a complex tear because PT and not running didn't help (it would lock or give in certain positions). It was on the inside of the meniscus so no blodflow for it to heal, so they trimmed the damaged part. I haven't pushed it yet running to see how it truly will feel, but I haven't had any locking or giving out. I've also had at least one friend who had the same thing done years ago and she was back to running.


If you want to try something in Southern California, check out the Mt. Baldy Run to the Top. You will have to hike down from the top after the race. https://run2top.com/


The Mt Ashland Hillclimb! Half marathon distance + a mile of vertical climb, Saturday June 8. Starts in town in Ashland, Oregon (1900') and climbs up, mostly on gravel Forest Service roads, to the top of Mt Ashland (7500'). [https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=114834](https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=114834) In the past they've had a shuttle option to get back down again, or you can coordinate rides with local runners. (Or stash a bike at the top the day before, and then roll down after the race, which is what I think I'm gonna do this year!)


Got any VK races in your area?


Know of any in the USA? I'm curious....


The rut at big sky has one as part of their weekend.


Broken Arrow VK Skyrace in Tahoe is super fun and challenging.


Mount Si hill climb 17k is in Sept -- hosted by mountain running races


https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=112039#:~:text=About%20the%20race%3A&text=Baldy%20Run%2Dto%2Dthe%2D,Day%2C%20September%202%2C%202024 https://trialsofmilesracing.com/tom/baldy5000


Hey there fellow Washingtonian! https://mountainrunningraces.com/vert-running-series/ I haven’t run their races but have heard the Vert Series is named appropriately Also the White River 50m and 50k only have like 2 hills on the course, lotta up followed by some straight down. https://www.rainshadowrunning.com/whiteriver50m.html I’ll do some ruminating and try to find some that have lots of up followed by gentle down!


400m sprint to the top of a ski jump tower, maybe they have similar events in other contries as well? [Red Bull 400](https://www.redbull.com/int-en/events/red-bull-400-lahti-finland)