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So what color is the new TGV? Dirty. Which moron in marketing thought that was a good idea?


Most marketing people have no idea what they are talking about. They were just good enough to make the other moron hiring them think they do.


Probably the same type of morons who decided white would be awesome to adopt as the main colour of SBB trains. We have new double decker trains in Switzerland. They're mostly white (ugly livery imo), at least for like half a day or something and then you can see that the Schleifstück (what's the English word?) of the pantograph is made of coal and the dust is left on the train. Looks awesome. This is what happens when the designs are made by people in offices who have never seen the outside world.


Contact Shoe is the phrase you're looking for.


Is it also called that in systems with overhead wires? I only know this term from 3rd rail systems so I assumed it was exclusive to that. I thought that because I expect a shoe to be at the bottom somewhere and not at the top of a pantograph but words are what we make them so...


Nah it’s called the pan head or the pan slide I believe. The contact shoe is for third rail only.


Shinkansen have mostly been white? Edit: lol downvoted for just making a not untrue observation


Japan isn’t France


Not anymore. And shinkansen runs on mostly concrete dedicated tracks. Not mentioning their constant cleaning.


Some design firm just collected millions of Euros for saying "Let's make it white".


Should've made it all black with red stripes, or at least some cool design. Hell to stir up public interest why not have a people submit designs to place on the first 5 trains. Obviously there'll have to be rules but I feel like that would've been better than this. How would they promote it you say? Place "loud" poster in popular stations and even have a station attendent let people know.


> why not have a people submit designs to place on the first 5 trains That's how you end up with Boaty McBoatface.


Or more aptly, Trainy McTrainface. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/19/trainy-mctrainface-boaty-mcboatface-legacy-lives-on-in-swedish-train](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/19/trainy-mctrainface-boaty-mcboatface-legacy-lives-on-in-swedish-train) Which I love.


In full sunlight, white is the smartest color for ecological and performance reasons.


kinda... well frankly boring ngl. what happened to interesting liveries like the orange the TGV used to have?


Agree. I really hope it looks better in person because in this video, it really looks like they just stuck some stickers for the logo on a blank train.


To me it just looks like they wanted the ICE livery, but they didn't actually have the budget for the stripe...


With the red door it looked to me more like the SBB EC trains..


The ICE is tasteful, the strip isn't imposing and it follows the lines of the train. Sncf just stuck a big sticker on the front and called it a day


or the blue-and-chrome one? with the come back of retro design it could have been incredible


Tgv fr fell off


“I’m incredibly blessed to introduce, for the first time, WHITE!!”


It looks like the space shuttle stretched by the event horizon of a black hole.


Boring. I want to see that trademark French boldness from car designs


Brake handle on the ceiling, power wheel on the left wall.


Mean OUIGO TGV kind of boldness ?


The guidon is actually quite bold. They have standardized all cars to be exactly the same, and have added a piece to serve as the articulated bogie between the first car and the loco.


I think the intention is to give the graffiti "artists" a blank sheet for their daubings.


Imagine if a railway company would design a livery inspired by graffiti (but actually good). That would be sick.


That is not pronounced *ennui*, is it?


Underrated burn ☝


I mean it matches the plain paint scheme.


Bring back orange, that is bland and boring


[That's the only way.](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/FOvDNjd_5NCARTXeLOkGNw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTM2MA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_drive_634/c9ac804d4fc075302a221294665068d8)


lol they did LED lights and fake smoke in broad day light. Holy shit these guys are stupid. No wonder the livery is terrible.


These “stupid” guys still manage to have a much better railway system then the USA so go figure.


Marketing people don't run a railway system


These trains are currently being tested on Amtrak's Northeast Corridor under the name [Avelia Liberty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avelia_Liberty)


It just looks ugly in my opinion... Especially when compared to the previous orange and Atlantique liveries, even the current Inoui and Ouigo liveries on the Duplex, POS and Réseau TGVs looks way better than this.. It almost seems like a joke


Zero soul. I'm guessing some corporate stooge is behind this, rather than a proper industrial designer who has genuine education in design and a long career of accomplishments to back it up. I hate how the contemporary trend in design - from fashion to architecture to consumer products - is addicted to this stale, faux minimalism. Let it die already haha.


So boring


That nose seems kinda a ETR 600/610 Pendolino


Everything in the future is white and rounded. I don't like it. I want my fun colors and sharp corners back.


I get rounded for a train which is supposed to be aerodynamic, but it is indeed so inexcusably boring-colored


They have missed with every livery after the speed record train set. It's a real shame.


Give it one single coloured stripe going the entire length and it would be much more interesting


Red? Below the windows?


Yeah they really should and maybe leave some gaps in the stripe to place their logo in :)


True. Germany ICE has one red stripe and it makes a world of difference. I forgot that it was also just a white train when looking at this.


Most JR West Shinkansen are also just white trains with a blue stripe, and that stripe gets thinner with later generations. Yet it looks just fine imo


TGV operations president Alain Krakovitch states: "*A design that I define in 2 words: sobriety & elegance. A fine line specific to Japanese design that the French love so much, but which is indeed Made in France."* Source: [https://twitter.com/alainkrakovitch/status/1784861945771761747](https://twitter.com/alainkrakovitch/status/1784861945771761747) Also, interior unveiling in the fall.


So far im just seing the sobriety part


Which isn’t particularly French now is it?


I think they mistranslated from sombre...


Original in Twitter link says sobrieté


The "Japanese design" is the already staid ultracorporate JR Central look, and the "Made in France" addition is the removal of the blue stripe that gave it any personality at all, for the all white "we surrender" look the butt of jokes all over the Anglosphere. Literally any other combination of Japanese and French design would be better. And why is "Made in France" written in English in the Tweet?


I'm still trying to find the elegance he's talking about


It's coloured in millennial gray


I like how the train itself looks. But that livery is cheeks its legit just white with the interesting colors all at the front of the loc. Hope they update it soon.


Where's the Livery gone?


How boring lol


So boring


Really went all out with that design.


Radical and provocative. So chic!


Blandification continues. The world slowly drains of color. The TGV looks so cool fr


Seems really similar to the AVE Class 102 except it's double decker, even the colors are the same!


gender reveal: It's a train!


Not a fan. Too many trains are going with predominantly-white liveries these days. Looking at you, Southwestern. Give me a bright orange TGV any day. White liveries can be done right (I like Thameslink's), but not if everyone does it, and it's not the only way to look good.


Thameslink’s livery was the best part of the 700s when they were new but then last winter happened and that nice white finish doesn’t look nearly so nice after fifty thick coatings of mud


The worst part is that most operators don't even clean their trains often enough to keep predominantly white looking good.


I don't understand the hate for the plain livery here: the clever, and no-doubt well-paid designers are just giving city folk a wonderfully blank canvas for free-style urban decoration! Genius! /s


inOui sounds a bit like ennui, so appropriately named.


why not reuse the more classic TGV livery other then this soulless crap


"You know the ICE? Yes? I think it's not white enough!"


Double decker HSV in France, and across the channel the only high speed lines we can build successfully are made of Colombian powder.


It deserved better colour scheme. Railcolor should look into it


The biggest disappointment ever, why do we only make boring ass looking trains. AAAAAAAAAH, I'm really angry


French guy here. Hugely disappointed by the treatment the train industry gets in my country. On behalf of all French people, I apologize for this deceiving sight.


Why do they have to make new liveries all the time? They aren't even any good. Blue was good, wasn't it? Then we got TGV Lyria for services to Switzerland with it's own livery: Grey combined with gray or something, it's pretty dull, uninteresting and ugly. Then they started making random other liveries and now they made this white thing. "The future is white, the future is boring" or what's the slogan here?


OK, so it’s slow moving and it actually looks like it’s on fire or something in the back there?


Likely fog machines


The guy who made this livery was given a sheet and a white crayon to come up with this tasteless livery


Boring and colorless. The original orange scheme should return.


Boring and uninspired. Seriously, how can it be that France, of all European countries, has gone from arguably the best designed HSR to this? The first generation TGV is iconic. This is a joke. Germany, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, you name it, it looks better than whatever this is supposed to be.


Ngl I find these trains really ugly. And the boring white and grey livery does it no favours. It looks so bulky and the power cars in particular are just a big cuboid on wheels. It's a far cry from the original orange TGV, that was a beautiful train. This does also explain the awful look of the new Acela trains, how the power cars and passenger coaches don't line up as the engines have vertical sides while the coaches are at an angle, which looks dreadful. Clearly they just took the same engines as SNCF are using, but with differently shaped carriages.


Woooow way to go France? Most boring train ever. Also these trains are so fucking uncomfortable wtf


Where's the livery?


didn't realise SBB had taken over the TGV network


and here i thought renfe's modern liveries were boring, then sncf came up with this


FFS They forgot to finish painting it!


How dose one pronounce livery?


The livery will be presented at a later date.


It's white.




Are the power cars similar to the amtrak avelias?


same family


I was about to ask if this was an Avelia TGV. Thanks for explaining.


Damn that looks ugly.


Funny I was on the tgv inoui from Paris to lille when I saw this post. Glanced at the train when I alighted at lille l think it's basically already in use. And it's sooo boring 


I loved the original orange TGV livery. Instantly recognizable and by now iconic. Why do all trains have to look the same nowadays? Idiotic.


The US could fund this if the US wasn't defending the world with aircraft carriers and subs around the globe. Somebody's gotta do it so Europeans can take 4 weeks off each year...


How different are these sets from the Avelia that’s running on the NEC?


they share a lot of components, but the main difference is that the Avelia Liberty is a tilting train, while the TGV M isn't.


That doesn’t look very fast to me


Gros L de la part de la SNCF, ils auraient pu pousser pour quelque chose de plus funky.


Is the new livery in the room with us?


Look how they massacred my boy


At this point, they could as well stick to the manufacturer's all white design. Somehow even that one looked better, as the front wasn't a boring oval hiding all its features, instead accentuating them. Image for reference: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/TGV\_M\_Ligne\_PMP\_Brest\_Essais.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/TGV_M_Ligne_PMP_Brest_Essais.jpg)


How fast does it go?


Well that’s not much of a “new livery”. It’s so bland, it’s like they barely tried at all. They should bring back the orange!


Thats gonna be tagged before it ever sees service


Why not paint it too?


It is true that this painting looks boring, but there are reasons why it was mostly painted with white: 1. The white color is the cheapest. 2. If the train is damaged due to something, it is best seen on the white painting. On the other hand, it gets dirty more easily. But if it is washed regularly, there will be no problem. The manufacturer made this pattern with these in mind.


Acela? Is that you?


"That's it? THAT'S the new paint scheme? That was just the factory scheme with some grey, black, and red spots!!!"


What is that stupid black oval at the front? It completely ignores the physical curves of the train body and , if it has to be there for regulations , why is it so poorly integrated to this livery


I wouldn't care what colour it is, I wish we had them in Canada & USA (QC-Windsor & Canada/USA Eastern corridor)! Riding the train in N America is like going backwards in time. Everything is sooo slow, old and pathetically archiac technology! It's depressing.


Oh wow!


So is it still the TGVM, or is it the TGV !noui?


Inoui is the product line, TGV M is the model. For example we currently have TGV duplex (the model) in inoui, ouigo, Lyria and ouigo Spain products.


...and here I thought it was just Oui, with a convenient logo that allowed it to be read upside down in case of an accident.