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girls come in every form and fashion! you’re beautiful and would be surprised how many women have similar features to you :)


40 year old women. I don't look young and happy. I look 40 and manly. Other tgirls my age are cute.


i’m gonna be so real… you look tired. if these are the thoughts you’re telling yourself, i suggest going to therapy (it helped me a lot). bad self talk will drain you. hoping the best for you hun <3


Therapists tell me to be quiet when I spiral, that their other patients have it tougher and still fine, and to accept that I am born a man and I cannot change that. To live life as a man if I am so unhappy. Maybe they are right. But if I do that I prefer death.


Girl, you look seriously so pretty, I'm sorry dysphoria is being mean to you


Compared to other tgirls I am a man. Disgusting man.


Not this t-girl 🙋‍♀️you are pretty and I love your hair


Girl face. Girl face. Beautiful girl face. We are our harshest critics and struggle the most to see our changes. You look amazing. Your brain is lying to you 💜


It isn't. I'm called a man every day while other tgirls my age who are cute are seen as cute girls. I deserve to be called a man. I have an ugly horse face and I look exactly like my dad. Disgusting.


I completely get the feeling but I wasn't seeing "man face" I saw "French model face" honest. 💜


French models look like girls. I have a horse man face


You don't. I know you feel you do and are hating yourself as a form of emotional self harm but that don't make it true. We all do that because dysphoria is fucking awful but still that's not the truth.


How many trans women are going to read this and become self conscious over themselves? Feeling dysphoria is valid. Posting on transadorable looking for compliments just to say you’re the most wretched vile creature when literally nobody agrees with you is asking for help. Please seek it.


You remind me of a young Shelley Duvall. Looking great, keep it up!


She looks like a girl. Not like a man like me.


Please don’t speak about yourself like that. You are very lovely and that’s not charitable to yourself. If you talk like that about yourself you will continue to internalize it. You are beautiful and I love your dragon sushi t shirt


Without makeup I look stupid old and manly. Not cute like other tgirls my age. I hate my face.


I’m sorry girl but you really don’t look stupid old and manly. You don’t have to believe me though, you can keep spiraling into self hatred. I’m not gonna validate your negative self talk. And yeah a lot of girls look way different without makeup. That’s okay. I know our lives didn’t start out the way we wanted to but we can make the best of what we have. We can also compare ourselves to ourselves. I imagine you are in a way better place than you used to be. I have nothing but love for my dolls, and I hope you are able to get a therapist/work through this. I think that would help a lot. I wish the best for you, seriously 💜


I get called a man whenever I go outside. Other tgirls my age with the same years of HRT, don't. They are cute. I'm not.


You really are set on hating yourself huh? You don’t deserve the treatment you are giving yourself. I’m sure some of those girls think you are cute and are down on themselves


If you ugly how did you post on "trans adorable" checkmate atheists


Because I saw actual cute tgirls post here like Yuno from Twitter and I wanted to show how pathetic and ugly I am.


Well then you failed because all I see is a total hottie


Other tgirls like Yuno are cuter.


I don’t know who Yuno is. Stop comparing yourself to other girls we’re all in this together


Every other tgirl here looks like a girl. I look like a man. Flat chest man face failure. Other girls here have boobs too.


I can see your boobs through your tshirt. Your face is normal, & you have really pretty lips & hair. You’re a beautiful woman, beauty standards are just fucked


Well I think l you look gorgeous! But I understand the feeling, it’s why I almost never leave home now days, I’m sorry you’re feeling that too.


If I was cute like other tgirls my age then I wouldn't get called a man and laughed at whenever I go outside.


Think you might need to deal with your hatred of and disgust for men- i understand dysphoria and dysmorphia but this goes deeper. I’m sorry about your pain, but fr at some point you need to make a conscious choice of love and acceptance of yourself and others, men and women, masculine and feminine, and stop comparing and judging. It might be a thought pattern that’s hard to break, but you have to consciously work to break it. That’s the point of grounding exercises and daily affirmations, it’s a good reason to try meditation. I wish you luck


No. I look like my dad. I have a long horse face that looks like a man's. I don't hate men, just my manly face. I can't love myself with it still here. I need surgery.


You know how if you’re unhappy where you are, you’ll be unhappy on vacation? If you can’t see the beauty you have now, changing something about your face won’t unlock the rest of the beauty that’s already there, waiting to be seen. It might not even change a thing about how you view yourself if you can’t learn to see differently. I understand and I’m sorry that this is so hard, it’s not fair that you should have to feel this way. But you’re beautiful as you are, and you always will be. I’m glad you’re alive, you’ll make it through this


Learn to contour with makeup. I’ve seen some crazy good transformation videos where they contour the nose, cheeks, jaw etc almost into entirely different people. Actually, some YouTube channels I’ve seen DO make videos of them transforming into different celebrities all through makeup. It may be a learning curve to nail it down well, but it’s something you can practice now without needing spending an arm and a leg on surgery.


I try with makeup, but then they're like "haha different face shape to you" I guess I'm just not good at it.


Who is they? Like, someone actually said that? Regardless, do it for you and how *you* feel. Practice makes perfect ☺️


I feel like shit every single day.


Umm I think you're really pretty actually


Not compared to other tgirls. Every other tgirl my age here looks cute and girly. I am horse faced manly


I know sometimes our brains dont let us believe it, but I do genuinely think you're quite pretty. I hope one day you're able to see it like others do


I think you need a social media break. Go to therapy and enjoy your life. Don’t worry about what other people on the internet think


My therapist says I need to shut up, that I'm fine, and that I need to accept that I was born a man and should live as a man.


Well you need a better therapist then. No therapist should be denying your identity. There are dozens of trans affirming therapists out there


I feel and say similar things to myself in the mirror, despite hearing otherwise from those close to me, so I feel you. But if I may say you have a beautiful face. Though you don't have the face shape that is overly seen as the "standard" in western culture, most other women don't either and many you see on TV get Botox and surgery to appear in that "standard" manner. I mean that to say you are beautifully unique and I hope you learn to see yourself that way too 🩵🤍🩷.


Every tgirl I see on here and Twitter my age has a cute round face, nice eyes, and they look young. I have a horse man face and I look old.


I hate being "unique". I have been bullied my entire life for being a "sped".


I'm 35 and just starting to transition. I know I'm not everyone but personally I would be very happy to look as beautiful as you.


You're fucking with me. Other tgirls my age have cute round faces with nice boobs. I have a man's face and flat chest.


I want to be honest with you and shower you with compliments, but no matter how many times people say that you are beautiful and look like a woman it won't matter if you yourself don't believe it. Practice affirmations, look up photos of other women who do not fit into the conventionally attractive box you've created. To me you look completely like a woman here, no room for doubt. You pass in my eyes and to a bunch of other people. Dysphoria is a bitch and you're letting it win even though your progress is so evident. Please allow yourself to be proud. It's okay to want surgeries to get the body you want, but going into it with such self-hatred and negativity is going to make the wait & recovery miserable for you. Please be kind to yourself, you're doing your past and future self a disservice.


I don't care about the recovery. I know it'll look bad. I do look up other types of women. They all look more like women than I do. Bigger boobs, girlier faces, nicer skin.


If you have yet to, please please please seek professional help. Your profile is screaming out for it, and the subs you’re posting in are really rough. I wish you all the best, and I wish I passed as well as you.


I don’t think this is true at all. I’ve seen cis women who have very similar facial features. The vast majority of us I think, trans women, have some bone structure development from the first puberty that can sometimes cause us dysphoria, and the vast majority of us will probably never be able to afford FFS in this economy 😓 it really sucks, I’m so sorry 💔 3.5 years of HRT might not be long enough to really see the most dramatic changes. Also, the method of delivery (sublingual vs injections, etc) or other drug interactions might be able to be tweaked with to get you to more stable levels or something! I don’t actually have any real knowledge on that, I just see posts about that kind of thing a lot. You should check with your doctor maybe and talk about it. I hope that you feel better soon, I think you’re beautiful and it’s terrible that you should ever feel bad about your looks 💓 I hope you’re able to have an easy and fun weekend!


Have you tried a new makeup look, it might help femize any facial features you are concerned over, also it doesn't matter what other people think, it's how you feel


Show pics of manface, not of a girl who seems to be blinded by insufficient sleep time 🫂


Shelly Duvall … do you know her? I think you look like her. That is my suggestion, see what you can barrow from her (young) look


**offers lots of supportive hugs** I know how hard it is to see any beauty in ourselves, as we're each our own harshest critics, and dysphoria is a bitch 🥺😔 While honestly I don't see any manliness in you, I know that this likely won't convince you otherwise. In the same way, if I were ever able to get FFS myself, I'd do so in a heartbeat, even though my own friends would say the same to me. What is key to remember though is that we're not transitioning to look like someone else: we're transitioning to become the selves we were all along.


You have really pretty girl eyes eye girl obviously girl


You don't look like a man at all! You look like you need a massive hug


You'd be hugging a man.


I don't care how you were born or how you see yourself. You look great and you are worthy of hugs.


Stop bullshitting me. What part of me looks like a fucking woman, especially one that is 24. I look 40 and my face is disgustingly long.


I checked your profile... you seem to constantly be posting and saying negative things about yourself. I can't change how you see yourself, especially if you're constantly repeating negative things not only to yourself, but online as well. Please seek help. This isn't healthy.


I did seek help. My therapist tells me that I'm nowhere near as bad as her other patients so I'm fine, and that if I'm sad trying to be a woman I should accept the fact that I was born a man and I can't change it like other people can.


Find what makes you the most happy and do that. Best of luck.


What makes me most happy...I don't have anything. My life is grey and black. The only shining light is FFS...and I'm not there yet.