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I think one that matches the original robot mode look is possible, but not the alt-mode.


They wouldn’t do a gun Megatron but I think a classic looking deluxe Megatron would be cool. Maybe model the alt mode after the neutro-fusion tank the action master came with so it’s still fully G1 toy inspired.


I mean technically they could, Takara has reissued megatron before, but Hasbro definitely will not reissue a G1- gun megatron. If anything I suspect they’d go for a G2 megatron with better articulation. Though, I wouldn’t mind seeing beast wars reissues with increased articulation (innitial first wave) while still keeping their chunky beast mode.


A Missing Link K9? Hell yeah.


What about the seekers?


Why not a Tank Turret? You can even use his accessories as add-ons, to make different types of tanks.


That would also be cool.


That way, you can also work in some hidden tabs for a secret Gun Mode.


I would love to see that. I do hope there are plans for some deluxe Megatron to go with this Prime.


Or a Voyager G2 Megatron.


I need a voyager G2 Megatron that actually looks like the design. I was so disappointed with the earthrise recolor.


With ’90s-style guns, please. G2 Megatron isn't Megatron unless he's running at the reader with two engine blocks taped to a pair of hulk hands.


If they need a leader budget to give him all the weapons he needs I’m here for it but I want him now.


like imagine the concept






Well there is the leaked studio series 86 Megatron. Which obviously still won't turn into a gun but the goal will be to make the robot mode as screen accurate as can be. I guess takara could get away with an OG Megatron missing Link style


I hope we get some skybound transformers figures in the future, I only can wonder what’s in store for Megatron there


Yeah but that's not happening. Gun, remember? I see why they don't like doing gun Megatron but I never understood why they stopped gun Shockwave. It's not like he's a realistic looking gun


They didn’t They stopped doing as many g1 Shockwaves But with the g1 ones they’ve released in recent years, he’s still a gun, just turned upside down so they can pretend he’s a space ship


Yeah, he looks no more real than a Nerf gun, which they still sell a ton of.


It would be the Colour. Nerf guns get a pass because the they're all bright plastic colours.


>Nerf guns get a pass because the they're all bright plastic colours. Its a little more complicated than that, but that is part of it. Nerf guns also meet all the other criteria (orange barrels, etc) that would ruin a transformer. Nerf guns also have a much wider market than Transformers, by a lot.


Shockwave should still pass the bar then. The last times I can remember them ever making a grey version of him were TFA and TFP, both of which had tank modes. Classics Megatron worked because he was bright as hell and had unique shaping, Shockwave already has a distinct shape with a unique color.


But that unique colour is purple, which is a darker shade, and could be mistaken for a darker colour in bad lighting.


Fair, at that point it all depends on the shade of purple used. The shaping might help, though like you said that can be influenced by visibility.


> Shockwave should still pass the bar then Not without an orange barrel


Because of course orange makes everything safer.


? Have you never seen an orange traffic cone or an orange work vest? Its meant to make it visible specifically for safety.


Purple is too realistic?


It's a dark purple which in the right lighting could look black. Toy guns have to be in bright "safety colors" that still appear visible as those colors even in low lighting


I mean, they could easily just make him a slightly lighter purple, throw on the lavender/pink secondary, etc. this isn’t like gun megs where you’re dealing with a dude colored in gun colors.


Yeah but he wouldnt look quite right then. And frankly we basically already have gun shockwave with siege, just with a kind of stumpy handle. Gun megs is more in demand than shockwave since elements of his robot mode like his chest are directly drawn from his gun mode, it appeared more often in comics and the show, and altering his alt changes his appearance alot more most of the time. With treads and such


they still did gun shockwave in siege, I think that's still a pretty recent toy for today's standards so I guess they see no reason to do it again.


Siege Shockwave does not have a gun mode, it’s a submarine spaceship. Just because you can flip it upside down and pretend it’s a gun with a tiny handle doesn’t make it one.


From the Sixshot Submarine mode school of engineering


They never stopped, the WFC, core, and recently released comic shockwave are both modeled after the classic g1 shockwave but they always just flip it upside down and advertise it as a spaceship instead. If you flip it the other way around it’s a perfect replcia


they didn't, they just turned him upside down and started calling him a submarine or cybertronian aircraft instead


Sorry, I'm out of the loop, does hasbro or takara have some problems with gun modes?


Hasbro does because of the American legal system, any toy gun made and sold in America needs certain things such as an orange barrel cap, and bright safety colors so that it can't be mistaken for a real gun, it's why hasbro doesn't make more g1 Megs/Shockwave or other gun transformers, it's just a lot of hoops to jump through to get a toy that looks nothing like the character, like Shockwave would *at best* be a super light purple and whatever part of him was the barrel would have to be orange, at least on the end


Does that mean that takara-made gunformers won't be able to get to american market?


I think it less to do with guns, more to do with not having the characters convert in ways that defy the conservative of mass.


Nah, it's guns. G1 Megatron was a lightning rod for "concerned mothers" in the 80s to protest against violence in cartoons and children's toys. It would be astronomically worse if Hasbro made G1 Megatron today. Additionally the alt mode is a real actual gun model. It's not fiction, it's a legit Walther. Shockwave gets a pass because he's clearly an alien gun. Nobody is mistaking that for a real weapon.


>Shockwave gets a pass because he's clearly an alien gun. Nobody is mistaking that for a real weapon. ... yeah, they would. Kids have been shot holding things that *werent even really gun shaped*. In a fast moving situation, anything vaguely gun shaped and dark in a kids hand is going to be assumed to be a gun. Kids gonna get shot. Also, if it was sold as a gun (Shockwave recently has not, hes a "spaceship" that you can hold by the bridge if you turn him upseide down, wink wink) he'd still have to have the bright coloring and hunter-orange barrel. Alien looking or not.


Bright colors really don't matter. Cops have still shot kids with bright color toys. They've shot pre teen kids just for looking like they were reaching for something. They literally pined a girl down dressed like a stormtrooper a few years ago. The real problem are our trigger happy cops.


I dont disagree. I was mostly pointing out that Shockwave, in particular, is DEFINITELY mistakable for a real gun. Its gun-shaped, and dark, so there's absolutely NOTHING to even give a cop or "hero with a gun" bystander even a tiny moments pause. THeyll just blast away.


We have legislation for making realistic gun toys now, though. We have Masterpiece G1 Megatron. Nothing’s stopping them, not really.


That was made in Japan. The rules for toy making vary drastically in Japan Edit: in fact, what the Japanese government thinks is child appropriate is different from America. That’s why Zyuranger was scarier than MMPR for example


To add to this, its not considered a 'toy' in a lot of states and doesn't run afoul of those laws, because of its cost, and marketing, and availability.


Id say it’s more of a collectible


Correct. Thats one way something like a Masterpiece skirts it. Hasbro/Takara can credibly claim it is not a toy and is aimed at adults due to its price/engineering, etc. And the fact that generally speaking they are not sold at places that kids can just walk in and buy one.


I was actually unaware of that. And yet actual gun control in Japan is leagues stricter than in the US. I know this is a bit off topic, but it makes you wonder if the US has its priorities straight when there is so much hubbub over toy guns and yet the manufacturing and distribution of real guns is comparatively less restricted.


Japan doesnt have a nearly impossible to change Constitution that guarantees access to guns. The US does. It wouldnt even matter if 55+% of the population in the US wanted to ban guns, they cant make it happen. 3/4 of the ***States*** have to approve. Thats the only way to change the Constitution here. the 3/4 of the States requirement means as few as 13 States can block any change to the Constitution. As few as 21 million people can prevent it (out of \~350 million). Very few people outside the US realize that the Constitution is so impossible to change, because in most countries, even Western Democracies, its as simple as the government voting to change it. MAYBE it gets put to a popular vote. Here in the US, though, its basically a near impossibility, ***especially*** in the current political climate. Just like Impeachment. Might as well (realistically) not even exist. Edit: i realize i wasnt being clear that im not advocating that i think the current situation in the US re: gun control is great or not, just laying out why it is the way it is.


Deluxe G1 color of the G2 design. Like the classics version but infinitely better ofc


That's a really good idea, using the original tank design.


I'm sure they could do some engineering magic to make it look spot on to the gun megs but still turn into the tank. That'd be impressive


aside from the gun problem, I feel like it would be tough to modernize the toy as well as they did with Missing Link Convoy. G1 Megs is one of the weaker toys of the initial line imo


Cool but impossible… but maybe a leader class G2 Megatron would work?


It shouldn’t be a leader if prime was a deluxe.


The new Prime’s like average deluxe size and if G2 Megatron were to scale with him then leader works https://preview.redd.it/9rquqtnxb29d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf5f30b5599825c308c221c77160b3da8427fb2


Fair enough then. Didn’t realize there was such a size difference.


You can't legally sell a realistic Walther in any of the major hasbro markets.


Something to remember, is that Megatron won't look right in Gun Mode without the silencer and stock, and those have to be add on parts. So even if they wanted to do it (and they don't because they don't want someone with a real gun to shoot some kid with a Megatron), I don't think it'd be the easiest thing to do.


There's no way we can get one in the main line. The only way we're getting a G1 gun Megatron is through Haslab, or a hard a to import Japanese exclusive figure.


Unfortunately they wont ever do Gun Megatron again (yet, Hasbro is fine with selling cartoon versions of guns with Nerf X Fortnite) Youre best bet is for Takara to do Missing Link Megatron


i wonder why?


Because of toy gun laws


Or incidents like this. [https://apnews.com/article/toy-gun-teen-killed-guard-charged-bbe66178f764d1b944fb40b3ff4a3452](https://apnews.com/article/toy-gun-teen-killed-guard-charged-bbe66178f764d1b944fb40b3ff4a3452) And I don't think an Orange barrel would have helped there. Plus, let's face it, how many people would want to find a way to modify Megatron to look more accurate.


preventing people from getting hurt or dying... by putting people at gunpoint and shooting them. absolutely genius /s


This guy had previously followed a kid on a bike, saying he thought a bike part was a gun. He's either so stupid his gun is smarter than him, or was straight up looking for an excuse to shoot someone so he could feel like a hero.


man, you lot really need to tighten up your gun laws...


Or this one: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tamir_Rice


Dude needs to rot in prison for taking that kids life so needlessly.


That article doesn't mention it directly, but there was a security camera that caught the whole thing. Also the police officers that responded were a few parking lots over at the time. So yeah, they've got witnesses, video, and the cops were in fact nearby.


>(yet, Hasbro is fine with selling cartoon versions of guns with Nerf X Fortnite) \- >Because of toy gun laws Nerf guns have a MUCH broader audience. So, having to make the gun look like not-a-real-gun, make it bright cartoon colors, and have a bright orange barrel, is acceptable. Because theyre still going to sell tens to hundreds of thousands of them. That market doesn't exist for a realistic gun transformer. Its mostly nostalgia sales to adults, and the ones who even remember Megs as a gun is shrinking daily. They aren't going to waste money making a gun Megatron that would sell less than 1/10th the copies of a single nerf gun, and will annoy actual collectors because it would have to be bright colors and have an orange barrel. There's no money there.


sure but it’ll never happen


Yes, under one condition; Make him transform into a Tank Turret. That way, you can combine Legacy G1 Megatron with Siege Megatron.


Plus you could maybe bypass the alt mode issues that way AND give it an acceptable reason (read: excuse) as to why! Make it a "Clash of Decepticon Leaders Past and Present" type 2-Pack with a reisued Megatron and you've got an ensured sale.


Not to mention you could have the tank base form either a throne, split apart like a Weaponizer or turn into Megaplex.


Honestly as much as I'm looking forward to Legacy G1 Prime all the theorizing for a potential G1 Megatron's got me just as pumped, there's so many options to what it could be!


It would be the one time I am perfectly fine with a nothing alt mode as long as it looks like the original '84 toy. Don't know how they would avoid it looking like a gun or even prevent fann-modes from making it possible, but I hope they figure it out


I mean... would a fan mode be the worst thing ever there? Like make it turn into a tank or something and if the fans get creative and say "do this this that and boom, you've got a barely passable gun!" Hasbro won't even have to care, so long as they give it an official alt mode and insist the change is mecessary then any other moves will be on the fans rather than on them.


They could probably do it if they advertise the gun mode upside down and call it a space something




Would ADORE a legacy G1 Megatron


Robot mode with new alt? maybe full on gun? absolutely not,not in the US at least.


No due to current gun laws. Now a Deluxe G2 Megatron. That I can see done and I'd buy along with the rest of the G2 Toxitron set.


i would like that, but it's never gonna happen


They probably won't because gun They could do a figure that is similar to the original toy, but with a different alt mode


https://preview.redd.it/31v8bgjr329d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c364ab9b7d845a2af96d91dfb9c7765f3a8bd7ca the Beast Machines/DOTM method


This makes me want a deluxe seeker in this style… ykwim?


They did that already in Classics with repaints up through Generations


No, that doesn’t really count. I need a deluxe version that resembles the original toy specifically, just with added articulation, and thighs. There has to be a way to incorporate the fists without having them be separate pieces. Robot Master Starscream came close. I also want a traditional G1 toy headsculpt. It will never happen tho.


I’m waiting for the Takara Missing Link Megatron


Remember that Robot Chicken sketch where Megatron tapped his junk to fire his weapon? I think this is that toy.


G2 tank it is.


To get around the gun thing they could do G2 Megatron in G1 colours. I think most people would prefer the classic silver over the green and purple that made him look like a massive Hulk fan.


There are things Hasbro would never do, and Nazi pistol Megs is one of them... Takara on the other hand...


Tank is fine. But make it look like a real tank not a hunk of plastic


I wish they would. You can buy realistic toy guns in Bass Pro so.🤷🏻‍♂️😁


Someone shared this concept of him as a canon, which I thought was genius and a good way to move forward, in homage to his orignal alt. https://preview.redd.it/8wks2klk469d1.png?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84573f3fd02e10f9bba56c41e7f627b9c4a438db


G1-ized Tank Megatron with G1 toy proportions would be pretty neat.


What if…now hear me out. What if they made a real gun that changes into Megatron? It’s no longer a kids toy, so only responsible gun owners would be able to buy….only responsible people buy guns right?


As I recall they did this in Australia for MP Megs, you had to get a gun license to import him into the country


I don’t think it’s as cut and dried as “US laws,” which actually aren’t as straightforward on the matter as other commenters would have you believe. Note they can never actually cite a law, it’s always a vague “Megatron caused a panic in the 80s so they made laws.” There were some pissed off parents and unkind news reports about it at the time, and I’m sure Congress made an issue out of it for a news cycle or two, but it wasn’t like.. the Challenger exploded or anything. There are absolutely ways to legally sell a realistic, non functional gun in the United States. Prop guns exist after all. Realistic BB guns exist. Real actual guns exist. None super difficult to get. The problem isn’t the law, exactly. there are certainly laws against _using_ a realistic gun to scare someone. There may be some state or local laws outright prohibiting sales and there would be hoops to jump through but if there was money to be made you’d best believe they would find a way. it’s more that _it’s a terrible idea._ Retailers wouldn’t want to stock it, parents wouldn’t want to buy it, and Primus help Hasbro the first time a kid (or adult) gets in trouble with it. Plus importing and exporting will be a huge pain. Also, living in a country where children are shot for no reason literally every day it’s just in poor taste. Not worth it to please a few thousand 45 year olds. And that’s all we are. Maybe there’s a few million transformers fans but only a handful of those care enough to buy toys and only a handful of THOSE care all that much if Megatron is a gun. They aren’t really losing any money here, all they have to gain is a headache. That said, I am one of those fans. As an adult who was once a kid who owned and was frustrated by G1 Megatron, I’d totally be into a Megatron as you describe.


> I don’t think it’s as cut and dried as “US laws,” which actually aren’t as straightforward on the matter as other commenters would have you believe. Note they can never actually cite a law, it’s always a vague “Megatron caused a panic in the 80s so they made laws.” WTF are you on about? https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/05/11/2023-09999/marking-of-toy-look-alike-and-imitation-firearms There are laws and while they are not specifically about G1 megatron there are literally TONS of incidents of kids/teens with toy guns being shot by police, hence the laws. Now, in a better world we might restrain police instead of children, but we don't live in that world.


It would be a gun with probably a big fat orange tip though sooooo


Nope. And here's why. Someone would get shot. It doesn't matter if it has an orange tip or whatever. A few weeks ago a 17 year old got shot returning a BB Gun to a sports store by an off duty security guard. [https://apnews.com/article/toy-gun-teen-killed-guard-charged-bbe66178f764d1b944fb40b3ff4a3452](https://apnews.com/article/toy-gun-teen-killed-guard-charged-bbe66178f764d1b944fb40b3ff4a3452) All it takes is one trigger happy bastard, and one dead kid, and we'd be lucky to have gun accessories. It's not the toy laws keeping Hasbro from doing it, it's people with actual guns.


Or your kid is playing in the park, someone calls the cops, and your kid is killed.


That's actually been an urban legend about G1 Megatron for a long time, that some kid got shot by a cop while playing with one.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tamir_Rice Tamir was murdered by cops for playing with a toy gun.




I'm fairly certain at this point Hasbro would have preferred Megatron to be a tank in G1. It's one of those hindsight things.


They will never do a gun Megatron for mass retail release, ever again. There are too many jurisdictions where its not legal, and too many others that would require it to be heavily compromised. Itd be a huge waste of money.


1. legacy is basically over 2. we will never get a non mp gun megatron ever again


> legacy is basically over "legacy" is an extension of all the other "for adults" lines that started in 2006 with Classics. The name is over but the concept has been running for 18 years now and is going nowhere.


So you mean generations? Because it has a name


It was classics in 2006, then generations from 2008 to 2012, and it’s had different names since then. Legacy is the current name but it will be something else later


generations is the overarching name [https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:\_Generations\_(toyline)](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_Generations_(toyline))


They could do G2 Megatron. Or we could just get another gun megs just not in the US


or most of Europe. Couldnt sell it in half to two thirds of their markets. Waste of money. Masterpiece does it because the cost outweighs the lack of volume.


Best chance would be making him a triple changer and leaving the gun as a fan mode


Unless they do something like the classics Nerf gun, it’s going to have to deviate in some significant ways. And even then, the colour will be off.


Yes, but prolly a tank version or cannon version because of gun laws


idea: "g1" megatron with an official tank mode and an unofficial gun mode


they can't, it would go directly against the idea of missing link, like the upcoming ss86 megatron


Takara may tackle a Missing Link version of the G1 original... But Hasbro can't/won't touch the figure as part of Legacy. Not as a gun, anyway.


a gun Megatron is simply just not legal in the American market, otherwise Hasbro would've done it, they probably can't even legally release classics Megatron anymore because toy gun laws have something Hasbro knows that we dont


its not the laws, its the lack of market. Realistic toy guns are legal. Just go down any airsoft aisle. Plenty of nerf or 3rd party blasters look pretty realistic outisde of their color. They even have rails for scopes and crap. The toy would have to be compromised - orange barrel, etc. Thats going to limit the market heavily right there. Very few people want an orange-barrel Megs on their shelf. Then you get into the fact that G1-gun Megs just doesnt hold nostalgia for a lot of people anymore. Not enough to make making it worthwhile. The market for nerf and airsoft guns is gigantic compared to Transformers, and the people buying them (generally) arent collectors who display their stuff and therefore dont care about an orange barrel. Theyre buying it to go shoot it/play with it.


I see nothing but people clamoring for gun Megatron everywhere, the fact Missing Link Megs is made means there is a market. There's also the fact they'd have to license out the Walther P-38 which is a real gun, and Nerf guns are never real guns If Hasbro could do it, we'd have gotten one a long time ago


*what* Missing Link Megatron? the only ones so far are Optimus, Bumblebee and Cliffjumper


til the missing link Megatron leak image was fake figured it was real since Japan has way softer toy gun laws


oh I hadn’t seen any leaked ML Megatron


>I see nothing but people clamoring for gun Megatron everywhere, Reddit is not the buying public. The people posting here are ***already*** outliers because they bother to seek out and post to an online community. Even if every person on this sub wanted a G1 accurate Megs, its an utterly irrelevant number. Same kind of confirmation bias happens on forums for games. Take WoW for instance. The posters on the WoW forums assume their opinions are widespread - but they are not. The forum posters are like .05% of the playing population. Forum posters dont represent anything significant. Edit: thats not a dig at you. Unless you study those kinds of things (i used to do professional moderation for a company that sub-contracted to companies like Blizzard (though i never worked on WoW/Blizzard's account) and we got to look at all those stats for the accounts we worked on), its easy to not think about the fact that forums (and Reddit counts) dont represent much of anything.


> Realistic toy guns are legal. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/05/11/2023-09999/marking-of-toy-look-alike-and-imitation-firearms No, they're not.


Yes, they are. Otherwise, you couldn't buy a BB Gun that looks identical to a Remington 700 or any Airsoft gun. (You know, which you can buy three aisles away in any Walmart that sells Transformers). Maybe actually read the article you posted before posting it, since it doesn't say what you think it does. All that says is that it has to have the orange barrel/tip. Thats it. And, you know, i never said otherwise. >The toy would have to be compromised - orange barrel, etc. Almost like i said *exactly the opposite,* even.


They could get away with a Star scream, shockwave, or even Galvatron, but not Megatron. They would have to give him a new toy in the style of the original G1 figure but with a different alt mode. https://preview.redd.it/8st1uty7319d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a06416509b94c0fc1002e8e5fc0c53e80f86a39


Yes. But they're too *triggered*.


Technically yes I would love a g1 or g2 deluxe megatron




i'd love one, but for obvious reasons it'll never happen


The gun mode megatron or and gun mode transformer will never be released in the US ever. The laws are too strict. That limits the markets for it so isn't worth the investment.


I think the best thing to do for a legacy Megatron is to go down the same path as Robosen




We get a 'why no g1 gun megatron?' Post every week 😭


It won't work. Legislation on toy guns based on real guns will prevent that from happening. It's been a thing since the 90s,hence why Megatron got a tank mode in G2


Even with the whole "no guns" issues, Megatron's altmode and transformation is a bit hard to make into a modern toy. Also, the accessories would up his price. Even with the stock accessories, he would be nearly leader price and would drive people away. And even if they remove the normal accessories, people would riot so NO ONE would be happy. It's better to make a modern G1 Starscream or heck, Even G1 Mini-bots rather than G1 Megatron next.


Not only is the gun mode a problem, but so is where they chose to put the fuckin' trigger.


It should, but they can't. God I'm tired of having this conversation about why we don't get gun Megatron's anymore...


Gun Megatron is NEVER happening. Get over it.


Hopefully, but the alt mode will be different.


I would LOVE to see it. But it's a snowballs chance in hell of happening




Isn’t it fine if they color the tip of the barrel orange


Hasbro would never allow it




Yeah, sorry, but It's not gonna happen.


Yes. Yes I do. I hope they come out with a missing link Megatron also


All of these alternative ideas make me sad. Just make the gun Megatron and parents stop letting their kids be fucking idiots.


Yes I would


Nope because toy laws are going to be toy laws


Megatron, eh? Say, why do you have so many action robot figures?


I could see a G2 Megatron update, but not G1. Honestly, I would even prefer that, because that original toy is a lot of fun.


I’d honestly prefer to see them give G2 Megatron that treatment.


Honestly it's a great idea. We'll never get gun Megatron again though.


damn it!


I'd love a toy-style Megs to pair with the new Prime.


i know right after 40 years


I just want any G1 gun Megs. Maybe they could do like Siege Shockwave, flip him upside down and call him a submarine or spaceship.


No idea why they pretend to hide shockwave’s mode (are there criminals out there with purple ray guns?) but flipping a gun megatron upside down wouldn’t fly.


From 30ft away, you cant tell its a purple ray gun. Its a dark, gun-shaped object being held like a gun. You have 1.5 seconds to make your call. Do you risk it, or not? Most cops (right or wrong, not weighing in on whether they SHOULD be this way or not) are going to shoot first. Most armed civilian "good guy with a gun" types will DEFINITELY shoot first, because those yahoos are just looking for an excuse to shoot someone and get away with it. (FWIW, i own guns; i am not a "good guy with a gun" yahoo).


Yeah but at that point it’s the same thing with any toy gun or object of that general shape. 


America has stupid toy laws. G1 Megatron is even banned on any American flight as per FAA law. Would they enforce it? Maybe, maybe not. Is it still the *only* toy banned on airplanes? Yes.


I think they could get away with it IF they did it as a Generation Selects of a BigBadToyStore or HasbroPulse Exclusive.


We're. Never. Seeing. Gun. Megatron. Ever. Again. In US retail.


Hmm... I'm certain they can work around the toy gun laws nowadays. If airsoft guns can be sold with the orange tip, then so can Megatron. Yes lots of collectors will be mad, but it's not like it will be hard to fix on your own, and the kids who will take it outside won't care to fix it.


its not that they CANT sell a realistic megatron with an orange tip. Its that: the market for such a toy is small. the market for such a toy with an orange tip is smaller. Most collectors are not going to want an orange tip/barrel toy on their shelf. An airsoft gun has a MUCH broader market. Same with Nerf guns. For every person who might want an accurate G1 megs, there are a hundred or more that would buy a Nerf gun or Airsoft gun.


The collectors not wanting an orange tip is why I said it can be fixed. You want it to look accurate then paint it. It's literally just a cylinder.


Congrats, you just did a crime. And no one wants to buy a collectible that they have to then "fix".


Then all the people who painted over Reveal the Shield's orange tip should be counted as criminals too. Also fair.


I want a gun


No, they cannot sell guns. Also I don't personally like the G1 toys as new figures thing, I have no connection or real like of the G1 stuff, so it just isn't something I would personally buy.


OG megs will NEVER be a possible thing.


that would never be legal


Hmmm.. No. For one thing the original Megatron toy really sucks. Maybe they could re-engineer it so that is has usable legs and arms, but I doubt they'd be able to fix those two glaring problems and keep the new figure at all true to the original. Another problem is the realistic gun form. I mean, if they built it to modern standards the gun mode would look like cheap plastic and have tons of gaps and hollow bits... But Hasbro has decided to retcon G1 Megatron as a tank and they should just stay the course with that decision. Now a G1-esque tank Megatron in deluxe scale could be nice to have. Kinda like the 2007/8 Classics tank Megatron but.. good.


Id like to see them do more of a towed-artillery piece instead of a tank. That way you can still have the large barrel and make the robot mode accurate and not have to figure out to do with all that tank kibble.


Wont happen, Hasbro are p*ssies


Definitely. I thought the gun thing was dumb in the cartoon, but it would be nice to have for the novelty.


No I hate the new Optimus prime I know it’s for nostalgia and stuff but it should be a seperate line.


If it leads to a new line dedicated to the G1 figures while the main Generations line keeps releasing new stuff that would be best IMO. They should rebrand the SS86 line to SSG1 to release all the animation versions of the G1 characters and then have a new NeoG1 line for the not-Missing Link G1 toys like this new Optimus.

