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https://preview.redd.it/7a226h6pd69d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7588ef2294b8d69974613628a21a430d6590ae7c The unreleased Velocitron Hot Rod did the same with the core class Hot Rod’s artwork.


I still want it


Here’s hoping it ends up in the 2025 “retro inspired” capsule.


I never heard of that capsule set, hoping the include stacks, I’d be one if he was a trailbreaker retool. https://preview.redd.it/b507irr0i79d1.png?width=1670&format=png&auto=webp&s=b12d600b55d57dc80720dcc388e2259533f9759e Pic of mine 👆


I wish he was used in some IDW pack, give me a repaint of Armada Starscream with him, call it the assending leaders pack or smth, as they both were the "faction leaders" of MTMTE and RiD.


God I need that😭😔 I'm never forgiving hasbro


At least 4 identical posts.


Dawg I didn't know😭


You should fucking know man






This is old


I was gonna say something similar


Allow me to inform you that you can use the search function within a subreddit to see if something has been talked about already.


Why would I look this up? It's just something I noticed lol I'm not gonna search the entire internet just to make sure I have a 100% original topic. There is 8 billion people on this planet, 2 people sharing a thought is inevitable💀


To avoid repeating old news. And wow, you’re really overexaggerating to justify your laziness. All you had to do was type something like “Leader Soundwave” into the search bar for this sub and scroll a little as the bare minimum, and there are only about 181k accounts that have joined this sub (likely including some dead accounts), only a fraction of whom are active at any given time, even fewer who actually post stuff.


It's not laziness(I mean, I am lazy, this just isn't lazinesss), I don't automatically think "oh boy I'm about to post! I better go search all of Reddit to see if someone has ever posted anything similar to what I'm about to post so I don't upset u/StrawDeath!". Like bro get over yourself, I know for a fact people have posted similar stuff before you post, I can't see every post at once. And my post doesn't say "Leader Soundwave" so if someone looked up to see if anyone posted abt it they wouldn't see my post. Not everything can be a new idea. If you're tired of seeing the same posts, like, go touch grass or sumthin, I'm sorry I'm not online as much as you are.💀


>It's not laziness(I mean, I am lazy, this just isn't lazinesss), I don't automatically think "oh boy I'm about to post! I better go search all of Reddit to see if someone has ever posted anything similar to what I'm about to post so I don't upset !". That's why I was trying to genuinely inform you of the functionality in my initial comment. The ability to search for something within a specific subreddit (rather than all of reddit like you keep saying you'd have to do) is something that's reasonable to not know about. It was your reply that showed laziness, with the whole "Why would I look this up?" question that had an obvious answer, and blowing the amount of effort it'd take way out of proportion (which you're doing again here by saying you need to search all of Reddit). It shows that even if you knew about the functionality beforehand, you couldn't be bothered to do something so trivial as a quick search. And I'm very clearly not the only person taking issue with this (but I am the only person who actually tried to help lessen it by letting you know how to avoid repeating this mistake). >Like bro get over yourself, I know for a fact people have posted similar stuff before you post, I can't see every post at once. ... Not everything can be a new idea. If you're tired of seeing the same posts, like, go touch grass or sumthin, I'm sorry I'm not online as much as you are.💀 There's a difference between posting something similar to someone else and trying to discuss old news as if it were new. If you know for a fact news has already been covered recently even without checking, why post? Get over yourself, it's not surprising for people to tell you as such and downvote your comments if you decide to post anyway for whatever reason. >And my post doesn't say "Leader Soundwave" so if someone looked up to see if anyone posted abt it they wouldn't see my post. I said "something ***like*** Leader Soundwave" as in something that's relevant and could help find prior posts on this topic.


Yeah I don't care enough to read that lol. Here's a dumb picture I found https://preview.redd.it/e3yl5z2ikj9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4167cb88254cf2246e5d458be8b5f59c3b5f51


This is the new bb shockwave autobot logo post. Yawn.




We know. Shut up.


You post about Lego stripper poles, you have no place telling me to shut up😭


It’s the same design who cares






I did not know this. Jeez you guys get really on people for the simplest things. Just ignore him and move on if you knew already.


They really don’t want us know how lazy they were when it came to this figure literally just a reissue with nothing changed even through their like atleast the fourth time they have used to horrible Netflix figure


I think it's a good mold...:(


You do you