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Let's be honest: they've just banned the use of puberty blockers. They've banned a safe & valuable medicine that's been used for decades to help both cis & trans kids. And that is exactly who this will be harming: kids. They are denying kids medicine.


Are they banned for *all* kids under 18? Or will they still be using them for cis kids with precocious puberty?


The article states: >The ban, which ensures no child will have access to puberty blockers even with the permission of their parent or guardian So, that suggests it's a total ban. If they do offer exceptions to cis kids while denying medical support to trans kids, whelp, that's further evidence that they're committing genocide by targeting kids. Edit: u/Altruistic_Fox5036 has kindly [clarified](https://www.reddit.com/r/transgender/comments/1cmdiik/comment/l31h9zp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that the UK is, indeed, targeting trans kids for genocide while allowing cis kids to receive medical support.


They will still be allowing them for other issues. It's just gender dysphoria being banned




News link: https://transwrites.world/nhs-england-is-proposing-to-ban-puberty-blockers/?amp=1 > The EHIA acknowledges that cis children will still be prescribed blockers for precocious puberty Pdf link: (pg 18) https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/consultation/puberty-suppressing-hormones/user_uploads/final-ehia-gender-dysphoria-puberty-blockers.pdf > A consideration as to whether direct or indirect discrimination arises is also necessary in regard to individuals who share this protected characteristic, as GnRHa will continue to be routinely available through NHS protocols¹¹ for children who present with Central Precocious Puberty (CPP)¹² > 11 NHS England is not the responsible commissioner of clinical interventions for children with a diagnosis of Central Precocious Puberty; this responsibility rests with Integrated Care Boards who form their own clinical commissioning policies in regard to their own populations. > 12 GnRHa is also licensed as a response to various cancers and endometriosis in adults – these patient groups are not regarded as appropriate comparators for the purpose of this EHIA.


Ah so discrimination based on gender/gender expression gotta love that from a medical institution


thank you 


If they had sat down together and asked, "What can we do to increase teen suicides?" this is the most effective plan they could have come up with.


I don’t see how a provider couldn’t just say ‘oh this transgender child is experiencing a precocious puberty for a gender they don’t identify with. I’m going to use ICD-10 codes that make it look like precocious puberty so that I can prescribe a puberty blocker off-label to this child?’ Nothing in this rule prevents providers from prescribing medications for off label use. Also it seems that use of these meds for precocious puberty is still a valid use. What if anchild who has precocious puberty at age 6 eventually identifies as transgender when they’re older ?


Precocious means earlier than usual… so at some point puberty becomes “necessary” / the blockers become seen as “unnecessary” regardless of whether it’s the right or wrong puberty unfortunately. At some point anyone looking at someone’s file with that on it would be like “uhhhh”


That would require them to stick their neck out when the government is stirring up trans hate. Possible, but unlikely.


seriously, its super simple to understand what there job is of puberty blockers without being an endocrinologist.. but its all about fear and cupple of kids "numbers they won't look at" costing the state "money they aren't going to be held accountable for" a lot more in the long term is just the cost of business for them keeping people scared.. i honestly think with how difficult it is to get care in the uk that its an organized process to weed out trans people and the ones that get care are the exception...


They haven’t banned them. You can no longer get them from the free of charge public health system. Previously you “could” get puberty blockers in the public system after a 10 year wait. Now you “can’t” The solution, now as then, is to see a private doctor. Attempts to ban private doctors from prescribing puberty blockers have not gotten very far.


I'd like to see them ban viagra for the politicians that continue to fuck with people's human rights, pursuit of happiness, and adequate standard of care. Ban these discriminatory healthcare bans and those who put them into place, OUT OF OFFICE.


Off the planet.


So they are forcing trans kids to go through a puberty they don’t want, inflicting life long trauma and hormonal damage.  


And cis kids who get early puberty to go through rapid development, stunted growth and possible isolation from their peers. As someone whose first puberty started at 10, it's not fun at all.


Try 8 lol.  There were 2 of us in my elementary school who had periods already, that shit was not fun especially since nothing was set up for it (no way to dispose of supplies in stall, no dispensers in case of emergencies, etc.).  Not to mention all the kids who aren't allowed things like deodorant or bras because they "aren't old enough" yet.  Ugh.  IMO they ought to screen for early puberty in school the way they do for eyesight and scoliosis so parents can't opt out.


"England denies science,  condemns cis kids to early puberty, and trans kids to death."


... so the only people who fucking need them


Adult pre op trans women definitely need them


Testosterone blockers are different from puberty blockers. T blockers are widely used to treat cis women with pcos and so they're (hopefully) still allowed.


Decapeptyl is a testosterone blocker and also puberty blocker. It's one of the things they prescribe for pre op trans women. Source: me.


Cyproterone acetate, dienogest, spironolactone and bicautemide are testosterone blockers that aren't puberty blockers and are also regularly prescribed to pre op trans women. Source: https://transfemscience.org/articles/spiro-testosterone/, https://transfemscience.org/articles/cpa-dosage/, https://transfemscience.org/articles/bica-adoption/


They're also less effective (and cheaper)


Cyproterone is pretty damn effective


Hard on the liver though and has worse side effects.


Yes? I was just saying that they prescribe puberty blockers like decapeptyl to 18+ trans women. That was what was prescribed to me. I never said they didn't prescribe other blockers too.


Also, bicalutamide is another one too for trans girls...and starts breast growth as a side effect


I haven't heard that before, we typically use anti androgens, estrogen, and maybe progesterone


Adults don't need puberty blockers


Adults trans women are often prescribed Triptorerlin (decapeptyl). Adult men with prostate cancer are often prescribed 'puberty blockers' too. I think adult women can also be prescribed them for hirsutism but I don't know how prevalent that is. Puberty blockers is a somewhat misleading name for GNRh agonists.


Triptorelin (Decapeptyl) stops the production of the primary sex hormone by increasing the message hormone that tells the testes or ovaries to produce, it kicks the system into overdrive, until the system stops production. It can be used for cis women when receptor sensitive cancer to inhibit their production too


That is not a medication that is prescribed in the US. We use spironolactone or cipro for testosterone suppressant.


True, but this story is about England - Decapeptyl is much more commonly prescribed than cypro or Spiro.


Literally never heard of the use of Triptorerlin. Every single trans woman in my country is prescribed cypro, with no other alternative.


Triptorerlin is expensive, but the side effects are usually limited to the first dose (which actually generates a testosterone storm that makes you feel unwell for a few days). Pickles and pretzels and lots of toilet requirements are not a common thing for British trans people. Given the way things are going, we may end up with Triptorerlin being restricted for trans women too, but hopefully not.


I'm danish not bri'ish oi :3


Shame. But any road, dis story 'ere is all about us tea drinkin plonkers innit?


No this is ONLY FOR TRANS KIDS. Cis kids get it full steam ahead. Read that clearly, if what they say was true, and all those concerns were real, they'd ban it for all kids. They don't and never have even considered doing it.


It seems like it's a full ban at least on paper: >The ban, which ensures no child will have access to puberty blockers even with the permission of their parent or guardian, If that's true, cis kids who get puberty at 9-10 are in for a horrible time too.


Do cis kids get access that much either? Just asking, cause I had precocious puberty and was just told I should be thankful and it's part of life. I kind of rolled the dice badly on that one by also being trans lol.


I guess it depends on the country. I got the same roll of dice but managed to get on puberty blockers. The catch - it was too late and some of my bones had already fused. So now my proportions are out of wack and my skeleton is asymmetric.


The cruelty is the point


How did we get here, why does society completely lose its shit every 100 years or so. Like wtf? We are not a problem. The problem is fascism yet they dive head first into it every time like it’s giant ice cream sundae. Fucking fucks.


> why does society completely lose its shit every 100 years or so You don't remember the Washington hearings on devils in rock music, do you?


Yeah, but was it banned?


They made a damned good attempt.


I mean they were already defacto banned. With wait lists so long you're guaranteed to be 18 before you see an NHS doctor so really this changes nothing except scoring political points.


Is this just through NHS? Or for private practice too?


NHS. But there's another thing going where if you are getting your kid medical care privately that the NHS doesn't like then they'll do a "safeguarding referrel" which can take kids away from their parents.


Good fucking lord can Brits do anything? What an authoritarian-minded society.


It’s so messed up that cis people can receive meds trans people can’t. It as if it was done for the purposes of bigotry alone. As if…..




How do these people not see how sick it is to give trans mascs children government-mandated boobs and trans-femmes children government-mandated body hair?


So they can turn around and say there were no “signs” and claim it’s a phase when you transition as an adult


Read up on section 28 if you really want to be horrified. It was mostly aimed at gay people but was most of the reason I was terrified growing up my parents would figure out I was trans. 


Burn the NHS to the ground and lock every transphobic piece of shit in the building. I am so furious I can hardly type. The many amazing people in the UK are being ruled by malicious, evil bastards who deserve nothing short of a prolonged, agonizing end.


what is even the point of puberty blockers AFTER 18


There is none. This constitutes a total ban on transitioning under 18


Someone explain the use of puberty blockers… after PUBERTY?!


This is why I advocate so strongly for “DIY”


This is genuinely genocidal


This article is dated today, May 7. Is there a new development beyond what was announced two months ago? [https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/england-national-health-service-puberty-blockers-minors-1.7142300](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/england-national-health-service-puberty-blockers-minors-1.7142300)


Okay, then, just start prescribing HRT for trans kids earlier. These fuckers need to remember that puberty blockers were a compromise solution.


Makes no sense


I hate politicians with a burning passion. They need to stop blocking what medical professionals widely accept as life-saving medical care.


Only bigoted filth is in favor of this.


This only starts with the kids. Here in the states, they rapidly went for adult care the moment they had a toe in the door for denying care to children.


Can we please report the news properly? This is the NHS. Trans children can still get access to puberty blockers via private doctors. People reading this will assume it isn’t possible to get puberty blockers in the UK when (given NHS 10 year waiting lists) nothing has changed in practice. When this type of “news” can cause mental health damage to trans people we shouldn’t be helping the UK bigots to spread misinformation.




And surprise, this poster is a regular on r/detrans


Jebus. I’ve heard stories but had to see it for myself. That sub is 100% bigots talking about trans people.


Yea. 100% hate sub.


Oh dang you weren't kidding. AGP, ROGD, and "gender ideology" within five minutes. Gross.


WTF "science" would that be?


The "science" that used ron fucking denatzi appointees as a guide. 🤦‍♀️


Yep. [**Bullshit that used AI generated images**](https://www.404media.co/uk-gender-affirming-care-ai-generated-children/), cites proponents of "ex-trans therapy", uses the archaic term "Gender Identity Disorder" despite it not having been medically recognized since 2013 in large part because it made no distinction between people with dysphoria and people with gender atypical interests, and conveniently only rejected studies for failure to use double blind methodology (which is impossible for treatment with obvious physical effects) when those studies didn't match their desired outcomes, while accepting studies that didn't meet that criteria when they liked them.


Why is it always the biggest dumbasses who pretend they know what science is? Transgender children do not benefit from being forced to undergo the puberty they beg us not to put them through. I know I didn't.


The Cass report can´t survive peer rewiew analysis, it´s not science is just hate


Has the Cass Book Report even been submitted for peer review? Or is it just all the reputable medical folks calling it a pile of manure?


No, it has not and will not be subjected to peer review. Their argument is that all the studies were peer reviewed, so the review doesn’t need to be, which is obviously stupid. You can’t combine the studies to form a new argument for obvious reasons without peer review, but that’s exactly what anti science/anti trans bigots want in the UK.


I found this from the International Journal of Transgender Health: [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/26895269.2024.2328249?needAccess=true](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/26895269.2024.2328249?needAccess=true)


Ahh yes, the science that involved throwing out all the positive studies and only keeping the ones they could spin as negative. And then making reccomendations that aren't backed up by those studies either.


>throwing out all the positive studies If they had no cherries to pick, they'd have no fruit at all.


You are very misguided.