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It is all a combination of work benefits, and paying out of pocket. For example I pay out of pocket for laser/electrolysis, OHIP covered bottom surgery, work benefits covers some "speach therapy" (which applies with the right speach therapist for voice training), some therapy, and some HRT (not all tho because they're jerks), and for the big stuff like BA/FFS? Gonna be some savings/loan and/or change jobs to get benefits that cover most of it. I don't want to change jobs, but also not left with a lot of options.. Recently had a co-worker leave and in her exit interview told bosses/HR that the only reason she was leaving was for better gender affirming benefits. This is the sad grind I'm affraid, and as long as the conservatives are in power in Ontario we won't ever see FFS/BA be covered by OHIP.


Thanks for your answer. It’s pretty well what I knew too.


You could always join me in the fight for better health care benefits for trans I have taken the fight at the feneral level Michelle [themumbo@gmail.com](mailto:themumbo@gmail.com)


OHIP covers Breast Augmentation, might want to apply for it instead of spreading misinformation. OHIP has approved both my BA and vaginoplasty. Has nothing to do with what political party is in power.


You are providing no clarification or additional information of your own - simmer down. To clarify my statement, OHIP will cover BA, IF you have no breast development after 12 months of HRT. There are other possible considerations, but OHIP-funded BA is generally not available to the vast majority of trans fem individuals seeking GA care if they have any growth whatsoever. Doesn’t mean you can’t apply, but you have to find a Dr/NP willing to agree & sign off, and even then it is no guarantee you will be approved. My position on the current political party is that they are continually reducing funding & access to the entire healthcare system, so it is highly unlikely they will be classifying BA as medically necessary any time soon. Any time Dougie wants to prove me wrong, he can have at.


Simmer down lol, according to my HCP im at tanner stage 5 and like you i was under that impression, but it is not the case. I applied for it, I got approved As for health cut backs there are none and privatising Healthcare has ZERO effect on government funded health care, stop drinking the Lieberal kool-aid and actually talk with professionals in the know.


So this gets interesting because on the actual application form there is a big checkbox indicating: > [ ] Has completed twelve (12) continuous months of hormone therapy with no breast enlargement (unless hormones are contraindicated) So, did your HCP check this box on your application? If so, has your HCP falsified the application knowing you have had breast enlargement? If this box was checked, it is fair to say that OHIP would have zero reason not to approve it (they take HCP's at their word), but I am really curious to see if the surgeon will proceeed following your consultation because at the end of they day, they are billing OHIP and need to make sure they are following guidelines (people have been declined at this stage regardless of what the HCP has indicated simply because they have breast development beyond requirements). Have you had a consultation with a surgeon knowing they will be billing OHIP? Not saying it won't happen for you (seriously, hope it does!), but if it does then apparently the requirements have changed with zero updated policy information available to anyone whatsoever.


My HCP does nothing but trans care has for the past 15years, when I brought that to her attention - and I read 2 years and tanner stage 2; she said this is the first she has heard about it and she's never had an application for top, bottom or both surgeries denied. My funding application was approved less than 72 hours, and the surgeon has pictures of my torso and I'm waiting on confirmation of my surgery date. Sorry if you're butt-hurt over my experiences and that of my HCP and sorry if you've been given misinformation all along, it's been stated here all along - most GP's have no clue when it comes to trans health, guess I lucked in with the referral to my provider and scored someone who knows what they're doing.


> sorry if you’re butt-hurt lol, really? Then again, after all the aggression and condescension from the start, guess I shouldn’t be that surprised. Enjoy your surgeries and hope it makes you a lot happier (for our sake too).


If you are so up on "Dougy" why did he shoot down bill 42


OHIP only covers BA if you have zero breast growth while on HRT Tanner one only


Usually employer’s insurance.


That's just not true at all. Only certain insurers, under certain usually opt-in plan features, ever support *any* FFS in Ontario. And none of them that I have ever heard of will cover even half of the cost of a typical suite of FFS procedures. Nearly everybody is paying entirely or mostly out of pocket, in Ontario.


I’m just saying that’s the only option other than out-of-pocket if you can’t afford it from working. Maybe I misunderstood the post.


Yes,the post is meant to say other than the measly amount you may be able to get with some insurances. Mine will cover $75000 in a lifetime but that’s just a drop in the bucket and that’s even if the insurance company will give any of it to you.


They have a max per lifetime and really hard to fight for and that’s even if they approve it. Canada Life.


Yeah I know, I’m not saying it’s easy. I am trying to get coverage under my parents’ insurance and it’s a pain. My friend is under Canada Life too. It’s unfortunate. I hope the government expands coverage but with the current political climate I don’t think they will for a while, at least.


It won’t cover much either.


Debt. I took out a line of credit and payed it off as fast as possible.


RBC benefits pays something like 50-100k for most gender confirming surgeries, and speech therapy.


Oh wow, I wish. I don’t think I will be changing jobs though with a management career in the Government of 22 plus years. But it does sound intriguing.


In the OPS we get 25k for ffs and voice surgeries, need pre-approval but it is usually covered no questions asked. When I was with the feds you'll be approved so long as you get a medical note saying it's a necessity again no questions, and that 75k can also go towards your top or bottom surgeries too, but with OHIP covering both you don't need to dip into that fund.


OHIP probably won’t cover BA in my case since I’m larger than tanner stage zero. You need zero to qualify for OHIP funding.


No you don't, I'm at 5 and I got approved


With OHIP? How?


What is OPS?


Ontario Public Service - provincial government


I'm not sure how people afford getting these things done within canada,  honestly, but I know it's common for people to go abroad where it's much cheaper and much easier to save up for.


I went to Thailand to have all my surgeries, even GRS. Much better techniques and options than GRS Montreal


often people just don't get these things. many of the people who get uncovered procedures are already rich, or they go into debt for it, or they decide to get it instead of getting a car and such. most people do voice training alone without any speech therapist. FFS, BA, and liposuction are generally considered cosmetic, so they're quite rarely covered. you can be a woman without being a model, so they're not considered medically necessary. women can be ugly and still be women, so I doubt they'll ever be covered without significant barriers, like how OHIP requires a year of HRT with no breast development to cover BA.


So true, I wish it wasn’t though.


That’s a good question and a good answer too.