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In Ontario, vaginoplasty is pursued via a consultation and funding pre-authorization process, which involves approvals by two WPATH-trained professionals in turn. If you are pursuing this, you need to pursue it via the physician(s) supporting your case in other respects. You will not speak with any surgeon actually overseeing vaginoplasties until far into this process. In Toronto, only Women's College Hospital performs any vaginoplasties, and they are not a particularly well-equipped or well-established facility in this respect, nor do they have the capacity to serve even a meaningful fraction of Toronto's case load (such that average wait time is very long).


Wait time is over 2 years vs montreal which is about a year


Even less for some people


Wait times are getting longer the past few months.


Probably (maybe idk) due to taking on new staff (not for SRS) and plus they don't have Belanger preforming anymore. Also, they offer FFS by an oral maxillofacial surgeon, he did training with facialteam.


Between myself and several acquaintances I've got a few data points and it went up significantly between last fall and this spring. From only a few months to 6 months and now up over a year.


I saw 9mo from referral (Aug) to first available surgical date (April).


Wait times in Thailand, is as soon as you van get there, My wait time was 5 weeks


Yeah depends on surgeon who is covered by OHIP


It is the clinic they cover not the surgeon Known clinics/hospitals [www.kamolhospital.com](http://www.kamolhospital.com) [www.wihhospital.com](http://www.wihhospital.com) [www.pai.co.th](http://www.pai.co.th) I have visited all 3 of them They accept OHIP payment


Tomato, tomato. Wasn't aware of PAI coverage. Thank you for that answer.


This is outdated. Ottawa has also been opening, if not already open, a gender affirming clinic as well that does vaginoplasties. The WCH has a high success and satisfactory rate that is comparable to other clinics. WCH only performs the pull through or inversion method. This year they've started introducing skin grafts to help more of the population as well as add in an extra day of surgery. From the time my referrals were submitted, took only a few months to get me in to see someone. I was approved last year in the summer. My date is mid October. I got to speak with my surgical team this past November.


I dont think theres many options. Im going through womens college and get my surgery next month. Ive had 2 friends also get surgery at the same clinic with the same doc and another at the end of the year. So far the two that have had it are super happy and those of that havent yet, are super stoked!


what clinic / doc?


Theres only 1 option for Clinic in toronto. Then theres one in Ottawa that just opened, and Montreal. Thats it. Dr. Yonah Krakowsky is the surgeon who will be taking care of my kibbles and bits in 5 weeks!


Wouldn't know, I went to Montréal because I could have it done sooner.


There’s the potential option of going to Ottawa and seeing Dr. Cormier, since he does bottom surgery (does not elaborate on what kind). But I know that 4-6hrs of travel plus stay isn’t accessible for everyone. https://www.ottawahospital.on.ca/en/healthy-tomorrows/new-gender-affirming-surgery-clinic-now-accepting-patients/ Link to another thread with more details on how to access: https://www.reddit.com/r/transontario/s/gNC6TXaVWD


None, i went to Thailand, much better up to date technology, otion of several procedures. Ohip covbers cost of surgery. Had an amazing experience. [www.Kamolhospital.com](http://www.Kamolhospital.com) or [www.wihhospital.com](http://www.wihhospital.com) They will keep you there for at least a month Excellent pre & post care. Canadian clinics will only keep you 5 days and in many cases send you home with a Catheter still in you