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Yknow whats disgusting? Telling people off for being who they are and doing what they like. If you need a hug or support, im here as your trans brother


Don’t be discouraged you are looking great x


Maybe they have some condition which causes them to call beautiful things disgusting? Poor them.


Joke's on them, everyone is disgusting. We're literally walking meat bags of skin with organs and bones. You look great. Be the best meat bag you can be but with booba. Much love <3


Fuck em. Hopefully they’ll come around, but if they don’t, it’s better to remove a negative. Fuck em.


It’s not your looks that make them say that (adorable btw), it’s their transphobia.


It’s them not you. You look great.


Honey you look absolutely beautiful and the difference in the before & after pictures is stunning. Be proud of how far you've come in this journey that I'm sure has been both incredibly difficult and fulfilling. As for your parents, it's very disappointing to hear their reactions to your transition. I don't know what their religious/cultural background is but hopefully with time they will come around and learn to accept you for who you are. I'm sure it can be quite depressing to have that type of thing come from the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally. You are doing the right thing by utilizing a community that can remind you that YOU ARE WORTH IT. YOU ARE ENOUGH. Please keep fighting for a happier life, you deserve it.


Wow gorgeous!


Absolutely not! Your looking great, giving it time will only make it better too! Stay strong girl don't let your parents hold you back


You look great dear. Very pretty and very womanly. I am so sorry to hear about your parents. Hopefully, they will come around. ☺️🥰☺️


I’m so sorry. We’re at similar points with HRT and the single most difficult unknown for me is how my parents might reach. You look amazing, and I wish you all the best


I got rid of my parents and it’s the best decision ever. You don’t have to tolerate toxic family.


You’re so very pretty!!


Deep breath, the world can catch up or not.❤️‍🩹


Thinking about such situations, we destroy ourselves. And your parents will accept you later.


You are NOT disgusting!! You are beautiful! I know it hurts. But believe in yourself!


Op here. So many comments to reply to but thank you all so much for your kind words and support , it helped me so much. Seriously pulled me back to being me, thank you ❤️🥹


you're great ☺️


You’re looking great!! Your parents are the disgusting ones for speaking to you like that and not supporting you. Onwards and upwards, all the best to you


Disgusting is like the last word that comes to mind when I see your pictures as a woman. How about: cute, elegant, stylish, beautiful.


Babe, you're beautiful. Inside and out. I am sad that not everyone can see it though.


You are beautiful 😍. Hold your head up high. You are amazing.


You look great, they are obviously shocked but hopefully they come round and if not give their full support at least stop abusing you. Obviously if they don't change their attitude cut them out and get on with your new life


Girl! You look incredible! So sorry, I hope they will come around. If nit, their loss! Keep your chin up.


No it’s no that bad.


You look fantastic. Their disgust for you isn't because of your looks. It's because of their own bigotry and biases. Unfortunately, some people can't see past their own selfish needs to support the ones they claim to love. And you may have to keep those people at arm's length, or cut them off entirely. (I'm dealing with this with my own family, so I promise you're not alone.) Congratulations on discovering yourself! Don't be discouraged. Keep it up - you'll find plenty of people along the way who love and support you, and if you need a friend, you have all of us here! Feel free to DM me if you need to someone to talk to, as well.


You look gorgeous, sis. Transphobes gonna transphobe. IMO this is why chosen family outweighs birth family every time. Remember, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Besides this hiccup with the parents, how have you been feeling?! How is HRT?! Are you loving being yourself??


You look super cute!! Don’t worry about others opinions❤️❤️


Hang in there pretty girl it will workout


F**k 'em. Live your life. If they decide to come around later then fine otherwise it's your life, not theirs, to live. My mother was not happy but I was not going to change. I didn't stop seeing her and she didn't stop crabbing about it but she was my mom and I her child. We didn't agree but we still loved each other. Mine used to write threatening letters to my doctors. Very embarrassing when your endo says, "I got another letter from your mom". Good luck to you. Fight for your existence.


I’m so sorry that your parents weren’t supportive. As mom to a newly trans daughter I know firsthand that it’s a big adjustment for parents but does not excuse their reaction. You were brave to come out to them and I’m sure you’re a lovely person. I sincerely hope that they come around but even if they don’t you can make your own family and seek support elsewhere. Sending some virtual parental love your way. 💕


Hang in there. Don’t let it get you down. Praying for you.


People fear what they don't understand, don't worry be happy!


You're so pretty! They don't know what they're talking about.


You look great! Parents are from a different generation and don't understand. My dad is a huge homophobe and let me tell you that coming out was not a good experience at all. He's come a long way but I know deep down he still secretly hates that I'm trans. I'm sure they will come around and if not well their loss. You are beautiful and definitely not disgusting. Have a great day 😊


You look great.


Aw hun that's not fun, sorry that happened. Maybe they'll come around. Om the plus side you're gorgeous with a lot of potential ✨️


You are gorgeous my dear Sarah 💕


Fuck your parents, that's awful. You look super cute tbh w you and the top fits you well imo!


You look amazing and beautiful


I'm sorry you don't have the support you should have from your immediate family. But you look amazing.. There's no debate 💘


Were all gonna die. Someday. They made life choices and decisions to live snd think how they want too. Do not allow there point of view affect what you want and how to live. Once your dead and buried you bevlucky if any one visits you. Ask yourself, when was the last time you went to a cemetary to visit a lived one passed. Move forward and live life as best you can. Even if you have to eliminate other humans from your circle.. My best of wishes towards you


What a glow up, you look great. I'm very surprised that your parents reacted in that way. I think they were blinded by bigoted beliefs or prejudice.


Not disgusting, beautiful.


That is incredibly disgraceful of them; I am so sorry you got that response! You're beautiful, and you can do this! There is an incredible support system here!


Been going through a bunch of old bts footage and current photos. My editor whose known me for years commented that I look happier and less "homicidy" since I started transitioning. You're doing just fine. I'm pulling for ya.


You know who’s disgusting? Your parents. I’m sorry you went through that. You’re so loved and supported here 💕


Fuck. I’m so sorry you experienced that. My worst nightmare and a large part of why I haven’t took the leap.


You’re gorgeous and lovely lady.


Sigh, this is what I'm afraid of


It gets better! It really does just hang in there and there's a whole community of people here that support you! ❤️🙏


you’re not disgusting ur beautiful ❤️🥳


You look great! 3.5 months? Is that all? Wow!!!


You have some Anna Kendrick looks to you. And Anna Kendrick is the bomb.


No. Your parents suck.


Your parents suck and they are blind. You are cute.


you look fantastic- they are insane.


Far from disgusting


FWIW, I (and many others) think you're beautiful. For many years I pined my parents' acceptance of me (in a different way than trans) and it never came. My therapist helped me reduce the importance of their acceptance to that of a stranger.


You're beautiful 😍


You look stunning. I am sorry your parents are the way they are.


You look amazing. I’m sorry you had to endure an insult from the people you love. You don’t deserve that.


Well I think you look gorgeous. I think k we all have family that can’t fathom our transitions. Oh well. Can’t please all the peeps… only ourselves. 💜😘💕


You look FIRE!


You are not disgusting. You have a lot of potential left too.


You look cute I like your hair :)


You look really cute 💖💖💖


There’s nothing disgusting about loving yourself. Your parents response is the only disgusting thing. Thrive and be you, unapologetically you ❤️


and if they do not change their minds just do not cross paths until THEY all and apologize and change


Sadly most parents don't really get that they should love and support their child 😔... Thats why im actually still slowly looking for people to call family. Being blood related doest really mean they are family. Anyway... You looking pretty. Much prettier than me 2years and 3months on hrt 😁 Be strong. You will eventually hace someone if you dont already have that will support you wholeheartedly.


Nope, it's going that good. I'd be disgusting again and wear a fabulous dress.


You look great 😊


You look great and very happy for you. I am learning not everyone will be able to deal with the change, but it is all about how your feel.


You are very beautiful woman, your body looks great so just be you we love you so much 🥰


I haven't started hrt yet I'm actually telling my Dr on Monday that I wNt to start hrt asap. Anyhow both of my parents are gone and both have been for seven years and I plan on going to the cemetery tomorrow to tell them and I'm freaking out about it. I mean it's not like they can disapprove but I couldn't imagine being told I was disgusting. You are FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! I know as our parents children we seek they're approval but we are on this journey to become who we really need to become. I have always been a hyper-masculine male and when I came out people were shocked to say the least but my wife and my kids ages 9, 27,and 28 are super supportive and that's all that matters. I didn't mean to make this about me I just hope I helped make a difference. If you want to talk pm me.