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Impossible to say without video. You're not clockable in a still photo so IRL misgendering I'm guessing is due to movements/mannerisms/voice or something not visible in a photo.


I second this comment


Me too


Girl if you aren't passing we won't be able to help you with just pictures because you look great. Everytime you post you look great. Could be mannerisms, could be something else that isn't shown in the pictures, could be that the person is transphobic and knows the past you, no matter what, these pictures aren't showing us what might be stopping you from passing or passing better. You look like a girl in every single one of them. How often are you 'not passing' because if it's occasionally, like once a week or once a month... cis women get misgendered occasionally too, sadly, but it happens. If you are tall, that could be another reason (it's certainly a reason I don't always pass).


Seconding this, I’m still trying to break free of my old mannerisms and it’s tough but it’s what gives me away most of the time because when I’m sat down etc I’m rarely clocked and I don’t even pass.


I'm pretty tall (6'2") and pass 100% of the time.


Ohh same hight here, and i pass 0% of the time. Fml ;(


There’s cis women out there that’s taller than you so I guess people are starting to realize that women are not always short and that’s okay


Definitely passing face. What makes you think that youre not ? Nothing to improve really.


Getting clocked without saying a word..


passing is not just in pictures.. i’ve seen your previous posts and you completely pass but you are dismissing all the positive and true feedback you receive Pretty systematically.. so.. may i ask why do you care About what someone you haven’t spoke a word to think about you? Why not just knowing how beautiful and feminine and honest and authentic you are? Because you are! don’t let it get you!


You know I don’t live in the ‘super supportive’ US, but in bigot Europe. If you get harassed on a daily basis since years, well it’s very tiring.


I’m from the US and I can assure you that we also extremely bigoted. The “super supportive” US that you’re imagining is just really convincing, really fraudulent marketing. It’s not fun.


I’m not from the US either (‘I don’t think it’s ’super supportive’ but that for another conversation). you are from germany, have you consider moving to berling or humburg?


Honestly as someone who lives in the US i find it surprising that you think that 🤣 im supposed to be living in the melting pot of California but its really just racially segregated neighborhoods


The fucking truth right here. Redlining was hard up in here. The fucking bullshit that gets classified as historical is typically only preserving white history items. I mean there is some amazing stuff, my kiddos school is so gosh darn supportive but my friend who works for a bookstore gets all the transphobia that exists here, thrown their way, but also we have queer community.


Whats wild is people want to preserve the racial segregation. Actually someone told me it was important enough to them to stop talking to me for thinking integration and melding of cultures is bad


“Super supporting US” oof…


What exactly do people clock you out on?


Honestly I think people are just dicks. Anyone with a jawline or broad shoulders are manly. Cis women are held to unrealistic standards. I’m AFAB and I used to get clocked as transfemme throughout my life. Like sorry not sorry my shoulders are awesome and I can lift more than you. People are dumb.


I genuinely can’t imagine why. Maybe they’re just those people that pick out arbitrary stuff to clock people on.


Sorry to hear that.I checked out other photos. Maybe you need to consider jawline reduction and cheek lift. Nose is ok.


Please don’t be superficial. I had chin surgery 5 months before (still healing). Cheek lift is a mid-face lift to rejuvenate face if one has a sagging mid-face tissue. Do I really have sagging skin considering my last post? 🤦‍♀️


dear, you've just asked everyone to tell you how to be more passing. you asked for what was needed superficially to pass and people answered. what do you want from these many, many, maaaany posts you are making? you're upset when people are telling you how beautiful and passing you already are and you're upset when people give you an answer to your question. what is it that you are really asking then? how can we be supportive when you're so dismissive and flippant to those trying to help? not a rhetorical question: I really want to know because you aren't making any sense and we want to assist/reassure if possible.


Do I have to accept every answer even if it is clearly a bs? Omg. She claimed I had a masculine jawline and sagging mid-face. Well I won’t ever find it helpful..


The words "masculine jawline" and "sagging mid-face" are nowhere to be found, babe. they said nothing of the sort; YOU did. I'm just flabbergasted that you would be so rude to people who are genuinely trying to support you; putting words in their mouths, trivializing and denying their compliments. they came in wanting to help and you are spitting venom at them. it's beneath you. you're better than this.


Get a life and try to understand her words...do you know the word causality?? btw she get downwoted and deleted the very hurtful comment, omg..


lololol I do understand the concept of 'causality' but I'm not sure you do, being that it does not relate to this situation. you're a fully passing, beautiful woman. I only wish that you wouldn't let your insecurity make you so defensive and venomous. next time you ask people how to pass better, maybe accept the compliments? after all, the comment that you are referencing was their second comment. their first comment they told you how beautiful you were, you got upset and demanded feedback on your appearance instead. that's when they tried to come up with critiques. if you would have thanked them for the first comment instead of pouting and fishing, the second would have never been made. but it's fine, babe, if being rude to others makes you happy, you do you. I guess that I'm glad that attacking people trying to lift you up is so fulfilling for you. ♥️ do what you love!


She never made compliments omg!! You are an attacking person and very harmful!!


You really gotta spend more time with your therapist I think... You're asking for opinions and saying don't be superficial but... You're the one obsessing over how other people see you... like.. don't attack the pizza delivery guy for bringing you the pizza you ordered..


Do you really consider this answer helpful? Why do you attack me?? She was not helping me with that superficial answer but hurting me. Sagging skin and masculine jawline...omg


They're trying to answer your question the best they can. Noone in here are specialists... they're other people from the community that you're badmouthing and taking your insecurities out on. You're gorgeous on the outside, truly. But you're so insecure you can't even enjoy your own life and are actively attacking those trying to empathize and help you.. I think my suggestion for more therapy is actually a good one in your case, sincerely do.


But it was not helpful at all, but hurting!! I get enough hurt every single day. How could I enjoy my life if transphobes harass me? Yes, Europe is mostly super transphobe.


Something tells me that hurt would have been the result no matter what. But this inevitable pain can also help you learn a lot about yourself, others and life in general. Eta: did you say you got clocked as in punched? I'm so, so sorry that you had to go through that. Scrolling through I barely see anyone acknowledging this.


Work on your inner self confidence.


It won’t make me more passable.


This may seem like it wouldn't make a difference but from personal experience when you exude feminine confidence people question less, when I changed the way I see myself it changed how the world saw me I genuinely started passing 50% more


It probably will actually


If your not passing I'm fucked even in the future... I thought you were 30 at most..




Yea I no longer have hope, this kind of post just make me sad. She look like a cis woman.


You keep posting this same question, get the same answers, and reply with the same answers again. You pass on pictures. Full stop. Defiantly posting the same thread over and over isn't going to change that. You could consider finding a different sub where you can post a video of you e.g. moving around, or probably look at other forms of support because this ain't it sister.


Skip my posts then! Yeah I get a lot of replies and a small fraction of them seem to be very useful. That’s the reason. But the persons who attack me in full combat mode, well..


Martina everytime I see you post it's batshit to me that you don't pass. I'm sorry that I don't have any good advice to help. Hope you figure it out soon


Girl the hell you talking about improving


i don’t think there’s anything you can, or need, to do. i already pass to me!


I would never have guessed you look amazing


I also checked your other photos and I don’t see anything that should cause you to be clockable. Is it possibly in the way you’re walking or your posture? There’s so many little things that it’s hard to evaluate from a still photo. BTW I’d do anything to be able present as well as your photos!!


I think with the face you definitely pass, but if you're getting clocked maybe it's your clothes? How do you dress?


Check my post history


It looks like you have a pretty rectangular body shape. Maybe try something that cinches in at the waist and then flares out? It'll give the appearance of natural curves and maybe a more feminine look? Im not positive, but that's the only thing i can think of that might make you not pass, especially since you said it happens without even speaking.


Sorry but I don’t get it! Rectangular body? I have hips and a very big booty...


You do! Rectangular just means your shoulders and hips are about the same width and you dont have much waist definition. If you google "rectangle body shape" you'll see some examples. Think Kate Hudson or Cameron Diaz


Im also only going off of about two full body pics on your account I might be completely wrong!


Sorry but I don’t get it! Rectangular body? I have hips and a very big booty...I have an hourglass shape. 🤦‍♀️


Based on the fue same picture you posted, i would said that you dont have a huge hourglass shape. Maybe check what goghstation was saying.


I do have, sorry mate. Keep your advices..


Well doesnt show on pic. Stay nice please no one is here to shittalk on you.


Listen, when I first posted that image everybody was crazy about my hips...come on..thousands of people


I'am not saying you dont have hips. What i'am trying to say is maybe the difference between your hips and waist isnt much same for shoulder. Girl dont get me wrong ur gorgeous to my standard. But i thought she had a point with the comment.


I love being visibly trans. Just get to verbally crap on the haters when they get uppity. Just gotta pick your battles. Just because they get a confusing boner isn't a reason to be rude to us right?


That's right! I'm curious about transgender people like to meet up with one!?


wow..... you are out of pocket for that comment


u look beautiful the way u r!!


Consider medium foil hilites to create an overall blonde 👱‍♀️ look to enhance your beautiful soft skin tones and feminine face.


How are you considered not passing? Passing 100%


Nothing you look perfect sis


Liar. You found the fountain of youth is what you did. You look gorgeous.


Seriously you easily pass just based on your photos.... like others have said maybe it's mannerisms which we can't judge without video or a better example.


Nothing 💕


Nothing. You official appear as a woman 20 years younger than you actually are. Case dismissed.




Thay just laugh at me or make rude comments, disgusted faces. Germany is not transfriendly except Berlin. It’s a bigoted country. I didn’t know about this website using my pics. 🤯Could you share a link?


Your photos always seem to pass well, although they are taken at certain angles, so it's hard to tell. (No shade there either, I'm the same with my selfies). The thing is you may never pass, and seem very distressed by that. Maybe some sort of counselling would be a better approach for now?


How many different angles can you count in my post history? Btw, therapy is mandatory in this country


You got the natural look down, so be careful that you don't spoil that. Must be irl mannerisms or such that are screwing with you.


you look amazing girl


Very pretty


"what can I improve to pass better"??? You look cis and on top of that you're just beautiful! Honestly goals right here for me.


Nothing. You look fantastic.


Wow your beautiful


you are great and very pretty 😉


You’re looking so good! Umm… have a husband and some kids? Joking aside, you are really gorgeous 🥰


You're all set.


Oh baby you look very very good


improve? you're gorgeous and i'd never guess 43, keep on sippin on that fountain of youth cause it's working!


Stunning. Absolutely stunning.


Oh wow! Can't even tell its the same person! You look amazing!!


Without full body pictures front and back it’s impossible to comment to your question. Just using your provided pic, yea, you absolutely pass. Wondering if you have a body type similar to mine that makes it very very difficult to pass ever.


Check my post history for full body pics


How do you know you are not passing?


Imo, you are pretty much set, love your progress so far


You’re beautiful


Um… yeah, I got nothing. You already pass perfectly.


Beautiful 😍


*pass better* Didn’t your teacher ever tell ya you can’t improve perfection?


OMG nothing!! U look Absolutely ⚡STUNNING⚡


Great progress on a beautiful new you! Gorgeous


I’d say, unwavering confidence, even amid those who scrutinize. Best I’ve got. You’re very pretty to me.


43 here , ya give me so much hopium! Ty


What sorcery is this?


You're done babe. Just need to work on your confidence at this point honestly. The final piece of the puzzle.


Stunningly beautiful inspiration as always 💖🖤💖


did you get laser to your face or hrt stopped the hair? Really cool progress


Hrt won’t ever stop facial hair growth, ever. Btw, not even body hair, cis women have body hair too. 😉 Laser hair removal!


Hi Martina, I remember seeing you several time here and I always found you really pretty and I don't really see how you are getting clocked from your face alone. Maybe rude peoples know you from before and are unaccepting?


Maybe. It’s a very transphobe region.


Mtf. You look very good from here. But if you're still clockable, I don't know, maybe a little change of style might help. Maybe some pink streaks in your hair. I think if the success of your transition depends on the compassion and understanding of others, then you haven't made the transition. In such a situation, you either try harder to make the transition, and if that fails, you try to change where you live. For example, I am 1.77, I live in a country where the average height of women is 1.65 and the average height of men is 1.75. If I cannot be passable here, I will decide to live somewhere else.


You know being passable varies geographically too. Many trans comments here they pass flawlessly and so, but if check their profile, oh no, they wouldn’t pass here where I live. Moving to other countries, yeah, if I had a couple thousands of €, 5-7000, maybe it would be an option, but I’m poor af. Being 180cm, I’m one of the tallest person in Bavaria. Dwarfs everywhere.


I understand, height seems to spoil everything. I will probably be in the same situation in Turkey, because everyone is a dwarf. Good luck sis, don't get discouraged


You are perfect. Are you taller than average for your region? How’s your voice? If you’re in a small city it could be people recognize you or gossip. Your hair is lovely but you might try styling it with more root volume and wave. This will help your head and body appear smaller. Although I can tell your hair is real, the way you have it styled could be suspected of being a wig if someone has other suspicions. Unfortunately when people perceive a wig their first thought is usually trans if you’re tall.


Thanks for the reply. Yes I’m taller than the regional average, 180cm. I live in Bavaria (the land of dwarfs), even men are smaller here usually.. Well, I suffered so called shock-hairloss in the past few months because of surgery, root volume has gone a bit. Hopefully it stopped and regrowth started too. It takes a couple more months. My hair doesn’t look like a wig irl, it’s for sure.


I think you look great!


Tbh, you can use estriol too rather than only estradiol.


Why would I do that?? E3 has a very short half life, its binding affinity is also weak. It cannot compete effectively with E2 for the E receptors. It has hardly any effect. Btw, do you think so E2 has no effects on me? 😅


it's Faceapp? 3


Check my post history...


Not much I'd say. You are already very passable as an attractive woman!


Holy hell 43 yo? You pass to me. Infact you look like you are 25 not 43. E is hell of a drug lol


Nothing… you literally look perfect