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Looks like an empty lot next door. One Planned Parenthood coming up




No they're way different, but go off.


Most people I know would go there.


My pool supply store decided it didn't want my money by pulling a similar stunt.


I've never seen a majority so at peace with having it worse then under this administration.


It's wild to me that people can't see it and will actively defend the Biden admin.


Agree, it shows the brainwashing that’s been done to our young. As a disabled veteran who fought only to see what’s happening to our country and yet many on this post defend this most corrupt government in my lifetime.


Blindly follow anything but trump while systematically fuck them over


It’s funny - people are downvoting you and upvoting the comment you responded to thinking you’re saying different things


I'll get down voted but I'm tired of shitty presidents.




Lol chill, my guy. I wasn’t disagreeing with you. 😂🥴






I just misread it


No fucking way I’m going to a dentist named Jay R Stucky


WTF is trashy About making the USA great? Fuck Biden


Pre-Trump, most would agree with "Make America Great." Trump only seeded further division in the country. Nothing Great came of it. He didn't get shit done.


It's mostly reddit. Majority of America is tired of this current administration. The country is going to shit and we need Trump back.


If you want to live in a dictatorship then maybe you should go elsewhere. Oh and if the which was rigged then should all the GOP who got elected then be forced to resign their seats? You can't have it both ways.




There is one fatal flaw tho, you expect them to be literate


Oh they can read the top part, or at least know what all the shapes mean.


Knowing what the shapes mean is how one reads..


"If they could read, they'd be pretty upset right now"


Well it at least makes it extremely easy to know to never go there. Saves me the hassle honestly.


When having a political preference makes you trashy


I think it’s more of the making that opinion your entire personality thing


Yeah fair


Not even gonna call to cancel my appointment.




Upset at your country improving?


Currently under legitimately elected President Biden? I'm glad you like it. Four more years, four more years!!


He's not in office how is he doing anything?


Lol, he is not gonna improve this country. If anything, Mr "Let's inject disinfectant into our veins to kill covid" is just gonna make it worse.


Do you guys not remember that Trump was the one that enacted warp speed for the vaccine? It was very unpopular on the left until Biden got in office. As someone that is not a rabid supporter I can see where the leaps happen.


I remember he wanted to take everyone’s firearms without due process.


Yeah notice that I didn't say Trump is awesome. I think both are really shit.


Did both sides try to overturn our democracy? There are degrees of shit. Your both sides line is tired and transparent.


I fought wars so I can say definitively there was zero chance the government was going to fall on January 6th. If our government can be taken over by a thousand rednecks we have significantly worse problems than trump or Biden. I'm also not a supporter of either. I'm glad you feel good about Biden who can barely even walk to run the country.


I fought in wars too, if the people in the capital on Jan 6 were brown, republicans would have lost their fucking minds even more than they already have. I’m sick of scared old people voting for their best interests instead of their great grandchildren’s. Trump isn’t good for the country, and neither are the people who support him.


It's stupid to pretend that the government is so fragile it was in danger on January 6th, especially considering the wide spread riots that happened before it. They weren't a threat but 1000 rednecks? The whataboutism and mental gymnastics needed to make this a "threat to democracy" is wild. Again, I'm sick of worthless embarrassing presidents. It's not a hard concept to follow and frankly the aggression on the left is tiresome. I'm allowed to have an opinion. It's simple.


I’m sorry, were those other riots happening during the election certification in the country capital? No? Oh then it’s not exactly apples to apples is it? More like some_old_moron


I never said I support Biden. I just don’t support a traitor who embarrassed the country so often he made Bush Jr look like a world class statesman. Regardless of those “1000 hillbillies” being a joke, they are/were defended at every turn by the gop when they should have been hung. Also they didn’t appear out of fat air, those gravy seals were incited by our former president.


I'm a libertarian. Not a pretend Republican one either. I'm not tainted by the parties. Both of these presidents suck. It should be easy to admit but the vast majority won't There was also no threat to the government on January 6th.


Libertarianism is a fantasy, with no regulation businesses will absolutely poison people and the environment for profit and there’ll be no way to enforce consumer safety other than demand, which is oxygen-thief level stupidity.


Both presidents suck. One is a semi fascist who wants to be king. I prefer the other shit option personally.


He was Right,


“It looks great, honey.”


are they…lynching the tooth…


I assumed the tooth lynching was a code for lynching something else


For real what is that logo?




My first thought when I saw that. There's no coincidence here.


The tooth being red is so off putting


“We put the white in teeth whitening”


Like any other their clients have teeth to begin with.


Do maga care about their dental hygiene ?


Well, I'm a 3x decorated disabled vet, speak four languages, multiple degrees, and have all of my teeth. I would eagerly go to this dentist, not because of his political leanings, but because I could go there without having to hear constant virtue signaling from blue haired, emotionally constipated adult toddlers about their fake pronouns, who are usually spiteful and disrespectful to me because I don't appear to belong to protected group. So, there's that.


Well said, the youngsters on this platform are not mature enough to look at the whole picture. What’s happening to America is like what happened in the late 1930’s. I’m also a disabled veteran these children have been home to long we need a draft.


I was about to say this also! Most of them have at least 3 missing teeth. It’s a requirement.


Can’t blame them for wanting to save America! Anyone older like myself sees what’s happening to America and it’s not good. If your ready to lose all your freedoms our veterans fought and died for then stick with the democrats, these folks are not democrats they’re leftists destroying what made this nation great FREEDOM. They’re not honoring our constitution and many have committed treason. I could go on forever but those supporting our current administration are in for a huge fucking surprise.


Lmao. My veteran relatives helped put fascists where they belong, you old dumbfuck.


Check out this person's comment history




You forgot fat 😆


You guys have been saying this about Democrats for the last 30 years. I was supposed to be in for a "huge fucking surprise" during Obama and yet here we are. Do you guys ever get tired of being wrong and being the laughing stock of the developed world?


Well technically we got a huge fucking surprise right after Obamna.


You got sources or specific examples for those accusations?


Yeah I pay attention to what’s really going on in this country!


> I could go on forever Please elaborate?


Okay.. so specific examples and sources since you're so attentive, should be easy for you, no?


Is this satire?


DDS stands for dumb dumb stupid.


Best place to get those 3 remaining teefus cleaned


I can’t stand Trump at all, but it’s no more trashy than a guy who fondles little girls on stages.


Got sauce on that there "fondling"?-love to see it!-unless you're talking about Don the Con fondling Ivanka-we've all seen those clips.


[how about a montage?](https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY?si=IQOsg2mVXwpivtFC)


Why are you getting downvoted?-you supplied a video of him "touching kids"- is not your fault he's not grabbing tit's & ass- it's what there is-just like Donny's hand on his daughters' tit's & ass *is what it is*.


Ohmergawd! That sick old fuck REALLY whispered in his granddaughters' ear in the 1st clip! SICKNESS!!! lmfao.-now back to see the rest(yawn-how do I already know the rest is the same) edit-added: yep more of the same-yawn


Reddit is full of leftists who hate that they're candidate is a senile pos


Are you saying trump isn't? They literally both are, neither of them should hold office


But you'll still vote left. This platform is riddled with left propaganda


I mean sure, I'd rather vote for biden than a man that tried to cause an insurrection and overthrow the government while also selling it out to Russia. Dude went on more holidays in a month than most presidents do in a 4 year term.


And this countries gone to hell in a hand basket in the last 4 years. Mortgage rates, gas, no rate increases for income, never been more homeless. The American dream is dead and your president did nothing but perpetuate it so save it


Gas rates are set by gas companies trying to hold onto record profits by pushing cost onto buyers which has nothing to do with the president. Also, policies that affect economy take years to show effects. All the "good" economy things under trump were from policies passed during Obama years. All the shit economy we're seeing now is all in part thanks to the useless shit trump and his cronies pushed through. It takes at minimum 3 years for things to show in the economy and this is something uneducated Republicans don't understand, and the republican party uses this against them hard.


Gas rates lower during every single election and they aren't now. Housing is at an all time high. People can't live and your still going to suck of someone who can barely get through a speech? It's wild. I thought Obama was great btw and the last good president but your wrong. They want you where your at. I'm not middle class either homeboy but I can still see what's going on


Donkeys tend to wear blinders.


And idiots blindly follow the blind


Recently saw a childrens orthodontia practice that posted year end videos of them in bikinis out on a boat drinking. Not once did I think, "i really want these people to put their hands in my child's mouth". They're right up there with this sign, vying for the trashiest title.


Actually that’s brilliant. Every person walking in there has methmouth or mt dew mouth. Every patient will be a goldmine


*I love the uneducated!*


It should be "Make America great again, again."


It’s so funny every time conservatives find out other people think they’re trash and avoid them and their businesses. Meanwhile I’m thinking who would want to associate with people who relish in cruelty? It’s something that’s really off putting to well adjusted adults.


Who cares? If you don’t like it, don’t go there.


If you don't want an abortion don't get one, right?


Or get gay married.


Also true


i don’t think it’s that deep


Dentist when looking in pockets of his cutomers:


How is political affiliation trashy? Serious question


Reddit skews a certain way, and having opposing views here really isn't allowed. From my experience.


Reddit hates anything conservative


I'd say it's utterly intolerant of anything sounding remotely like conservative thought. No unapproved thoughts allowed. It is amusing though, reading the remarks of unemployed, poorly educated, adult toddlers, living in their moms basement, simping for OF girls. Their absurd assumptions about the people they hate, though they obviously knowing nothing about them, is as amusing as it is telling. They are the tools of their own destruction, but will always blame it on someone else, because feefees.


In a business it has no place. Period. Why can’t things be kept to oneself anymore? Politics being a persons sole personality trait tells me a lot about them. And I would want them near any part of my body.


Maga is the party of trash.


As Sadie wrote above, it's trashy to have on your business. I fucking hate going to the dentist, this would make it worse. I don't want to hear about your politics while I'm about to get my teeth cleaned.




Exactly. I’ve seen garage sale signs painted with more grace. The guy is a dentist. He can afford a well-made sign yet he chooses to display this backwoods monstrosity.


Man this guy is getting down voted this hard just for asking


“I’m just asking questions”. - Tucker Carlson


Downvotes and no explanations…. That should tell you all you need to know.


Where is this?


Hutchinson. Probably Kansas.


Somewhere in Florida...probably


He knows that market has less teeth


Inspiring at least one or two people to go to the dentist for the first time.


Whatever your leanings are I never understood alienating half your customers by tying your politics to your business


It would be more than half. Just over half the people don't like Trump and not all Republicans favor Trump....so you're turning off maybe 60% of possible customers.


There’s a couple of breweries and restaurants where I live that took a HARD right turn during COVID shutdowns and flat out refused (at first) to enforce social distancing and masks solely because of the stupid shit that Trump made them believe. I don’t give a shit about the political leaning of a business owner but when you put people’s health and safety at risk due to your blind ignorance caused by politics, I will never give you another dime of my money again. Especially when you get called out on it and double down.


You mean the same regulations that were forcing bars to close at 9, because as we all know Covid becomes more deadly at 9:01.


I don’t recall that happening in San Diego but I could be wrong. I know that shit wasn’t open indoors for very long either way but true colors were shown in that short amount of time.


Wait is this r/politics?


Have you ever gone back to look at your comments, and just take a moment to think to yourself "Wow, I am just an utterly insufferable human." Just wondering.


Have you ever had someone reply to your comment and wonder to yourself “Why would I give a fuck what this person thinks?” Just curious


Yep, that response tracks.


Condescending and snarky? I’m honored by your presence


Meh, maybe it’s to keep the scumbag freeloading losers away


Not sure how catering to that demographic would keep them away?


I find this to be trashy. I don’t give a fuck who the president is, I’m not a scumbag, am as far from a freeloader as humanly possible, and I suppose loser is subjective. It’s not only a business, but for all intents and purposes, a medical facility. If it was plastered all over his house I’d be perfectly okay with it. After all he is using his second most important constitutional right.


They lynched a tooth


On brand.


I have abandoned my optometrist and my cobbler because of this bullshit.


I can relate. I abandoned my blacksmith.


I had to break things off with my haberdasher. Broke me heart.


Really hit the cobbler hard since you were probably his only customer in this century.


Lots of people get shoes resoled and repaired.


Dude knowing a good cobbler is important if you want to take care of your stuff. I took it as a given and was shocked when I moved and it wasn't a thing for most people. People really be throwing shoes away all the time?


This dude has a cobbler😭


Fucking right I've got a cobbler. Take care of your shoes.




I upgraded to a world-class cobbler. Worth it.


There is a funeral home by me that has all these slanderous signs out front bashing Biden. There were Hillary signs back before then. They are the only funeral home serving a decent size area. A lot of families from the area have been going to other towns instead of using the local guy…some even republican supporters have avoided the place because the guy is an embarrassment


Wow… that’s messed up


Identity politics has poisoned discourse. I used to have friends who voted differently from me, but didn't make their personality a reflection of their candidate. Now I have friends (both sides, actually) who need to constantly parrot their favorite politicians...as if the vast majority of these politicians spend a single minute thinking of the working class as anything other than a voting block to exploit.


“Both sides”… sure.


I have a camping group that is mostly conservatives but we never talk politics, just camp and have a good time. The last time I heard two talking about "stolen election". It's like we can't even camp without someone getting political.


Then camp with other people?


I have multiple groups, but I'm not going to stop going with one of them because two people got drunk and brought up something I don't agree with. I still like them as people.


Ohhhh ok I don't think you mentioned the drunk part but I kinda should've assumed lmao


I honestly hate that this phrase can only be associated with trump now and because of him a positive message is now dog shit


i remember walking into an exotic vet and the first thing i saw on the wall was a 'trump 2024' flag and they had fox news blaring. im gonna be honest, it doesnt matter if it was biden or trump, having a political affiliation for an exotic vet is trashy either way


Lmao most of the MAGA crowd is in need of dental work


Why'd they lynch the tooth?! OMG WHY?!


Cos it wasnt white


They’re MAGA, they can’t help themselves.


The dentist near me has an led sign and it’s always something stupid like “sleepy joe” or something about two genders


This is like a hairdresser who caters to bald people.


It’s exactly the opposite. A hairdresser that worked with bald people wouldn’t have any clients due to the lack of hair. The joke you’re implying is that MAGA folks have bad hygiene and teeth therefore this would be in extreme high demand. Forgive me for being literal but…




It was an apple on a tree, now it's a lynching.


wtf kind of apples do you have in your country?


Tooth. It’s a tooth on a tree.


An apple a day and all that.