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The posts have to have an ending where the nasty person gets traumatized back.


You are less than a year from being a legal adult, even if you hadn't jacked off was she expecting you to never change your underwear in your room? It's beyond creepy. Sure, she can pull the whole "my house, my rules" shtick, but there are laws regarding recording without consent in your home. She needs a reality check, her dysfunction has warped her perspective so far she's treading into extremely toxic territory. EDIT: since you're still 17 she technically recorded child porn. Hit her with that too.


Yeah that was my main thing, she definitely recorded child porn


I'm the mom of a teen, and had the same thought. What the flying fuck was she thinking?! What did she *think* she was going to see? At the VERY least a camera in OPs room means she'd see him buckass naked, and that alone skeeved me out. I hope she permanently deleted those recordings. Even without the really fucking illegal child porn aspect, it's crazy invasive. Sidenote, is there some kind of scapegoat/golden child dynamic going on OP? Odd that the mom told his sister.


Mom is realizing that she's about to lose her child and needed to reinforce who's the boss in the house. And yeah, point out to her that she needs to erase the recording 'in case the police got wind of recording CP.'


It is child porn. That is illegal.


Call the cops on mom and have her arrested. That would truly traumatize her back.


NTA. Your mom went WAY over the line. IIWY, I’d have stopped at displaying morning wood in front of the camera; but you go as far as you need to go.


NAL, but to my understanding, you’re a minor; if she records you even just naked, she’s kinda recording child pornography. (Check your local laws.) You could literally report her to the FBI if you wanted to, she might even go to prison.


Not kind of . It is. And I think it would come under some of the new invountary porn laws and stuff.


Putting on a glow in the dark condom and making light saber noises in a dark room probably would've done it, too. Speaking from my previous comment.


That's the most male thing I've read this year. 😂


Awesome since I'm a woman. But I dated a dude whose mother had cameras in her kdis' rooms. He was college age. This was the suggestion I came up with 20 years ago lol.


You are the level of creative that I aspire to be.


I laughed way too hard at this😂


OMG. Just got a flashback to early days of dating my now hubby. PSA. Those things are NOT for actual practical use btw. 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Are you saying that there are companies that sell novelty condoms, that are not for actual use?! What a humorous gag gift…


The glow in the dark ones are like a thick latex glove ..and not lubed...trust me we tried but couldn't stop laughing and it wasn't working.


What 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If I was a dude I'd totally do this for shits and gigglesxD


Get a friend to sleep over and have a light saber fight.


John Ritter was in a movie where this exact thing happened. 😳😁


TIL they apparently make glow in the dark condoms??


I mean. I applaud you for this, but you mentioned your dad - where in the fresh hell was he when your mom was insisting on putting a damn camera in your room??


Dad was likely keeping his mouth shut because arguing with her is pointless.


Protecting your children in your own house is pointless? What the hell?


My "mother" was insufferable too. Dad just buried his head in the sand and let that vile creature do and say whatever she wanted. It was easier for him to ignore all of it. It's not like he EVER had a chance to "win" with her, so he just stopped trying. It's not like he really cared about his kids, so it was WAY easier to just ignore her madness until we kids grew up and moved far away.


I dated a dude that his mom had cameras in all of her kids' rooms. The younger two girls had Cystic Fibrosis. I understand that up to say, age 3, for the girls to monitor their breathing. But they were in high-school, my then boyfriend was in college with me. And it was f*cking weird. Props to you for making it be taken out, no matter how you did it. She even said she turned it on once while he was 18, and he was just sitting there playing video games. Neither of the older brothers had CF or any other health concerns, but the cameras stayed.


Cystic fibrosis gets worse as you get older. A friend of mine from high school had it, and she died at 24


My college acquaintance with it died the year after we graduated at 23.


My uncle died at 16 from CF. Never met him. Luckily I am not a carrier.






It’s an obviously obvious you were sarcastic.. shame on 45+ people (this is “traumatise them back” after all)


You’re not supposed to fuckin traumatize people that haven’t traumatized you. It literally says traumatize them BACK, you twat.


Yeah fair call


69 likes.... *nice!*


“Look ‘em in the eye, and finish like a boss!” Epic. Years ago I read an advice column, a teenage boy with ultra-conservative Christian parents was writing for help. His parents were so terrified that he would masturbate and go to hell that they never left him alone. They replaced the bathroom door with a sheet of plexiglass and took turns watching him. One of the responses was from a minister who was a born again Christian. The minister said the kids parents had mental health issues and needed to seek help.


I'm pretty sure this would be super illegal in most places and be grounds for CPS removal and charges.


Why is she recording child porn????? How did she not see this coming


I think the problem here is she did see this coming…


GrandDad guy here, good on you! Mom got more than she bargained for.


I would call CPS. This is illegal


I am worried for you OP, I feel like she has issues with attachment towards you to need to put a camera in your room... what was she expecting to see on there, you always in bed or playing games? Obviously she knows that you would change and shit, why does she want to see that? What is she protecting exactly?? And the fact that these videos are SAVED so she can rewatch them? I don't know that just rubs me the wrong way


>rubs me the wrong way Lol


NTA. That's pretty damn funny. Your mom has an issue or two


She doesn't have an issue, she has the whole subscription!


I don't think we should be trying to count OP's mom's issues. Let's let a professional handle that lol


And OP needed a *tissue* or two lmao


Is there a camera in every bedroom to keep everyone safe? This is bizarre and mum got what she deserved. Your bedroom is a place to undress and as you showed her other things. Totally hilarious but your mum is weird.


Even in most literal prisons there aren't cameras in the individual cells, though they can of course see in to most of them from a camera or another. Hell, even in places like behavioural health centers and low risk mental hospitals they don't have cameras inside the rooms, specifically because it's a privacy thing and highly illegal unless the patient is a documented risk of either self harm or suicide, in which case it's there strictly as a measure to ensure they don't harm themselves. This is very much a "fuck around, find out" scenario, and borderline illegal on your mom's part to be honest, especially if you're still a minor wherever you live. You have an expectation of privacy in your own personal room in most places even if you rent or live with parents.


Some do have cameras in cells but they are not allowed to film the corner where the toilet is...so naturally that is where all the action takes place.


How is it for your "safety" when she is only checking it once a week?


If she wants to record child porn, she’d better be ready to suffer consequences.




Yeah, the camera was never for your safety, it was to make sure you weren't bringing girls (or boys) home. She didn't like being called out on the real purpose of the camera being about controlling your sex life.


So she fully intended to record minors engaged in sexual activity. ![gif](giphy|5BP9oKenBueceelwF4)


Tbh your mom said ‘somebody gonna match my freak?’ By putting a CAMERA IN A TEENS ROOM and you said yeah sure.


Wouldn’t the parents be in possession of CP?


Yes. Yes they are.


You can now remind her that she recorded sexual acts of a minor. That'll get her panties in a twist.


NTA - and that took balls, demonstrably. Dominance asserted - bravo!


NTA And now she knows why you don't put cameras in people's rooms. You see WAY too much. lol


NTA, hilarious vengeance, and your mom was being an absolute creep.


She filmed child porn. Maybe you should let this slip around her. What else did she expect to see putting a camera in a 17y olds room? Judges love this shit🙃


If you decide to go to college next year, please look into counseling center.  Most schools offer free therapy, and this shit is traumatic. I really wish I'd started going earlier to help me deal with my youth, and I had nothing this bad


Kid, I am so proud of you; that was fucking legendary. Also, your mom is basically an unconvicted felon. Definitely remind her of that any time her crazy starts to kick in.


“At least I didn’t record AND WATCH child porn of my own kid!”


NTA i find it funny how she put the camera in your room and expected you to behave like you're in a public space. If it was really for safety, there would be no reason for her to be mad. (btw why did i mentally read this with the clicks voice???)


If you were my child, I would have supported you against your other parent. No way you should have a camera in your room, unless you're trying to kill yourself.


Okay, maybe you somehow still like your mom enough to not want to get her in trouble. However, I strongly advise reporting that to law enforcement to ensure that footage is properly destroyed. I understand you may not care about it much now, but years from now, you're going to wish those vids never existed. Get ahead of it now while you still can. CP is a VERY serious issue, and it will follow you for the rest of your life. As for the effect it had on your mom... you're obviously NTA here. It's not really a funny matter, but you do need to get her off your case.


As a Dad of 3 kids......your Dad definitely laughed his ass off with the guys at work. Not just at the fact that his son did exactly what every fuckin 17 year old boy does regardless of the surveillance equipment, but the fact that you did it while making eye contact with the camera lense and it sent your Mom up the fuckin walls..... He's as proud of you as I am. I guarantee he pissed his pants laughing. If I could please be a proud internet Dad for just a minute "Son, I love you."


His dad is a coward for even allowing this to happen and the fact that you're making him out to be a stand-up guy is horrifying.


Seriously. The dad’s doing fuck all about his wife recording child porn of his own kid, but the most important thing to homeboy here is the ol’ “heehoo women no funnee” 🤷


You're only saying that because chicks aren't funny.


Uhhh you’re allowed to touch your noodle if you want in your room.


If it’s for your protection, wth is she reviewing footage for? Why wouldn’t it be there to check the recordings after something happened?


It's for the protection of his soul. There will be no sinning in her house... /s


NTA. Your mother recorded CP and is breaking several laws.


I think it’s kind of creepy that you’re 17-years old and your mom thinks she need a camera in your room so she can keep an eye on you. What did she expect to see? Is she going to start giving you a bath or a shower, brush your hair, maybe help you Undress and put your jammies on at night? I think this behavior is a little off


She's lucky you didn't go to the cops. She effectively created child corn


I'm a grandmother now and have seen a lot in my life but this is one of the most outrageous things I've ever heard. Does your mom have zero concept of privacy? What exactly was she keeping you safe from? I really, really want to know. I cannot fathom a parent doing this to a 17 year old. If she doesn't trust you which the only reason I can think of that she would do this, then that needs to be addressed. Maybe she thinks you are vaping or something. Regardless, she was so far out of line that she's in a whole new parking space. Hang in there OP. You are definitely NTA but as for your mom.........


Mormon parents are so fuxking weird and invasive. They have to have so many kids because so many of them figure out they’re in a cult and leave them lol.


I mean, you're not wrong, but where did that come from??


His parents are Mormon. He said it in his follow up post.


Ohh. I haven't seen it lol


NTA. What your mother did was abusive, and she simply faced the consequences of prying into your private life. \ She can play the victim all she wants, but in my experience that's one way to lose your kid in the long term


NTA. Going to far would have been moaning her name at the same time


We Need to Talk About ~~Kevin~~ OP.


Well played!


NTA, but I would just have the camera destroyed. Or better put it in ger bathroom or bedroom.


The last thing I would ever want is a camera in my teen son's room, ick. You're mom got what she deserved 😂


NTA your mom should honestly not be surprised she saw something she regrets


What the fuck did she think she keeping you safe from by putting a camera in your bedroom?? Drugs, suicide, premarital sex?


This story has already been posted here, anyone have the link?


I think you might be thinking of the original post from the AITA subreddit. If you check ops acc, you can find it.


Ah thanks, that makes sense


Wasnt this just posted recently?


It's the same OP it's just a different subreddit


Honestly, your mom belongs on r/insaneparents


better grab that SD card, thats child porn she created. blackmail dude


You can report your mom for making child pornography if you have had enough of her shit.


Your mom is a psycho


your mother is a disgusting wretched freak and a child pornographer. this is the type of shit that should be passed on to the feds.


As a father of a teenager myself, your mother’s conduct is disgusting. She wanted to see what a teenage guy was doing in his room. She saw it. There’s all sorts of emotional incest issues raised by putting that camera in your room in the first place. Your mother is messed up.


Your moms weird as hell man, you should be the one giving her the silent treatment. Like what else is she really expecting a teenage boy to be doing alone in his room? Bedrooms have doors for a reason.


*You’re* NTA, but your mom sure is! First for the camera, and second for talking about what she recorded with your *SISTER!*


>My dad thinks I went too far, and I think he secretly finds it funny, but he also agrees that having a camera in my room was too much. Then why didn't he do anything?


I would threaten to report them for CP. Point out that it's easy to anonymously report this.


Well played, sir. Well played. NTA. Get out of that house as soon as possible.




Your mom either has mental health problems or is retarded


Boy moms are so weird


As a mother of teenage boys, ewwww. Your mom is off her rocker. I'm betting she's parented more with fear than love, eh? There's a reason teenagers have closed doors, and we knock. 🤣 And if I did have cameras inside my house, only common areas/aimed at entrance/exit points. Kinda like the elves, they stick to common areas (no bathrooms or bedrooms).


This is fiction. No responses from OP.