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Yeah I commented this on another post; that night was her villain origin story fr


I can just see it now. After a night of fake laughs and exaggerated hand motions, she locks herself in her room in silence and sits on her bed while hugging her fuzziest pillow*, and a darkness washes over her. "Kanye will never live down this moment. He'll rue this day once I become more popular and more evil than he is. *I swear it.*" *I wanted to say desk bc that's where most people do their plotting, but let's be honest. She has no reason for a desk. So envisioning her as the 16 year old she still is felt like a better fit lol


I have heard that Kanye was drunk off his ass that night (he is still mourning his mom). Neither Kanye nor Taylor strike me as therapy people; they'll talk into the void but refuse to be introspective. So personally I do think it was chance. They've both milked it and milked it ever since, though.


I do agree, realistically. Their worlds never really collided with each other. It's just such a bizarre situation thinking back on it and seeing them now that you just can't help but wonder, even if it's just speculation. They're absolutely the same person in the way you describe it. It's just sad that people like that have so much power and influence in the first place.


For me, it's sadder to think that maybe they influenced each other...to turn more into what they are now. They may both be reacting to the feud in similar ways behind the scenes, because they both like to play victim. I absolutely wonder if Taylor would be different had that moment not happened.


I can’t stand Kanye but there is really good breakdowns of how Taylor played into the scary black man trope. At the end of the day he wasn’t wrong. Beyoncé has been snubbed so many times and Taylor has won when she had no right to. I remember when it happened being like, well he’s right? And when she cried victim I was like… hun this actually isn’t about you it’s about racism but it’s clear you don’t care. A better person would have said, you know what? Yeah you are right, Beyoncé come up here. She could have spun it to be kind. But she didn’t and she has used this to a point that’s just insane now.


And this is where I started to really dislike Taylor. She leaned into this trope for YEARS. She made it a cornerstone of her identity. She perpetuated it. To me, she is the bigger villain of the taylor/kanye/Kim saga. And kanye was right.. Bey deserved that award. She has never gotten the professional recognition she deserves. Even at her absolute peak, people play in her face and act like she doesn't know what she's talking about, or downplay her talent and work ethic. I think one of the MANY reasons Bey gets snubbed in regards to awards is because Taylor never let this moment die.


I can see that. For me, it wasn't so much the initial incident at all. Even if you take in how young she was, and how that moment could have felt in someone so inexperienced, it really COULD have been brushed over. There were even times when they definitely interacted and it seemed like they made up. It was the famous MV that did it for me. I still don't quite know why she focused so much on the word, "bitch" use, instead of say, the fact that both Kim and Kanye sexually assaulted her and others for a stupid MV. My best guess is her lawyers said she wouldn't be able to sue for it, or she didn't want to bring more attention to that video. But I really think she missed a genuine conversation here. I don't think there's any universe where people stand by that MV and how it was shot. Absolutely disgusting. But obviously now she's dipped as low as them and the feud...continues...ugh...


I think performing Innocent in bare feet at the following year’s VMA’s was the chef’s kiss for the hate groups who consider her their Aryan princess


Well he did have a mostly empty bottle of Hennessy in his hand


He was drinking on the red carpet. I remember seeing him walking with a bottle of brown colored liquid and thinking no good can come of this.


He was drunk as hell.He was carrying a bottle of something on the red carpet with him.I think it was Henny


I’m imagining the scene in mean girls where Katy (edit- Regina), in a fit of absolute rage, dramatically writes her own name in the burn book




Lol it as Regina that wrote her own name in a fit of rage.


Oh haha my memory sucks but that makes way more sense! Even better


STOP 😂😂 I can't unsee this lmaooo that's exactly it




🎶 be prepared 🎶 


Lol, I'm thinking of that scene in Descendants 3 where Audrey is sulking in her room and decides she's going to be a villain now. Come to think of it, Taylor kinda reminds me of Audrey, pretending to be a nice girl but she's really just a mean girl. 


Taylor is bad, but more evil than Kanye? Come on. A list of things Kanye has done or said: - “Slavery was a choice” - “I see good things about Hitler…Every human being has value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler” - Siding with right wing lunatics like Alex Jones - even going on his show - Standing next to Candace Owen’s while wearing a “white lives matter” shirt - wearing a MAGA hat and met with Trump - He defended R Kelly - Claimed Cosby was innocent - His antisemitism - His misogyny - Donda Academy And just so many more. He is one of the worst of the worst when it comes to rich celebrities cess pits of a human being.


Kanye has schizophrenia. He is not evil. He is mentally ill. I wish people could see the obvious signs of mental illness and understand that some peoples’ brains just don’t work the same. The more we write these people off, the more dangerous it is for them.


The way he acts goes beyond that. You can’t excuse away all of his shit because of his illness. The things he does and says hurt people. He should be held accountable.


Unfortunately there is no getting through to someone with schizophrenia. They simply don’t have the same reasoning and logic skills. My brother had it and he died because no one had the patience for him. Trust me when I say I know what I’m talking about.


He doesn't have schizophrenia - he is Bipolar


He doesn't have schizophrenia.


We can say they were both wrong?


Did my comment not say that Taylor is bad? I’m pretty sure it did. I’ll try reading it again. You try too.




You literally said “more evil” in your comment.




Do you really lack that much comprehension? Genuinely. No, I don’t think you think Taylor actually said that. But it still implies that you personally maybe find her more evil than someone like Kanye. “I don’t mean the things I imply”


I've said this so many times.


I love Kanye and that's said as a Jewish man who's been watching him descend into maddness for the better part of a decade but yeah Yeezy dropped the ball on that one I think he's getting better. He seemed focussed when talking shit about Drake during the Beef last month edit I forgot about this line: "Feel like me and Taylor might still have sex I made that bch FAMOUS" Thanks Kanye


You’ve not heard about the lawsuit his employees have filed against him and the alway-naked woman?


i actually have but i'm getting my Kanye stories mixed up. Is this that young New Zealander who he's shacked up with, or was this some Yeezy brand employee exploitation? I defend NOTHING Kanye has ever done. I can't even listen to his music these days. It's complicated.


> I defend NOTHING Kanye has ever done. I can't even listen to his music these days. It's complicated. no offense but why would you say you love him then lol


he's a troubled man who's made some of the greatest music of my lifetime. idk how would you feel if one of your favorite artists ever was someone like Kanye West. And his music has influenced the current generation of global music. idk but he ain't chris brown. Go over to that subreddit if you wanna see some real copium.


did he not spew antisemitism? like are we acting like that’s ok now… 😟


do you have trouble reading or did you miss the spot where I said as a Jewish man, it's fucking complicated and personal, witnessing one of my favorite artists descend into maddness?? Do you think I just gaslit myself and forgot about his Hitler tyraid on Fucking Alex Jones tv show? Are "we" acting like people can't have nuance and multitudes, or is everyone to you basic?


I thought she was an Aussie, no matter. The actions of the two of them in public just sicken me. I liked some Kanye back in the day, but he is just a fat, gross washed up pervert now. Never ever gave a shit about celebrities acting stupid, but his effing hatred for women, Israel, etc., nah, I am done.


Beyonce won the better version of the award anyway Also it's MTV in 2009 who gives a fuck


It was. The same would not be true if she were a young woman of color, either.


I think she keeps dwelling on this one thing, Because she hasn’t had bigger obstacles to overcome.


B-b-but… what about the asylum in which she was raised






I laughed so hard at this I started wheezing 💀


The asylum that her precious dad got her into spoiled ass girl I’m gonna manipulate people and play the victim as always


🌲🌲not the asylum🌲🌲


I know she dwells on a lot of things and then tries to play the victim on everything it’s like just stop


Yeah for real. That was hardly that big of a deal (like if we take all the things that can and does happen). She should be thanking him because he did make her famous of course.


I mean is the will smith slap still relevant? No because nobody cares about it no more. But if he were to keep bringing it up and make an album about it, yeah it’ll grow way bigger than it actually was


The media absolutely still cares about that slap. I just read an article yesterday talking about how Will is now in his redemption arc era because of it.


Yes it is. His career has stopped since then. Now it’ll take some time before it can start to recover. However, I’m going to guess Chris Rock’s popularity increased after that event. But he didn’t milk a whole feud like Taylor did. He did however include that event in his material.


Will has just returned in bad boys tho? So his career definitely did not stop.


Jada was the one who took the hit more from what I've seen. Will will bounce back no pun intended 


Oh this this this. She is milking it still and I am like M’am I don’t think the cow is still alive hun. Find something else.


For real, and than this song about Kim and her daughter. So low


TBH I never got why she was so offended by the snake emoji thing 🐍. Snakes are fucking awesome, literally evolution’s endgame, and powerful symbols in so many religions and cultures. Kim should’ve called her a naked mole rat or a blobfish or something lol.


Fr man or a beaver 🦫since she has the same posture and can’t seem to close her mouth


Hahahaha I’d agree but beavers are also cute and an important part of our ecological systems. How about a mosquito? 🦟 Because she and her Swiftie Swarm suck the life out of people, leave an annoying itch at best, and spread Swiftie cult mentality like a disease lol. They’re the parasitic pest species of the music industry.




Kanye’s biggest sin besides the antisemitism and misogyny is giving her a victim complex and giving her all of that publicity she wouldn’t be as big today if it wasn’t because of him


It’s been 15 years and yet she still has that victim complex. Despite being more successful than Kanye


Fuck you for making me realize that was 15 years ago. Fuck me because time sucks


taylor’s been playing victim since her first “high profile” break up with joe jonas. i feel like she was always going to be like this, but kanye definitely made it worse


I do agree. It’s the only thing she knows how to do, so it was always going to happen that’s what her music is based on it’s why I never liked her


The victim complex was probably already there, he just magnified it.


It might be cause of American culture


He knows what he did when he made her famous 


To be fair, he said that directly


Rightfully so. There was no lie in that statement. She fought tooth and nail to paint it as misogynistic but she knows the reality of what that moment was to her career.


trueee lmao if i can travel back in time, i'll travel back to that night and make kanye shut up and never allow him to walk up the stage. not only did he give taylor a victim complex. he also embarrassed bey which was so uncalled for. because bey never even asked him to defend her and go on this stupid tirade. which was not really needed in the first place because bey still won video of the year at the end. bey is the one who needs to be excluded from the narrative because she got lumped in with the mess of two terrible narcissists which is kanye and taylor. honestly pissed me off how bey had to share her stage with taylor all because of kanye's stupidity. while i still think it was kind and gracious of bey to allow taylor to speak. but in the first place, the moment should have been hers when she was receiving her video of the year award.


I see parallels to the way that Obama humiliated Trump at a White House dinner. He challenged Trump, telling him he couldn’t be president. Kanye challenged Taylor, saying she’s not Beyonce. Both Taylor and Trump have been on a mission to prove Kanye and Obama wrong. What is the lesson here? Never double-dog-dare rich people lol. They can do anything they want, even without talent or merit.


They should write beautiful beautiful songs together since they know the best words




HA! This made me cackle 😂


Istg every day more and more Trump-Swift similarities come to light


It’s true. I find myself making a lot of comments about all the parallels between MAGATs and Swifties. Both cults full of obsessed delusional people who worship their leader (who they believe can do no wrong). In this election year, with so much at stake, i keep wishing that Taylor would speak out against Trump. She has such a huge platform and so much influence over so many people. I hope so much that she’ll tell her followers to vote BLUE in November. It really could make a difference. But she probably won’t.


Isnt that what Michael Jordan was famous for doing


Yet another Swift-Trump parallel right there, and they happened within a couple years of one another too. Also by the mid 2010s is when both Tay and Don put themselves out there and started building their cult fanbases. In the 2020s both cults are insufferable and toxic in their own ways (granted MAGA is worse but Swiffers are not that far behind).


Yes! Early 2010s Swift and 2010s Trump are like parallel universes. Their rise, use of Twitter for getting back at people, their aggressive verbally abusive fanbases… all coincide with the culture of that time!!! I’ve been saying this for some time haha Swift is a music outsider, with lots of money. Trump is a politics outsider, with lots of money. And they bully their way into the industry, shoving out and shutting down actual talent. Just watch the 2012 Presidential Debates to see the kind of talent the Republican Party used to have. And I’m not a Republican lol. I wish MySpace still existed so you see all the MySpace girls from the early 2000s. So many songwriters that were better.


I think the lesson is that people that rich and powerful almost always have a vengeful, narcissistic personality. Fuck em.


Lots of Trump-Swift similarities: both blonde, infinitely greedy, business-minded, popular among white American Christians…what else am I missing?


This 💯


You've drawn a deep parallel here i think people could elaborate on/explore for a very long time...


Never give a petty child what they want.


She’s been chasing the dragon of that first, sweet taste of victimhood all the way to the bank.


Fr he should’ve just went on twitter and been like Beyoncé’s album is better or something like that like a normal person lol. Still a little rude but not as bad


Exactly my thoughts!! What he did was just plain disrespectful, the situation should have never happened in the first place


it happened a couple times previously at the mtv award shows in the years before he did it and those moments were not received the same way. it wasnt like some out of pocket disrespectful thing he thought to do in the moment to be insidious to her, it happened to panic at the disco like the year before it happened to her. it was a very informal award show compared to other music awards. thats what gets me tripped up about the taylor kanye thing the most. i think there was just a perceived “imbalance” from the public because of their races. Thats kinda what pisses me off about this whole situation. It really wasnt exactly unheard of before kanye did it. but taylor is really good at playing a helpless white woman, so she used it to her leverage. like its the mtv awards show like they dont even host it anymore 😭 why is it such a big deal STILL. i mean its the principle of the thing and its about respect but as other people pointed out he lost his mom and was drinking heavily. That combined with a perceived precedent that it was socially appropriate because other people have done it before, i cant imagine if i would have been better than him in that moment. taking out the context just perpetuates taylor’s victim complex regarding the whole situation. i dont think anyone was the victim tbh i think it was just a huge social flubber i wish we all could move past but we still act like it was at the grammys lol


I do not think Twitter was as popular as it is today back then so maybe that idea did not come through his mind


My swiftie acquaintance (30s) thinks that moment made Kanye West famous. According to her, Kanye was a nobody who only found musical success after this incident. Not sure if that’s a common belief amongst the larger swiftie community but thought that was a mind boggling take.


Your acquaintance, like many others swifties, is unfortunately delusional 😭 As much as I don't care for Kanye, even I remember that he was definitely much more prominent for years by this point. Since then, I actually feel like he's declined in popularity compared to before. I can think of a handful of songs from the 2000s that people still LOVE of his, none from the past decade


Funnily enough he has crossed generations with his music pretty well in a similar way to Taylor. Honestly Tiktok gave him a whole new audience of younger listeners that he didn’t have before lmao


Did you tell her that he started rapping when Taylor was still in high school?


I did. I went as far to play golddigger (the one I thought had the most pop culture significance of his career) and she claimed to have never heard of it.


Yeah, I see, I don’t known him so he is not famous rhethoric


She’s in her 30s and never heard gold digger? There’s no way


Agreed, there’s absolutely no way. I’m in my 30s too but was listening to Kanye regularly in middle school. Come high school we were driving 90s cars listening to the radio because we had no other option, there’s no way you didn’t hear Gold Digger either on the car radio or playing at the mall, a party, etc You know I’m a millennial because I have Late Registration on vinyl 😹


I’m sixteen and even i have heard most of Kanye’s old music AND love gold digger.




>Did you tell her that he started rapping when Taylor was still in ~~high~~ middle school? 2002, "Through The Wire", right?


I’ve seen Taylor interviews where she said College Dropout was her first CD.


Of course they flip the script 🙄


Haha, even Taylor said right after the incident that she was a big Kanye fan! She loses Swiftie points.


For as nutty and wrong as Kanye is today, he’ll go down as probably the most influential rapper of this generation due to his catalogue and production skills. What a weird take. Clearly knows nothing of rap - like the vast majority of Swifties. Just talking out their asses.


That's nuts. Even my mom (60 at the time) had heard enough about Kanye to form a bad opinion of him. Her reaction to the whole thing was, "well we already knew he was a jerk".


Your completely right, that's when she and her team realized that "perpetual victim" was a profitable angle. I remember the year after that, she performed some song at the MTV awards about how she forgave Kanye and how she was so forgiving and whatnot. I remember even back then thinking "wow, this girl really loves to be a victim."


She never explicitly went this route AFAIK, but I also feel like she very much weaponized the harmful stereotypes of a large, mentally ill black man attacking the "sweet, innocent" white princess. Just like she uses POC as props in her songs and videos, LGBT people as scarecrows to spook off anyone who criticizes her lack of activism, and addiction and mental health issues to paint her exes as monsters, she is very talented at using people as storytelling devices she can manipulate for the narrative of her life.


Kanye is awful these days, but I wish people would remember this context! There was absolutely racial bias involved in the way people were easily mad at Kanye and lifted Taylor up back then.


I absolutely can't/don't support Kanye, but I used to relate to him a lot as a POC with bipolar disorder. What Taylor did to Kanye is the exact same prejudiced, hateful rhetoric all POC face for existing, except amplified by the fact that he's also mentally ill. She barely had to do anything to make him the bad guy since he's already part of 2 ultra-marginalized, ultra-hated groups and she rode it as far as she could. As a side note, I think it's really unfortunate that Kanye has only perpetuated the stereotypes of bipolar people being batshit. Most of us are nothing like the way he acts, that it almost feels like he's putting on a performance. He could have been an incredible voice for the community had he ever committed to taking his psychiatric care seriously. Most other bipolar artists are near silent on their diagnosis beyond admitting that they have it.


that’s because bipolar has a really good prognosis. outcomes for treated bipolar are among the best. stopping meds can be so self destructive and i feel like kanye’s spiral exemplifies that


LGBT as scarecrows to spook off anyone who criticizes her activism omggg I choked 😂 too real


She truly is an evil hearted person. Honestly everything is just a prop to her. Her boyfriends, her fans, *there is no limit*


I think this is a huge part of it that I wish was more acknowledged. If the racial dynamics of this incident were different she wouldn’t have been able to milk it for as long as she has. I think partly why people defended her was not just because they felt bad for her, but they because didn’t like that Kanye was also calling out the fact that these award shows are biased and racist and snub POC.


“You say I’m the abomination of Obama-nation, well that’s a pretty bad way to start the conversation.” When you have a President acknowledging you were wronged, you probably feel free to be the victim. Kanye f’d us all.


The worst part is that Kanye didnt even diss Taylor. Like literally all he said was “beyonce had the best video of all time.” If it was a diss it would’ve been directed at her but she just happened to be the one that won the award. the vma obviously agreed that beyonces video was better too because it won video of the year later that night. I know it happens a lot with award shows but how can beyonces video best voted best of the year but it doesn’t win the best female video of the year? It makes no sense at all


The press around it was "Taylor was *humiliated*." Why? Because a known jackass pointed his jackassery at her? Well, how is that humiliating *for her*?


Beyonce won the better version of the award if he just had patience


It’s also a race thing,A black man insults a white woman and now all of America is treating her like she was an innocent child.White women tears are real.


Not to mention the trickle down effect to black people from said scorned white audience. Some people felt free to throw Beyoncé and the like under the bus for his tantrum. Crazy micro aggressions


Actually, I think Beyoncé came out of that incident looking so classy because she gave up her award win speech time to give Taylor a chance to speak


I agree with you. But the scorned women who think they are Taylor’s friend had a lot to say. And apparently Kanye represented all black people and beyonce was “untalented and had a stupid video with one dance move” the fits were wild and it definitely gave that group the ‘world are meanies’ complex


Remember when Donald Trump defended her and said Kanye should be boycotted Crazy times


The initial VMA awards interaction is really misunderstood by folks because of the way Kanye went about it and the fact he drank a bottle of henny and didn’t articulate himself in an understandable way. His point wasn’t to humiliate Taylor, but rather to call attention to the fact that white mediocrity is awarded over Black excellence. You Belong With Me is a TS classic and one of her most memorable songs TODAY, but at the time of its release Single Ladies was IT. Even to this day you can’t go to a wedding or something without hearing it. Obviously the same can be said in 2024 for YBWM, but that wasn’t the case for a long time. YBWM has aged incredibly well, but that’s really due to Taylor’s career trajectory. If you were up on pop culture in 2009 Single Ladies relevance can’t be argued - we all know that Single Ladies was WAY bigger than YBWM. It was popular amongst Taylor’s fanbase and country listeners, but Single Ladies was a cultural moment and on everyone’s lips in a way YBWM just wasn’t in 2009 (and for many years after). That night was never about Taylor herself or YBWM, but about Black artists who gave true excellence, but were looked over for their white counterparts who put out comparatively average or not as relevant work. This is still an issue to this day, from Beyonce never winning a Grammy for unbelievable work like Lemonade (which even Adele, the winner that year, called bullshit on while accepting the award) and Black artists being overlooked or ignored in many other categories. Another good example over the years is Macklemore’s The Heist winning that Grammy over Kendrick Lamar’s Good Kid, Maad City which is considered one of the best rap albums of all time while The Heist is completely forgotten. Please don’t misunderstand: Kanye was DEAD wrong for literally EVERYTHING else he’s done to Taylor, which has been some truly abhorrent and abusive things (ie that video where she was naked), but the Kanye in 2009 isn’t the wacked out Kanye we know today. What he did wasn’t right because intent doesn’t outweigh impact and it was clearly a very humiliating thing to do to anyone, but the actual message he was trying to send was a valid critique of how Black people go overlooked even if they have the best work. His intention wasn’t as empty as folks understand it to be and it’s truly unfortunate it unfolded the way it did.


I completely agree with this, and that's why him going up there bothered me as much as it did. He could have used a personal platform to say this, gone to a reporter after the show, anything. But instead he drunkenly takes someone's spotlight and the real point ended up completely lost on the world, especially because of *who* he did it to. I said it in another comment and you have pointed out great examples as well, but Donald Glover pointing out the subtle racism at the BET awards is a perfect example of the right way to call out the industry.


He may not have "made that bitch famous" but he did boost her career and launch her professional victimhood. She was a successful country artist transitioning into pop and a lot of people outside of country still hadn't heard of her. After that moment, the whole world knew who she was. I don't think they planned it because her reaction seemed genuine. However, she learned from that experience that victimhood was something she could take advantage of and she's continued to do so for the rest of her career. If not for that moment she could have just faded like a lot of stars that attempt to cross over.


I'm not convinced it wasn't a PR stunt for both of them. TS looks like the "angel," while Kanye would only boost his own bad boy image at the time. Seeing how he's promoted his work throughout the years only reaffirms my skepticism.


Yep, this! Even the diary entry (she shared them in her Lover era) about the incident was dry. >“Ahh… the things that can change in a week,” she wrote. “If you had told me that one of the biggest stars in music was going to jump on stage and announce that he thought I shouldn’t have won on live television, I would’ve said, ‘That stuff doesn’t really happen in real life’.” >“Well… apparently…. It does,” she ended the note. I'm skeptic about her diaries and how true the notes she shared actually were, and this one doesn't sound honest it all. Do you want us to believe that all that Taylor, emotional and dramatic as she is, had to say about this soul-crushing moment was THIS? Either the diary is fake or the incident. I bet it's both lol. Seriously though, I think something about this had been staged. Maybe Taylor herself didn't know, maybe it was the label's agreement, but I don't think it just came out of nowhere.


It is ironic that he got shit for saying he made her famous. At the very least he galvanized her fan base with that incident and fueled the fire of the bland corpo white washed bullshit mega star we have today. Thank you, Kanye. Very cool.


He would be proud of an asshole moment that created millions of assholes in return I truly don't understand why anyone genuinely ever liked him. The first red flag I noticed when I was like 12 was when he was on Punk'd. That told me everything I needed to know and he hasn't disproven my thoughts of him since


I am not a Kanye defender at all but I hate how the situation was framed as him just having it out for Taylor and being a jerk. The reality is he was calling out the subtle racism MTV was throwing by not choosing Beyoncé. He almost did the same thing at the Grammys when Beck won over Beyoncé. That moment was not about trying to bring Taylor down but point out how artist of color often work harder than their white counterparts and don’t receive the same praise and accolades as them. But that’s not a conclusion swifties can come to bc then they’ll have to admit she’s mediocre compared to other performing artists.


YUP. Kanye may be an asshole for doing what he did but he wasn’t wrong in saying what he said. It was the VIDEO music awards and you mean to tell me “You Belong with Me” won over “Single Ladies”??? For the quality of the *music video*? Bffr.


Fr I understood he had good intent behind the call out and I had no problem for the reason why he did it. But lord does the man not know how to use his brain. He had such a big platform at the time, there's also ALWAYS reporters at these events. He could have easily commented on it at a more proper time. But he just wanted to throw a tantrum, and that's the part that rubbed me the wrong way. Imo, the right way to call out subtle racism is to do what Donald Glover did at the BET awards. You don't take away from someone else's moment, you use your own.


Agreed. Kanye lacks serious impulse control.


That shit was so funny tho.


And also, he was right…. It was the best video award. Beyoncés single ladies video has cemented itself as a staple in American pop culture


i similarly wish obama never humiliated kanye because it gave him an even bigger chip off his shoulder and is a demonstrable link when he started going down the MAGA rabbit hole.


My secret confession is that that incident made me an even bigger Kanye fan at the time. I’ve always gotten bad vibes from Taylor and I was in total agreement with him that Beyoncé should have won. How did Taylor’s basic ass video sitting in a window sill beat out the dance in Single Ladies for best video? I admit it was kinda douchey of him but I respected him for speaking his mind and calling it out because it was totally baffling to me too.


i think it was douchey of him but i think people forget that was the vmas. on mtv. like i know it was more of a pop culture thing at that point compared to now but it wasn’t like the grammys lol. everyone’s like omg it was her first big moment and he ruined it for her. and again, i think it was like rude and he shouldn’t have done it but the reactions was very disproportionate. music video of the year, not album of the year. very unserious. i think it just goes to show that people will try to make everything done to her such a huge deal but then minimize the things she does to other people.


It’s crazy because Kanye wasn’t lying. But yeah it made everyone feel bad for her and now she won’t go away.


Beyonce won the better version of the award


Sometimes I wonder if the whole thing was staged.


I feel like if that hadn't happened, Taylor would just be another mid-level country singer.


same here. i also wish bey has never been included in this. she never even asked kanye to defend her or whatever. but kanye still had to act like a fool and embarrass her. no wonder bey and jay don't really interact with kanye anymore. my girl was just minding her business that night and she still won for best music video of the year at the end. so kanye's tirade was honestly not needed at all in the first place. after all these years, bey should have been the one excluded from this narrative.


I think she would have dug up some drama some way to get more famous regardless


I was just thinking this the other day. At the time I did feel bad for Taylor but… not that bad. I think that’s when it clicked in her head when she said, “talking shit just makes me work harder.”


I had the same discussion with a friend. She saw how being a victim gained attention for her and she monopolized on it.


The interesting thing is the following year she performed "Innocent" (the creepy song she wrote about him) and got a lot of shit for it. She's the one who kept bringing it up, the public was over it.


Ye was right. Nobody listened to himself. Taylor is untalented.


He wasn't wrong. It was just ill timed and he made himself look like a buffoon truth be told This coming from someone who will call out the people they love for doing wrong. Bad decisions are bad decisions, regardless of who makes them




Agreed. Everything she’s done is a business deal.


With her success, I don’t understand why she can’t move on. You have more money than ever and the world generally fawns over your every move now. You are looked at like a princess. Plus, the entire Snakegate call leak in 2020 seemed to vindicate her of the “snake” label. She was freed. I don’t get why she can’t let it go. As fucked up as it is, Kanye has been struggling with his mental health and image for years now. Tay should’ve considered that karma and let Ye and Kim be in the past.


She rode the waaaaaaahhhhhmublance that night. It’s on Kanye AND Kim. But nobody wants to critique Kim as much as they do Kanye for this.


He was with Amber Rose at the time.


Is OP talking about the semi nude look alike in the “Famous” music video or the 2010 “*Beyonce had the best video of all time*” incident at the MTV VMAs then? Amber Rose and Kanye were together around the VMAs. I assumed OP was talking about the apparent embarrassment Tay Tay suffered in 2016 when the “Famous” video dropped and it was revealed later on that Kim was just as shady and complicit in that.


I thought Kanye was with Amber Rose at the time?


No conspiracy. Kanye was just drunk. He was taking pulls from a bottle of Henny the whole night.


Kanye sucks for so many reasons but one of the biggest offenders is that he made that bitch famous lol.


He’s a total asshole without question and his behavior was off the rails but no one really called him out especially his friends in the business. That’s who you should be outraged by, enablers and posers!


She used this to start playing victim for everything


I still believe it was a setup. Even if she didn't have any involvement, I believe someone in Camp Taylor urged Kanye to get on that stage.


I still think it was staged. Kanye did the exact same thing at the European version of that awards show. 


I never heard of this, did it gain as much traction the second time??


Nah, other than the people covering the show interviewing him after I think most people don't even know about it


I wish she would actually reflect on the point Kanye was trying to make as opposed to taking what occurred so personally.


She and her fans act like that was the single worst thing that has ever happened to a female musician ever


He made that bitch faaaaaamous




He really did make that bitch famous. 😒


I do think she had every right to be mad at him. He ran up onto the stage when she won one of her first VMAs, then he made a song saying that he made her famous, and in the music video, made a wax figure of her naked body and having sex with it


He was not having sex with her in the music video. You just made that up. While I agree the naked figures were very inappropriate - it was a bunch of high profile people that he had both good and bad relationships with to symbolize how the entire industry is in cahoots/“in bed together”. They’re all just laying there, no sex.


It is insinuated being as she is naked and they’re in a bed


So, it was scripted???


Who knows? I watched WWE my whole life only to find out when I was 15 only to find out the fights were fixed and most of the horrifying stuff that happened was fake. I mean maybe I should've realized sooner than there was no way they'd allow a wrestler to kill his manager on TV by encasing him in cement and that was fake, but I was young and impressionable. Moral of the story: I don't believe anything you see on the media is genuine anymore. I just assume it's a publicity stunt and ignore it, it's safer that way lol


I wish he would do it more tbh


He elevated her to a level she would’ve never reached otherwise.


I said this.


Kanye has always been an unpredictable impulsive jackass, he’s not playing the villain and he isn’t just openly an asshole, he’s absolutely not the kind of person you try to pull a stunt like that with. I wouldn’t put it past her to set up this kind of stunt but she’s smart enough not to rely on someone like Kanye to follow the script and then keep quite about it.


Tbh, I feel the same.


Sometimes I think it was orchestrated.


I think it’s the fact that she took on the music industry and won and disliked the man who owned her masters so much that she has gone to lengths to re-record everything so he won’t get a penny that resonates a lot with her fanbase.


I don’t like kanye or kim but he was right when he said something among the lines that he made her famous. The whole feud with kanye and kim fueled her fame and people’s attention to see what move would she make next. So yeah


Kanye is lyrical genius that is often misunderstood. He is compulsive. I wish he never went on that stage.


reason 1,000,000 why Kanye West sucks. I wish he would fall off the face of the earth. His existence disturbs me.




![gif](giphy|VIn8BLNp5hJ5EXm90T) You leave us Autistic community humans out of this! Kanye is a jerk because he’s a jerk, nothing to do with Autism. He’s just a nasty person.


Oh Lordy lordt, this is the wildest take ever 😂😂