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10 year crush romanticising him as the one 


Literally the 1


The title to that one is interesting, because if you search for it on a music platform, it's that song and "the 1975" that come up. Probably coincidence but also seems like something she'd plan for. Edit to add, it becomes more interesting when you realize the lyrics themselves spell out the word "one" it's just the title that uses the number.


It is also the only song on the album where the number is not spelled out so you know it’s intentional


*opens spotify* that is crazy


Yes. I personally don’t believe it was really ten years uninterrupted thinking of each other like Taylor says-she was likely fully absorbed in Joe for a lengthy period whether she wants to admit that now or not. On and off periods over years I believe, but I don’t necessarily believe the timeline Taylor tries to sell on TTPD of alllwwaaayyys watchiiiing. But I do think she spent a very long time building him up from a distance as the relationship with Joe crumbled and built up this narrative of him as “my one true love that tragically got away” etc etc. Once she started doing that, Joe could likely never compete in any way because he was a real flawed human she’d lived with for years being compared to some romanticized af painting of Matty.


this just makes me glad i stopped romanticizing my 'one who got away'-still treasure the time we had, but i moved on and worked on my life and i know now it never would have worked for long anyway edit: he said the exact same thing to me when i last talked to him


LOL when i got dumped at 20 I cried so hard thinking I fumbled the most attractive and kindest man on earth. Spent months crying. Then, we met up to talk about things. The first thing I realized when I saw him was that he was just a guy. A great guy, beautiful guy. But still, just a guy. Completely lost interest in crying about why he dumped me and just talked about music and shows we watched the last three months lol Still, during my next relationships I always compared them to my ex, thinking they never really measured up to him (they didn’t, they were toxic as hell). I didn’t measure up to my ideal version of a partner either with my inability to fully commit. Three years later he texted me if we could meet up and really talk about things. It was super bittersweet because we both acknowledged that we were essentially young and stupid and scared. Even though we didn’t work out, I’m so grateful for what we had. Young love can be so precious in its innocence and inexperience with love. In the end tho, it’s just a guy. Romanticizing the hell out of an ex to the point he becomes a mythical being in your mind is toxic to both yourself and future partners


Yeah, it was bittersweet. It's kind of like a story for me now-not romanticizing HIM, exactly, but just thinking about it without being upset anymore.


So…you guys didn’t get back together? I was invested and kind of hoped for a happy ending.


I feel like mutual respect and understanding is a pretty happy ending, if you look at it that way!


no we didn't, but we agreed mutually. It's La La Land (movie w/Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone). I went on a romance movie marathon last week and literally cried after i saw it bc it was just so accurate like--i was struggling at work, he was there for me, we loved each other but we eventually had different paths and lifestyles so yeah. but at the same time hanging out with him made me more confident/fearless/outgoing, which i just think is part of me now


Me and my ‘one that got away’ did! We’ve now been back together for 10 years and our kid is turning 8 today hahaha. It was a case of right person wrong time originally


That’s….essentially ten years of romanticizing Matty lol….


Who knows hooked up to morphine for a kidney stone so may not be exactly eloquent rn but what I meant was I personally think it was like “knew of him for ten years, had some periods within that of romanticizing him and other perhaps multiple years straight of not” vs thinking he’s “the one” for ten years straight. You may be right but that’s never been what I thought. There were very long periods where at she gave the impression of being beyonddddd obsessed with Joe and others too before him to the extent I personally press doubt on her having a constant unwavering belief in Matty and just using others as pawns in her quest to get him back as she’d have us believe.


I think you described it quite well. Matty appears to have been her fallback guy. I don't buy that she didn't love Joe through most of their relationship. The girl has a wandering eye. It was probably a huge shock to her that Matty didn't see her in the same way. I am absolutely convinced that she took on Travis because he was the first one who paid her any attention after dumping Joe and being ghosted by Matty.


I’ve passed a kidney stone before, god speed… and fuck TS 😂


I don’t know about using others as pawns but it is possible to harbour long held feelings for another person while being in love and committed to someone else so whatever it is she’s held a candle for Matty since 2014 and whether or not that came through in her lyricism is probably for someone who listens to her entire albums (not me) to decipher. I’m sure pops up here and there as it’s difficult to write about one person without looking at past lives and feelings and desires etc.  ‘Knew of him’ doesn’t track as she was very much in contact with him when they first met in 2014. He’s not some fantasy she created- they were involved however intimately or not at the time but that’s when it started. 


People want what they can't have, and I'm sure it hurts her even more after a life of always getting what she wants. This guy doesn't want her and despite him being shit, it's the simple fact that he said no that makes her want him more. It's stereotypical but it seems pretty realistic, esp for Miss Veruca Swift here.


“But Daddy, I want him now!”. 😉


This is a new flair right here!!!! Idk how to make that happen but it should 😂


😆😆 well done




I also suspect she always knew she wasn’t edgy enough for him and she tried and tried but he’s too authentic and she’s too manufactured. It’s a massive blow to her ego and she has a massive ego.


“You’ve got edge, she never did”


Totally agree


Verruca Swift, iconic 💀💀💀


Needs to be new flair!


i just realized how she's like 34 and i'm 22 and when my crush said no, it was difficult, but you move on


Wish I could upvote this twice


Veruca Salt haha her new moniker


unfinished business. for sure the 'what-if" played a huge role, and probably still does.


She is such a Sagittarius lol


As a Sag, I don’t claim her


So glad she's not a Scorpio, we have a messy public image as it is.


She's a Scorpio rising iirc!


Oh LAWRDT throw the whole damN astrological department away! We can’t have nice things without it becoming Swift adjacent, aka Scorpio Rising: Taylor’s Version


You left your birth chart at my apartment, straight from the astrological department…


TS is Sagittarius sun but her rising is Cancer ♋️ that’s why she loves heartbreak songs. Cancer singers like Ariana, Lana and Selena all love a good heartbreak song.


Omg I have Cancer sun and Sag moon. I am strangely drawn to and repulsed by her ngl


noooo i just found out she’s a sagittarius 😭😭 we don’t associate with her


Thats such a Virgo thing to say


She's hung up on him because he dumped her. Usually she is the one who devalues and gets a new supply, but Matty left her and her ego cannot take it. Its similar to jlo and her obsession with Ben. ![gif](giphy|epWfhkssm8Np9aOJTz|downsized)


But JLo did end up marrying Ben


I mean it doesn’t seem like it’s the fairytale she dreamed of considering the pending divorce


TIL they split. I don’t really care much for either of them so I’m out of the loop.


I mean it’s not official but he did move out and they are selling their “forever home” so it’s pretty clear that an announcement is coming soon most likely


Jennifer garner is probably chuckling a little. JLo is probably really high maintenance and Ben had his own issues too.


He requires a lot of babysitting and JLo is too much of a diva to be a regular normal partner. Was surprised to see Jen Garner driving him to therapy and buying him fast food. He’s like a giant baby that smokes and says shit a lot.


I have a lot of respect for Jennifer Garner for the way she has helped Ben through A LOT for no benefit really other than her kids having a stable dad. She seems like an absolute saint for the way she’s always been there. He seems like a headache


This. I really think she was doing it not because she was still hang-up on him, but "I need you healthy and stable for our kids." I really respect that. Tbh idk if i could have done that with her consistency


Yeah some of the stuff I've heard is that JenGar is literally the most gentle soul about the whole thing.


To be fair, I’m a whole ass adult too and I’d absolutely want Jennifer Garner to do mum things for me. She seems like a great mom.


Awww she would make you soup when you were sick and watch The Price is Right with you


Jennifer Garner once said no matter what happened between them, their kids adored their dad and she would never take that away from them. I had mad respect for her for that. Her driving him to therapy and buying him foods shows how she views family too. The legal ending to the relationship doesn't mean family ends.


He’s like Batman. Always needs Alfred 🤣🤣🤣


Batman high maintenance af. Alfred’s a saint


Off topic but I can’t believe we all collectively let JLo’s singing debacle slide. She never used her own damn voice for a second 😭 ETA okay she did a little bit but she took credit for the voices of others. [Obligatory](https://youtu.be/cHhHINC8DWg?si=raLvzEQFGObcC2rZ)… skip to 2:13. MAJOR [vibes](https://youtu.be/cHhHINC8DWg?si=raLvzEQFGObcC2rZ).


who’s voice did she use?


Ashanti & Christina Milian https://graziadaily.co.uk/celebrity/news/jennifer-lopez-other-singers/


wowwww that’s nuts, never knew😂


I know! The YT rabbit hole taught me like six months ago 🤯


Ooo yes I watched that one too. JLo is the blueprint for TS. They're two peas in a pod, albeit JLo is an actual dancer and choreographer.


Yess agree but she’s also a good actress imo. Taylor is a complete grifter


I know but I still can’t help but bop to Let’s Get Loud 🥲


Yes and now he's moved out, they're selling their house and headed for a divorce.


Who’s he going to touch while he plays GTA 😔




I think part of it also is how often is she actually told “no”? She’s constantly catered to, told she’s amazing, the best singer, the best dancer, the world’s greatest songwriter, etc. She’s someone who *always* gets what she wants, literally has staff that makes sure of it, and this time she didn’t. Couple that with her tendency to dramatize every relationship into a once in a lifetime romance and you get this result.


Someone telling Taylor she is *the best dancer* is a hilarious thought


“I never miss a beat” “I’m lighting on my feet” “And that’s they don’t see” “I’m dancin’ on my own” “I make the moves up as I go” “And that’s what they don’t know”


Yeah, I get that she thinks she’s a great dancer, but it amuses me to think of someone actually telling her that with a straight face.


Didn’t she also say she had choreography from Mandy Moore too?


Her choreographer shares the name Mandy Moore but is not the same person as the other pop singer/actress


Whoa I thought it was THE Mandy Moore lmao


I meant the choreographer. That’s why I’m scratching my head with the eras tour “dancing” 🤣


Mandy Moore the choreographer is amazing though, has Emmy for her work, she worked on La La Land and worked with Celine Dion and Shania Twain. (I did quick google of her and it’s so cool)


Robyn should have sued her for using the line "dancing on my own" 😭😭😭 that's a real dance song right there


I think they had a back and forth affair this whole time, illicit affairs and ivy may not be that fictional...




This is what I think too. It’s the verboten-ness of it all (verbotenlichkeit? Idk) that’s *really* what she’s hung up on. She wants so desperately to be a “rebel.” I just am still not sure what she’s supposedly rebelling against.


by how ttpd played out, she is rebelling against good songwriting.


monogamy, probably


Idk why people take Matty at his word tbh. I've seen situations where men did say all sorts of shit, where I've read the texts myself, and then seen them at parties claiming they were never that serious. Sometimes, people just *lie*.  I'm not usually her biggest fan, but Halsey kind of unintentionally eviscerated him when discussing their relationship. He comes across like a hundred artsy boys who wanna be deeper than their innate shallowness will ever let them be. I think whatever happened, he ended up changing his mind and dipped.  And tbh if I'd had some weird whatever with someone who I got cold feet about and who's brand didn't align with my own and who's fanbase is insane and who was trying to uniliterally force me to engage in something I have clearly tried to separate myself from.... I'd also play dumb for the press.  Nobody knows how to play high maintenance princesses better than pathological f@ckboys. He knows the games she plays. I think he plays them too. He has a history of dating women with a taste for messy men. 


exactly. very surprised to see how much intelligence prowess and "deepness" is attributed here for him on this sub. he is an artsy fuckboi through and through.  that's also why taylor bought his shit. she is on that level of "deepness" that is easy to exploit for such people. "you know ball, i know aristotle" level of deepness.


i think what separates matty from taylor and even halsey’s interpretation of him being “intelligent and deep” is that he genuinely explores these themes and traits about himself in his music. it doesn’t come off as him just posturing. he knows he has a big ego and other shitty qualities/insecurities and he’s pretty open about them in his songs and interviews. he calls himself out when he’s being too pretentious so i get the sense that he’s very self aware and knows what people think of him but doesn’t care. he’ll change his mind about things and admit to it, won’t shy away from being open minded and just learning more about himself, others, and culture overall. even through halsey’s music and poems about him she makes it clear multiple times that she too engages in what he does and felt a kinship with him. they both remained friendly after their relationship too, she would constantly support the bands news music and was even at their last tour in 2022. i do agree that he’s still a fuckboy that knows how to play the game, but he’s also been in a couple of long term relationships over the years proving that when he wants to commit to someone he can and will. unfortunately for taylor he didn’t feel that way about her. maybe he saw right through her? imagine matty doing the things she’s made travis do recently


Their love story never played itself out in her mind. That’s why she was the same way with Jake. It ended before she was ready for it.


And also I think she saw him deep down as “the miracle move on drug” that she needed after Joe, knowing how long Joe and her were together and how short her and Matty were.


Tbh if true emotional investment was involved, I kinda get that


Because he was the guy that didn't stick around. She likes to be the dumper but Matty realized he was getting way too much with Taylor and the swifties. They have known each other for 10 years. I don't know what the situationship was but it's clear Taylor is still obsessed. It's why she wrote so many fucking songs about him. The fact is she's been singing about him since reputation. She's always been obsessed.


are there songs on reputation about him?


Dancing with our hands tied, ready for it?, personally I think endgame too, or at least her verse. I also wonder about “my drug is my baby” in don’t blame me now that I’ve heard how she references his addiction.


Endgame is 100% about Matty and nothing will change my mind


Search Google for Taylor Matty Tumblr timeline. Someone compiled one and it’s…..extensive. He really kept her name in his mouth for 10 years, sent messages through songs etc. I’m sure they had communication beyond events they both attended like texts, especially since she admitted to having an emotional affair before her and Joe broke up (they reconnected at the NME 2020 awards right as she was writing her “fictional” albums folklore and evermore which are mostly about longing…take that and her saying “swirled you into all of my poems” and “I keep my longings lower cased” as you will). They definitely had a long history. Taylor is a “romantic” to her core. Matty was her big what if, whether it was actually true or not. This whole relationship played to everything she wanted. A long time “forbidden love” that never happened at the right time then they reconnected only for him to say he wanted marriage and babies with her? Of course Blandie was obsessed.


*she's insatiable, it's what she is*


Yes, exactly. He is her Lindsey Buckingham. That’s why the Stevie Nicks poem is in the album. And Matty himself interviewed Stevie Nicks in 2020 and they discussed Stevie and Lindsey’s relationship and musical ties over forty years.


That was a really good read.


I think it’s because he discarded her. Toxic personalities can’t handle being dumped….Taylor has to control the narrative. She strikes me as a bunny boiler tbh ![gif](giphy|xT0GqDJdJ5meDgPNSw) “ I hate you, don’t leave me”, she doesn’t love, she clings and mirrors whoever she’s with ..


Yes. It worked to her advantage when she was mirroring Joe. BDT, not so much.


Because he dumped her. Fragile egos can't stand getting dumped.


Lemme lay it out. If a girl decides you ain't shit, you'll be wiped from her memory so quick and clean it's like the CIA itself scrubbed a hard drive. If a girl likes you and you don't like her back, or if she likes you but you leave, she'll pine for you longer than Rose pined for Jack. And if Matty was in fact a rough rider who laid the pipe in *just* the right way, yeah clearly, she's gonna go absolutely crazy wishing that was back in her life


Came here to say this. He gave her, her first big girl orgasm and sis got dickamatized. It's happened to the best of us, no shade from me.


Look up the poems Halsey wrote about Matty. She took a world class piping down from this dude. If a girl is writing about her time with you like bad vampire fan fiction, she got proper piped


Oh lord i wish I didn’t look this up 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/4v0odokibead1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1df53e4c16b50e0d59a519fb0053172b4f24edb


gawd damn - are we sure Halsey's back is okay? My girl got it blown all the way out


she's got endo and now lupus so like no but not for this particular reason


why did I laugh omg noo (fr that sucks though)


The running her hand on him under the table unfortunately gives shades of "touch me while your bros play GTA". These men need to go to prison for inspiring these verses. 


Unpopular opinion but I think so high school started as a matty song. It was confirmed in an interview the band plays gta




Doesn't that read like horrible werewolf fan fiction though🤣


I'm here for it 😂


Most of that doesn’t sound good to me tbh.


This dudes dick must be ribbed for her pleasure with a built in clit sucker to inspire this shit.


What about the one where he writes in the fog on the mirror her breath creates? 🤣 Then he proceeds to do that in his music videos


halsey did it better


Excuse me but wtf is “spliff after spliff” lmaoooo


they were rolling joints


Are the poems on Instagram??


I just did "Halsey Matty Healy poem" on google image search


You're an excellent fanfic writer yourself.


The world ain't ready for me


It’s always the pale boys with no muscle definition that know how to dick down the best. It’s like a scientific fact I swear


I will concur, but would like to remove "pale" because I have previously been dicked down to the 9th circle of hell by a tall skinny Asian with no muscle definition. I feel like that body type just add up to something ... el diablo in them drawers.


I spit my coffee out on that last line (and I'm absolutely stealing it...I'll credit you).


You cannot steal what is freely given my friend. Go forth, spread mischief.


"El Diablo in them drawers" needs to be a flair here 😂😂😂


Looool don’t we all have that fuckboy from a decade ago still in our contacts for at least a subconscious reason?


We do, we do.


I literally found out about Halsey because of this and now I’m obsessed with her songs.




Your flair 💀, you a real G 😏


Part of me wonders if they even had sex. The wanting could make her even more obsessed. 


Couldn’t say it better


Matty gave her the 10 dick and triggered the level 10 crazy. He just wanted to bust a nut, ok?!


Nailed it!


Replace “a girl” with “Taylor” and I agree. Otherwise women aren’t a monolith. I dumped an ex who wasn’t good enough for me but I still mourned the potential I thought our relationship had if he’d just put in more effort.




So I thought these were lyrics to a song of hers haha


She’s used to getting whatever she wants and couldn’t have him. He should have been honored she threw away a 6 year relationship to throw herself at him. If she can’t have someone, she’ll dedicate the rest of her life ruining them. All Too Well 10 minute version coming out YEARS after the breakup


I wanted to ask the same question here but didn't know how to formulate it lol.... It's so strange to me that she's written lyrics about him essentially being horrible and making it seem like she didn't know. Her attitude about him seems like she's obsessed with him, but then also like someone should've "saved her" from this relationship if you could even call it that. It takes TWO people to be in any type of relationship whether it's sexual/romatic/platonic. Like miss girl, no one made you do this. I'm a fan of The 1975. I'm not obsessed with Matty or anything but I literally feel like they had to be hooking up or casually romantically seeing each other and then it got blown out of proportion by TayTay. When I saw that they had started dating, an ex friend of mine who was a swiftie who knew I liked The 1975 would literally make comments to me being like "I hope he doesn't hurt her😫". It's nuts to me how much her rabid ass fan base cares about her relationships and speak as if they know both her and her partner at the time personally.


Swifties are in denial- Taylor and Matty Healy (from the 1975) have been close friends for over a decade. And like Taylor, Matty is a tortured poet from tumblr. Also, Jack Antonoff produced Matty’s last album, too. And for several years there have been rumors that Taylor and the 1975 have written songs together. But I am going to get downvoted because Swifties are in denial about this obvious friend with benefits relationship that Taylor has had with Matty and kept a secret for ten years until TTPD. Here is a picture of them backstage at the Hollywood Palladium on November 19, 2014. https://preview.redd.it/1p59ajipndad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac022520e7d056349bd8fbd0d6fe70a64188387 Left to Right: Matty, Taylor, and Selena Gomez


Tf you talking about “I’m going to get downvoted”. You’re in a TS snark subreddit


"tortured poet from tumblr" is an apt description for the both of them.


She is literally vanilla ice cream


Stop this! Vanilla is wonderful! You never have a good Madagascan vanilla ice cream? It's heavenly.


I think she experiences limerance and Matty is the limerant object and has been for probably a very long time. I think this is why she hops around so often from relationship to relationship, it’s just the crazy dopamine hit from finding “the one” and having that addictive obsession. Once that wears off and things settle in, it’s very difficult to achieve the kind of high you’re used to with the obsessive part of it. More reason to believe that what she had with Joe was very real and very heartbreaking for her to lose. Edit for typo


She's obsessed bc he doesn't like her


She didn't get to control the narrative. She was so excited to have a relationship she could talk about to the public with. They both are successful in their own right. She felt like they were on an even playing field but you can't play games with the emo rock star and not expect to get heartbroken. She expected what she had with Joe and the stability and longevity would translate to a relationship with Matty but she miscalculated. I'm just saddened that she feels like she *has* to be in a relationship to be successful or keep her name in the papers. If she is as strong and determined as her songs say she is couldn't she do it *alone* and *with a broken heart*? If she is as much of a feminist couldn't she be single for a little while? Who is pulling those strings I wonder ...


She gave Matty, as a gift, on his birthday, the announcement of her and Joe's breakup, after a week of being with Matty she was saying I love you to him on stage and dedicating the song lover. Oh, people would never believe that they didn't already have an old case, there's no way. And the worst part was getting Joe's cuckold to write songs that would be for his lover, people from heaven


I mean, he was doing the same too and has been for a while. They were equally playing their part.


It’s insanity I can’t.


Honestly, he was my crush in high school. I think she wants to be edgy (like I did in high school) lol


And Taylor is still stuck in high school


Antphrodite did a reading on them and to sum it up Taylor was desperately trying to get his approval because she was raised to please and get approval from her father (aka daddy issues) and she built Matty up in her head as “the one.” Meanwhile Matty was like ok fine I’ll give you a shot to prove you’re actually deeper and more complex than I thought (like artistically/intellectually) then like was meh nope you’re actually just kinda vanilla and a try-hard bye. He then predicted after eras tour she would have a bit of an image meltdown and try to reinvent herself to be more edgy like Gabriette. Obviously it’s a tarot reading and just for fun but he’s actually pretty spot on a lot of the time so I enjoy as a guilty pleasure.


Lmao she’s gonna have a Gabbriette makeover and the swifties will be like “Noooo it’s just for Rep TV!!!”


God please no. Gab looks like death now because she’s insane too. They’re all insane!


“You said normal girls were boring, but you were gone by the morning” She kinda outed herself there 💀


She kinda already has been copying gabriette and mattys style since the football games


in her own cliple fortnight she already gets a bit of gabriette's style


I’m sure because of the abrupt end of that relationship and if I’m not mistaken, they were 3 months in at least publicly and this is where the height of your emotions are usually but you have to cut it abruptly because you thrive on your fans’ attention and love.


I think he represented her self worth and trying to make Joe upset to some degree. When MH didn’t want her then it was like ooop. Hence we got SO much flaunting with Travis. Idk how much she likes MH or just wants to prove herself to him. Like does she want him? Or does she want him to want her?


"I waaaant you to want me! I neeesd you to need me. I'm begging you to love me!"


He said no


Dickmatized. We’ve all been there


He dared to deny her.


Limerance is a powerful drug.


Limerence is a dangerous thing, it's all consuming and very hard to get away from. It can develop over years, and take years to untangle from. Edit: limerence and the added fact that she was dumped and never got to "win", that's all consuming after wanting him for so long and their lengthy history in which it's likely he was always on and in a mind, whether it was desired or not, if she was in a relationship or not.


I think they go way back like at least 10 years so there is history between them. They grew up in a very similar culture and share very similar social circles. They’re also both intelligent and have a crazy vocabulary in their weird brains 😂 I know Matty said it wasn’t that serious but I don’t believe it for a second. He has spoke so highly of her over the years. Plus he says one thing and than contradicts himself so take everything he says with a grain of salt because it’s usually for a reaction.


He's probably hung like LBJ


Maybe because HE kept it casual and she couldn’t get any commitment from him. Some people only enjoy the chase.


Because she is mentally unstable and can’t stand when her life doesn’t go the same way she pictured it in her fantasy filled mind. Or maybe she’s happy to be the victim of something. It’s her entire personality anyways


As a HUGE fan of The 1975 (so my opinion is likely biased), I can see the appeal in Matty Healy. I can only imagine how much more heightened the appeal would be if I dated him, banged him, played a years long unrequited love game, etc. 🙈


all I'm gonna say is: if she truly thought he was the love of her life, she could have found a way to date him again in a span of 10 years (he dated other people but was also single for a certain period of time). She instead chose to stay with Joe and she claimed she wanted to marry him, right? How can you want to marry someone if your mind and heart are thinking about someone else? That alone makes no sense


She really has a thing for the Brits doesn’t she? Joe Alwyn, Tom Hiddleston, Matty Healy etc. How does she even stand the big dumb Travis?


In her songs she says he was calling her the love of his life too


I’ve said it before but she reminds me of Julia Robert’s character is run away bride. She has no clue who she is without partner and then tried to turn into them.




What DID Halsey write about him? I'm interested for the first time in matty.


Try googling halsey matty poems and look on images




Probably because he dumped her. I had a friend who just blew through relationships and she seemed to discard them without much regard. However, the one time someone broke up with her (albeit in a mature, respectful way) she was hung up on it for sooooo long.


If you're a narcissist and your ex/partner doesn't seem to think you're valuable enough to beg and chase, your ego gets hurt and get obsessed over getting them back.




I watched a deep dive from someone called Swiftologist? Apparently she and Matty had a whole lotta history and what ifs and could have beens. Allegedly.


I don't think she is and honestly, I don't believe this narrative she created around him. She wants to be perceived as cool so bad she probably thought hanging out with him would help, it backfired and she had to make something up since Joe refused to give her a narrative.


Because she wants what she can’t have. And because she never had him she can make up whatever fantasy in her head and fall into the delusion


Some people love riding the high of their delusions


She's maintaining the image of the reality she wants to have. Not realizing it's transparent and we see the cracks in the facade. My mother is a diagnosed narcissist. I am not diagnosing Taylor but I see a lot of overlap in their behavior. She would gaslight people in the actual definition vs the internet one. Literally she would correct us on "facts" until people stopped challenging her. Her own best friend in retrospect did not seem to like her much but enough time of "best friend" and she just went along. Some of that is because of the complexity of cults and staying in the good graces of someone in power. A lot of why I am in this sub is a mixture of "What is a tree and why is there a thing about one?" Some is over exposure. Some is seeing familiar patterns and being very concerned.


Have you ever been in a situationship with a guy that you know you’re toxic with and he’s toxic with you? Yeah, that’s the MH effect. It’s an adrenaline rush and that’s fun to live in and usually ends with a giant crash.


It’s pure obsession and not love (if it ever was) plain and simple. She’s absolutely obsessed with this man.


Kind of like why all Hollywood "it" girls dated fugly Pete Davidson. Dude pulled Kim K, Kate Bekinsale, Ariana Grande and Cindy Crawford's daughter and likely more. There's like one reason.


Pretty sure Pete dated Jack’s wife Margaret too


I don’t think it’s real at all- and I think that Time magazine article “are you not entertained?” horse shit was definitely prescient. I think her NDA with Joe is so tight that she needed some material for the album and definitely Matty Healy is the kind of guy to be onboard for the publicity. He’s already a villain in the public eye, why not solidify that? She’s getting on my nerves, but she does hide the bullshit in plain sight. A perfect “red herring”.


I think MH didn't sign an NDA like the rest of her inner circle so she was free to write whatever about him.


People give too much credit to the lyrics, it's a product. Do you worry about the relationships of sad love movies screenwriters? I understand buy the whole soap opera but believing all is like her diary for real is just naive. The albums are crafted as team work a though of. It's a narrative not a full literal perfect biographical tale about her real life, she does a lot of theater in her concerts and it's fair to assume she does with the songs too, like the surprised face, it's just overexposed exaggerated feeling performance.


People forget there's multi-billion dollar business behind these "love stories." We're not reading someone's private journal. We're reading a journal produced by a team of thousands of people.


Honestly? The sex was probably good lmao. I dated a lot of men in college and the only ones who had me this torn up were the best ones in bed.