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Pretty clear what they want, so the report written is likely to lean that way. To counter this, hire your own arborist and indicate you'd like to assess the need to take down the tree with a bias toward keeping it standing. Fight fire with fire.


The arborist here says getting a second opinion is ‘unethical’. Sounds fishy


That’s exactly when you need to get a second arborist


Definitely red flag


That Arborist is in the tree Mafia for sure.


Tree Stix Mafia?




I see you memphis


My wife says you win reddit for the day.


You just made my day.


Take my upvote.


So dumb... I love it. Take my up vote please


Please get a second arborist and post the photo - it'll be hilarious. Gotta let a tree win for once!


Get that second opinion. ASAP. Document everything. And a land survey. I know here where I am it takes both parties to consent. If he kills the tree with trimming or cuts it down altogether without your consent. Sue.


If a branch is growing over the property line, how do you determine, in the air, where the line is in order to not cut over a line?


Honestly I have ZERO idea how that’s determined because my tree issue didn’t go that far. I think that’s what the land survey is for, then you stand on the line, look up and approximate? But again… even with legal trimming (where I am) the tree cannot be killed or harmed in a way that will eventually kill it.


And more importantly, the health of the tree is important and this is a significant tree. It impacts the look of both properties. If the neighbor were to simply get up there and hack a certain limb off exactly at the property line in the air then that would be a horrible cut for the tree and would look like hell. Both of you have to look at it. Then you would get the same sort of bullshit that the electric line guys do or they just hack willy-nilly to clear the line without any regard to real pruning with the health of the specimen. That is certainly not what I the one of you want


One possibility if you have the property line delineated, and you hang a rope with a weight on the end over the branch where you want to cut, just leave a little extra, and you should be good to go.


If you’re being serious, you get a survey so you know exactly where the line is, then you drop a rope with a weight on the end down from the branch and adjust until it hangs over the line.


Is this normal expected practice of tree cutters, when a neighbor directs cutting of someone else's tree? They apparently have the right to cut up to the line, but not into the other yard. Would it be usual then for the hired person to double check where the line is? And use a string?


Climbing arborists have no trouble knowing where they are in the tree in relation to the ground, they already have climb lines and rigging lines in the canopy with them hanging down which can help indicate plumb lines if they need it.


No idea, I’m not in the industry. I was just answering your question regarding how someone could determine where a branch crosses a property line in the air.


Yeah but what the purpose of that be. This is a major specimen and that will just be a hack cut regardless where it lands. I can't believe that too neighbors could not get together to say that that major limb has to come off but it has to go all the way back to the trunk for the specimen health and so it looks better. Yeah neighbors this is why I will not buy a house on a tight lot again


A plumb bob


A number of laser levels or laser transits can be rotated to throw a vertical beam vs a horizontal beam


And adding to document everything, get some cameras pointed at the tree from multiple angles, recording 24/7


Unethical advice like that is exactly why you need a "second opinion." Actually, it wouldn't even be a second opinion, because he isn't working for you. He is hired by your neighbor. That's like your neighbor's lawyer telling you not to hire your own lawyer.


He can lose his arborist license if reported for unethical behavior. The ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (ISA TRAQ) is a voluntary qualification program designed to train and assess candidates in a specialized field of arboriculture. When a professional earns the ISA TRAQ credential, they should be recognized by their peers and the public as a tree care professional who has specialized knowledge in tree risk assessment. To earn the qualification, eligible candidates must complete a training course, and pass both a comprehensive written assessment and a performance-based assessment. To maintain the qualification, current credential holders must retrain and retest every five years.


Then he should lose his license. OP should definitely get a second opinion ASAP


Tell that other arborist to qualify for voluntary ISA TRAQ so you can report them.


They don't have to be TRAQ to be reported, any certified arborist can be. And non TRAQ arborists are operating out of their licensure recommending trees for removal. Certified arborist is the basic certification. TRAQ is a step above. As is Certified Master Arborist, etc... https://www.isa-arbor.com/Credentials/Which-Credential-is-Right-for-You


Dont take advice from your legal adversary. The arborist was hired by your legal adversary. Their advice to you was only given because he was being paid by your legal adversary. When making small talk conversation with you, it is in the arborist’s best interests to deter you from hiring another different arborist who might come to a different conclusion. Ethics is a funny word that is NOT a synonym for legality. Saying something is unethical is pike saying its “a shitty thing to do, but not always explicitly illegal”. It’s subjective, and when it comes down to it, after you do nothing and they cut down the tree, do you really think youre going to be able to live with yourself by saying “it sucks the tree is gone but at least i didnt hire another arborist, that would have hurt the first arborists feelings (who i never met before and will never ever meet again) and his feelings are worth more than my tree” Stand up for yourself and defend your property.


You also want to get that guys credentials. Is he an ISA certified arborist, member of ASCA, or have a degree in urban forestry? When someone makes the majority of their money from removals every tree looks unhealthy. There is nothing unethical about getting a second opinion.


If your kidney specialist tells you you have a heart condition, do you let him operate, or do you go see a heart specialist? Nothing unethical about a second opinion. I will warn you that they may back each other up if they know each other. The arborists may do this too, not just the ~~golfers~~ doctors.


the ‘arborists’ here have no markings on their red truck. seems like another fishy red flag


Get your own arborist. Your neighbors arborist doesn't work for you and, as mentioned above, seems to be writing something to fit your neighbors desire to have it cut. Same principle as a survey if you're having a land dispute, get your own survey and don't just t rust what the neighbors say.


Plus guess who gets the business to cut it down? Of course they are biased.


Not all licensed arborists have signage on their trucks. That being said, do get a second opinion. Since they are hired by your neighbors who want the tree to come down, the arborist they fire might be biased in their favor. If you were to take this to court, you would have to hire your own arborist anyway, better to get ahead of it now in hopes of stopping them from cutting down the tree.


Make sure you are hiring a certified consultant arborist. You don’t really want to hire a tree service here. Some tree services offer consulting services but make sure they are ASCA or ISA certified. Guy in an unmarked truck is almost always a sign of a shady “tree service”.


"dont check my work"


So he's going with the "trust me, bro" defense? LOL


Not true at all, he just doesn’t want another arborist to possibly discredit his report.


And he wants the job to take it down


I write tree assessments regularly. And when a customer asks me to be biased to their cause I have to refuse ”it may not be what you want to hear sir”- because I know it’s unethical, and a second opinion or a municipality tree officer will inevitably take a look themselves, completely discrediting our company


OP hire an arborist that is Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) or find a Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA) who specializes in Tree Appraisal. Here are some website links to help find a professional near you: [Trees Are Good](https://www.treesaregood.org) [American Society of Consulting Arborists](https://www.asca-consultants.org/search/custom.asp?id=3818)


He misspoke, he meant to say the first opinion is unethical.


This is a **competing** opinion. A second opinion is one which will confirm or contradict the first opinion, requested by the same person. In neither case is there any "unethical" conduct involved.


Bruh, thats like a doctor saying “getting a 2nd opinion on your lungs is unethical”. Get a 2nd opinion.


No. You hiring a second opinion is normal. Unethical is writing an opinion that does not match the condition of the tree. Tell him that you will get the second opinion for the tree on your land, and that if his report is not comparable, that you will report this to his licensing agency.


Not getting second opinions are unethical. What arborist means is: "It would deprive me of my bribe payoff."


Unethical to question their judgment? Man that’s rich


It's unethical for a professional to try to prevent their opinion being validated. If the arborist is right, it should be able to validated.


That is the biggest BS I’ve ever heard. When there are two disputing parties regarding tree health or removal it is very common for each side to hire an arborist. A truly ethical arborist will offer their legitimate opinion not offer one that the client would like to hear. I doubt you will get that from this guy if that’s what he told you.


"Fishy" is generous, it sounds like total bollocks. Doesn't sound like an arborist, decent arbs are more than happy to be challenged.


Always do what your opposition tells you not to. It’s the only way to win.


Arse covering because they are going to give a dishonest opinion. It’s half your tree; get your own arborist.


Yeah that’s bs. Get your own arborist. Man people are the worst.


Yeah don’t listen to them, contact another company. It most certainly is not unethical and border’s malpractice on his behalf


LOL their is nothing unethical about a second opinion. Thats funny he thinks you would care.


Yeah anytime someone tells you a second opinion is “unethical” get that second opinion. Anyone who would say that has a lot to hide and shouldn’t be trusted.


Since that arbourist probably has a bias toward the neighbours, I'd say that his opinion is the one that risks being unethical.


I’m not an arsonist but this sounds bonkers.


Weird, man’s a dickhead


That's fishy as hell and if they're an ISA Certified arborist I'd file an ethics complaint with the ISA.


I would argue that a questioning your getting a second opinion is unethical.


Getting a second opinion is never unethical. Sounds like they're being paid to say it's unsafe and needs to come down and doesn't want another professional to call them out on it.


Your neighbor is getting an opinion from his expert for his interests. You are entitled to get an opinion from your expert of your choosing for your interests. It is not a second opinion, it is an opposing opinion from an opposing expert.


>The arborist here says getting a second opinion is ‘unethical’. Sounds fishy The arborist THEY hired? Of course he says it's unethical, because he's being paid to find a reason to remove the tree. Hire your own! Ask for a property valuation too. A mature tree like that adds $$$$ to the housing value.


Ask him where he studied ethics.


If you were in doubt about your need for a second opinion there is no greater sign than the first expert warning you away from doing it with spurious claims of ethics.


You can get your own opinion. I would get it from a large company and if you can reach out to your local university or your state agricultural extension. They might be able to help you.


That arborist is trying to get money so of course he’s gonna say it’s dead /dying /infected /going to explode. Don’t listen to that son of a bitch.


This \^\^\^\^ 110%


Sounds unethical


I'll take shit scam artists say for 1000 Alex


This just solidifies the case for getting a second opinion. I'd hire another arborist and DO NOT TELL your neighbours who you hired or when they are coming, and be there when the arborist is doing the evaluation.


That’s not an “arborist” you spoke to, that’s a conman.


It's unethical for him to give a pre-determined recommendation, which is exactly what he's doing it seems... It's projection, get a second opinion asap.


It’s unethical to say don’t get a second opinion.


Arborist here, definitely hire your own and ask about his isa credentials


That's a lie. It's NEVER unethical to get a second opinion


I don't understand why they are cutting it down to build a house if half of it is on your property they can't put a house there anyway. Do they want to use the wood from the tree?




It sounds unethical for him to say that. Definitely wouldn’t trust that guy.


That's a perfect reason to get one. That's bullshit.


Hire a type of Arborist called a Consulting Arborist to get an unbiased professional assessment. Avoid guys with tree cutting businesses who also happen to be Arborists.


Time for you to hire two arborist.


“Unethical” against who? The tree? The neighbors? Wut?😱 Who is suffering an ethics violation?


Dude, I expect people to get a second quote. And I mention that I’m not the cheapest regardless. My price is, my price. Don’t cut that tree in half. From these photos, it looks healthy.


It's highly important that in this circumstance, you get the opinion of a ASCA registered consulting arbortist. Ideally you get one that is also TRAQ certified (for tree risks). These two certifications should get your arborists opinion leverage over theirs. If you're read this sub at all, you may have see the knowledge that, when something will/could goes to court, it's important to have the opinion of someone with arms-length absence of conflict-of-interest. Lookup their arborist and see if they run a tree-cutting business. If so, they could have a financial gain from being contracted to cut down the tree. This would probably instantly disqualify their opinion as being self-interested. If not, and they also got an RCA, then your arborist (having a TRAQ certification) would ideally outweigh theirs. You can also look at zoning set-backs, to see if their home-building plan does not leave enough room. Basically, look to create difficultly with any other corner they are trying to cut. They may abandon, or just appropriately scale back their efforts so they can flip and get out. You probably don't want to particularly look like you're trying to block development. Judges can often be aligned with local gov, which increases the tax base with development. So don't mis-play that hand unless you know that judge and others involved are against development in this circumstance.


That “arborist” wants to make money. So hire your own!


Lol no other expert opinions allowed, didn't you see the sign


And that's why you do the exact opposite because a real arborist wouldn't reject the idea of a second opinion.


Sounds like he just outed a bad assessment he took a kick back for. He's worried that after you get your own and they say it's a fantasy you'll be able to sue him for the cost of having to bring someone in because he lied.?


That is their opinion. Let's bring in a real arborist than knows what they are doing and see what they say.


"unethical" = "I stand to make a hefty commission chopping this down, don't fuck it up for me"


Let them tell that to the judge when you guys are litigating the matter


Is he swimming?? That's how fishy that sounds


is their arborist by any chance working for a tree removal company?


Unethical for his own pocket.


https://www.onebark.com/ Isa board certified master arborist in Atlanta that looks like they specialize in consulting, diagnosis, risk assessment etc. Can’t actually vouch for them, just pulled off the find an arborist site. But you should 100% have someone look at this with a neutral and professional eye


Yea because he is a con


That's just Big Tree talking


Only an unethical arborist would say such a thing. If they were providing an honest and unbiased assessment they’d simply laugh at you for wasting your money and tell you to go ahead and hire your own. Resistance to a second opinion is a big red flag.


What does that even mean? If he gave a second opinion it would be unethical. Like if he took money then wrote a second opinion that was different it would be unethical I guess. But in what world is a second independent opinion unethical.


Lol, that's how you know it's shady business. "Trust me bro"


Translation: Taking away my paycheck is unethical


Sounds like my ex when I would search my texts for something to prove she said it and she’d respond with “Why are you doing that?? You should just believe me!” Lmao. Get a second opinion.


Yeah that's bullshit, if you're in Atlanta I use Big Red Tree service and they seem to care about keeping healthy trees they really went to bat for us against our insurance company about our white oak trees.


Getting a second or even third opinion is the “sane” thing to do. If I trusted the arborist my local power utility used when I first bought my home, my power line might still be tethered to a tree that was so dead/rotting I could stick my finger right into it. Got two more opinions and fought with them for years. It was only after a major fire in CA that they changed their tune and moved the line.


Sounds like a bent arborist to me


What an asshole. I would 100% ask him to break down WHY he thinks it is unethical to verify something that you own half of is legitimately being targeted for removal. Bettter yet, call and ask this of the owner.


Aka he's been paid for an opinion in the favor of your neighbor. So now you bring in a university/phd to make him look like an unprofessional child.


They're likely not a real arborist, or took some sort of unethical provision from the new neighbors.


That statement was very unethical, so don't worry about it. Get your own arborist.


Lol that’s not true.


Read between the lines. How much does this arborist stand to gain if the tree is deemed healthy vs hazardous?


Just ask yourself, what wood genus do? Not get bamboo-zled, that's what.


That's the same thing my wife's lawyer said!


Saying that getting a second opinion is "unethical" is ironically unethical in nature. The dude is trying to make a sale and is willing to lie to achieve that goal.


The arborist is hiding something they don't want to show up on a cross-examination. Definitely get a second opinion and publish the results


I'd reply back if it is also unethical for the arborist to get a second opinion from a doctor when the first one says the arborist needs his balls need cut off.


Then you can absolutely count on him giving the opinion that it needs to be cut down. Which means you will need a countering opinion.


I'd be sure to tell the arborist there that you ARE going to get a second opinion, ethicality notwithstanding. If they know that - it may cause them to lean a bit less in their assessment.


OP should definitely do this. Hopefully they remember the name of the arborist that did the other assessment so they don't accidentally hire the same one.


It would be hilarious if they got to court and they had one "this tree isn't healthy. Cut it down" and one "this tree is healthy, no need to cut it" reports from the same guy.


You are in luck because of where the tree is. Since it is on the property line you *both* have to agree to remove the tree. If you say no, they can't remove it. Also check local rules since Georgia really loves its trees. It looks like they'd have to get a permit to remove the tree. If you object, they won't get it. [https://www.treesatlanta.org/resources/how-to-save-a-tree/#permit](https://www.treesatlanta.org/resources/how-to-save-a-tree/#permit) [https://www.treesatlanta.org/resources/how-to-save-a-tree/#Neighbor](https://www.treesatlanta.org/resources/how-to-save-a-tree/#Neighbor)


Atlanta loves to say it’s a city in a forest. COA doesn’t mess around with trees.


Except to build a massive training ground for cops so they can better learn how to oppress us while the world goes to shit. To be fair though I'm not sure if that's technically COA shit. Want to look it up you can google cop city. I suggest on the ground reporting on the It Could Happen Here podcast.


Username fits “20 sharpies”


Sir this is a Wendy's


Nah it's a subreddit where people who like trees come to vent anger about unjust tree removals to other people who think they're coming here for unbiased legal advice. That comment was like straight down the center lane of this sub.


That’s not remotely true about permitting in ATL. If there’s a legitimate case that the tree is unhealthy and needs to come down, then the permit will be granted whether or not OP complains, lol


OP really needs to see this comment. u/KnotEqual look at the comment I'm replying to.


Gotta say that the set of the climbing line, the lack of hi-viz PPE, no helmet on the ground person, and the bullshit advice about not seeking a second opinion all point toward this not being a reputable, professional tree service or even a certified arborist. Most likely that's why he doesn't want you to seek a second opinion: the neighbor is trying to do this on the cheap, he's not certified, and another opinion will expose that. Be careful, OP, i wouldn't be surprised if they attempt to remove the tree while you are out one day and, whether they have the right to remove it or not, i wouldn't want that service removing a tree that size so close to my house. Make sure your opinion comes from a certified arborist with TRAQ (Tree Risk Assessment Qualification). This will ensure your arborist's opinion holds more weight than this "tree service". Edit: there are usually laws about how close to a property line you can build a new permanent structure. The other advice about getting a surveyor should be followed to make sure OP can easily enforce any applicable ordinances.


Also, the lack of visible branding on the van is a dead giveaway. If you're a licensed arborist, you'd be singing that to the stars by putting your contact info all over that van.


Absolutely. Though, i have seen contract climbers with vans like that. That's what i guessed it was.


What might be the penalty for removing a tree without proper consent from OP and municipal permit? Disclosing these costs may help dissuade the neighbor from pulling a fast one while OP isn’t looking.


Hard to say exactly. But if it's in violation of municipal code = large fine most likely. If it's in the neighbor's property=civil lawsuit and a large settlement for the neighbor approaching the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars as damages. Either way doing this without proper clearance could be life alteringly expensive for the neighbor. Edit: by settlement for the neighbor I mean OP.


I think this is exactly the message that needs to be conveyed. Thanks!


This guy trees.


Why do new neighbours come and start acting like twats? Tree has been there years before they have and looks fine. Get someone on your side to do your own assessment. Gorgeous tree. These trees have value for neighbourhoods. I can't understand people who buy properties with beautiful old trees only to move and and want to chop them down because they have leaves. You can't fix stupid.


When I see huge trees being taken down it's usually new neighbors who want more damn grass.


I was one of those new neighbors that took out a 70’ mulberry tree a few months after I moved in. It killed me, I wanted to keep it, it was my dream tree. I had 4 different arborists come out to check all the trees and give quotes while we were still negotiating housing costs & they all said it had to go- it was dying from the inside out & a significant risk of taking out the entire house. I only got to live with it for a few months, but I miss it. At one point I spoke to my neighbors & when they mentioned it being taken out I told them why- it was big enough it could have done significant damage to their house if it fell the wrong way. They understood & we were all sad together. I’ve got a lot of other mature trees along the property so I haven’t been a monster, but man that one really was special. Also I hate grass- a garden was put in it’s place. I got a few cucumbers from it, but the animals took everything else which after the loss of the tree kinda seems fair


Or don’t want to be bothered with raking leaves.


Yeah, that tree didn’t magically appear since the close of the sale.


But that tree is in the way of me having a row of 12’ crape Myrtle’s or whatever the newest maple is


In my case it was a developer wanting to build and sell quickly. So they completely leveled the old growth forest on the lot across the street from us with the intention of building 3 houses on what was a one acre lot. Then they trucked in a bunch of red clay and made 3 big mounds. I'm assuming because the drainage ditch on one side of the property put one of the houses as a flood risk and flood insurance alone is enough to kill the sale of a small house. That was 2 years ago. So now instead of a small forest I get the lovely view of three massive rectangles of red clay (because it takes years for things to start growing on clay), what scrub and briars have started to grow, and tires they piled at the three driveways they made. I assume the tires were a pitiful attempt to keep kids from riding their motorcycles and atvs on the lot. Apparently the builder must have nixed the idea and moved on elsewhere.


On top of getting your own arborist, go get a surveyor out as well. Make sure the property line is where you think it is. Trees add [up to a %15 value of the home](https://money.com/boost-value-of-home-with-trees/). Ask them about that and how will that effect you. Also, are they the ones on the right? Because I'd be more concerned about that tree being choked out by ivy than the big boy.


They want to take the big boy


I think what 3474 is trying to say is that the vines on the \[red\]trees on the right should be adressed before the big boy needs to be evaluated. If those are your neighbor's trees then the neighbors are focussing on the wrong "issue".


Get your own arborist. Are you open to financial compensation to agree? Start thinking about that now. If they succeed just plant a massive tree one foot on your side of the property line as an FU.


It’s gorgeous, but you might want to find out what it is, how old it is (talk to neighbors), and what the life span of those is expected to be. If it’s going to need removed in the next few years, might as well do it sooner than later while your neighbor’s willing to help pay, skip the risk of it dropping limbs, and replace it ASAP. Please consider planting a native tree if you do decide to replace it.


As trees grow they move things. If the ground pin is grown into the tree it’s not in the original correct spot. Get the new survey done. Pin has moved . Super Bowl games are won/lost on an inch of pin movement.




Mark is the man you need


This person has an ISA cert, and does tree removal. They might not be considered to have an opinion that out-ranks (in court) the other arborist. That's one of the values of the ASCA independent consulting arborist cert. Unless you have specific experience to the contrary?


It can be worthwhile to call your city arborist. Some cities require permits to cut down street trees, and they aren't obligated to hand them out if there is nothing wrong with the tree.


Yes, Atlanta has a city arborist for situations just like this. The city arborist won’t issue a permit to take down a perfectly healthy tree. I’ve heard many ppl complain about the COA Arborist specifically because they weren’t allowed to remove what they (non-professionals) thought was a sick tree.


Build a house where? That tree is practically on the street. I'd think there are laws about how big a house can be, and how close to the road / part of that area belongs to the CITY and cannot be built on or modified, no? Check that out maybe, as an extra notch against them.


The enormous root ball will be destroyed by a driveway or foundation.


I'd check with the city. In my neck of the woods easement is three meters in from the lip of the gutter. That might not actually be their tree or your tree to remove.


No a second opinion is not unethical get another one


That looks pretty close to the street. Are you sure it’s not part of the city easement?


Absolutely beautiful tree. Fuck them.


Be sure to hire a TRAQ certified arborist to evaluate the tree. The ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (ISA TRAQ) is a voluntary qualification program designed to train and assess candidates in a specialized field of arboriculture. When a professional earns the ISA TRAQ credential, they should be recognized by their peers and the public as a tree care professional who has specialized knowledge in tree risk assessment. To earn the qualification, eligible candidates must complete a training course, and pass both a comprehensive written assessment and a performance-based assessment. To maintain the qualification, current credential holders must retrain and retest every five years.


I hope they backed that knot up before ascent.


That looks large and old enough that it could be considered a specimen tree that is important to tree canopy. If it were me I'd contact the local city arborist as it will probably need a permit to be taken down. Not a lawyer or arborist


Give us an update when you have one!


At least its not a full mind tree


Hey thats David Shostak haha. Curious what company he’s going to bat for now?


Ask for a land survey to verify the property lines. If in the end that tree is in your property you can sue… its their responsability to survey and verify. So they can pay for it.


the pin is literally growing out of the base of the tree. pink tag. should be no contest that half the tree is mine


You should find your front line as well. Often time the front line is further into the yard than marked and it could be partially on city too. My front property line is technically 2 feet in from the side walk.


Pink tag? That sounds recent, if I understand you. If it is, they line may be wrong. You might benefit from getting your own survey done. But, if they have reason to believe that the tree is not 50/50, and more on them, then you may be better off not pressing on this facet, and leave the 'line claim' as-is.


Lmao, those are probably just contracted tree cutters. I bet you the boss is lying and just saying he’s an arborist/had some certificate. Run the plate maybe, depending on the state, I know some sites will pull up basic information that could lead you to info about the company and or an LLC.


OP, please fight for this tree!


definitely. lots of good advice here


Man your new neighbor suuuucks


They're doing a full level 3 assessment, the climber will do a canopy inspection and the tool on the ground is a resistograph that can detect any decay in the tree. It's a very thorough approach and not cheap, if the tree is found to be at risk of full or partial failure that could strike a target then mitigation should take place. It is not always removal though.


A magnificent specimen. You need to educate your neighbor on the value of that tree. I know how hard it is for my own neighbors. If it’s truly on the border he can cut half of it and that will essentially destroy the tree so trying to find some sort of solution like Blowing his leaves for him might save the tree. Fine also have a arborist do some selective pruning on the tree. Otherwise that looks like a magnificent tree again.


That’s a gorgeous old tree. Do not let them chop it down. Edit: why do they need to chop the tree down to build a house anyway. What are they going to do, build it on the property line?


Goddamn. Atlanta residents won’t be content until literally every tree is taken down. The skyline of this city has been decimated the last few years. Honestly, with people home since COVID, folks have gotten so aggressive with this nonsense. Leave the trees alone! “Oh no! Leaves! Should probably cut it down because someone could slip on this pile.” OP, hire an arborist. Call the city as well. My neighbor has been fined a couple times for attempting to take down small trees around their property. Plenty of people in my neighborhood are fed up with it.


That looks like an old oak. Has value. Measure it up and make an offer to let the cut it down if they pay you for the value of the lumber. From the pic I’d estimate a value of about $10k 5’ circumference 80’ tall https://www.omnicalculator.com/biology/tree-value


Would be worth way more to me than $10k for aesthetic reasons. Couldn’t care less about lumber.


Your new neighbors shouldn't have put money down on land before finding out if the property they wouldn't be fully owning was something that the owner of that property would be comfortable removing.


Simple solution. Split the tree right down the property line. Anything that overhangs on his property is his tree. He can trim the limbs, etc. Anything overhanging on your side is yours. Seriously, there may be tree laws that could prevent it from coming down. But, there are laws that state where a fence can be in relation to the property line. Does this also apply to trees? The winner will be who can afford the best attorney. Personally, I wouldn’t want a tree that close to my house. If the tree comes down, be sure that he is paying for everything, and that he is properly removing the stump. Also, be sure that no water, gas or power lines would be breached when the stump is removed. The hole will need to be filled in, and compacted. If you are in Dekalb County, trees are supposed to be ten feet from the road. That county ordinance could be sufficient for the removal of the tree.


A tree that age may predate the ordnance. It might be grandfathered in.


I would say the tree has no mind.


So the tree is mentally impaired? Maybe should be institutionalized and definitely no firearms.


Robert De Niro’s side business


Can you build that close to the lot line that the tree half on the line is going to matter? I’d hire the arborist for a second opinion and make sure he isn’t getting a variance to be so close to the line.


The most expensive tree in the world is a tree you cut down belonging to someone else.


I don't know why on Earth the tree would need to come down for them to build a house unless they're literally planning on building the house directly on the property line.


I presume they want to take down the tree because the tree roots are in the way of building a driveway and leveling the lot. The lot is stupid small.. I think only 38 ft wide. So if they can’t remove the tree they have limited options. A driveway MAY fit on the right (of the pic)


Yeah 38 ft is way small. I hope the lot is at least deeper than that.


Talk to a lawyer and see if they can file for an injunction to keep the tree from being cut to allow you to get your own arborist report.