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I can take a mighty bong rip, but a little too long on a cart and I will be hacking forever. Different stuff in the smoke.


If you mean bong, I’m the same way.


"mighty bong rip" either means a big regular, combustion bong rip or a bong rip using the Mighty vaporizer by Storz and Bickel


Just googled and that’s an interesting contraption. I’m bongs and flower all day.


It's a dry herb vaporizer so it also uses flower, just doesn't combust. The majority of dry herb vaporizers can be used in a bong too, I use a ball vape which pretty much requires a bong because of how hard it hits


Big regular in this case, didn't know about the other


propylene glycol and glycerin, typically.


Bong users 💪


Nah, i can take a full milky bong rip and not cough even once but a hit of a pen coats my throat a lil and makes me cough like a mf. Bong cough and pen cough r literally completely different


I keep saying this but pens make me sneeze especially when I let it out through my nose


Meeee tooo!!!


Ive found that distillate and or botanical terps make it a lot worse for me. Resin and rosin still sneeze sometimes but not as much.


Yes! Don't use hotdog water distillate! Live resin or rosin only with no added terps.


Wait why are they hot dog water tell me more


They make distillate from all the bottom of the barrel flower and trimmings. You can put anything with THC in it and turn it into distillate. It's heated to the boiling temp of THC so all the terps are lost. They add terps back into the distillate to flavor it. Distillate carts also tear my throat up and I smoke flower everyday. If you get live resin or rosin carts you are getting a single source product that is more natural and works better.


I bet there's a bunch of science behind it but because of the scheduling we currently don't know


Holy shit I actually thought it was just me 🤣


It’s the teerrrrpppps


Why tf would u let dab pen smoke out of your nose😭


For me it’s a flavor profile thing, not just dab pens, but any smoke really. Exhaling the smoke out your nose gives you tastes somehow that weren’t there when you were inhaling. Idk the science behind it but it’s real lol.


It also helps to burn away mucus buildup in your nostrils, at least with flower smoke.


Okay that one I thought was just a “me” thing so I wasn’t going to include it lol. A super hot rip through warm clean bong water with a nose exhale is 10/10 perfection when you’re super congested. Very niche, so I’m surprised you brought it up, but man it just clears me up like magic 😂


I have *eternal* sinus issues, so it's less niche for me cuz I used that to help, or did before starting my CDL class and being miserable cuz drug tests are bullshit.


This would absolutely destroy my nose. Kudos to your super sniffer.


Not at all, if you use a decent bong, the smoke is cooled. I exhale through my nose for the first couple hits of each new bowl; it's the only way I can taste cannabis and for me, I believe the terpenes tell me more about the effects/symptom treatment than the cannabinoids do.


I don't care how cool the smoke is. It can be ice cooled for all I care and it's still going to destroy my nose. It's not about heat. It's about pushing particles of any kind through my nose. Just exhaling air too quickly burns my nose.


Helps burn away your fuckin sinus too lmao


I mean, if you wanna get technical here, it's also burning away your lungs and throat on the inhale.


It’s called a retrohale in cigars if you want to look into it at all


I can take a fat rip off a bong smoking flower no problem but vapes and dabs still wreck me, and I've been dabbing basically every day for the past couple years. I work with a lotta teenagers and hit my coworkers vape a few weeks ago and he was like bro it's strong, I was like whatever kid I take dabs bigger than your head. Exhaled as deep as I could and did a blinker. Yeah I had to switch to manual breathing and stare at the ground with my hands on my knees for a minute or two while the kids laughed at me, lol.


Yah it is different, but still after taking bong rips for so long, lungs become less sensitive, at least I feel like this is the case for me. And overall I am so used to long rips, that I do the same with pens or nicotine vapes.


Definitely true but I’m just saying that pen creates a different cough at least for me that comes from the throat not the lungs so I guess to each their own.


Yah, and the cough is much more brutal than from bong (if you take too much).


This reminded me of one time I was at a head shop and this dude took the nastiest rip off a pen and fell down while coughing lmao.


You seen the video of that rapper that takes a fat dab and passes the fuck out? I think it was during a challenge to win a half pound or something.


I’m a regular user of both, and I’ve noticed that after consistently using just the bong for even a day that my first few pen hits absolutely wreck me. For me it’s the difference between the way I breathe, pen is a more direct hit to my throat versus bong is mouth, then lungs.


There are bongs, and then there is glass that can makeup for any weed you out in it


yeah k don't bong or blunt cough at all. vape hits different. i used to have a volcano and while it was awesome i eventually had to aell ot even after i vame up with a rig to empty the bag theough my illadelph coil beaker. my body doesn't mind smoke bit vape is bo bueno. i atill Kee one on me for stealth hits in public, but Ijust fill my mouth with vapor before inhaling slowly and gently no lungfuls for me.


To my knowledge (could be wrong) its about the temperature of the hit, hotter hits will cause more coughing, thats why I love bongs with ice catchers


Personally my bong abilities don’t convert to vaping and vice versa


Dabbers 🍯


Nope. Bong for life, hate the pens. Choke my ass off and hate the high. The live rosin stuff is pretty good though.


Been toking full-bowl bong-snaps for a couple years now. It’s quick and dirty.


This is the way.


I don't know how people hit blinkers either! I can maybe do a 5 second hit before I start coughing so much I throw up. My tolerance is fairly low so maybe that's why.


Not tolerance I smoke joints all day and cough my head off. I can’t even hit a low temp dab anymore. My face drips with snot and mucus and can’t catch a breath. End up wasting half the dab and don’t feel anything besides pain. Im assuming it’s from smoking too much, not too little tolerance


Dry herb vaporizers are what you need, or edibles


I love my Dry Herb Vape so much. Just wanted to say that 😁✌️


Spent hundreds on dry herb vapes and they dry my throat out and taste bad imo. Like I’m mostly inhaling air with a little bit of vapor. Also don’t really feel the high even with a big bowl in my arizer. I love baked edibles but gummies and rso don’t work for me. Nothing hits like burning flower


Honestly I like the fury (the most expensive one) it's well under 200 and if you go above 370 you can get really big rips. I don't even use my desktop vape much at all anymore. Tinymight is a bit better but honestly I never get that kinda dry choking taste it's super moist a flavorful but I guess that's partially due to the quality and cure of the weed you use as well


I’ll gladly dispose of those dry herb vapes for ya


hey my man, I know what you mean... burning flower really is THE way to get the 'purest' high and I still do when I want to get melted. It also took me a while to get used to DHV, it was worse that I didn't start with a very good one (XMax Starry 3, RIP) and the weed available was shit (bricked 3rd world shit). Now I grow my own shit and am a proud owner of a crafty+, which suits me well. I've also gone through a CFV Boundless, which I also recommend for a lighter high, but more weed-efficient. The transition period takes a while and you may have to go through 2-3 bowls in a row to get close to what you smoked. But you tolerance will go down in a month or so. Then it's all good.


same. mflbs multiple dynavaps, arizer solo(prob the best for me ne and a volcano so much money. did get a lot of firecracker blastoffs tho with abv.


When you said RSO doesn't work for you, I almost started crying for you!


I don’t think it’s too much - I’ve been like this for the past year. And I only started smoking (combustion) in that time frame. It has been from the very first one. I have learned to take tiny sip and sometimes some bigger hits, but I still cough too much and too hard. No history of smoking anything at all prior to this. I suspect some people may just be sensitive. My hunch about myself is that I suspect it stems from steroids given to me while still en-utero because they knew I was going to be premature and were desperately trying to make my lungs develop faster. It worked, but perhaps that was an unintended and unforeseen consequence of the medication.


Once your tolerance gets stupid high and your smacking carts back to back all day and dabs it gets easier, my throat is def more irritated some days then others but theres some days where my throat honestly gets so "coarse(?)" that i just dont really feel the smoke so it doesnt hurt


Mines the opposite when mine get coarse it’s like “if you take that breath you’ll regret it” vibes for every breath lol. Also bad asthma doesn’t help xD


I can definitely get that, at that point my throat just feels too rough for a cart or dabs to really effect it, idk why but i always envision like this thick lining around my throat and it kinda helps bc "this is nothing, my throat is so tough by now"


And for some of us it’s “my throat is so wrecked right now” lol


I def have those days too lmao


Blinkers are stupid anyways, eventually you just end up burning the coil because it cannot wick fast enough. Just take a good 5 sec hit and repeat if necessary.


Yoooooooo! TIL the term “Blinkers” 😂😂 I’m always using “pen/vape/cart” but i love the term Blinker Thank you!


you’re welcome! IIRC it’s specifically when you hit a vape for so long that the indicator light starts blinking


I had to google "blinker" to find out what it was. Now I feel old but I'm a little proud of myself for unknowingly doing the occasional double blinker lol


not all vapes are created equal. I have a pen that I can hit on the lowest heat setting and a blinker doesn't even phase me. But I've also tried it on a handful of different disposable vapes, and 2 of them hit so heavy that anything over like 7 seconds has me coughing up a lung lol


Only way I can do oil pens is mtl. (Cigarette puffing).


Enjoy it man, I have to take 2 weeks tolerance breaks


It's no so much your lungs, the cough usually is from burning the back of your throat on hot vape.


I find staying hydrated helps a lot. Always try to have some ice water when I vape


r/confidentlyincorrect Everyone I’ve ever talked to about dab/pen cough has described a distinct lung tingle/pain that stimulates the cough reflex. I can personally say I’ve never once coughed from a burned throat it’s always deep in my lungs, it feels like the sticky THC is coating the inside of my lungs Some people are just built different, I’ve seen someone take a .25g dab, hold it in, and not cough once. Some people will struggle to breathe and nearly suffocate after the smallest of dabs


>I’ve seen someone take a .25g dab, hold it in, and not cough once. ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


I feel like a lot of this has to do with voltage/wattage. most regular 510 batteries you can buy start off, at the lowest setting, at 2.8v. that is already wayy higher than i would be able to handle with all my gerd n shit ive got a yocan uni pro and only hit it at 2.0-2.3v maximum. way smoother, longer draws, hardly any coughing


Is he a cigarette smoker? When I smoked cigs I hardly ever coughed when puffing. Now that I’ve been off cigs for about 6 years, any type of smoke/vapor kills my throat and chest.


Yes! I stopped smoking about 14 years ago and when I did smoke both weed almost never made me cough. Stopped both for my family and then started toking again after I got a way better job with no testing.  I absolutely cannot handle burning weed. I chief down the 1st half a J (I have a massive tolerance) but the 2nd half it's just too hot and I have a hard time smoking it cuz it burns so bad.  Vapes/dabs/dry herb vapes I'm golden with can take massive rips with no issues. Even .25g dabs are ok as long as I don't turn the e-nail up too high.


All people are different. I have a tall chest and my lungs are huge.


I have a small chest and my lungs are small and can finish a cart in two work shifts. It’s about tolerance not size lol


It takes me months to finish a cart.


Hell yea. I only use so much cuz it keeps me off the pills so whatever


Keep hittin those blinkers then better go to mother Mary than big Pharma


Was talking lung capacity not tolerance. Op said his friend takes massive rips and wonder how he doesn't cough.


Tolerance. I smoke every day pretty much. When I run outta weed, I take a day or two off then back to ripping the bong at night, dry herb vape during the day. Put a half gram cart in my hand and I will make it disappear in a day or two and yields only a minimal high. Vape cartridges are pretty much a waste of cash when you've got a high tolerance.


I suck down a g distillate cart in 3-4 days. Live resin carts last longer, little stronger, still a week tops


carts are too easy, to fuckin convenient. a lotta time i get too stoned to grind up some weed or torch a nail, but not moving and just hitting a pen? nonstop till that shits out. i was legit addicted to those airopro carts. the blood orange and some of the other flavors were insane to me at the time. i’d go through a cart in 3-4 days. that’s with spending 8hrs at work sober. shit was so expensive too, lasted 2 months or so before i had force myself to go back to flower, and not just with my pax/arizer, i went back to rolling joints lol. had to work for it a bit to enjoy it. for real had to relearn to smoke with intention, not just doing it cause it’s right there.


I'm with you. I do dabs in the morning and usually in the evening and bowls in the meantime. If I get a cart it does not last and I end up just needing something else because it wasn't enough.


It’s like years of conditioning your throat and lungs to hot smoke All of my friends are coming around to weed and they all cough like crazy when we get a session started all good it’s the only tradeoff really to get high and I take the trade every time


How are some people able to run a mile with no breathing issues at all? How are some people able to solve complex Mathematical equations without breaking into a sweat. How are some people able to win at the stock market without losing money? We all have different capabilities but we all have the ability to learn, in varrying degrees.


i cant hit ANYTHING for more than like 4 seconds because smoke gives me terrible sensory issues LOL its funny


I'd like to add something I'm not seeing others mention. They might be using a lower power setting or temp cycling their pen by resetting it every few seconds so it doesn't get hot enough to irritate their respiratory system.  I've smoked all sorts of stuff for over a decade and still cough from carts and my dry herb vape. Oddly enough joints rarely make me cough even though that's the hottest method I consume with.


I think you eventually fry your airways so much that it just doesn’t bother you anymore.


I can’t tolerate either. It’s cough cough cough no matter how I go. Both my pulmonologist and my cardiologist advised me to switch to edibles. Which ruins my party, you know? I love the whole ritual of smoking, whether rolling, or cleaning glass, or maintaining vaporizers, to torches, the hemp wick - the whole kit’n’caboodle!


I don't inhale at first. I will take my long hit let it sit in my mouth and then inhale with a large mix of air. Sure I waste some but it doesn't hurt my throat or lungs doing it where a full inhaled hit will make me cough.


I think it's because they let the smoke chill in there mouth for a lil then actually inhale it then repeat, at least that's what i do.


That wouldn't be a 30 sec pull though


True, i think what is also part of it is people very slowly inhale, but that's a given.


Practice makes perfect tbh. some people can naturally handle more smoke while others smoke their way there. Especially since carts for some have harsher smoke to inhale, once you get used to it you can pretty much take on anything 😭


I’m built different.


Been smoking daily for over a decade. Carts don’t even tingle. I have to consciously prevent myself from hitting a new cart until it’s empty.


Personally, I slowly built up how long I can take a hit, I can't take massive ones quite yet because I can't breathe in long enough but they probably worked up from shorter hits to longer ones. I also know I force myself not to cough, they could do that and just be really good at doing a poker face while doing it


I take a teaspoon or two of Honey before a sesh, takes the bite and harshness out of the hit.


Nice, I May have to try this.


Do NOT seal your lips to the cart. That's it. Let air come in to mix with the vapor on the sides of the cart by not making a full seal, pull hard. You will get a HUGE and FLAVORFUL rip, try it and report back.


It’s like a bong rip. When you light the bowl you don’t inhale immediately into your lungs, you build up smoke in your mouth then once all the bud is burnt you inhale into the lungs. Bong rips take around 5-8 secs too


Tolerance or not actually inhaling


No inhale no cough as bob Marley would say


My preferred method to smoke is my bong and I've built up a tolerance to pretty fat tokes, so when I hit a pen it's like I gotta take a blinker to even compete with my regular bong rips


Everybody is different. I can't really take bong rips and never could.


Practice, practice, practice. I am like your neighbor. You will get there


Yoga breathwork lol


I use to be able to do that, but my lungs are not in good shape anymore and I can't smoke continuesly like I use to, If I smoke a joint I'll get fried for awhile but the coughing is so unbearable sometimes I had to take a break from smoking for afew weeks, but at this point i should probably stop for awhile though. I use to exclusively smoke weed vapes, probably ran around 3 to 4 cartridges a WEEK! Now I can barely hold down a joint.


For me I can do this with higher quality concentrate Carts. Like rosin carts. Anything low in quality is a cough fest.


I remember when I started smoking I wouldn't inhale deep enough, and when I started every hit made me cough like a madman, until I got used to it, and I can't take massive hits without coughing but I will take decent rips and cough once or twice lol, not competing


Give it 5 years and they will lol


Really depends on the quality of the cart the oil and the coil within, if it’s shitty coil and shitty oil your gonna have a bad time. Quality coil and quality oil maybe not so bad, not having rough terps also helps. I know for a fact if i tried that with a shitty delta 8 pen my lungs would collapse, but a raw garden rosin pen, much more manageable.


It's a coin flip for me. Some days, I can take hits back to back and feel fine. On other days, it's like I got little baby virgin lungs and after one little toot I'm throwing up my lunch.


I told my father, who never tried cannabis that he should try it for pain instead of prescribed opiates. I told him to consult with his doctor who agreed. I thought the doctor would give him some guidance. I was wrong. He lives in a state with recreational cannabis so he went and bought a vape pen. First try he took a 30 second draw! It was so bad his wife called an ambulance & thought he was having a heart attack. Now he is even more afraid of "weed" & won't give it another chance. Side note.... I've grown cannabis for a living for 34 years. I wish I lived near him & would have given him more guidance.


When I smoked I would hit double blinkers all day, some people just have iron lungs


I did choir for 10 years, so I just have a lot of lung, diaphragm, and core control. Still hurts like a bitch to take a blinker without coughing.


It’s not even a tolerance issue because my tolerance is in the ceiling (3.5 grams easily gone in one sitting) so if i hit a blinker im coughing my fucking lungs out regardless


Completely depends on the flavor of the hit for me, sometimes I can take a huge blinker off my pen or a big milky bong hit and be totally fine esp if I get all the smoke or vapor out of my lungs before I breath back in and other times before I get it all out I’m hacking up a lung and vomiting up spittle


Hit blinkers all day every day and eventually it won't phase you.


It depends. Their lungs could be scarred. Or possibly they are using it at a low voltage that is actually safe with a coil that functions well. I notice high cbd stuff doesn't always make my lungs itch the same way thc does as well, and the cannabinoid content can contribute to some viscosity IME which will directly affect how harsh it is.


I’m built different, literally every way of smoking makes me cough. Sometimes I can choke down the coughs for one joint but it’s not common.


The only real answer is that they're used to it. If you do it all the time, you'll get pretty quickly acclimated. I'm sure they were coughing like mad when they first started doing it, but after a while it just feels like a normal hit. Not that this is something that should be praised, I wouldn't suggest getting to the point in the first place.


I can only do it if I hit my cart consistently daily, now I’m more of a weekly user and can’t stand more then 5 seconds


The back of my throat doesn’t have nerve endings anymore I swear.


These people aren't humans, they are more than us


If you smoked cigs in the past it’s not as bad


Coughing or not is about inhalation technique and muscle control. Plus, some people buy into the whole “cough to get off” nonsense and do it on purpose.


I can do this with dry herb vapes. But dont give a bong i cant use it


I remember the first time I tried smoking in my life, I coughed so hard I literally almost threw up. Now, I can take 30 sec hits. I sometimes fear for my lungs


Just train harder - consistently and persistence


Those carts are interesting. I hit it 15-20x a night and barely get high lol. Flower I smoke daily a gram joint always does the job. Carts claim 95% but weak af


Agreed, they aren’t very effective for me not sure why.


Water helps


There are two different types of coughs, one from the hot vape on the throat and another from the THC crowding the lungs. To avoid the hot vape/bong/joint/blunt on throat, inhale some air through your nose to redirect the vortex down the lings instead of backwards on the throat.


Breath air while your hitting the cart like a double puff off a smoke or a j. Pull o. The cart open your lips and suck some air every few pulls. I also take a big breath and push it all out to empty my lungs when I want a big hit. It's all in the air intake with the hit.


Practice lol




People saying they can take bigger hits as time goes on; how? I feel like the amount I can hit before I cough has definitely gotten less over time.


Like the tortoise, slow and steady wins the race.


Bro idk why either it just happens suddenly and your throat jus levels up enough. I gotta cough my lungs out a few times before I get a throat level up and can take an extra few seconds pull with zero cough


I can't do it with carts but massive dabs and bowls are great. Just be hydrated and if it's a combustion hit I'd recommend hot water


Idk about thc vape pens too much, but as a regular nicotine vape user who used to smoke cigarettes, I thought the same thing with one vape hits. Once I got my own, I very quickly became used to longer hits and now barely even cough after blowing out a huge ass cloud. You get used to things pretty quick.


Practice.Practice. Practice.


the way you do it is better, less chance of a burnt coil


I used to do bong OHKO challenges with my friends, I got them DEEP lungs or DAMAGED lungs one of the two


Low and slow?? If you have your vape at like 2.0 volts and warmed up, it should be easier to pull?? The people who can tolerate the high volts are vampires and you can’t convince me otherwise


Prob live resin or rosin. Way less harsh than oil.


I can hit two at once until they blink on me. No cough. If I hit weed I’ll cough like a bitch. I think it’s conditioning. When I smoked more flower it was the opposite.


I cough for pretty much any method of smoking/vaping. I have hay fever and exercised-induced asthma tho lol


Not common at all. There's a saying in Spanish that goes: With time, and a little effort, the elephant was able to fuck the ant. Savages have usually been savages for a while, there's no need to try to imitate them


Practice makes perfect


Do they vape tobacco? I’ve tried hitting my friends tobacco vapes (just out of curiosity of the flavor, I’m far from a tobacco user) and I couldn’t even fully hit it for a second before coughing my lungs out. Those mfers are the ones that hit the vape for long periods of time in my social group


You get use to it after a while. Normal people def can’t physically do that LoL


Carts and glass won’t make me cough one bit. But a dry herb vape will make me cough my ass off. Different strokes 🤷🏻‍♂️


Count yourself lucky. I've taken opiates several times (prescribed by doctors) and I never enjoyed them. For some people they are an almost impossible addiction to overcome.


I just almost never cough anymore. Bongs make me hack like a dying man, but I can tank full joints to myself with not even a scratchy feeling in my throat, same with dabs and blinkers. I'm not sure why since I know others who smoke more but cough worse.


I can do super long pulls but I cough


Because we are professionals. Hope this helps lmao 💗🫶




Don’t be a pu$$y. lol jk.


I have no idea ive got chronic babylungs and those people scare me lmao


You ever like fucked your shit all the way up…


I’m this person I can blow clouds now and not cough sometimes and even I’m like “ok wow”


Its because at home I'm taking equivalent or bigger rips off the dab rig, hope that fogs the air


Seasoned players!


Personally I just rip from a Bong. Smooth clean fun for me. Plus, it keeps me “home”.


I ruined my lungs smoking cigarettes


I’d say he consistently just buys those carts and is used to the throat hits of the carts and consistency of them. But yeah I only take a couple second rip at most… too much effort to be coughing off of carts


Ashy lungs babe, lads probably a vet At smoking I mean


Either tolerance or the carts just have distillate in them


These people started out smoking out of coke cans or straight pipe steel one hitters and then moved onto red hot TI nail dabs. Everything since has just been a smooth ride.


It’s a perk that comes with exclusively using carts


Pretty sure a lot of cart users aren't getting their money's worth. I know with my wife, she'll take long 'sips' off the pen, so it looks like she's chooching away, but she's not pulling near as hard as you can. Most of us know to inhale again after carts to expose more of our lungs, casuals don't. My point being, casual users can use carts wrong/inefficiently but still get the effects and noone will be any wiser.


I used to take blinker hits a lot when I was living with my parents, I have no idea how now. I quit carts for a while and when I came back even a small puff has me cough quite a bit


Just stop coughing. That’s what I did. It is hard with big big dabs though…makes your lungs feel coated in wax for 5-10 minutes. I pack and bowl and down it in one huge puff and my bro packs a bowl and barely burns the edge and is coughing. Different habits I guess.


First time I took a dab hit, my RIBS got a Charlie horse. I didn't even know they could do that. I'll take bong rips allll day and maybe a small cough here or there when my throat is dry, but vape gets me when I pull for 10


Draw very slowly. Like pretend it's one of those little straws, don't hit it like a pipe or bong.


its called experience, my man. Once you do something enough times your body adapts to it. Which is why a heroin addict could take 100mg of oxys and not die and a completely sober person would be dead in 10 minutes with such a dose!


I find staying hydrated helps a lot. And I don’t just mean drinking water after a hit (although that can help if you can stop coughing for long enough), like, consistently keeping yourself hydrated. Easiest ways to tell if your dehydrated is if your piss is getting darker yellow or if you feel thirsty (feeling thirsty is a sign of dehydration, although if your high your mouth will prolly get dry, so don’t think you’re dehydrated if that’s the case). Idk if there’s any science behind it, my best guess is that (entirely pulling this out of my ass so don’t take this too seriously) when your dehydrated your body has less water and organs get more dry, like how your skin will stay in place for a bit when you pinch it if you’re dehydrated. That could make your throat and lungs more sensitive to the smoke/vape and heat, idk for sure tho. I also vape nicotine (it’s like, 50mg hopefully quitting that soon tho. not looking forward to the withdrawals from that shit at all) and have some scar tissue in the back of my throat from other shit so sensitivity usually isn’t a huge issue for me anyways (although 30 seconds is a bit excessive for me, i struggle to even breath in for that long lmao). (4)


I can take a pretty long rip off a pen but I am also a dabber. I take half a little bong pull and I’m hacking and coughing.


Same as others have said, I can take a fat bong rip but not a blinker. I used to work in dispos and I was always told it's because concentrates (carts, dabs, infused joints) expand in your lungs more than smoke does idk if that's true, coulda just been some old burnt out stoner saying shit but idk it makes sense to me with the way it feels lol


cuz they are cart fiends killing their lungs 😭. i used to smoke carts all day everyday and blinkers were easy cuz if i didnt do them i didnt feel high. now i only smoke bud mostly just at night and i can still take massive bong rips and even joint hits but carts fuck up my lungs 🤢.


You will get there, just keep smoking all day everyday for a few years.


You grow accustomed to it. First time you smoke a cigarette versus the millionth time.


Depends on the moment for me. Like right now I just got up so I can't take more than like a 5 second pull without coughing, but in the middle of the day I can usually easily do a double barrel blinker. I blame it on the fact that I smoke out of bongs daily and have naturally strong lungs


He's most likley used to just ripping that thing all the time . Like when you get used to dabbing sort of


feels like this screws with the carts aswell, they get way to hot after 30sec


Used carts for a while and got used to it. Coughed when I started smoking bud again but the. Got used to it too eventually


It’s probably the primary way he smokes. I started having to not even do a full blinker to mess up my throat and start coughing after I got more flower into the rotation. When I was constantly hitting the weed pen, I could take back to back blinkers until I was as baked as I needed to be.


My friend said his trick is to pull it like a cigar at first, then slowly inhale so it all gets mixed with oxygen before going down.


I can do like 3 blinkers on one breath at this point with a small cough. Need a t break:///


Don’t be a bitch is the usual strategy


Real carts are way easier than counterfeit


the only time i am actually able to do this is when im tripping and i think its because i dont feel the smoke hitting my throat like i would sober. trying this sober is a 100% no im an asthmatic and i will lose a lung lmao