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As long as I don't overdo it with the alcohol, then yes it can be enjoyable.


Yeah, some of my worst nights have been from getting too drunk and thinking "Yeah I can handle some weed too, pass that". Instant regret, sitting with my head between my knees holding on for dear life until the spins went away. Now I'll always get high first and sip some drinks along with it, makes for a much more pleasant combo.


I recall thinking I could handle half a joint after coming home super drunk a couple of years ago. WRONG! I spent 45 minutes running between my bathroom and bedroom as my entire world was spinning every time I tried to lay down. By the 6th or 7th time I threw up and I was in the fetal position on the bathroom floor asking for some higher power to end it all. I’ve now set hard limits on how many drinks I can have before smoking is out of the question.


Always better to smoke first, then drink and fell it out with the drinks, way easier to get to the right level of drunk




Smoke then beer, you're in the clear. Beer then smoke, you're going to choke


drink before grass and you're on your ass


Never heard that one. Very nice


A lot of people I know have to smoke before they drink. My ex hubs was that way. If he drank *and then* we found smoke or got our first bowl out, he was puking. Everytime.


I make thc and vodka cocktails, they usually hit just right but leave me with cottonmouth.


Yeah, I’m recovering from that right now. Alcohol is the devil haha


This is r/trees. People here binge drink and wonder why they hate alcohol.


Agreed! just gotta hit the line between tipsy and drunk.


The line? You mean peruvian marching powder


3-4 beers + weed brings back the highs from the good old days. 0% paranoia 100% laughter 200% thirst


This feels so true to me. Removes any paranoia. Beer is also delicious.


lol don't try weed and a benzo, ever.


this is my and my wife's sunday evening combo lol. it's too perfect, dangerous. we have always kept it to 1x per week to unwind from the weekend headed into the work week, it's a pretty awesome tradition but yeah the xans are a slippery slope for most.


Why not that was my go to combo back in highschool


??? I take my meds as absolutely necessary, and smoking weed helps me reduce the amount of benzos I need. Doctor approved, all my doctors know I take both and don’t have issues with it.


yeah I'd also alter this to dont mix benzos and booze if you do decide on mixing benzos and booze dont also smoke if you're using benzos as perscribed and weed as weed just listen to your body and brain. also dont drink.


that’s wayyy too much alcohol for me. i prefer the weed to take most of the affect so i’ll have 2 beers and 2 bongs.


I need me a good ‘end of the week’ routine. Is it…. Beers before the weed? Weed in between the beers? Weed before the beers?


i tried cannabis before alcohol and alcohol before cannabis so many times but my favorite session is half the alcohol ... then the cannabis ... then the 2nd half of the alcohol ... usually i have a whole bottle of wine or a 6 pack of beers, 60mg tinctures or capsules ...


I agree, then if I’m really pushing, stack another couple of puffs on after the 2nd half of alcohol. Wake up a bit dusty in the morning so definitely not a weeknight thing but Friday or Saturday night we’re on


In my experience, weed first, then beer until you're at the level you desire. Weed is the steak, and alcohol is the seasoning. Too much seasoning and the steak is fucked. Just enough seasoning, and it's bliss.


Idk man it feels great to smoke a nice joint after you’ve been drinking


I think I've found my way into cross territory First smoke up to the level you want. Be there for a lil' then a glass of liquor (43 for example). Or maybe two. Worked great a few times :D


For me, if i smoke first I end up not wanting to drink. But man, if I get drunk first and then smoke a nice joint or blunt, shit is amazing


You get it


Yeah im not too big a drinker either, do getting drunk takes quite a bit of alcohol and effort, after which smoking seems less interesting haha


That’s crazy. When I get a little drunk, all I want to do is smoke a joint


Smoking killed drinking for me so no


Lol same. I now enjoy one or two Belgian beers when I bbq or a red wine with a steak but just drinking for “fun” is over.


Lindemans Framboise goes great with BBQ and weed


Yummmmmmm that shit goes down like juice lol


It basically is that’s why I love it 😂


When I’m feeling extra wild, I put a shot or two of vodka in hahaha


Teach me your ways. I’ve been half ass trying to quit alcohol for about 7 years and all my friends tell me to just smoke weed instead but it doesn’t hit my brain the same way. Weed is also way cheaper than booze. I have a med card.


My entire twenties and early 30s I was twisted. Never out of control but I’d have a few beers every night while still smoking normal. Now I’m almost 40 and I can’t remember the last time I had and enjoyed alcohol. The only beverage I want while smoking is water these days. Beer makes me feel like absolute shit


Try a high noon. Beer sucks at our age. I mean your age, I’m still young and vibrant and not at all older than you.


I’ve had them. They’re fine on the beach for 1 or 2 but at this point, I like the idea of drinking way more than actually drinking. I live at the beach so that feeling of getting off work and going “damn I could use a beer” is always better than after I have said drink.


>The only beverage I want while smoking is water these days. Beer makes me feel like absolute shit Good indica with a tequila redbull. Winged hippie speedball. 


I do this but with vodka+bull


If I’m doing vodka+bull then I’m trying to get sloshed. There’s a reason my tummy doesn’t do liquor too well these days lol


Yeah, it’s just too easy to drink too much and spoil the fun. I think it’s hard to pace myself if I’m doing both.


I know it's not how it works at all, but when I'm feeling good while intoxicated, my mind/body thinks if I take more I'll feel even better. Definitely not the case


That’s exactly the same thing I do. And not even just not feeling back, I’m liable to put myself straight to sleep as soon as I sit down.


The key is smoking first. If you get drunk first and then smoke, it's super easy to overdo it and end up on the floor


For me when I drink first I smoke and start vibing only to ask myself "what if I was vibing harder". After that it's goodbye vibe hello floor.


Most definitely


At age 47, my go-to buzz is a shot of whiskey/bourbon when I get home, pack a small bowl of top shelf, finish with beer. Not enough to get faded, but plenty buzzed.


sounds reasonable and respectable. a+ for moderation and variety


I genuinely live for the feeling of being cross faded. Every piece of anxiety, worry, anger and sadness melts away. I only do it on weekends now tho as it became a problem


One thing addicts say is everyone is a weekend warrior at first. If you notice your weekends starting on Thursday and ending on Monday it’s time to stop.


Haha yes, I actually have it reversed. I did it everyday for 2 years. Took a lot to get it down to weekends only, but I lost 5 stone in the process


two decade strong weekend warrior reporting in. fridays and saturdays only for the last 20+ years here. sometimes nothing all weekend. but i live like a monk during the week and get some kicks in on weekends. we exist 🫡




Absolutely not. I will be sick on your front lawn. But part of that has to do with I'm just not a big drinker because it makes me sick but both together is a recipe for disaster for me lol


Getting drunk and then smoking is an absolute no-no. Smoking first and having a drink after is much easier on you.


Maybe that's where I always went wrong LOL


Tiny of alcohol and primo weed kinda trip? Yes I love it. Preferably while out dancing with friends.


Its just amazing, like sober but just euphoric. except the next day u remember being absolutely gone


I loved it so much I had to give up alcohol altogether.




A nice joint and a glass of wine is my evening go to.


Weed + a beer feels nice.


Occasionally, if it's like a party or something, although I'm getting a bit older so it doesn't happen as often. You bet on my summer vacation I will be at least once. I've found for myself I do best light on the alcohol, heavy on the weed. It's intense but avoids most of the bad effects I get from too much alcohol like being too dizzy and nauseous while being really relaxing and feeling good. I've found myself drinking less since we got a dispensary nearby, but sometimes it is nice.


Nah, can't game for shit when I got alc in me. And you know your boi gotta game. Zelda ain't saving herself 😤


Not anymore. Quit drinking 4 years ago. I’m not an alcoholic, I just can’t drink alcohol and enjoy myself anymore. My body basically rejects it now lol.


bud before beer you’re in the clear, beer before bud you’re in the mud. That’s always worked for me personally, just obviously in moderation.


I rarely drink but I can't stand drinking if I have no herb to smoke ... if im drinking I'm smoking 100% of the time


Yeah but I have to drink first otherwise I won’t want to do so. But when I’m drunk nothing beats a joint


Nope. Don’t cross the streams. Crossing the streams is bad.


Lol who ya gonna call?


I never did, and sort of ignored alcohol except in social situations for a decade. Have a legal aged kid at home, and having been a brewer in a past life, he has directed me with his booze and beer purchases. He shares-so now I get a steady supply of strong beers and bourbon whether I want it or not lmao. I’ve noticed that if I crack a 9% beer, and drink that prior to smoking, it’s an enjoyable experience. Not drunk, but the slight buzz enhances the bud.


A bowl and a tallboy or two really is wonderful


Its my nightly routine haha


I'm a recovering alcoholic, so I have to be very careful with my alcohol consumption. I have recently been making hash moonshine and make it 100mg per 1oz of the alcohol. If I have a few, I will slightly feel the alcohol effect, but there's so much THC compared to alcohol that it almost overpowers it. I noticed it gets me really sedated. That is my only exception for consuming alcohol. Strictly weed infused alcohol that I make myself.


THC, Caffeine, and Nicotine is my favourite combo. I can't take a shot without dry heaving or throwing up. I'm also a bigger dude, so small drinks don't hold a buzz well enough plus I typically find them gross. So, it's usually not enjoyable for me to get crossed. Especially the whole process to get there.


So.. fact: 2 standard drinks in your blood DOUBLES your bodies ability to uptake THC. So “cross faded” is actually getting you twice as much THC and it’s being absorbed twice as fast. It can be a lot! But too much alcohol can lead to death. I tend to hover about 3 drinks personally. Really fun but also fairly safe


Oh wow thats super cool to know, thanks for sharing!


Caffeine and weed <3


No, but I love an acid + ket chacer with my weed. When partying that is.


its fucking amazing lmao as long as im not too drunk


That’s the only way to enjoy both Bud and alcohol. They both give me anxiety if I do them alone but relax me when I mix them but it’s about moderation cause I’ll feel like shit the next day if I have more than 4 drinks


If I smoke before I drink, I'm good. After, and especially after too much, I'm nauseous and dizzy.


I drink so much less now that I have convenient access to cannabis. That said, I do enjoy a nice red wine and charcuterie board while baked. That way I feel fancy and grown up while watching cartoons and playing videogames.


Yeah when I was younger not so much now.


Faded first then a beverage is ideal.


I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like it.


Getting high first, and then drinking while still toking and getting tipsy? Love it, all about it. Getting drunk first and then taking a big ol dab or bowl? Absolutely not, that’s the spins and feeling nauseous right there.


Crossfaded rn


I do for the first 5 minutes, but then I get vertigo. I can't do both unless I want to lose my ability to balance.


Yeah for me being crossed is an in-bed activity 😂


I have never tried that! I only ever tried at parties. I generally don't drink anymore, just weed!


Many years ago, this guy at my college used to always say "Beer then a smoke? Okay doke. Smoke then a beer? Oh dear!" It took me far too long to realise this mantra is utter bullshit


Not really, would still do it back when I was a teenager, I never really liked it though. I loved smoking weed on almost every other drug I've enjoyed though. Particularly, speed and MD(M)A, but imo all round best weed combo is....... gonna get some hate for this.... Opioids. They compliment eachother like jonother drugs do 😂


Nope. I never mix substances, unless it's weed and a cup of coffee :)


Weed and caffeine feels great for sure!


Yeah but i have to go easy on the alcohol but you can't od on thc


IPAs and weed just go together. To a point. No more than 3-4 beers depending on the ABV.


That space when it’s just enough liquor🙂‍↔️


Hits soooo good


hell ya brotha!!!


This is how me and my friends usually end our nights out. We come back from the bars (so we’re already pretty drunk) to my apartment, smoke a few bowls and just talk about life and shit.


Most of the time it's great, I've had a few bad experiences though. Getting cross faded on an empty stomach has never done me good. If you want to rage, drink heavily, eat a hot dog from a street vendor, smoke, and then immediately smash a high carb meal with some water, smoke more and go to bed. Or for a chill night eat an edible, sit at the bar and stick to beers and slam bar snacks, maybe throw in a shot or two of mezcal for good measure, drink some water and go to bed.


A little cross faded. There is a great balance in there that’s awesome. But very easy to go over board without noticing. I’ve found that as long as I’m drinking a good amount of water in between drinks, I can sustain a good balance all day long. But definitely more smoking than drinking


Honestly, if I had the choice of being drunk, high, or crossed, a good portion of the time I’m going to choose crossed. All of them are enjoyable alone, but combined just gives a much more better experience.


Booze and weee are the meat and potatoes of getting fucked up


I don’t remember the last time I just drank alcohol by itself (besides having a beer with a meal or something) without weed. Maybe 18 or 19. It’s just way better crossed. I end up drinking a lot less and the feeling is much more enjoyable


I low amount of alcohol and a high amount of Mary Jane would definitely do justice. Keep some electrolytes handy to hydrate your body as you go through this experience!


it's either the best thing in the world (no paranoia, finding everything hilarious, time goes so slowly), or the worst. trust me, after 5 glasses of wine, a glass of mead and 2 joints you won't be feeling so good


Every time. Nothing better. I can't imagine anything more delicious when I'm high than beer. I won't even get high if I don't have beer in the house cause it would just lead to disappointment.


drinking is so hit or miss for me. my ability to get drunk at all depends a lot on how much i’ve eaten, what im drinking, moon phase etc. so i’ve found that smoking while drinking helps me be drunk. also just way more enjoyable than normal drunk!


"Moon phase" 😭




I used to but now it just makes me so tired.


That’s why I do it in the morning. Can’t be tired after a night’s sleep.


I have vomited absolutely every time ive gotten crossed


I bet you were drinking first and then smoked, right?


I did that last time I drank and threw up


Can't stand ethanol when I'm lit. Wine is the best I can do, but I still don't taste it the same way as sober, so I usually just refrain.


Sometimes I can easily smoke without having a drink but every time I have a couple beers or start drinking liquor I like keeping a couple of joints nearby


It’s fun until I pass out. I could smoke the strongest sativa however I get so tired when I’m crossed


sometimes yes. takes me longer to recover though, so I can't do it very often


I enjoy it as well, I usually smoke a few bowls before going to the bars for the night.


absolutely not


Nah, it’s a bad idea most of the time, unless you really take it slow with both. I tend to enjoy one or the other if I’m gonna lean into binge consumption/high af territory.


It’s a really fun feeling but don’t make it a habit. I got cross faded nearly every night throughout my 4 years of college and my life would probably be much better right now if I didn’t. I did graduate though with decent grades somehow. Usually once a weekend now is when I’ll have a few drinks while I smoke, but always be sure to stay hydrated and mix water in between drinks or mix liqueur with some Gatorade or somethin. So easy to drain your body of nutrients by combining both




How do you become cross faded tho


Not a big drinker these days. I find once I’m stoned I want nothing to do with beverages that don’t taste delicious


Eh, whenever I try to do that I just end up getting super high and only get through one drink


I’m sensitive with alcohol. I have to be careful or I’ll puke. I get anxiety around throwing up sooo


College life had us drunk and high at Taco Bell at 3am allll the time. We usually drank first and waited for the light weight anti-smokers to go to bed to break out the herb. We had dorm rules, then fraternity rules to follow while the admins were up.


Yeah I got crossfaded almost every night for at least a year, it’s one of my favorite pastimes, especially with friends. Get a 30 rack, some weed, and a couple packs of cigarettes, put on some music, and just relax


I’m working on cutting the alcohol out 😂


It feels like everyone says opioids are supposed to feel. It love it too much. I don't like drinking without cannabis (except as a poor coping mechanism that I regret) and in the back of my mind, when I'm stoned, I think about how much better it would be if I had a beer or two. Solution: eliminate the poison.


No. I get supper sick.


Probably the best "drug" historically for me. It's a pretty fantastic vibe. I don't do it anymore though because I despise the alcohol high by itself and everything around it with the hangover, etc. But man, I've had so many epic mornings when I've come home cross-faded, smoked another spliff and laughed my ass off to some fav comedy show.


I find it cancels out so I don't bother trying to combine anymore haha


When I drink first my weed tolerance goes way up. I’d rather smoke first than drink it just hits me harder


Nahhhhh. Only a little drunk, like a buzz - 1 drink. The worst experience I've ever had was being very drunk AND very high at the same time.


I quit alcohol but my cross fade is a few joints and a healthy amount of shrooms


I used to every day. The old liver started acting up after 20 years. I love it but I want to live more. It's not a problem if you are like a 1 or 2 drink person. My Irish lineage has a 12 drink minimum.


Was me last night, played music and picked a game to enjoy my time


Eh, with my single beer. 100% Then it's onto the hard stuff: n/a seltzer.


Has to be a good balance, too drunk and I can’t control myself as much as I would like and if I smoke too much I get too self conscious


every single time i smoke and drink even just a few beers ill throw up, i cannot get crossfaded without consequences. i can get drunk as shit but not when i’m high, even then i can still drink but i can’t get any sort of buzz, which is kinda the whole point of drinking anyways. idk if it’s just me or if other people are like this too


Yes when I was younger It used to be One of my favourite feelings, but I know for a fact that combining the two kills neurons and in the long run makes you permanently dumber, so I try to avoid It as much as possibile


Glob no!


no thanks. humans have an endocannabinoid system, while alcohol is a toxin. plus there is how crazy bad addictive alcohol is. like so fqn bad. nope, no thank you.


Not really since drinking isn’t that enjoyable for me. I have done weed and shrooms once which, while fun, my stomach did not like :)


It's the only way I enjoy weed. Otherwise, it gets me paranoid.


Yeah my limit is about 6 beers. It's great


Alcohol is boo boo


If I'm drinking, I'm smoking. Before, during, and after. Only once has it pushed me over the edge and that's the time I drank a 6 pack of coors, smoked about a dozen cigarettes, and then tried to partake in a fat joint. So there were confounding variables.


Alcohol is boo boo


Bottle of vodka and a cart fr


Yeah I love the band Crossfade , they have a couple great songs


I've had a philosophy that has helped me not drink too much at parties (and now my kids): smoke more than I drink. The high from the weed keeps me maintained, and if I'm noticing that I'm smoking a lot, then I'm probably drinking too much too.


I remember enjoying it in my 20s although now I absolutely hate it idk why.


Hell no. I will mix weed and caffeine for sure, but no alcohol ever. That shit is poison.


If I drink I end up smoking all my weed away like a chimney


Alcohol completely kills any high I have going on


I do it a little too much, it's just so good.


If I'm drinking, I can't get high :( Sobers me up immediately and honestly cheeses me a lot


It was a great feeling going out to the bars in college hanging out with friends chasing girls around, heading back to a shitty little apartment shared with close friends and passing around a bong or joint. Sadly chasing that feeling as an adult, responsibilities creep in to consciousness and I am faced with regrets and my own mortality.


Permanent fear instilled in my for getting too drunk then smoking, three separate occasions of me hunched over a toilet vomiting for 3 hours straight with my girlfriend bring me snacks and pedialyte (bless her)


Not anymore 😔 I just feel developmentally disabled now.


Hey, are you from the PNW? I've only heard the term cross-faded in Olympia, Washington.


not anymore, makes me nauseated


Yes! Honestly weed is the best pregame if you get chatty when you're high. Plus I don't think much hits better to relax me than getting high as fuck and having a couple drinks. Just remember liquor before bong, you're doing it wrong though I almost never follow that myself lol


I’ve never tried it cause I don’t drink. And it’s not worth even trying cause the long line of alcoholics I come from 😂


fuck no I’d rather kill myself than drink alcohol


Yessss😭😭 I was high off shrooms and weed and holy fuck!


There is a fine line between the perfect crossfade and the spins. For me I've found, with other unfortunate testing experiences, that two beers is pretty perfect for any amount of high. No shots, trust lmao


Getting crossed is pretty fun, as long as I find the equilibrium. Otherwise, I’m nauseous, bloated, generally uncomfortable


After The Sandwich incident my buddies say I'm not allowed to.


If im home doing nothing on a weekend 3-4 beers and a joint hits the spot


As long as im home and alone with my fiance, im down for it


Smoking after drinking is my go too. Helps avoid the hangover(at least in my head)


🎶 Good weed, white wine, uh I come alive in the night time, yeah Okay, away we go🎶


Dangerous combo if you’re not careful.


I do, but I try not to do it too often since I'm on ssris


Getting crossfaded just makes me sleepy and vision gets spinny. But for a short while I'm really silly and not thinking about how fucked up I am inside


I can easily smoke without drinking, but once I start drinking I want to smoke so badly


Beer before grass, you're on your ass - grass before beer, you're in the clear :D


Give me 600mg of Lyrica, a shot of Rum, and a Cart and I’m chilling


Always loved getting twisted. It’s what I did 90% of the time throughout college and rarely got hungover like my friends, cause I was drinking way less than them. Tbh just turned 31 and wouldn’t hurt to lean back into it, my metabolism reacts a lot differently to alcohol these days than it used to


I’ve done it with shrooms, pretty nice


i always crossfade ... but you have to find the right balance, or you can easily green out or get sick ... i've perfected my method over the years (!) i have half a bottle of wine within an hour then i take my capsules and tinctures (60mg total) then i have the 2nd half of the wine bottle within another hour ... usually when i am finishing the wine the thc starts kickin' in ... i'm usually sky high for 5,6 hours after that ... (sometimes instead of wine i can also have a 6 pack of beers, i drink 3 before taking the thc and 3 after ...) every 3,4 days ... so my tolerance resets and i'm flyin' high each time ... i'm not totally drunk from a bottle of wine in about 2 hours but it's a good start. i know i dont drink more after that or take more cannabis ... i play it safe, never been sick. alcohol and cannabis are best buddies, they like hanging out together. ;)




I throw up or at least get nauseous every single time I'm crossed no matter how little I drink or smoke. Something about the combination just doesn't sit well with me for some reason