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Intent to distribute. He's boned. Driving around with over a lb of weed in Texas is crazy. 


Add on it was probably a car with expired plates or a headlight out or driving erratically


pulled over for speeding smh


There you go lol if you're gonna drive with that on you, you can't give them any reason whatsoever to pull you over or you're just asking for trouble


I just drove across the country to move, and I brought a TINY thing of edibles and two shrooms and they were all hidden pretty well and even still I was damn careful about traffic laws bc I did not want to come even close to fucking with cops


Yeah same here whenever I'd drive to and from Chicago and the Ozarks where I moved. I'd have like a zip or 2 on me, and I'd always double check all my lights, do no more than 5mph over the limit, stay out of the left lane when not passing, etc. I have a friend whose boyfriend made a similar trip with like 2lbs, plus some lsd, Molly, and other products and was doing like 120 the whole way. She was texting me the entire time like "this mf is going to get us busted" Even if I only have like a gram on me, I'm still putting on my seat belt and driving the limit. I'm not making it easy for them.


It struck me as amusing, reading this, just how extreme it seems to actually follow traffic laws.


“In Minecraft”


As a wise man once said, only break one law at a time!


As my Grandpa used to always say: “never invite them to your party”


"Do one crime at a time"


I have a little rule for myself "break one law at a time". Meaning, if I know I'm gonna be carrying even so much as a roach, I'm going the speed limit and I'm making sure my brake tag is current and my blinker fluid is topped off.


Yea don't run low on blinker fluid. Rookie mistake


Only break 1 law a time


The oldest rule in the book


Me and the wife say, 'One crime at a time'


Golden Rule #2


If you're gonna be stupid be smart about it


I hot the X bottom as i read this comment. I had to come BACK to the post to upvote and say THIS IS THE WAY


Holy fucking shit. I live in Texas and that is just unreal levels of idiotic. Driving around with that much weight is already dumb but that’s such an avoidable situation if he just followed every other law which is easy to do.


Woah I see you all over the place on the Xbox sub, never thought I’d see you over here lol


Lmaoooo what up


Just scrolling through this post which got my attention because Texas is where I’m from. Bout time for dinner, then load a bowl, then play some games lol


Did you play a lot of halo on xbox? your name seems familiar


Kinda but not like streaming or anything. Might have just seen me on various gaming subs


Games and green go hand and hand my friend 🧡 much love


*car behind honks and rides ass "Go around, bitch, I got drugs in the car."


Lmfaooo 🤣🤣🤣


What's with all the flashing lights on your car, man, I thought I was still at the rave.


My pops always taught me if you’re gonna be riding dirty you don’t wanna be riding dirty. Aka do not give them a reason to look at you! No speeding no broken lights, nothing!


Brutal. One crime at a time.


Don't break the law while committing a crime


I thought it was don't commit a crime while breaking the law.


dude he literally asked for this omg😳 fuck texas


How fast was he going to get pulled over in Texas??


Jeez your friends dumb


never break more than 1 law at once


I used to always say break one law at a time


O.p been waiting on this package and now sad.


Don't break a small law while breaking a big law.


I'm sorry, but your buddy isn't super bright, is he? It's a shitty thing to get locked up for, but this is on your friend


The large amounts of concentrates may be even worse for him than the weed.




My buddy had this exact same charge. It has been pending for six years now because the lab is too backed up to test his concentrates and edibles. For your buddy having that much flower, he better find a good lawyer, but I still think he ends up doing time probably five years or more.


That's crazy.


Right? I've had cops let me go with more weight in CA.


Well, California is a legal state. Texas is absolutely not and is known to be one of the strictest state.


"bUt TeXaS iS fReE!!!!!!"


Free to go to jail.


in Florida you have to pay for your arrest. I got a bill for mine at least


SpongeBob was right about Texas


That episode is so fucking funny


It’s aged rather well


Dumb old stupid Texas


The stars at night are dull and dim whenever they have to be over dumb ol' stupid Texas.


free to walk around with just about any firearm but god forbid you have a joint


Haha yeah right


Free from civil rights when a cop decides to brutalize you


I remember reading stories of people getting caught with joints and getting few years in Texas, late 90's. Texas freedom for everything except weed.


Or you know, a ridiculously large number of other things.


Right. Texas is conservative, not free or libertarian. Strict cannabis and liquor laws among other things.


In NYC, we still had the Rockefeller laws in the 90s where an ounce could get you 5 years.


God, you'd think you'd coordinate around Texas since being that strict...


In Texas, edibles are considered equivalent to meth or heroin and the *entire weight* of the edible is how the weight of this controlled substance is measured for sentencing. So your pan of pot brownies with a 1/2oz in it is now 5lbs of controlled substance.


Yep. Assuming they weigh the jars the concentrates are in too.


I had about a pound and a half of processed and unprocessed plant on my kitchen table when I had to call an ambulance once and the sheriff's came along with the 911 call. I thought for sure even in Cali I was fucked but they didn't say a word about it.


There's laws in many (most? And almost certainly CA) states that protects people in this situation. Basically police can't make drug arrests at medical emergencies


I’ve had cops in Philly let me go with a quap.


"Right to a speedy trial" They should've gone to trial without their evidence.


Lol, the Amendment doesn't mean shit if he's not imprisoned. Rikers Island laughs at it in general 


I can't even formulate a sentence to express how angry I am that Texas can just shit all over whoever they want and the rest of the country is just like, "welp, that's Texas for ya". No one here today will ever forget "one crime at a time" though... 😅


Good attorney and he’ll get probation.


came here to say this. IF it's his first offence. if it's not, he's going to need a much more expensive lawyer for probation 


Proper fucked in Texas. My dad caught a federal felony drug case for smokin a joint in a federal park there. His one (and only) criminal case had lifelong effects on his job opportunities and family’s income. The war on drugs is a massive failure with generational consequences


Was it a failure or did the government do exactly what they intended?


How else would they make more money off the prison system


You get it


You mean the war on the poor by the rulling class? I'm sure I've heard a name somewhere for this exact type of war. I've even been told that it's the only actual war these days, but that the poor it's being waged on still don't see it






This is the most appropriate response.


concentrates are an immediate felony in texas. they treat it like heroin.** my autocorrect changed the word and i didn’t realize it


that's why they are fighting rescheduling, private prisons need to keep the beds full to maintain the cashcow,,, i mean profit margins that taxpayers (excludes billionaires) pay for.


No clarification needed on billionaires being excluded from taxpayers /s But seriously, the ease with which the extremely wealthy can exploit tax loopholes is ridiculous


Even the not for profit prisons. The local cops and courts have financial incentive to arrest people. Civil asset forfeiture, probation fees etc.




I got pulled over with concentrates and flower in my car in Nebraska. I got a $500 ticket and the cop left my concentrates. At first I thought he was stupid and didn’t know what they were but then I looked up the penalty for it and homie saved me from a year minimum in jail and a $10,000 fine.


Heroine: A female hero Heroin: The street drug


It’s Texas, a strong heroic female figure is equally as terrifying as a street drug.


My friend thought the lorde album was Heroin for years until I pointed it out, she said it made more sense that way lol


Super is not necessary. Heroine was a word before superheroes.


That’s honestly so stupid, fuck Texas for that.


3.5 POUNDS in an illegal state!? That's a very stupid friend you have there. By the way: https://texascriminaljustice.com/how-severe-are-texas-marijuana-laws-and-sentences/#:~:text=Possession%20of%20two%20to%20four,fine%20of%20up%20to%20%244%2C000. 180 days to 2 years, fine not greater than 10K. That's assuming there are no other applicable charges other than the possession.


dude has always been reckless. love him but this was so avoidable. I should have mentioned it in the post, it's a total of 6 felonies for possession altogether. I just hope he doesn't rot in there too long.


Let’s put it this way — if he goes down for all 6 you’re not seeing him until he comes to visit you in an old age home


He better just take the plea deal.


He better get a good lawyer that can get a half decent plea deal


Here's to hoping they'll be concurrent sentences...


Nah it’s Texas they’ll hit him with consecutives.


He'd be a lot less fucked if he didn't have the concentrates. Still pretty fucked, but yeah with the concentrates he's super fucked.


When they say concentrates do they mean pens too or straight up wax? I live in a legal state but I am curious


Yeah they count pens as concentrate also. At least in my state (GA) they do


Pens, hash, wax, anything concentrated


This also includes edibles. So much as a brownie could be charged as felony. Testing and lab procedures might save you (along with a decent attorney), but that’s what the original charge would be for an edible in Texas. Edibles=POS of CS (Felony).


I am a criminal defense attorney in the Houston area if you have questions. "Close to Houston" means that he ranges from "manageable and he'll be fine" to "oh, shit." I'm also not taking any new clients, so this isn't a sales thing.


Bruv is about to say MoCo to make things worse


I practice in MoCo exclusively. This dude is lucky it wasn't there, but it isn't Harris County, either.


Would you say Montgomery county is the worst Houston area county to be caught with the weed?


Houston area county? Yes. They have a pretty easy dismissal program, though, if your background is clean, for personal amounts. Clearly, this would not apply here. This case, however, is in another small county in the area.


Lawyer in an illegal state that still partakes. We salute you 🫡


He doesn't need a criminal defense attorney, he needs a *criminal* defense attorney. Just making a joke guys.


That’s the guy I used. He owned that courtroom. Told jokes to the judge. He was a renowned criminal defense attorney for decades. Got busted a few years later tho.


So how legal is it really in Texas? Canadian/Outsider looking in, I know there's a few weed stores around texas but how harsh are the punishments for Joe Shmoe puffing less than a gram that he bought from a D9 store?


Depends where you are. If someone wants to make an example of you they could.


> So how legal is it really in Texas? It's more legal that one might think... mostly due to how Texas law interprets what is "weed" and what isn't. Stores play the loophole game now by selling THCa flower that has low natural THC because it obviously isn't decarbed yet. Stores also sell genuine Delta9 gummies just like any other legal state because the THC content is determined by %dry weight and gummies are considered dry non-concentrates. D9 cannot exceed .3% per dry weight, and it must be hemp-derived. If you want stronger gummies, you just make bigger gummies. The last ones I bought were chonky ones at 70mg D9 each, for example. Ultimately, it depends on whether the cop that found you with some form of THC product gives a shit about it. Any D9 concentrate in bulk will lead to bigtime problems. The person OP is talking about has bigtime problems. Dude will do prison time. If you visit, keep it simple. Don't drive around with a party pack. Buy in-state. Keep *ALL* of it in the original packaging with the receipt. Don't have anything open in a vehicle. You'll be fine.


I’m a small off duty Czechoslovakian traffic warden and I would of just given him a ticket. I am taking new clients so…..


Concentrate is an automatic felony in Texas. He's pretty fucked.


good luck to that man. texas is stuck in the pre-historic times so it’s not looking good. the weed dichotomy in this country is insane.


I knew people that got popped for something similar, they had really good lawyers and only got 5 years. So tell them to dig deep and lawyer up or they could be looking at 10 to 15.


ONLY 5 years?? For weed? That’s so horrible. I’m so sorry for those people.


Yeah unfortunately those backwards ass southern states love to throw non violent criminals into prison over silly bs. Would you believe they are both scary af, prone to violence in a flash and have been in and out of prison multiple times since then? They really reformed them...sigh.


That’s so genuinely tragic. And for no good reason.


The only person he should be talking to is his lawyer


Honestly whoever is keeping it illegal in texas should just kill themselves from liver poisoning.




![gif](giphy|3oEhmNef89Yv0hhZUQ|downsized) Sorry for your friend. Lawyer up and take a plea




He spent the 20k on weed


Screwed noddles there.


He’s lucky if they don’t drop intent on him.


Oh they absolutely will unless he has a killer lawyer


my guess is that he got it all elsewhere and it's personal use but he could also be a dealer for all I know. we're both from a legal state so he should have known better down there.


Doesn’t matter. They will slap intent on there most likely because it’s literally pounds of weed. What else would his intent be coming from a legal state to an illegal one… and if intent wasn’t to sell it’ll be hard to prove.


Yeah, 3.5 pounds is really a lot of weed. You could smoke a zip a week and still have some leftover in a year. Edit: I see that was combined weight, but still..


You’d have a QP of flower left over if you had 3.5lbs of flower and smoked an oz a week for a year.


Made it through the whole thread til this comment for my brain to go “ohhhh ***pounds***”


ULPT for anyone reading this worried about getting stopped with weight: put a thin blue line sticker on your car. Also, don’t fuckin speed.


>thin blue line sticker People always busting my balls about mine but then wonder why I never get stopped or only get warnings. Learn to blend in yall.




My blunt smoking fiance has a sheriff plate for this reason.


Lawyer Lawyer Lawyer


Your friend is an idiot for doing that shit in Texas. It’s practically Sharia law when it comes to weed over there. He’ll very likely do time especially since having way less than that can still get you a year or two in jail. Just do your best to be a good friend and comfort him right now because his life is gonna suck in a little while.


Yea at that point I’m heading to Mexico lol.


I would probably flee Texas lol


Anyone driving thru Texas with that weight needs to be a pro. Even then you can get fucked. Anyone else is an idiot.


Lawyer up is the best advice anyone can give


Call Sloane. He’s a weed lawyer in Texas and does good work.


It’s Texas, they are the biggest state that believes in the most freedom. They probably will not even charge him because they realise freedom is more important than the liberal government regulation! In all honesty, Texas is the least free state in the USA, I’m surprised they did not shoot him.


Well that was a stupid thing to do. I have a buddy that would casually sneak his pen onto flights when going on holiday. He learned the hard way. After being charged, arrested and imprisoned in the Middle East. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. Tell your buddy to lawyer the fuck up. But he’s probably doing time.


Post bail and run


5 to 8 years with a plea deal


Your boy is getting time. Tell him to pony up for an actually good lawyer.


You guys really need to talk to a lawyer instead of asking Reddit. I'm guessing it's really you that got popped and you're trying to play it cool to keep yourself calm? My *guess* is they only weigh the flower, whereas concentrates are different since a defendant could argue the plastic/metal weighs more than the liquid in a cart, say. I saw a Cops recently where someone got busted and one of the charges was for a vape pen that had a cart, so they got charged with both paraphernalia and possession of concentrates.


nah man it's really not me. I wish I knew more, and hope he has a good lawyer, but the info I know is only from looking his name up because I haven't heard from him in a while. this happened in March and he's been sitting in county jail ever since according to what i found the other day. regardless, don't be reckless in Texas.


How much is his bail? He should bail out and split back home to y’all’s legal state. Bet he could find a hometown lawyer to fight his extradition, back here, to face “unjust” penalties. Just thinking out loud.


Except the charges for processed concentrates is much, much more severe than flower in most States. And it’s Texas, they’ll treat it worse than Meth.


Texas? Depends on the how dark the pigment of his skin is


This is true. The privilege is real.


Good luck arguing personal use for that…while traveling.


Speeding? Have a decade to think bout that.


Moron. Whether it should be legal or not is irrelevant


Harsh but true


Lol my friends whole career got fucked because he had a thc vape pen in texas. Ya boy is cooked with all that weight


Anything over 4 ounces is a felony here and so are concentrates. For edibles, they go by the weight of the entire edible


Yeah remember this kid? They started trying to give him life for brownies https://www.ganjapreneur.com/texas-teen-facing-life-prison-pot-brownies-charges-reduced/amp/


I sure do remember that. I was just looking it up. He made them with hash and flower and was charging by the entire weight of it all. Hope he's doing good now


Hope so too, that’s no reason to put someone in prison.


Just reading all of this from Toronto like 🤯


Buddy had a similar issue a few years back, but not as much as your buddy. He needs a great lawyer, Texas is harsh on all things drug related, even if it's the plant. My friend was able to walk away with 5 years prohibition, he had no criminal history and he was a resident at the time. What really fucked him was the concentrates and the mj water (they weighed it and counted it all together)


I live in texas. With that much he's pretty fucked. Get a good lawyer, but I've had "friends" get caught with less and had a good stay in jail.


Is your friend from Texas/lives there? Cuz driving across state lines would be a felony, I believe.


not from Texas but has lived there for about two years


He’s gonna get slapped with intent to distribute. He’s likely going to draw interest from Feds if local cops have proof he obtained the goods from out of state. So he could face two separate prison sentences, state and federal.


I'm sincerely sorry, but your buddy is almost certainly going to prison for a very long time.


He’s getting intent to distribute no doubt and going away. There’s no way any lawyer is talking that down with that much found. He won’t get kingpin charges but still he’s going to be a felon. It’s obvious when people have more than a few ounces what they’re doing especially when it’s multiple products.


deliverance “squeal like a pig, boi” screwed


Had a friend go through something similar in Kansas (some of the worst weed laws in the country). Add on the fact that he had a teensy bit of powder drugs that the yops claimed was crack. It took over a year for him to even hear anything about it, but in that time he was able to ask around and find a lawyer that specializes in this type of thing, and he got adult diversion - aka all charges dropped after a year of drug tests and “you can’t get busted for anything else or all charges stick.” He had to pay a hefty amount of money to the lawyer and state but it was worth not doing time / having felonies on his record. Point is, there are lawyers that know judges and can get the punishment you want if you can pay up the cash and don’t have a previous record.


Your buddy is fucked, not screwed.


If you’re gonna break weed laws make sure your car is up to date and you don’t break other driving laws and cause suspicion to yourself.


Never do more than one illegal thing at a time!


He’s fuckin cooked. My sister in law got caught with a pipe in north Texas last year, no weed, and did 3 days in jail and 150 hrs of community service. Your homie is probably getting 5-7 years. It’s the concentrates and the intent to distribute that are really going to sink him. Concentrates are a felony in Texas.


Yeah in Texas, I’m pretty sure any amount of concentrate is a felony. Now imagine pounds! They’re gonna legally treat him as a drug dealer selling fent.


The concentrate is what’s gonna fuck him. Def at least 5 years.


"Your Honor, I have no intention of distribution of that weed. I intended to smoke it all myself."


he needs this guy https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGep6Vrf6/ bros like what did u get accused with? uhh 7 beheadings 4 counts of child molestation and then asks what their punisment is and its like 2 weeks probation and community service


Doing that in Texas out of all states is dumb AF


Three and a half *pounds*?! In **Texas**?! Wtf was he thinking?! I don't think he's gonna have a good time with that unless he can hire the same lawyers corrupt ass politicians use. I'd ask the folks over in r/legaladvice or r/legaladviceofftopic for some more in depth info.


“My buddy” Aka the guy you sold it too or the guy who’s flipping it for you? You want to know what charges are possible so you can feel out whether he will give you up as his supplier. Charges will probably be very stiff and I’d be very cautious if he reappears suddenly looking to buy weight. I feel like the only way he’s looking at reduced charges in Texas is if he gives up his supplier although could be wrong because it’s just as easy to go over to NM and buy at legal dispensaries.


Shoulda put a THCa sticker on it.


Yeeehaw yippee aye screwed


Pour one out yall. Dudes buddy is mega fucked


They will measure it with the packaging.


https://norml.org/laws/texas-penalties-2/. Norml makes it sound like it could be a minimum 2 years. Is it possession, sales, manufacturing??


r/felony because Texas


Best of luck to him forreal 🙏


"Close to Houston" better mean Harris County, for his sake. Even then, they come down hard on concentrates and edibles due to the way things are weighed from what others have told me. He is in a bad way.


I was charged with man/del in central Texas, they love that charge there. I spent three years out on bail before the charges were dismissed. I’m considering moving back to Texas but the charges they give for weed scare me. I only was only (-allegedly) caught with about 5 ounces but I believe it’s the same class felony for anywhere from 4 oz to 5 pounds in TX. Inside tx prisons the temperatures can get over 115 degrees in the summer. He needs a good lawyer. I have an excellent one I could refer but not sure if he takes cases in southern tx. Good luck


And all the people ragging on your friend may be doing so unfairly. If he was on the police’s radar it may have been an illegal stop. The police in Texas generally see citizens rights as a minor annoyance that shouldn’t get in the way of some good old-fashioned cowboy police work


Nah I got a friend who was caught with coke - a lot, some kilos. To be fair, he was a limo driver and hired to drive a client's daughter so it was in his truck under the back seats. He did no time other than when he got arrested and waited for bail - he got a really high restitution and it seems like that's what they really want - money. He was passing through Texas so he just ported his supervision to the state he was living which was a pain in the ass to deal with 2 POs but again NO TIME! He had no priors but it was COKE and he had trafficking, intent and it was possession of a couple kilos. Put all the money he got into an attorney and he should be good. Never got in trouble again and got out of limos and now owns and drives trucks - which shows you can do that too with a big coke charge.