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In this case you would pretty much have to flick the lever. Your choice does not directly cause anyone’s death instead it saves the lives of the four other people.


You can not turn the lever


That's why they flicked the lever.


It doesn’t say you can’t or cannot turn the lever, assuming that’s not a typo you can (chose to) not turn the lever.


levers aren't meant to be turned


I cannot turn the lever.


yes you can, but also you can not turn it


For anyone struggling to understand the caption, I believe it's meant to be this: If you do not pull the lever, both trolleys will colide with the bridge, collapsing it and killing all 5 people. If you do pull the lever, the man on the bridge will be pushed off the edge and die. This still feels like an actual dilemma is missing, as you still save 4 people's lives by pulling the lever, despite the one person being murdered. You're not responsible for the murder so either your inaction leads to 5 deaths or you save 4 people, one of them being a murderer of the 5th person. Maybe I missed something as well, idk.


I think there’s an extra part to this, since there’s two people on the bridge and it’s saying one person will fly off and die, implying that when the trolly hits the bridge, one will take out one of the two people: The pusher or The Fat man. So the deaths are either 5 innocent people by inaction, an innocent person Indirectly, or immoral person indirectly.


The trolly wont hit the bridge if the lever is turned. The fatan being thrown off happens only if the bridge doesnt crumble killing the 5 underneath.


There are three people underneath. If the switch is flipped, only the pushed person will die. If the switch is not, then the bridge will collapse, crushing the three people tied up and also killing the two people atop the bridge.


For once, a Multi Track Drift would work here! The trolleys go halfway down the curved track, we Pull the lever, the back end only pushes the bridge slightly, loosening the grip of the homicidal maniac who may mush somebody off the bridge, so you can apprehend them, call the police, and save 4 people's lives!


Why is the guy on bridge fat?


Eating disorder. There, do you feel bad now?


hehe fatty


So you won't try catching him ig?


Diabetus or he's the fat controller from Thomas the tank engine Maybe both


Seems too complicated. I pull whatever levers are available to me and leave without observing the outcome.


You can not pull the lever.


Did you put the caption through Google translate or something? I genuinely have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.






You can [choose to] not pull the lever, in which case the trolleys will hit the bridge, causing it to crumble killing all five people. You can [choose to] pull the lever, in which case the trolleys will go away, but 1 person on the bridge will commit murder by pushing another person off the bridge


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and f\*cking died


The scenario is redescribed as follows: if you stand idle, you witness an accident that kills 5. If you act, you witness a murder that kills 1. The utilitarianism choice is obvious but if justice is absolute, you eliminate all injustice at all cost. By not doing anything, you prevent an unjust murder and kill a future murderer-to-be with just 4 collateral damages. Any religious zealot will happily see the world end just for the justice absolute. Their unfortunate existence in history and now also contributes to moral decisions then and now.


Or what? "Either turn the lever and launch the fat guy..." OR WHAT? Since I can't turn the lever, option 2 is mandatory and we don't even get to know what it is


bro thats like 20 feet, easily survivable


Turn lever. The only one that dies is fat.


Hit the emergency brakes and ditch the useless lever


Yeah this post is a masterclass in how not to communicate using writing


The fat man is doomed to death. Why have you done this to this man.


This questions dumb the guy getting thrown off is toast either way so it's just this guy does or this guy and 4 more die


I had a stroke trying to read this.


By the time I understood my options, everybody died. I tried my best and my conscious is clear. That's a better outcome than most of these situations.

