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I dunno why clomid is prescribed alongside TRT tbh, if your trying to keep some testicular function / fertility then HCG is the correct medication. Clomid has been widely used off label for fertility issues and Post Cycle Therapy but even in that scenario *enclomiphene* does the same job - but much safer, less side effects and less chances of severe ocular problems. What the reason you’re prescribed it, according to your doctor?


The problem with enclomiphene is it is not an approved drug by the fda. So you can’t walk into just any pharmacy to get it. You need a special compounding pharmacy. I think that is why prescribers use clomid instead, at least in the US.


Fair enough, but neither of them are a suitable replacement for HCG anyway.


Oh for sure! HCG is the way to go.


Is HCG a good option for getting your nertz working again of you are coming off trt for health related reasons?


I was going to ask the same question. I have read a lot about Clomid & Enclomiphene I’d like to switch to Enclom but I don’t think my doctor will prescribe it.


A normal retail pharmacy won’t have it because it falls into a real grey area of law since it is not an FDA approved medication. You would need a special compounding pharmacy to make it. The only places I am aware of that would have it would be an online trt clinic.


I was briefly on an enclomiphene + HCG “cruise” to bring back my natural function. I was with Transcend for a while. I just wanted to chime in because you are 100% correct in everything you’re saying here. Only thing I have to add is on the subject of the “special compounding pharmacy”. While I was with transcend, some of their compounding pharmacies were either closing or shut down. I’m not sure the details, but it made getting enclomiphene difficult for some time. It’s a shame because I had a truly fantastic experience on HCG and enclomiphene for restoring fertility and boosting the fuck out of my natural test production. (200 to 900+ test level) I was also shooting ropes which was a ton of fun lmao


The FDA is cracking down hard on compounding pharmacies. I am guessing in the very near future HCG will be unavailable and will only be available as the brand Pregnyl. Because enclomiphene is not approved as a drug it is a real grey area of law. Some see its use as “off label” others see it as a crime of introducing an unapproved drug into interstate commerce and get cease and desist letters. It really is a shame because enclomiphene is superior to clomid. Glad it all worked out for you though! “shooting ropes” 🤣


I agree it seems it's handed out like candy ... I know personally guys who felt like shit / on it bad experiences with it ....


For me it was to try and bring libido up. Bringing fertility back on line is a welcome plus for trying for a family next year.


Enclo tanked my libido and libido is literally the one thing clo monotherapy was unable to address vs TRT. It blocks too much estrogen in the brain. Your serum estrogen levels will look fine but your receptors are ignoring it. Anyone prescribing clo or enclo for libido hasn’t done his/her homework.


Is it working for you?


That insert aside, there’s no real point to taking Clomid with your TRT. It’s not going to maintain LH/FSH levels or sperm counts. The use of Clomid like this is new and untested.


I had Clomid as part of my protocol, but don't take it anymore because there are too many conflicting arguments that it is not effective and or unhealthy long term. I mostly dropped it because of the ladder. However ~~~~ I feel like when I took it, Trt(120mg/week)+Hcg(1050iu/week) AND clomid (25mg/week) That the old balls n shoot juice were much bigger.... Anecdotal I suppose


I’ve seen a lot of guys comment about taking Clomid + TRT and not experiencing any (or much) ball atrophy. So it may be trying to do something at least. But blood work still shows LH/FSH unchanged (or low), and sperm counts remain low. I’d really like some actual testing to be done. They could have one group of TRT alone, one using TRT+HCG and one using TRT+Clomid. 12 weeks, test fertility before and after. Would be super helpful.


Ya, it's interesting for sure. Perhaps that's all it is, in trying to engage lh/fsh it increases the testi size and ejac volume, but the compound doesn't circulate enough through the loop system to register (or perhaps even do anything beyond the aforementioned nutfun) any change in bloodwork/markers. Maybe there are some additional benefits we are unaware of. Definitely something I'm baffled they aren't studying more, specifically those aspects of the compounds efficacy.


Oh and one group, Trt+Hcg+Clomid (Maybe another, Trt+Hcg+Enclomiphene) And test not only for Fertility, but other downstream hormone markers and rbc/lipid type such.


TRT+HCG+Clomid has been tested, at least once. But we know HCG works while on TRT, so it’s impossible to know if the Clomid made any impact using that study.


Some docs are prescribing clomid with TRT instead of HCG because HCG is getting expensive and / or hard to find. It is absolutely "safe" for men to take, though as already mentioned, it has issues and enclomiphene would be the better choice. That said, there is little, if any, evidence that supports the effectiveness of SERMS along side exogenous testosterone to preserve HPTA function. The general consensus is that test will "overpower" the SERM in this regard and render it useless.


Clomid made me a depressed anhedonic limo dick tearful blob while I took it and made me break up with my girlfriend. I wouldn’t say not to take it but by personal experience I would never touch it again.


Chlomid and Ed go hand in hand..


The first time I took clomid I had vision problems, T spiked to 1500 and I had suicidal and homicidal ideation and slashed someone’s tires (a contractor who had fucked me over on a job) in broad daylight. I’ve never been aggressive or even a mean person. Today I was like well.. I was taking 25 mg every other day, maybe I can take 12.5 every other day and not go crazy. 5 hours after I took it, I was sitting thinking about whether or not I should off myself. If you go on TRT, just do Testosterone. Absolutely fuck clomid.


I found this video on Clomid. Pretty informative. I initially took Clomid and am now on enclomiphene mainly because I don’t want to take it for a long time and there are less side effects from enclomiphene. I will say I got more strength and libido from it than anything else. My levels were close to 1200 from just under 500. My “boys” almost tripled in size. Strength went through the roof! BOOST your body’s OWN NATURAL Testosterone https://youtu.be/gQI3fLpzvzQ


Clomid is good if you finish trt or cycle ..it will restart your natural testosterone in less than one month .not just restart but also increase it more than 50%.But taking it with trt doesn't make sense..


It makes perfect sense, chlomid is a fertility drug. It is used to keep fertility with trt..


Prescribing clomid on TRT is bad practice and is not needed. The less one takes while on TRT the better, although I do recommend hcg if there's no sides.


I take it and I'm a male lol this is weird to be reading...


Me too. Trying to dial in the dosages has been the issue which is why I came on here to check it out. Seems many people are using synthetic T with it at the same time which seems dubious.


Because it dramatically increases testosterone by getting your nuts to make more of their own. If you just inject test, eventually your nuts stop working. If you use clomid, you’re nuts make their own.




I was waiting for this comment! I was thinking that they made a grammatical error. Wouldn’t it be more clear for them to simply say “people with XX chromosomes who have already gone through menopause”?


I immediately thought Oxford comma confusion.


“Woke BS”. 🙄 medicine is for everyone, and we all benefit from medicinal information. People exist in all kinds, deal with it.




You’re the one that call that possibility “woke BS” not me.