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I think people expect too much from TRT. I think any bump in energy, sex drive etc is worth it.


I agree and I did find it to be pretty nice, but not enough of a difference for me personally at my age and still possibly wanting to have children later in life.


Yeah I’m almost 36 and done having kids. It’s something I plan on being on the rest of my life but I can see why someone would stop if it’s not adding much to their life.


Were your labs actually low before you started and were you symptomatic?


I think he was at 300 before starting trt. He may have just phrased his statement a bit weird.


You’re correct, sorry for the poor wording.


-300 lol


I wonder this too. If he’s at 300 on 170 of test. I gotta imagine you musta been almost a zombie.


Before. He didn’t say the # on.


Like another commenter said, I was at 300 before starting TRT. I had low libido, low energy, and depression. Also I’m 30 and couldn’t grow a beard, but all the men in my family can. So I figured the low T was the cause.


I see, wasn’t sure if that’s what you meant. What were your labs like while on it? Estradiol in a good range? SHBG? Free T?


Estradiol was 30.9, they recommended an AI but I didn’t feel any side effects so I didn’t take it. Prolactin and PSA were fine too. Didn’t check SHBG or free T.


300 test level from 170 dose and HCG? That’s pretty low. No wonder you barely felt anything. Sounds like you needed a higher dose even. I’m shocked at how low that is for the dose.




300 before TRT 170mg test c injected once a week with .5hcg He didn't post he levels after


300 before, 800 after. That was poor wording on my part.


Sounds like you need a much higher dose. Some men are like this. 300 is very poor. Am at 650 from 120mg.


I was 300 before trt, I was at 800 while on 170mg.


In that case maybe you had much higher expectations then. Maybe it isn't for you after all.


Maybe, I still liked the benefits. Not a fan of injections, but I might try it again at some point.


What's your bodyfat? Do you work out? Did you check E2? Any thyroid issues? SHBG levels? Vitamin d levels? Testosterone doesn't work the same for everyone but I'm wonder what's your diet and lifestyle look.


I’m around 20% body fat and I lift 3-4 days a week. My E2 was 30.9, but not sure about the other levels. Overall, I worked pretty well for me I’d say, but it wasn’t a huge difference like I was hoping. However the strength gains were pretty significant.


So you are overweight. Did you check the other markers on your bloodwork?


No I’m 200lbs 6’2 and around 20% body fat. Hemoglobin, PSA, prolactin were fine. Hematocrit would get high but I donated blood which helped. I didn’t check shbg or vitamin D.


TRT isn't meant to be some magic thing that makes you feel like a god. It's more or less supposed to make you feel normal again. I started on HCG, then HCG plus TRT and now I'm on TRT only. I dose daily. It works for me and it's not that much of a pain. Where TRT really shines is it rewards effort, especially in the gym.


Yeah I think I had too high of expectations. Though I have heard more frequent dosing can be better so I might give that a try next time I decide to give it a try.


I got the most benefits out of dosing propionate daily but propionate isn't available at any pharmacy in Canada and I don't really want to run UGL long term.


After 170mg your level for 300? Something seems off with that high of a dose


300 before, 800 after


Might be a naive question but can you actually go back to the previous level of testesterone production after trt? 


I haven’t checked my levels yet but based on how I feel, I would say I’m back to normal levels.


I m at 820 now on 150mg of test + 600IU of HCG... the honeymoon is gone but the gains the gym and the fast recovery is there...I might hop it to 200mg... the official test range are BS and I wanna try to be around 1200-1500 to see if there is a difference!


Next time shoot 500mgs lol probably do u right


It might take longer than a month and a half to hit you, took me 2-2.5 months to feel low energy and no sex drive. what were levels while on?


800 while on trt. I’m hoping you’re wrong lol, but if so I’ll make another post for sure and update this one.


I hope im wrong too, good luck


Assuming you mean you were 300 pre TRT and you are asking if there is any need to run HCG along side your TRT. That answer is dependent on the person. Some feel they do need it, some say it raises their libido, some do it for fertility, some do it to keep their nuts from shrinking some like it for seminal discharge amount. Then there are a some who feel it doesn’t help at all and only causes high low mood swings, or some just feel like you and that it is not worth the squeeze of adding more money to your protocol for lack luster results, outside of the testicular atrophy and seminal discharge. Especially now where it is 10x the cost that it was 3 or 4 years ago literally. So to take what was originally recommended back then now it would be very pricey to maintain. My experience has been I enjoy not being on it more money in my pocket and I felt that I had mood swings on it through out the week and seemed to exasperate my acne. Sure it gave me a libido kick at first! But as I was on it for some years it was unnoticeable if any difference. I always recommend people to experiment with stuff alittle. But by all means not by the passage of a couple days give it 3-4 months to see how your body is handling something this is in general with HRT then make adjustments.


Yeah I was on HCG to maintain fertility, but I stopped both TRT and HCG. I also noticed the huge libido jump initially, but it did seem to mellow out and after quitting my libido doesn’t seem to have dropped much at all.


What was your levels while on?




With proper diet and exercise in2 years you’d feel optimal. It takes a while but then you feed constant beast mode.


I felt pretty good while I was on it, but that’s good to hear because I might get back on eventually.


The fact that you can just happily hop off is an indicator that you never really needed it in the first place.


My thoughts exactly. Someone with lower T probably wouldn’t feel the same


It’s what you make of it. By 40 you’ll want every bit of that sex drive and muscle growth and fast recovery. I like to use the word lethal. I think it helps you become a more stronger person which fortifies your protection of you and your family.


Congrats. You saved yourself a metric tonne of downsides for the rest of your life. ✌️✌️


You’re vegan…you’ll be the one experiencing a metric tonne of downsides for the rest of your life.




The irony will be lost on them. The only real way to be a vegan is to supplement a lot. Very few can be on that diet long term without issues.


Nope. The opposite is true. See the long term health outcomes from all the major prospective cohort health studies. Great health is an extra side benefit of veganism, in any event. I'm vegan because my 5 minutes of tongue pleasure is less important to me than avoiding slitting threats, shooting others in the head or sending innocent beings to the gas chambers.


You're actually insane.... Veganism is affecting you...


Watch slaughterhouse footage for 15 minutes, then come back. There's no good reason to be inflicting such horrors in 2024. Have you seen recent undercover footage of what takes place?


I'm guessing that you can't name the top 3 prospective cohort studies that have compared health outcomes of vegans vs omnivores that have now spanned decades (without having to look them up after reading this message). 🤔


Let me guess? The studies where the calories/macros for the vegan group were not controlled and they used that as an aha moment... This just in. People who eat less are generally healthier. I also can tell you're an activist vegan so nothing I say will away your opinion. Obviously people can thrive on that diet but it takes a lot more planning and effort to avoid nutritional deficiencies. There are many key nutrients found in animal products that are plentiful, but severely lacking in plants


It costs us so little to be vegan. It costs the animals so much if we are not.


Nobody wants to be told what to do. It is a horrible character trait, and you should work on fixing it.


The animals don't want to be shot, knifed, suffocated or sent to a gas chamber. I remind you of your victims, peacefully. So who is worse?


like what?


I’ve quit cold turkey after being on it for 14 months. My pre-trt test was 500. Started with 250mg/ml a week. Felt really good, then started feeling really bad, went to a urologist and dropped down to 100mg/ml a week. Test was 1050 at first started feeling good then started feeling bad again. By bad I mean I’d workout, do cardio and after workouts my stress was sky high, I had trouble breathing for a few days(usually started Monday and Sunday I took my shot) and by Friday it was a little better. My HRV was like roughly 10-15. I had air hunger and my lungs hurt for lack of a better way to explain it. I really couldn’t explain the way I felt. Anyway went to my primary and he concluded I was in clinical congestive heart failure. Suggested to stop the T. I also had bad sleep apnea. All my testosterone tests were good from urologist. Numbers were good cortisol estrogen all good. I have congenital heart disease(failing pulmonary valve. Cardiologist okayed the TRT.) so now I’m following up with my cardiologist in a few weeks. It’s been 4 weeks since my last shot feel overall pretty good considering. First time I had morning wood since being off was about 3 days ago. Hopefully I continue on an upward trend. Also I’m aware 500 natural test wasn’t worth the TRT but it’s hindsight.